Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture Series
Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture Series
Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture Series
The annual Linus Pauling Memorial Lectures Series takes place in Portland Oregon (Linus's home town).
The six-eight presenters each season address topics ranging over all of the sciences, engineering and related philosophies of science and engineering. the focus has been on leading-edge thinkers. Website: www.isepp.org
Terry Bristol, Constructal Insight
7 месяцев назад
Brian Greene
7 месяцев назад
Stephen Hawking, Frontiers of Cosmology
2 года назад
James Burke - Internet Knowledge
4 года назад
Paul Davies - The Cosmic Blueprint
4 года назад
David Albert, Time and Chance
4 года назад
Cousteau   Designing the Future
4 года назад
Jill Tarter SETI
4 года назад
John Polkinghorne, Cambridge University
4 года назад
Dr  Ian Stewart, Warwick University
4 года назад
Dr  Carl Sagan - Tech Future
4 года назад
Lynn Margulis, The Gaia Theory
4 года назад
Murray Gell-Mann,The  Quark and the Jaguar
4 года назад
Stephen Jay Gould  1 Wonderful Life 1993
4 года назад
@ArkelonSci 9 дней назад
Acquiring Genomes (the book) really threw me for a loop when I read it before I knew much
@CL-man 12 дней назад
From Job 38 (The Message Translation) ... Where were you when I created the earth? Tell me, since you know so much! Who decided on its size? Certainly you’ll know that! Who came up with the blueprints and measurements? How was its foundation poured, and who set the cornerstone, While the morning stars sang in chorus and all the angels shouted praise? And who took charge of the ocean when it gushed forth like a baby from the womb? That was me! I wrapped it in soft clouds, and tucked it in safely at night. Then I made a playpen for it, a strong playpen so it couldn’t run loose, And said, ‘Stay here, this is your place. Your wild tantrums are confined to this place.’ 12-15 “And have you ever ordered Morning, ‘Get up!’ told Dawn, ‘Get to work!’ So you could seize Earth like a blanket and shake out the wicked like cockroaches? As the sun brings everything to light, brings out all the colors and shapes, The cover of darkness is snatched from the wicked- they’re caught in the very act! 16-18 “Have you ever gotten to the true bottom of things, explored the labyrinthine caves of deep ocean? Do you know the first thing about death? Do you have one clue regarding death’s dark mysteries? And do you have any idea how large this earth is? Speak up if you have even the beginning of an answer. 19-21 “Do you know where Light comes from and where Darkness lives So you can take them by the hand and lead them home when they get lost? Why, of course you know that. You’ve known them all your life, grown up in the same neighborhood with them! 22-30 “Have you ever traveled to where snow is made, seen the vault where hail is stockpiled, The arsenals of hail and snow that I keep in readiness for times of trouble and battle and war? Can you find your way to where lightning is launched, or to the place from which the wind blows? Who do you suppose carves canyons for the downpours of rain, and charts the route of thunderstorms That bring water to unvisited fields, deserts no one ever lays eyes on, Drenching the useless wastelands so they’re carpeted with wildflowers and grass? And who do you think is the father of rain and dew, the mother of ice and frost? You don’t for a minute imagine these marvels of weather just happen, do you? 31-33 “Can you catch the eye of the beautiful Pleiades sisters, or distract Orion from his hunt? Can you get Venus to look your way, or get the Great Bear and her cubs to come out and play? Do you know the first thing about the sky’s constellations and how they affect things on Earth? 34-35 “Can you get the attention of the clouds, and commission a shower of rain? Can you take charge of the lightning bolts and have them report to you for orders? What Do You Have to Say for Yourself? 36-38 “Who do you think gave weather-wisdom to the ibis, and storm-savvy to the rooster? Does anyone know enough to number all the clouds or tip over the rain barrels of heaven When the earth is cracked and dry, the ground baked hard as a brick? 39-41 “Can you teach the lioness to stalk her prey and satisfy the appetite of her cubs As they crouch in their den, waiting hungrily in their cave? And who sets out food for the ravens when their young cry to God, fluttering about because they have no food?”
