Matthew McCleskey
Matthew McCleskey
Matthew McCleskey
Business Inquiries: matthew_mccleskey@intheblackmedia.com
I make animated sketch comedy!
When Games Don't Have a Jump Button
21 день назад
Pinocchio is my roommate and I hate him
2 месяца назад
Rey WHO?!
3 месяца назад
If Obi-Wan used his brain for once
3 месяца назад
The Best Chef in Master Chef History
3 месяца назад
Lethal Company In a Nutshell
5 месяцев назад
Spider man 2 from the NPC's perspective
7 месяцев назад
Luke lies to Ben Solo
8 месяцев назад
Turning your lightsaber off mid-combat
8 месяцев назад
The worst way to use AI
9 месяцев назад
How REACT Channels work (basically)
9 месяцев назад
XP Farming from the NPC's perspective
10 месяцев назад
Games with Turn-Based Combat
10 месяцев назад
The Fellowship of the Ring (but it's just Frodo)
10 месяцев назад
When games have too much lore
11 месяцев назад
When Zelda takes the house
11 месяцев назад
Count Dooku is a Snitch
Год назад
Hollywood Executives in 2023
Год назад
@kira-gd6zs 5 часов назад
"Damn you're ugly"
@ivanshulika5359 9 часов назад
As much as I love the originals for this short - this is not going to work. Unlike what Lucas did in his films with fighting sequences, the real fencing is based on trying to aim at the body of your opponent with almost every strike (1 hit to any body part = win), therefore, habits like turning off your lightsaber is going to kill that "innovator" in no time. Still, I love these SW series here, pains to see this low amount of Likes :/
@finn_underwood 12 часов назад
Ironically, Anakin adopting a new strategy while the Jedi order refuse to learn or grow is very canonical.
@angelmendez7651 14 часов назад
If you were standing on a hill unmovable, ill just force pull your feet towards me.
@captianbacon 15 часов назад
Fun fact in a 1v1 sword fight the high ground is actually extreme dis advantages as your trying to climb a hill backwards and low ground has more reach and can easily attsck your feet with no chance of you attacking them
@archcampbell8487 16 часов назад
It’s just an innocent civilian if you do that to the Symbiotes in Spider-Man 2
@jamiebailey7375 18 часов назад
Obi wan loves mandalorians or, more specifically, their jetpacks PORTABLE HIGH GROUND
@kylias7971 День назад
That was clever. Did you use ai?
@fisey7090 День назад
you know only funny thing i sall today
@traeslade6319 День назад
That, is how you include an ad.
@tropicalwinter4500 День назад
Shoulda ended the video 1 second sooner. Woulda been funnier with just the moan
@thepigster7675 День назад
It's called trakata😊
@learning2simrace День назад
I like that the entire thing was a buildup to an actual scene in the movie 😂
@kril859 День назад
Holy moly that's such a good video 😮
@kendallhudak День назад
Im late to the party, but in case anyone was wondering. Force healing was a traditional art of the jedi with its own section dedicated to training force healers. It was considered a specialized art that only certain people were skilled at. It required years of study and practice, though there is precident for certain individuals to be prodigies of the art. By the time of phantom menace, the art had been lost to the jedi for over a thousand years. Not even yoda or the ancient texts would have had any idea about it.
@samalvey8168 День назад
The Jedi Medical Corps had an entire division devoted to healing, the Circle of Jedi Healers, led by Jedi Master and eventual Council member Stass Allie. The ability was well-known in the Order, but a very rare one.
@ACID_ День назад
I hate that so much ...
@FringeAndFighting День назад
The high ground is only good really in projectile warfare. In terms of duelling the lower person has a defensive advantage
@YourLocalSupermarkett День назад
Shane and Harvey are the best tho
@Zenxolu День назад
In the future, i hope your offspring ends up in jail
@jackback70 День назад
"I'll give it a try" sound exactly like hayden christensen
@kingmichael7842 День назад
The ending of the battle of Mustafr was only won by beliefs Darth Vader could have won if he kept a cool head and was patient, something the sith don't believe.
@PreciousPowerUp День назад
not bad..
@DragoX7 День назад
I want to watch the entire star wars saga with this editing and humor. Please make that lol.
