Tacoma Grace Bible Church
Tacoma Grace Bible Church
Tacoma Grace Bible Church
Welcome to Tacoma Grace Bible Church! We hope to fellowship with you in person, but until then, please enjoy and be edified by our online content. Visit our website www.tacomagracebc.org for information about us. Grace to you!
DI 113 | America
16 часов назад
DI 112 | Kingdom
14 дней назад
Those Accountable to God | Romans 3:19-20
14 дней назад
DI 111 | The Church
21 день назад
The Fear of God | Romans 3:9-18
21 день назад
The Life of Love | Song of Solomon 6-8
21 день назад
DI 110 | Israel
28 дней назад
The Justice of God | Romans 3:5-8
Месяц назад
DI 109 | Nations
Месяц назад
The Faithfulness of God | Romans 3:1-4
Месяц назад
DI 108 | Government
Месяц назад
The Oracles of God | Romans 3:1-2
Месяц назад
DI 107 | Corruption
2 месяца назад
@Shieldwolfmessiah Месяц назад
Amazing! Thank you.
@newjar1997JT Месяц назад
Law of Moses/Law of Christ by Jeff Trent Ever notice with the promises of God? It rarely went to the firstborn. It went to: Abel/Seth instead of Cain. Isaac instead of Ismael Jacob instead of Esau. Solomon instead of Absalom. David instead of Saul. It's almost like God is getting our attention and showing us that the firstborn represented our flesh, and the second born is our spirit. "Ye must be born again." "The elder shall serve the younger" God referring to the end of the Mosaic Law as well: Hebrews 8:7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. 2 Corinthians 3:3 also stating: ….not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. Notice that? “not in tables of stone” So is God just putting the Mosaic Law in our hearts instead? No, He freed us from that.. We're no longer under the Mosaic Law. ANY OF IT! The Bible confirms it over and over again. As a matter of doctrine, if you try to keep it, then that's a sin. It's Legalism, plain and simple. A death sentence to the unbeliever. A stumbling block to the believer. Why? The Jews couldn't keep it: Act 15:10 - Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? **It’s tempting God to yoke someone with the law again. The early church couldn't keep it: Gal 6:13 - For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. **Glorying in that, the faith had been compromised, ship-wrecked even; but not lost. Legalism had reared it’s ugly Judaizing head. But He is the author and finisher of our faith. That’s why God corrected that error. God says it everywhere. Rom 3:20 - Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. Galatians 5:2-3 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. ALL OF IT! @@@ In Romans Chapter 7, God goes as far as to tell us just how much law we are no longer under. Rom 7:4 - Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become DEAD to the law by the body of Christ; Rom 7:6 - But now we are DELIVERED from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter. Paul answers the question of how much law once and for all in the next verse: Rom 7:7 - What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, "Thou shalt not covet" He's referring to the moral law here. That we’re even dead to and delivered from that. And this is where the confusion begins. Even as they thought Paul was saying. “Let us sin that grace may abound” So does that make us lawless then? No. We are now under the Law of Christ. Paul explains: Romans 7:23 But I see another law in my members(Law of Moses), warring against the law of my mind(Law of Christ), and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.(Law of Moses) Fight the good fight of faith Paul. says. To do so one must understand Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Law of Moses/Law of Christ. Two Laws. Two Covenants Again…Gal 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. This is what Jesus meant as well: Jhn 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. @@@ But when combating the false doctrines of the modern day Judaisers(Law Keepers), the one thing you must learn is: When you hear the word LAW or COMMANDMENT? You always have to consider what covenant you are under. Jesus gives the NEW COVENANT commandment: Jhn 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. And again.. 1Jo 3:23 - And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. Rom 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Christ changed our perspectives. The Mosaic Law is there in spirit. If we are loving people we won’t seek to Lie to, Kill, Steal from...our neighbors. It happens through the Spirit. And the fruit of the Spirit. But if we seek to burden ourselves with the Mosaic Law, THE LETTER, we will not be loving God or humanity. You will not operate in the Spirit. Your fruit will wither. You will not keep the Law of Christ. The New and Better Covenant, You will simply not operate in love. Because you’re seeking the Old Covenant. This is probably the significance of Moses not going into the Promised Land as well. Our Old Man is Dead. And so is the Law to us! Rom 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Anything more is deception. @@@ I am also thoroughly convinced that this is why the 1st/8th day of the week was chosen for the Lord’s Day. To release us from ever thinking we are under the Jewish Sabbath. Which Christ fulfilled, and is our Sabbath rest. Plus, in a 7 count, say music for instance. The 1st note is also the 8th note. Or octave. Or new beginning New Covenant.