@ianmax69 18 дней назад
Watching this now in 2023 James really picked up the early challenges of the internet when this was recorded 20 years early... Reductionism has indeed entered our democracies Just look at how our Leaders across the globe are now elected on nuance and not facts... and are we living in algorithm created echo chambers that can even do our thinking for us and we don't even realise it....
@arthurhibbert8 18 дней назад
There are two types of logic deduction and induction. Induction is thinking outside the box or universe. How about thinking about the concepts involved in the mind brain and body relationship involving personal health. Think about the spirit of mankind.
@2nostromo 20 дней назад
@Alex_.ive7 22 дня назад
"Where the science fiction writers really go to town is what happen if you do fall in a black hole "
@ALavin-en1kr 25 дней назад
Mr. Davies is a class act on all fronts, on what he knows, and he doesn’t show up in a Tee Shirt and Jeans.
@ALavin-en1kr 25 дней назад
It is likely that law can be relative, it is unlikely that truth can be relative. It has always been described as One.
@ALavin-en1kr 25 дней назад
All is illusion except Consciousness. Mind emerges with quantum events.
@ALavin-en1kr 25 дней назад
Our earth is based on matter,, there is also water, fire, air and space, all macro elements. There are multiple micro elements. If every element macro and micro can be represented by its own planet and universe then the show really gets interesting.
@ALavin-en1kr 25 дней назад
Copernicus was right in terms of Man and of his Consciousness. Da Vinci saw it the same way as Copernicus. Today, realty is based on matter: materialism. The reality is: we are the conscious center around which space is revolving. We need to get back to Reality, and likely will when Consciousness is no longer ‘the hard problem’ but is understood. Materialism explains matter, it does not explain Reality. That is why religion is important, the ancients both Pagan and Christian were religious so they saw more, and understood more, than just matter or what is elemental, based on the elements micro and matter. They consciously and mentally saw and felt what was causal to the elemental although they did not name it as material science does: all composed as: Spirit or Consciousness; magnetism, electromagnetism, forces, elements, and the organizing vibrating principle that brought them to form(s) and coherence and continues to sustain them. Modern science (material science) struggles as matter does not have the power to make anything happen by random selection or anything else. God did not ‘make’ the universe He dreamed the universe. There is no difference between God and the universe. The universe is in the mind; the consciousness of God. God is both Spirit (transcendent) and Immanent (as the Consciousness and Mind in which Universe(s) manifest.
@ALavin-en1kr 25 дней назад
Replying to myself, third paragraph, fourth line should read: micro and macro.
@Zycras1 29 дней назад
A brilliant speaker
@user-of5uo6ex7y Месяц назад
Simply great
@danadnauseam Месяц назад
Query: Do the experiements on applied cofnition show different manifestations for speakers of languages with different metaphorical models?
@AutobotsTransform Месяц назад
Brian is the true MVP
@johnclark1612 Месяц назад
Sounds like a crock of shit
@jkforde72 Месяц назад
I love James Burke. He's an inspiration who I rely on when I lose faith in human beings. I would love to share a few pints with him.
@jesusisunstoppable4438 Месяц назад
James Burke would say that you're a Low IQ knob for having faith in humanity.
@anialiandr Месяц назад
I can never listen to these elaborations. Sorry. I also suspect hat even chatgpt isn’t using much of those descriptions. I’m never sure about their purpose. Isn’t it like making a novel from po seeing about the comma?
@TheBIGJotas Месяц назад
My man is spittin fax
@daignat 2 месяца назад
It apearse this lecture was before finding out the mirror neurons are such nonsense and have no such roles the professor listed here.
