Fig Tree Ministries
Fig Tree Ministries
Fig Tree Ministries
Fig Tree Ministries is a non-profit educational ministry. We teach bible lessons from the perspective of their original cultural setting.
Path To God - Gospel of John (pt. 2)
7 месяцев назад
Baptism: Are You Being Pickled? (Fig Tree Five)
7 месяцев назад
@MEMEMComet День назад
You know why....Stop not telling these people..
@FigTreeMinistries 6 дней назад
The Bible is full of idioms/idiomatic phrases. (Idiom: www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/idiom). When we read the Bible in English, we must properly interpret the idiom to get an accurate understanding of what is being said. If we miss the idiom, we will misread the text. This is difficult for us since we have to do the work to understand the idiom. For instance, "store up treasures in heaven" is an idiomatic phrase that means "to give charity." If we are to understand the words of Jesus and Paul properly, then we must insert the correct meaning of "charity," when we see the phrase "treasures in heaven."
@milestophanes 6 дней назад
You admit you read this interpretation into the text at the ~25:30 mark; that's literally the definition of eisegesis.
@FigTreeMinistries 6 дней назад
I appreciate your comment. Unfortunately, this is not an example of eisegesis as you suggest. The point I am making at 25:30 is that since "sweat" is an idiom for "anxiety," we must properly understand the idiom. All idioms throughout the Bible - and there are many - must be read/understood differently than the English words on the page. This is not introducing an outside idea. It is the proper way to understand an idiom.
@milestophanes 8 дней назад
Reverence is the fountainhead for all three for "the fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
@sun-p6g 9 дней назад
In the use of whole numbers makes it easy. From what is currently being pythogoras we just deduce he is talking about trigonometry.. formula is cosine squared for these numbers. The 666 thing is false.
@mike77310 16 дней назад
it great GOD bless you.
@luke_8_17 16 дней назад
My understanding of 153 The Harvest of The Nations The United Nations includes 193 member countries and 2 recognized independent nations (Vatican City and Palestine). Why 2 are not recognized? Because these two are a biblical witness against themselves that scriptures may be fulfilled. 193 minus 40 = 153 ( The number Forty stands for Trails, 40 days fasting, forty days in the wilderness, Rain forty days and nights, (Psalms 95:10) "Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways:" (John 21:11) "Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken." This scripture of Jesus asking for meat and telling the fishermen to cast their nets on the other side is a future prophetic word of the Lord of the end times harvest. Forty nations will not seek the Lord and will be cast into the lake of fire upon the Lords return.
@maureenwilliams5726 18 дней назад
What this song is saying right through galilee jesus walks alone
@daleknight777 25 дней назад
If Luke wrote this and was one of the decipels that were sleeping how did he know what was going on when Yashua was praying? Idk maybe I need to read more.
@FigTreeMinistries 25 дней назад
Good question! Luke was not a disciple but an independent author. He tells us that he had other writings (most likely Mark and possibly Matthew) in hand and then he gets his other information from those on the scene in Israel. Luke likely traveled to Israel and Jerusalem while Paul was in prison at Caesarea. Luke tells us this in the opening of his writing: "Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word."
@daleknight777 25 дней назад
@@FigTreeMinistries I don't doubt scripture,just love digging in and learning as much as I can. Thank you brother,good answer.
@varteniscakesuk3843 27 дней назад
I feel like a composer can use this and can turn it into music???