@thebabaa5001 3 месяца назад
Thank you....... So much clarification ...
@rianahayes84 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the information, Dr. Fruchtenbaum.
@dkimble9711 5 месяцев назад
Look up his, Aroel ministry great info there Mp3s to study from and DVDs. I go over and over studying with them.
@joanneg7646 5 месяцев назад
Finally someone who explains israel so it makes sense.
@PoorWays 5 месяцев назад
I thank God for this Jewish Christian minister. If you want to know the truth in the age of sensationalism who else would you turn to?
@laceylovley6535 8 месяцев назад
Wow I'm proud ofy ancestors more then anything now. 😊
@Lynnkb1000 8 месяцев назад
Great sermon! So encouraging. Thank you, Pastor Dane.
@carlathomas5807 8 месяцев назад
Okay….this is a study pointed out some things I was not aware of.
@melmorg4377 10 месяцев назад
Always a blessing for us here in New Zealand 🇳🇿 🙏 ❤️
@krackerToo 10 месяцев назад
Very nice Thank you Shalom.🕎
@beaulin5628 Год назад
Wonderful research. Wonderful inisights. Thank you so much.
@beaulin5628 Год назад
A most interesting teaching.
@davidakinbiyi410 Год назад
Your time is up no one can save your white race you are doom your race is so wicked
@cotydanger4071 Год назад
This is a great sermon on these often times misinterpreted passages. 1 John was written to believers that their “joy may be full” not so they would look at themselves to question whether or not they were saved. Great job
@rapturebound197 Год назад
I can never get enough of the Jewish roots of the faith & teaching. Baruch HaShem Adonai! Amen 🕎✝️ .
@ministerkenn1793 Год назад
Joining you life from Kenya
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Amen! I feel like by learning more about Abraham's walk, I'm learning more about how to better walk with God. Grace & Peace to you! 🙏🏻
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Praise the Lord! Thank you for the many helpful details! Peace and Grace to you 🙏🏻
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Thank you so much for this timely teaching for me. It's a great reminder to trust God in all circumstances. Grace and Peace to you 🙏🏻
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Wow! This is a fantastic teaching like I've never heard before. Many "Aha" moments!
@christahansen4850 Год назад
One of my favorite passages!
@juancordova8509 Год назад
Great teaching , Thanks.
@catherinehazur7336 Год назад
That Communist joke was the best ever! Lolololol
@exathletes-ci7ec 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for your discipline for study & your discernment in realizing the church's need for teaching from a Jewish perspective.
@valeriedietzel3220 Год назад
A. Pal. ..hug , f or. You. Bro. Your. A. Blessing!!
@valeriedietzel3220 Год назад
Pastor. Thanks f or. Everything!!!
@angeloantonio5483 Год назад
Thank you!
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Hallelujah! Amen! Great lesson!
@christahansen4850 Год назад
This is amazing! I've never heard this about the filling of the Spirit. So many questions answered. Thank you! Grace and Peace to you 🙏🏻
@aquinn5234 Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing this!
@MayWorldHappiest Год назад
Very awesome teaching
@karinabrampt1556 Год назад
Todah Rabah
@valeriedietzel3220 Год назад
@livsamech8450 Год назад
Love the evangelism emphasis, your humor and your teachings! Toda Abalah! Hag Hannuka Sameach!
@randydearing7355 Год назад
Is the full sermon accessible? Why do we only get a clip?
@tacomagracebiblechurch Год назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zdYYT8QdaEw.html The clip is from our Fall Conference. This is the full video. The other videos in the series are available it our Fall Conference 2023 playlist.
@randydearing7355 Год назад
@@tacomagracebiblechurch thanks so much and God bless!!!
@rapturebound197 Год назад
To wet your appetite 😉...it works!
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Thanks for the great insight about Cain that I haven't heard before. This teaching is so helpful for me during these stressful times.
@tacomagracebiblechurch Год назад
Praise the Lord! His Word is such a comfort.
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Thank you for another great teaching to help me appreciate John's epistles more and more. Grace and peace to you 🙏🏻
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Grace and peace to you 🙏🏻
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Amen! Training for the reigning!
@christahansen4850 Год назад
Love this teaching. Grace and Peace to you 🙏
@angeloantonio5483 Год назад
Really enjoying your teachings...
@tacomagracebiblechurch Год назад
Thank you, Angelo!