@1977aliveandkicking 2 месяца назад
@BuleriaChk 2 месяца назад
odel's "Theorem" is a complete farce and absolute bullshit. Godel assigns a unique number to all the symbols in real numbers via the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: e.g., the syntactical symbols "+", "-", "x" (multiplication) as well as the actual numbers and powers (e.g. 3^2). By his criteria, a "proof" consists of a tautology on each side of the equal sign. At first, one might think the statement "3 + 4 = 7" is a "proof", since it can be reduced to a sum of units on either side. But that would be a contradiction, according to Godel, because "3 + 4" has a different Godel Number than "7". So the only "proofs" for Godel are G(wff) = G(wff); any other statement is a contradiction by Godel Number. I call BS - a giant twittering machine built on nothing, see my pdfs on physicsdiscussionforum dot org Remember, you read it here first... :)
@totonow6955 2 месяца назад
16:27 7:45 listening in 2024 ...no sh:! T 16:00 didn't Kant explain this a long time ago. Maybe we should listen to one another. Maybe we should understand enlightment reason because we may have mistaken ideas about reason.... You know, Critique of Reason Hegel. Absolute Knowing Lacan: identity = identity + difference 20:00 Misunderstanding due to ivory towerism ? Of critical theory all the way through to enlightment ? Yikes. Is critical theory not just a channeltoward questioning asumptions about missteps in frame connections due to human psyche confusion. For example, confusing males for God. A mistake in connections made within a frame. 2024 now ...this singular mistake needs to be CRITICALLY reassessed before its to late. 29:15 NOT! Chomsky said... Not from what i heard from Chomsky. Chomsky understands philosophy. Is this where the problem lies? And on top of that a confusion between conteniental and analytic philosophy? The odd gaps around the use of enlightenment gives a clue here? 33:15 at this size and speed...not true on quantum level. 38:40 at this size and speed but not at quantum level. So instead of cutting off other domains ie: philodophy perhaps nuancevis called for...otherwise, arrogance whichnis self defeating. Is this because of cutting off the unconcious/ psyche? The real - the imaginary - the symbolic order - the mirror stage / mirror neurons...oh boy
@ahm7944 2 месяца назад
James Burke's new paradigm is patently wrong. The internet had created a very sophisticated way of controlling people's thinking. His idea that we will be free from the control of the 1% is debunked by the new wave of fascism going around the world from Putin to Orban to Trump and Bolsonaro. Stupidity is what the social media creates for control of voting decisions to what people eat and buy. RU-vid is a great tool for learning, but the masses use it for gossip and entertainment
@jesusisunstoppable4438 Месяц назад
Your comment proves just how ign0rant you are... your brain dead.
@coreymonsta7505 2 месяца назад
Good talk. I think proving that R is bigger than N is easy to explain. You just assume there is a pairing, which is just a function f(n) and then consider the real number a1.a2a3a4… where an differs from the nth digit of f(n). It’s a real number that is left out.
@skyrocketcoast219 2 месяца назад
As a amateur historian, James Burke changed my way of research! He opened many doors, to be sure!!
@theresachung703 2 месяца назад
He’s my hero
@IKnowNeonLights 2 месяца назад
Mir's conjuncture (continued) Example: One is as general as it can get, zero point anything fallowed by anything is as specific as it can get. Deriving none existences off one is much easier done, deriving none existences off zero point anything fallowed by anything, is much harder done especially as a continuation, making such continuations eventually fail in showing a proof of existence. The difficulty becomes difficulty as a consequence of the movement of that which is existing in a hierarchical descending and ascending way, together and often with and within a, any, and all possible combinations of corresponding, representing and derived none existences, making it highly and in some cases extremely difficult to establish which is which, being one is a proof and the other is not, yet could enable or disable one. Pythagorean triangular numbers are probably the best and longest standing example of this, as a proof of that which exists and that which does not. Such methods I believe to have with and within it as a sequence of base existing consecutive numbers a, any, and all possible combinations of mathematical, and as consequence physics proof. It is achieved through taking base groups of consecutive numbers well established as observance with and within reality, and derive another base groups of consecutive numbers as none existing reality, which none the less are well established as observance with and within the starting base within reality groups and numbers. The complexity of such method involves in having complet visible and none visible functions interwoven with and within the whole process giving a, any, and all possible combinations of results wich are reality based and none reality based, which then in turn can, and will consequently trigger more groups and more and more. The most impressive part, one which is the most fascinating, the most hidden and most powerful, involves in making thus having always a group made of many groups which are simultaneously real and