@chriskoivu9522 Месяц назад
Its also the sum of the hebrew letter values for the words Ani Elohim... 🤯
@yahushadiedforyou Месяц назад
The Fathers name YAHUAH has been removed from the Bible over 6,000 times and replaced with the title LORD even though Yahuah commands us to call upon, pray to, declare and confess His NAME. It should never have been removed from the Bible because of a Jewish superstition of not saying Gods name. His people should KNOW His name (Isa 52:6, Prov 30:4, Ps 91:14, 1 Kings 8:43). We are told to “call on His name”many times (Zeph 3:9, Isa 12:4, Zech 13:9, Ps 20:7, Ps 116:13&17, Chron 16:8, 1 kings 18:24, Ps 105:1, Ps 80:18, Ps 99:6). The 3rd Commandment is to not take His name in vain. The word “vain” in the Hebrew language means - emptiness, nothingness. Not using His name is making it unimportant and bringing it to nothingness. I used to believe in the new age beliefs and was attacked demonically with sleep paralysis and would use the name Jesus to escape the sleep paralysis. Father Yahuah gives us MERCY while we are continuously in the process of learning and growing spiritually. He has led me to see that our Saviors name is not Jesus. In addition, instead of faithfully TRANSLITERING the Hebrew Name of the Messiah into Greek words that would convey the pronunciation and MEANING of the Name of Messiah Yahusha (Yahuah is Salvation), it is replaced with the false, unbiblical name “Jеsus”. That was not His name when He walked this earth and it still isn’t his name. There is no letter J in greek, Hebrew or Aramaic and J was not even in the English language till about 1660 so the fathers name could have never been Jehovah and the sons name could never have been Jesus. Jehovah- Hovah in Hebrew means a ruin, disaster. Yahusha says we are to worship in spirit and in truth. The truth is that our Saviors name is Yahusha, not Jesus. There is only one name under heaven by which men will be saved (Acts 4:12, John 4:23-24). We are told multiple times in scripture to honor His name, therefore we should call Him by His true name and His Sons true name. The name of the Father consists of only four Hebrew characters, reading right to left as exhibited in ancient documents as יהוה Yod Hey Wov Hey (YHWH in Latin letters). Hebrew letters are actually pictographs of actual things. * 1st letter, Yod = Y sound and was anciently portrayed as a symbol of a hand. * 2nd letter, Hey = H sound and means behold. * 3rd letter Wov = OO sound and means nail. * 4th letter Hey is repeated agan and means behold. If we read from left to right, His name means “Behold nail, behold hand”. Absolutely Amazing! Praise His name! His plan for salvation was depicted in His name from the very beginning! Just as our Savior was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8). Yahuahs name points to the son And Yahushas name points to the father. The fathers name should never have been removed and the Saviors name should never have been changed. His name is forever (Exo. 3:15, Ps. 72:17) Pronunciation of Yahuah The “Yah” part is certain, since it is repeatedly recorded directly in the Old Testament (e.g. Psalm 68:4), both as its own “shortened version” of the name and as part of the whole name. So where does the “HU” sound come from? We find it in biblical names that contain the name of Elohim YAH, for example: YeshaYahu (known in English as Isaiapjgh, which means “Yahuah has saved”) YirmeYahu (from Jeremiah, which means “Yahuah will arise”) MattihYahu (in Eng. Matthew, meaning “Yahuah’s gift”). They are all pronounced “Yahu (Ya-hoo).” Where is the AH part? The fourth letter of the tetragrammaton, “hey,” is somewhat controversial, but it clearly forms the “ah” sound, e.g. in (English) Judah, Hebrew Yahudah, and it is not Judeh or Yahudeh. Thus, knowing that it certainly begins with YAH, then in virtually all contexts the next sound of the Creator’s name is HU (hoo), which is after YA(H), and given the sound of the last part, AH, is commonly heard in other words with the same Hebrew letters, it becomes clear that the name of our Creator is Yahuah! It’s also worth noting that the Hebrew word YAHUDAH has the entire name YHWH spelled out, except for the letter “D-alet,” but we know how Yahudah (Judah) is pronounced to this day, and we know what it sounds like without the letter D-alet, and it is phonetically Yah-oo-ah (spelled Yahuah). Almost that every hero of faith, king and prophet in the Bible had a name that included the Name “Yah”! ‘Lord' is not a true translation of His name. A translation conveys the meaning of a word or phrase into another language. His Name YHWH does not have the same meaning as the word Lord. His name means “I AM, I WAS, I WILL BE.” Lord is a title that means 'master.' It's not a name and therefore not a proper translation. Lord is used in place of יהוה (YHWH). They are substitutions, replacements - NOT simply an English version (or translation) of the Name. Proper nouns - including names - are not translated. Names that are given to a specific individual are never translated changed to a different version. A name is a person's identity, and it does not change. Just look at the news. Reporters do not 'translate' foreign names no matter how difficult it is to pronounce. Isaiah 52:5-6 “...My name is continually blasphemed all day long. Therefore my people shall know my name; therefore in that day I am the one who is speaking, ‘Here I am.’” The word blasphemed in the strongs concordance means to spurn or to REJECT. He prophesied that His name would be rejected all day long. “For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My name will be great among the nations,” says YAHUAH of hosts.” (Malachi 1:11) -Bible translators are participating in a tradition which undermines Yahuahs desire to make His name great among the people.