@megamcgee 2 дня назад
This was good. I think more likely they would have published the photo but just had George assuming he’s the goblin
@BunChurg 2 дня назад
I did this with Sebastian lmao
@brentgroen3204 2 дня назад
Unrealistic fanfiction 0/10
@wadewilson3309 2 дня назад
this trend is so stup*d
@ahmataevo 2 дня назад
Imagine giving Harvey truffle oil when you could have given him coffee instead.
@crimsonraen 2 дня назад
Ya know.. You aren't far off. :P
@crimsonraen 2 дня назад
@crimsonraen 2 дня назад
LMAO! Oh gosh, that was brilliant. Also, I hate change.
@angusmuir6180 2 дня назад
Eeyup. They treat bus and train routes like businesses and whinge about them not being profitable, while completely ignoring the expense of constantly maintaining roads that don't make a single dime.
@sonicartzldesignerclan5763 2 дня назад
For people who wanna know the easy answer Its seen as an honorless move from both sides sith and jedis Done.
@iplayminecraft2248 2 дня назад
You could also just duck, since the arms are closer to the head instead of the legs, so the person on the high ground can’t reach you
@xxneroxxx4996 2 дня назад
@DarthLenna 2 дня назад
I am the king and youre just a pawn whos got the high ground now obi wan?
@wintermute7378 2 дня назад
This is something that is done in legends.
@Trypragmatic 2 дня назад
All you would have to do is force his shoes...
@jindrichsander9555 2 дня назад
Well its still mystical it just happens that midichlorians are basically receivers of the cosmic or spiritual side of the force. If you feel like destroying the middle man to achieve true force symbiosis than you are not the first one to think of that. Darth plagues thought like that.
@jozefmasny8349 2 дня назад
Ben: What should I do? Anakin: Tell her how much you don't like sand, it worked for me.
@mauriciogerhardt3209 2 дня назад
upper ground is only useful if you need strength to wield a heavy weapon (as you don't have to wield it so high (which is tiring)), and your strength adds to the damage (a sword swing will increase damage the longer the swing is so an attack from a higher ground would have greater swing than from a lower ground). Neither happens with a light saber, as it is a very lightweight weapon (as all the weight is in the handle), and the damage comes from the laser, not the strength of user. Those two points also indicate that if lightsabers were real, jedis would more likely fight in a fencing style, rather than medieval style. That's not even considering the jedi telekinesis power. Since jedis can use telekinesis, the best strategy for fighting would be to carry multiple tiny lightsabers, throw them in the air, control it to form a sphere of lightsabers all around the target, and then make them all attack the enemy at the same time like arrows, thus impossibilitating him from defending all directions, and killing him. If you think that would take too much concentration power, at the very least, fighting with one lightsaber using arms, and having another attacking from the back of the target using telekinesis seems very doable, and almost as useful. But getting back to the uselessness of higher ground: the fighter below has the range advantage. They'll look like this fighting: 0 I\ I \ 0 I --------I I I which means the lightsaber of the user on the bottom can reach the enemy before the top lighsaber can reach the enemy below. That gets to another issue: lightsaber lengths: why don't they use massively long lightsabers? It's dumb for them all to use standard lengths. Specially for siths, and specially for inhuman larger creatures. Star wars, just like harry potter isn't really scifi, but fantasy for people who want to imagine themselves being special and powerful.
@N0P3Sugar 2 дня назад
Dooku: Liar liar pants on fire! Palpatine: SNITCH!
@N0P3Sugar 2 дня назад
so which is it Midichlorian or Mitochondria?
@N0P3Sugar 2 дня назад
QuiGon: I might have miscalculated that mischievous side of Anakin! or do i (grin*)
@wildgamer2236 2 дня назад
the second i saw Anakin burning i went "you where saying"
@lorenzorenzulli2395 2 дня назад
Forget the joke at the end This scene could be a real one
@nhya-san86 2 дня назад
Pythagorean theorem
@elderliddle2733 2 дня назад
The Bane Trilogy explained why “simply turning it off” doesn’t work. When training with Ka’sim, a Sith blademaster, bane learns how to cast an invisible forcefield that blocks low intensity Force powers. He trained bane to fight with memorized forms so that his muscles could do the work mindlessly. This left the brain free to think, process, and focus enough to use the Force. Basically he throws up a passive barrier called a Force Wall. People of intense enough powers can break through of course, as the Son was able to casually break Anakin and Obiwan’s barriers literally turning off their lightsabers. See the Mortis arc in Clone Wars.
@christophersok2559 3 дня назад
This is the Forbidden technique