none real as one whole real intact group, represented as a un interrupted linear multi directional sequence, and as a precise geometric shape of a un interrupted dimensional reality simultaneously, with the complete uncertainty and certainty of one being reality based while the other being none reality based. In order to imprint the current thread I am fallowing, I have but to result in conjuring a proverb as one should in order to imprint anything, being that proverbs are the best way and method for memorising while simultaneously hiding in full plain sight that which is being memorised. The proverb is this.. If and when one is shaving ones genitales, one has to make sure not to cut ones self. Because in having done so, and paid no attention to the process, one would have cut themselves. There is only one way to shuffle cards in order to get complet randomness allowed in the first place off, by, for, from and to the actual number of cards being shuffled, which in the case of playing cards is the number fifty two. This involves in proceeding the shuffling as a doing against a very hard, with the highest probable flatness possible surface, meaning the cards are shuffled against that which is way more solid and harder than their physical structural construct. A even distance among each cards has to be, including off the surface, together with the downward force applied, and the gathering has to fallow the downward order of counting also, meaning from the top to the bottom. The mathematics is four to a ten, making sixteen, leaving four possible cuts, archiving in turn the full achieved possible randomness allowed off, by, for, from and to the actual number of cards being shuffled. Any and all other possible shuffles are not even close to a, any and possible combinations of randomness allowed by, off, for, from and to any specific number of cards, especially if and when used for divination, which means wether known or unknown, the set used is a very predetermined and calculated set up pattern, a true theatre. Two is one, one is two, and two is obviously three. This is the simplest answer as proof and simultaneously the counter proof including being a standing paradox of both Mir's conjunctures, making it the top level of logic if and when invoked. Before that it might be useful to recognise the most dangerous logical pattern in existence in regards to earth including all of its individual and combined systems. Above this logical pattern there is none more dangerous, so dangerous it is, yet evenly equaled as the top of a, any and all possible combinations logical patterns, that life itself is, has and will continue to try and escape it at all possible cost, simply because if and when not, life is no more, which is in itself the very function and the core foundation of it as a logical pattern, by now applied to almost everything by and off civilisation. It, as a produced and existing logical pattern is a consequence of a paradoxical conscious and unconscious understanding of consciousness and unconsciousness as not paradoxical. More precisely a dogmatic belief in what is known as abstract, being alive, real and conscious. The logical pattern premise follows as such..... (((( The only possible, and as a consequence of evolution most practical, way for and of life, which is highlighted in terms of human life, to continue existing, is to die, and having reached and achieved such a point, where life, all life is dead, this dead life would, should become conscious of such a dead existence and consequently continue to dead live forever.)))) There is nothing more dangerous than this most logical, at the highest possible level of pattern throughout the universe. It requires for all types of possible combinations of heirarchical level's and degrees to give up such levels and degrees, and reduce to a lesser and lesser dead level and degree of heirarchical existence, and from that possible of hardly existence, manifest the most formidable levels of consciousness instead. Life will always run way from such a logical pattern, even if and when entrapped. Prime numbers are always a triangle no matter, because all prime numbers are one, and in order to be one, can only do so by becoming two. All primes have a base which equals always to one with a selected direction equaling also to one, making the base always zero and the direction one, or the direction zero and the base one, which if and when combined are two. Two is a prime, the first prime, because it gives two possible directions in order to choose one, becoming a one through the transformation of one direction as a base zero and one direction as a direction one. Nine is not a prime because it reverses the direction back to zero which becomes a prime on the next new base by transforming such a zero into one as a base, and giving it a new direction as a one, consequently making any and all prime's always have zero on the right side if and when integer sequenced, which is exactly what happens to two at the begging of a base, by becoming a zero one calculation. Zero is a prime and a composite simultaneously, in being so a, any, and all possible combinations of practical uses in a measuring form cannot be derived from, on the literal other hand an abstract representation off and by such zero can be derived in the form of a one representation, the problem still remains as a consequence off, and by this new zero as a one, still being a zero, an abstract