@Mel-rj3tj 16 дней назад
What you have studied and shared was interesting and some of it very confirming too. Yet remember not everyone who comes to the Kingdom may be as literate or analytical as you. Love God and love others, Jesus simplified so that even a child could understand and be saved for eternity. As long as one believes the Son died and rose again for sins and death, then one is a believer in Christ Jesus and God eternal. The name Jesus means God saves and if one believes, why stop that person from entering God’s Kingdom if she or he believes? Let God judge on His throne. Let the children of God believing in a Holy Jesus in, don’t stop them from entering. How do you know if the Kingdom courts at church will not further sanctify them? God is Holy. His angels and saints are Holy. The mustard seed parable tells us there is hope in God that will survive all circumstances even when we do not understand how can a teeny tiny seed grow so large? Seems impossible to the mind that has no faith and only looks with the natural eye. Only God’s power! Love in Christ Jesus always and forever ♥️💕🙏😊New generations are rising in Jesus with God’s powerful call to His faithful saints (ones who do not make even a name for themselves). The main idea is to never forget God, whom is in charge and what better name can we praise except to the Holy One who saves us? Praise Jesus!!!
@jesus-lover Месяц назад
What is 1 Clement 25?
@FigTreeMinistries Месяц назад
1 Clement 25:1-5 is a reference to the Phoenix. Here is a website (Early Christian Writings): www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/1clement-lightfoot.html Scroll down until you see 25:1.
@P.H.888 Месяц назад
The Inspiration of The Holy Scriptures! Whole and in each part fits tightly together Heaven and Earth joined Metaphor Israel ~ The Jews ~ The weed mustard seeds Mary The humbled stump of Jesse ~ The shoot ~ Jesus, Daniel’s little stone (tiny seed) breaks up the whole statue of empires Ch 17 ~ Transfiguration JESUS Divine Messiah The King on The Mountain Top! Moses and Elijah summoned! God The Father spoke! Listen John The Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah ~Repent ~ change! The demon boy (The Jews ~ new kids on the block) they thought they were solid and secure ~ Temple & position. JESUS IS THE SEED THE KING! Buried ~ burst forth New Life! The whole passage is tightly inspired scripture in metaphor The Jews Temple had been cleansed by Jesus, but they ended up 7 times worse 70 ad flood of judgement and fire ~ the pretenders off and out ~ dissolved. Jesus is Lord Ruling and Reigning from Heaven above!
@livingbranches777 Месяц назад
This is really good. Do you have any teaching on the parable of the sheep and goats?
@FigTreeMinistries Месяц назад
Not yet! God bless you!
@berealwithraya Месяц назад
שלום מבריטניה
@daleknight777 Месяц назад
שלום ותודה
@josephinpiano Месяц назад
Thank you for the teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven. It was enlightening.
@FigTreeMinistries Месяц назад
You are very welcome
@antso1290 Месяц назад
This subject is so important that I wonder why it is not been taught in church and spend more time giving power to the darkness than focusing on God. Thank you for this lesson. The memra and the aleph tav are my favorite topics.
@FigTreeMinistries Месяц назад
God bless you! This is a great question as to why it isn't taught. Every time I show people they are blown away.
@robertayres682 Месяц назад
Zion is mentioned 153 x in 📖
@berean65 Месяц назад
The modern bible versions have been corrupted. They are slowly changing the bibles to fit in with the New World Order agenda.
@berean65 Месяц назад
Sounds like Catholic propaganda
@FigTreeMinistries Месяц назад
Nope. Not Catholic. The Icon is Eastern Orthodox. They and the Catholic church haven't gotten along since 1054 - The Great Schism en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East%E2%80%93West_Schism
@berean65 Месяц назад
@@FigTreeMinistries I use to be Byzantine. Catholicism is a twin to orthodox churches as well. They may not follow the Pope, but their masses are just about identical. They also pray to Mary and saints which is idolatry.
@molacmarius2701 Месяц назад
​@@FigTreeMinistries I like you ... i'd like to share from my 'angle' ... about a seer of God who was physically visited / blessed by Virgin Mary. with her, we can try bring not just planet Earth ... but the entire visible Universe ... to Christ
@berean65 Месяц назад
​@@molacmarius2701First of all, the dead cannot come back to life as spirits. Secondly, Mary is in her grave awaiting the resurrection like the rest of us. She admitted in the bible that she needed a Saviour as well.