@ruflcupter5 2 года назад
Can you post more of LOM in order. These are good lessons.
@tacomagracebiblechurch Год назад
you can find the whole series here, including links to the presentations, and note packets for most lessons
@tacomagracebiblechurch Год назад
@5crownsoutreach 2 года назад
Hopefully, the Lord may bless me to lead some sheep into leaders, and we can invite Dr. Fruchtenbaum to speak!
@5crownsoutreach 2 года назад
Good list of supports for the pre-trib rapture but 6:33 needs to be checked by Paul, 2 Thess 2:3. Andy Woods did a great job with Paul's vocabulary in that section, and we would do well to heed it.
@sheepdogministries896 2 года назад
I thought azazel was the name of a Demon?????
@tacomagracebiblechurch 2 года назад
Yes. Azazel was also the name of a demon. In the Hebrew AZAZEL means to take away. The goat got its name because it would take the sins away from Israel (Azazel) while the one which was killed would cover the sins of Israel. Eventually, the Mishnaic mythology developed that the goat Azazel was a ransom paid to a demon, and that mythic demon was given the same name as the goat Azazel.
@angeloantonio5483 2 года назад
The Cyrene got the Lord Jesus blood all over him I bet. Can you image ?
@tacomagracebiblechurch 2 года назад
Perhaps a vivid picture of the atonement!
@christahansen4850 2 года назад
Thank you for another great and in depth teaching. Grace and Peace to you 🙏
@tacomagracebiblechurch Год назад
Thank you, Christa!
@lauraontiveros3432 2 года назад
People understand you can not defile something that is not HOLY. God of Israel is making the third Temple and the animal offering HOLY. God of Israel wants the Third Temple built and animal offering started. The third Temple doesn’t need to be completely built just the altar to start the animal offering. The Antichrist CAN NOT DEFILE the third Temple if it’s NOT HOLY. The Third Temple HAS a to be HOLY ago be DEFILED. Only the GOD OF Israel can make the Third Temple HOLY, not the Antichrist. The HOLY Third Temple will the God of Israel Temple not the Antichrist. The Bible says to understand the end we have to go to the beginning. The beginning of the Bible is Genesis not Matthew. Go to the Old Testament and learn about God of Israel Temple service. Then you will understand why the God of Israel wants the HOLY Third Temple built and animal offering started in the end times. Rico Cortez from Wisdom in Torah has a study on it on RU-vid. The HOLY Third Temple has nothing to do with Jewish Jesus Christ Messiah Salvation for us. We all need a Temple to go and worship the God of Israel. That what the Third Temple for to go Worship the God of Israel like in the ancient time. The Bible say what was in the pass will be in the future. God of Israel Temples services are coming back. People also look for the Greater Exodus that coming too that Pastor don’t talk about. This Pastor needs to go back to the Old Testament to understand the end. They have no understanding of the end time because they think Matthew is the beginning of the Bible instead of Genesis. People Jesus is a Hebrew Jewish Israelite and Paul is Hebrew Benjamin Israelite, not religions like Christianity, Judaism and Catholic. Go seek the Hebrew Israelite Jewish Jesus Christ from Genesis to Revelation to understand the end time is about Hebrew Jewish Jesus Christ Israel. Gentiles believers are Israel because they are adopted (grafted) into the family of Hebrew Jewish Jesus Israel. It going to be important to know all this in the end time to not be deceived.
@deanfloyd8931 2 года назад
Can someone provide chapter and verse where God commissions a third temple to be built.
@tacomagracebiblechurch 2 года назад
He does not. That is the point. It is a blasphemy against the Messiah. It will be the antichrist temple. It is a rabbinic effort. Evangelicals are often deceived into supporting this effort. There is not command to build a third temple.
@deanfloyd8931 2 года назад
@@tacomagracebiblechurch Rev 11 speaks of a past event during the time of the second temple. They need it to be a third temple to support their misguided view.
@tacomagracebiblechurch 2 года назад
There will be a third temple standing at the time Revelation 11 takes place future to now. But this temple is not commanded by scripture; it is described as a future reality.
@deanfloyd8931 2 года назад
@@tacomagracebiblechurch As described in chapter 11, it fits the fall of the second temple. Time will tell on a future application.
@lulupiink6698 Год назад
@@tacomagracebiblechurch I always thought Isaiah 56:7 referred to the 3rd temple 🤷🏻‍♀️ and is there a scripture that states the red heifer has to be Jewish?