zero, making such form have a very limited use in measuring terms, giving rise to the necessity of a two representation, of such an abstract one, derived and representing a direct reality corrolation to zero. Once at this point, a, any, and all possible combinations of uses in measuring terms begin to manifest as a consequence of the simple yet most complicated reality of the none existence of a, any, and all possible combinations of continuous uniterrpted flat surfaces in regards to such sequences, whereas zero and it's abstract one representation give, let alone show such none existing existence. As a consequence a, any, and all possible combinations of prime's are found by base zeroing everything but a remaining one. What is not utilised, is the infinity of other prime's which spring up as a consequence of a, any, and all possible combinations of a sequence producing prime's, as a, any, and all possible combinations of new sequence to fallow off and by such prime. Fallowing this prime principle, the fallowing two paragraphs and one short sentence can be understood much better. [{\|/ What is faster than the "speed" of "light"? I don't know! I "also" don't know! I bet you are going to tell "us"! Of course I am! You are my mind, and you are my brain. And you are.......!? "I" "am" "language". !!!...... The speed of light is faster than the speed of light. "If" "where" "when" "how" the speed of light is, gets with and within there is "it", the speed of light is already there. If not....! "You" "mind" "and" "you" brain" "drop" "the" "case".\|/}] In reality not just the speed of light is already there, but it is simultaneously into the future through a, any, and all possible combinations of prime's, moreover also into the past through a, any, and all possible combinations of base zeroing, always before a, any, and all possible combinations of prime's. Despite thought otherwise or not known...Prime's make chemistry, which in turn means prime's make biology, this means lost prime's is lost chemistry, lost chemistry is lost biology, lost biology is death, death is the most dangerous logical pattern in existence, and the difference between death consciousness, and life consciousness is ...... Existing © Mir March/2024
@IKnowNeonLights 2 месяца назад
Mir's conjuncture. If and when taking any positive integers sequence such as a,b,c, And the consecutive part is excluded, there cannot be an equal, meaning there cannot be no mathematics. You can only say blahhhhhh and that would be as good as a, any and all possible combinations of equals, compiling all of mathematics as equaling to blahhhhhh. Now let us presuppose there can be such mathematics, and there is such mathematics, where everything is blahhh, we can even call it blahhhh mathematics. I believe there are people which believe there is such beliefs as blahhhh mathematics, and such a presupposition is not, and should no be strange at all. If and when such be the case, if a, b, c is taken and by all being blahhh, then we only and always have, a (blah), b (blah), and c (blah)..! Even though each might appear and behave sequential, and positively integrating, nonetheless by all being blah the results never change, cannot change. Making it is true that there cannot be satisfaction of the equation of................................. a (blah) + b (blah) = c (blah) for any integer higher than blah. This is always skipping the fact, any possible (blah) does satisfy the equation simply because it's equal, and consequential results to such equal, are all and always (blah), no matter. Whereas Mir's conjuncture stands, the one being.. (There is no equal if and when the consecutive part is excluded.) Another Mir's conjuncture, with a slight high difference from the other conjuncture, meaning in, as an opposite to that being true, and this being also true, is this.... (All prime numbers are not random, all prime numbers are consecutive, in being such, consecutive and not random, all prime numbers equal, and in doing so all prime numbers equal to triangle. I believe (grouping) to be probably the easiest and best method to achieve and reach a, any and all possible combinations of mathematical proof's, in the fastest and most probably, the best understood way. You can only group that which exists, if and when grouping that which does not, it has to be achieved in a highly direct regards to that which exists. Example: One exist, (a) group would easily and can directly show that. One group and one group, can be grouped as two groups, and as a group of two's also, that should directly and very easy, show one plus one (equals) two. Two halves or two of any equal or unequal measure do not exist, can do so only if and when grouped, making one as a none existing group itself and one as an existing group. Equal, multiplication, subtraction, minus etc do not exist, can do so only if and when grouped making a, any, and all possible combinations of corresponding results. This is also the difficulty of the simplicity. X Y Z together with functions, halves, one, two or more equal or unequal measures, do not exist, can only do so with and within a highly direct regards to that which does. The full correlation, knowledge and direct existing correspondence to that which exists, enables for fluid and beautiful mathematics which are a proof simultaneously. © Mir March/2024
@Kenjah1 3 месяца назад
Would like to know which Encyclopedia of Philosophy she referring to?