@molacmarius2701 Месяц назад
​@@berean65 1st ever Jesus recorded Bible miracle - Cana ... who did they go to ? Virgin Mary ... ok? What did Virgin Mary do? She went to Jesus ... interceding ... and Jesus complied ... then Virgin Mary told them: "do anything He says" Virgin Mary is alive ... unlike (Matthew 1231 - blasphemy against Holy Spirit) you ... too many miracles with her ... Zeitoun Cairo is one of the greatest and recent ... millions of witnesses Gamal Abdel Nasser fascist / muslim ... absolute zero interest in promoting the miracle ... saw and openly expressed his belief ... Catholic = Eastern Orthodox ? 1 Jerusalem Holy Fire miracle ... happens ONLY WHEN Orthodox church prays ... period. Holy Fire temperature is ~40 Celsius for the 1st minutes ... measurements were taken 2008 - Russian physicist Prof. Andrey Volkov, confirm the descent of the Holy Fire and reveal three phenomena, which he himself characterizes as “incredible and entirely inexplicable.” so miracle was scientifically proven ... leaving zero room for any debate. 2 I asked a seer of God about Ayrton Senna. They shoud have given the car black box to the authorities within 24 hours. They gave it after 1 month, smashed with the hammer = unusable. There are many similar details i found out. But when the seer of God said to me: "they want to poison Ayrton" ... i realized they didn't want to cover up a car problem, but a deliberate murder ... greatest ever F1 ... then i asked ... can i pray for him? Seer of God said ... No ... Catholics only can pray ... his mother prayer is as great as of 7 ArchBishops. why can't i pray? Because of the 1054 - The Great Schism thay FigTreeMinistries already told you ...
@Redwing635s Месяц назад
j+o+h+n =47 q17 Jesus 74 *9 =666 isreal is1 r666 ae6 L66 your word uses numbers a-z 26 G+o+d=26 +jesus =100
@jennaluvsflatearth8303 Месяц назад
Knowledge is power ❤ wisdom comes with patience and observation or personal experience. I’m here just learning ❤❤❤ but commenting not because i know anything but to help your algorithm. Thank you for these videos!
@monica.78 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this great study series. I appreciated all the previous 15 lessons, but I find that part of this last lesson delves into unbiblical theories when it talks about alleged "experiences of heaven". Such experiences are not the proof of a person's birth from above/from God, through God Himself, His Spirit and His Christ. Eben Alexander's experience is very questionable, and very little biblical (a true encounter and relationship with God is possible ONLY through Jesus, through repentance, through faith in His power to deliver us from our sinful nature). Moreover, Alexander believes in reincarnation, which is not biblical. I would stay away from such popularised "testimonies" which can only promote false gospels. Please look a bit further into it and I hope you will start to see the many inconsistencies and theological errors of this story. Also, I didn't quite understand the relevance of the phoenix towards the end of this study. Please consider further research into the messages contained in the letter to Smyrna. I find the rest of the studies very good though. Thank you so much for your work. Many blessings.
@monica.78 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for these amazing studies!
@jennaluvsflatearth8303 2 месяца назад
Wow! I've never been here before. I love it. I could sit and listen all day if i had the means... facinating! The trouble is many dont want to think that deeply. They want any simple explanation or the unknown becomes terrifying. It's not terrifying. Its food❤
@FigTreeMinistries Месяц назад
Well said! So glad to read your kind words. We appreciate your comment. God bless you!
@jennaluvsflatearth8303 2 месяца назад
Well maybe you will believe this maybe you won't but He answers me when I ask... What is the image of you if you had no image to begin with? Good question 🤔 😊.. my answer tho not mine... it's in the word itself. He has.. no IS imagination. His image how he sees him self if if he were to create himself in a form and a likeness and he did... he created us. We are his image of himself. He created us in his own likeness... go draw a picture of how you see your unborn child to look... now try to imagine doing it before ever seeing yourself in a mirror or another person. You are blind... draw your child... he didn't draw us... he formed us in his likeness. ❤ that probably made no sense.. but it made sense to me. Maranatha brothers and sisters... do you love your evil parts? Do you love your good parts? Do you love the good and evil in others? Good next lesson.
@marrch30 2 месяца назад
Why would the Jews accept the Targums adding these fine detail differences to the scripture? Even if it is translation, why is there a need to translate the word of the LORD instead of LORD? How is it acceptable. Do they not have the mindset that adding or taking away anything from the scripture is bad?