@MrVinnie47 3 месяца назад
Why no knighthood?
@donaldberry4181 3 месяца назад
I’ve got to remember how much valuable content like this is on RU-vid. Thanks so much!
@Keith-FarFromTheMaddingCrowd 3 месяца назад
2024 and the landscape is alive with the tangible effects of technological innovation, though perhaps not at the breakneck pace some anticipated. Today established institutions, deeply rooted like mushrooms, predictably resist the tide of change, while many individuals cling to the familiar Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Yet, amidst this resistance, change persists and gains momentum. AI stands at the forefront of innovation, but it merely scratches the surface of a vast iceberg of transformative advancements. Ahead lie uncharted waters, teeming with possibilities and opportunities .
@user-ok9ck4eq9o 3 месяца назад
I think he was referring to #sir John Geilgud . As an ex Shakesperian actor I know what he means; I can recite a shakespeare verse from any play Ive been in. And Im about to become a singer and no doubt lyrically I'll be able to do the same.,that said, Id hope I wouldnt loose the cerebral cortex.
@russellseitz 3 месяца назад
The history of framing is inextricably linked to Lakoff's political deformation professonell at Berkeley Podesta loves thae man.
@janklaas6885 3 месяца назад
@ijeshwardhillon4927 3 месяца назад
This guu is funny ..this is crazy how i found this vid
@Mayan.Embodiment 3 месяца назад
Stunning lecture. Jaw dropping. I also find it fascinating that Dr. Schele was 7 Ahau, Reflecting Sun God, which is the same Mayan birthday as Barbara Marciniak, our most famous Pleiadian channel.
@decibellone696 3 месяца назад
LOVE James Burke, he one of my heros. one thing, the "high rates of innovation today" are nothing more than subtle changes example: Sonet and Eithernet, combustion engine vs electric, how many pixels you can fit is just and expansion of an existing science. our rate of expansion has be more like refinement - not expansion. example analog data transfer, now is fiber optic, it works on the same principal, one was sound frequencies (analog) the other is light frequencies (fiber optic) - the principal is the same.
@FranciscoAlvarado-words 3 месяца назад
The Quantum or Spiritual World it's 10 to one to the Material World..., for each of us as individuals "Creations"
@SamuelHulick 3 месяца назад
The lecture starts at 2:40
@krisclark8619 3 месяца назад
Language came from having to describe poisionous plants. We were eating plants way before undulates with axes.
@RichardBerg-qi7if 3 месяца назад
" the laws break down" maybe the laws were not produced yet so of course anything we learn of do cant find things that didn't exist yet . cosmological thought before action
@Dr_Girthly_Baggington 3 месяца назад
I really would have loved to have been able to witness Roger converse with the court and see everyone's reaction when he was asked "Please stand. Can you please explain to the court, your issues with these patterns?" The term "bite off more than you can chew" springs to mind lol.
@bookaufman9643 3 месяца назад
I wonder if the patient that could not hear music could hear birdsong or recognize it as Bird song?
@marvinmauldin4361 3 месяца назад
Home movies and illiterate scribblings pretty well describes all the social media and their comments. James Burke at 87 is still active, commenting on AI, space travel, the human condition, and Connections in general.
@Redheadedlady55 4 месяца назад
~This was very interesting
@brendabadih8855 4 месяца назад
Yep, the speaker jumps from one incomplete thought to the next. Im not sharp enuf to follow but still interested. Many of the pictured earlier mathematicians were conscripted by the rcc- jesuits. Then at 12:41 the ball earth. I am a christians and while fascinated by the mysteries and scholars of physics i am sure that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. Was recently intrigued by universal acceleration owing to the twice yearly reemergence of small rocks when cleaning my dirt floor chicken pens. I know the chickens are not bringing them in and yet here they are, again. I surmise the rocks are being pushed up from below, somehow. Anyway, relativity is id dead. Flat earth rules. Pancake not melon.✝️
@terrycollingwood5512 4 месяца назад
Intolerable wind bag. 😫
@rosssmith8481 4 месяца назад
It is easier to erase the past with the internet.