@FigTreeMinistries 2 месяца назад
This is a good question and it is not likely that I will be able to completely answer it. I'm not sure that the Targums were accepted as "authentic scripture" as much as they were as a translation with the commentary woven together - but the commentary reflects the prevailing religious thinking, which is crucial for understanding John's interpretation of who Jesus is. There are variations between the Hebrew scripture (Masoretic Text), the Greek translations of the Old Testament (Septuagint), and the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are also many variations within the differing families of the Greek New Testament manuscripts that we have - Byzantine v Alexandrian v Western v Caesarean. You can see how scribes added or removed verses over time to fill out the story or to remove something they disagreed with. For example, Mark 16:9-20, where the earliest manuscripts ( the Alexandrian body of texts are thought to be the earliest verses Byzantine or Western) do not have this ending, and John 7:53-8:11, which was not part of John's original but is readily accepted by Christians today.
@Kampfwageneer 2 месяца назад
Adam Kadmon. Xristos Anesti! ☦❤
@AllegraPersephone 2 месяца назад
I had a quick look through the comments and didn't see it mentioned but 153 has a property called Narcissistic number where if you take each number to the power of how many numbers so there's 3 numbers in 153, so 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153. So it equals itself. It is a relatively rare property for a number to have. I have also seen it used in a ratio for an approximation of Pi. And I have also seen it as the gematria (the Greek one called isopsephia or something I forget the spelling) as the name of Mary Magdalene. Just a few little pieces of info.
@MrHwaynefair 2 месяца назад
Excellent! Thank you!
@adam9817 2 месяца назад
That's what Catholic eat at every Mass. That's where you find the new Tree of Life.
@WNC2022 2 месяца назад
Thanks for video , good job , The word " gematria " ? , I prefer to say .... The number values of the letters within God's original Hebrew numeric alphabet which substantiate , give substance , embody , establish truth , competent evidence , verify God's Word. The number values are even able to bring to light knowledge which can be learned as mans knowledge increases in these latter days. Like you said , words , sentences , paragraphs etc that add up to the same numerical values do so for a reason. Every letter , number , Jot and every tittle within God's word is perfect and true. There are no mistakes. Knowing this , I have reason to believe that the most important prophecy in the history of history is revealed within the very first sentence in the Hebrew Torah ( old testament ) from the God who knows the end to the beginning. Let me share..... " בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים וא ת הארץ " " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth " Numeric value = 2701 2701 breaks down as 37 x 73. The number 3 represents Gods divine perfection , the number 7 represents God's divine completion. The number 37 represents God's divine perfection completed. The number 73 represents God's divine completion perfected. If we place the numbers 37 and 73 together to make the number 3773 ? The numeric value in God's Hebrew language for the word " אמת " which means " Truth " = 3773. The number 3773 breaks down as 7 x 7 x 77. I don't think these numbers are by accident , but what could they mean ? Well , God has shown us that he has a calendar. His calendar started on day \ year 1 of creation and consist of 49 year cycles. There was a 7th day of a 7th week of a 77th Jubilee cycle. It was the last year ( Jubilee year ) of the 77th cycle. 77 cycles x 49 years = the Hebrew year 3773. Did anything significant happen in the Hebrew year 3773 ? The Hebrew year 3773 was the Roman Gregorian year 13 AD. The answer is Yes, It was significant in that God became flesh and blood and was walking on the face of the earth in the Hebrew year 3773. I believe that it is as clear as crystal that he was 12 years of age in the year 3773 , it was the fulfillment of Gabriel's prophecy which he gave Daniel in Babylon , the appearance of the Messiah to Israel. It fits like a glove. There is much more to it than this , to much to just comment on , see ............ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4xGMRs-fZ7k.html Be patient and watch from beginning to end . Notice that I am not leaving out or adding any years. Years 1 through 7000. Don't discount God's truth because man has interpreted certain scripture incorrectly. Preachers , teachers , Biblical scholars , Rabbis , etc will say this can't be because we know that King Cyrus gave a "decree" in a year which they can't agree upon ? They can't agree because scripture does not give a date of a decree. And there are a few others that don't hold water as well. Yes, God foretold in the book of Ezra that he would use Cyrus to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple but Gabriel said upon the " command " which meant the " word " of God when the clock would start the count down of the 483 years. God would not leave it up to a mortal man to decide when to start the clock to the count down of the most important event that would take place in the universe. There are a few other scriptures that man has interpreted incorrectly as well , even to this day. When Yeshua was on the earth he was constantly correcting and teaching the most versed people on earth concerning what the Torah said. He began teaching the Jews in the Hebrew year 3773. This is another example of why God's language is numeric. IMHO I think that we will spend eternity learning all of God's truths, I don't think there will be an end to it 🙂 Shalom ✌
@HeatherMerrell 3 месяца назад
Ewwww...thank God America and her inhabitants are under the covenant with Christ. No more sacrifices.
@JoeFoguth 3 месяца назад
@FigTreeMinistries 3 месяца назад
Rock on!
@smessaddeq 3 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing🙏🙏🙏
@FigTreeMinistries 3 месяца назад
We appreciate your comment! God bless you!
@smessaddeq 3 месяца назад
I am preparing a presentation about Paul and need to refute arguments that Paul invented Christianity.... So, it was very helpful this study. 😊
@FigTreeMinistries 3 месяца назад
Please let me know if there is anything I can help with. God bless you and your presentation! if you have specific questions about Paul you can email info@figtreeteaching.com.
@smessaddeq 3 месяца назад
@@FigTreeMinistries Wow!!! Thanks a lot. I will email you for specifics questions that I don't know how to answer.... 😊🙏
@alexk4044 4 месяца назад
What’s this guys name?
@FigTreeMinistries 3 месяца назад
Scott Broberg - check out the website www.figtreeteaching.com/about-scott.html
@lolithavithal5039 4 месяца назад
Very interesting learning. I loved the way it was explained- very clear and precise explanation. Thank you!
@FigTreeMinistries 4 месяца назад
We appreciate your comment! God bless you!
@carlad532 4 месяца назад
That was FANTASTIC!! I GET REALLY EXCITED about Counting the Omer. I Looooved this teaching thank you so much!! 🙏❤️🔥🌾
@FigTreeMinistries 4 месяца назад
So happy you enjoyed it! We appreciate your feedback. God bless you!
@leiyinglo9088 4 месяца назад
Fun Fact: There's two versions of the flood myth in the bible. In one version, it's a pair of every animal, in the other, it's seven pairs of every clean animal. Also afterwards Noah sacrifices some animals as a burnt offering to please god then gets drunks and passes out. It's a flood myth that can be traced back to Gilgamesh. It just got exaggerated each time. I've heard the hypothesis that god 'set his bow in the heavens" (technically "warrior's bow") was because the story was originally about the sky god Ashur. Makes sense, no other time is the biblical god depicted with a bow whereas Ashur often was. And a rainbow is actually a circle.
@MrHwaynefair 4 месяца назад
Just want to reiterate what a unique blessing you are - I especially appreciate your willingness to go where others seem to fear to tread - e.g. your unashamed presentation of these wonderful insights framed as a true form of Christian Mysticism - a "mysticism" solidly grounded in Scripture (e.g. 2 Cor.3, gazing as in a mirror, etc.). My own studies concur with so much of what you are saying - and what you say gives me greater depth and insight! I do so hope that some day we can have a chat 🤗 Blessing, Scott! -wayne fair
@molacmarius2701 4 месяца назад
(Numbers 14 11) Are you aware of the Easter Holy Fire annual miracle ?? happened again 2 days ago ... twice scientifically proved ... see Haris Skarlakidis book - 2008 measurements / yt channel Orthodox Christian Miracles and Prophecies - 2019, 1st ~10 minutes, Holy Fire burns @ 42 degrees Celsius ... all talk Christ 2000 years ago ... while at same time, pretending not to see / run away from a face 2 face Christ meet ... TODAY
@johnthompson2256 4 месяца назад
Something interesting is the Dabar, Midbar, and Bamidar connections. God's Dabar (Word) turns into a Midbar, or Sea/People of Words (Midbar), by adding the Mem (Water/People), then further levels up to Bamidar, or House/Relationship of the Sea of Words or People of the Word. This is with the Tent of Assembly at the center of individual tents.
@GenXAbovetruth 4 месяца назад
153÷17 = 9 and I believe that 9 is the number of consciousness!….GenXAbovetruth 👽🏕️♒️🌎
@GenXAbovetruth 4 месяца назад
I started my RU-vid channel on the 17th! 🎉Amazing!…..GenXAbovetruth 👽🏕️
@bobpullTV 4 месяца назад
still, ppl don't wanna know about bible, so sad.
@bonniebroberg6095 4 месяца назад
Great lesson! Thank you for all the helpful resources too. WOW - you are the best Bible teacher!
@tmish969 4 месяца назад
@gtgodbear6320 4 месяца назад
"Truth is Christ" channel did a good video on the 153 fishes