Chazak is a pulsating and dynamic community-based organisation established over nine years ago by Rabbi Shlomo Farhi and Rabbi Moshe Levy. Chazak’s goal is to offer an array of sumptuous spiritual food to London’s Sephardic community with programming that is fresh, relevant and exciting.
Rosh Hashana: New YOU
7 часов назад
Praying Alive 3 Amida Additions
7 часов назад
Nitzavim: Why Not You?
7 часов назад
Nitzavim: Only HIM
7 часов назад
Nitzavim: 1%
9 часов назад
Class #10 Navigating Anger & Resentment
9 часов назад
Nitzavim: You’re an Influencer!
12 часов назад
Makkot 19a3
14 часов назад
Ki Tavo: Turn The Lantern On!
19 часов назад
Makkot 19a1
21 час назад
Ki Tavo: Tizke Lemitzvot
21 час назад
Ki Tabo: Building Your Legacy
21 час назад
Ki Tavo - One vs Two
День назад
Makkot 18b2
День назад
Ki Tavo: The Great Trickster
День назад
Praying Alive 2 Arbit till Amida
День назад
Ki Tavo: Does That Make Me Crazy
День назад
Ki Tavo- Brachot Brachot
День назад
Ki Tavo - Say Thanks!
День назад
Praying Alive 1 Achot Ketana
День назад
Makkot 17b1
День назад
Ki Tetze: Return Policy
14 дней назад
Ki Tetze: Parenting from the Start
14 дней назад
@lenarudman5619 День назад
Thank you ! Shabbat Shalom .
@sbm32418 2 дня назад
So inspiring. Thank you so much. Good Shabbos.🙏
@andrearoosth564 2 дня назад
This is a wonderful class! Thank you!
@teresabock2532 3 дня назад
@teresabock2532 8 дней назад
@face_of_a_dog 9 дней назад
you made my day, or hachaim 😅
@ryankoryciak629 9 дней назад
@admire2004jl 10 дней назад
@ilana3232 10 дней назад
Wonderful Shuir! Thank you Rabbi Shlomo Farhi 🇮🇱❤️🎗💪🏻
@ridasz7954 11 дней назад
תודה רבה
@ryankoryciak629 11 дней назад
Ki Tavo: Say Thanks,....Thank You
@ryankoryciak629 11 дней назад
Mi Tavo When you come
@ridasz7954 13 дней назад
תודה רבה ❤
@rpalomo2011 15 дней назад
@face_of_a_dog 16 дней назад
many connected themes, good lecture. Hazaq u'Varuch
@ryankoryciak629 19 дней назад
Show me the button 🎉😊
@ryankoryciak629 19 дней назад
Good discussion Rabbi Ariel the garden of Eden isn't only a story just of two people 'adam and eve' in the backyard garden outside, the garden of Eden is 'the garden within' 'anahata' 'heart chakra' as well with the taming of 'Qoph' putting calm to the 'monkey man' or woman and pruning of the inner garden of the heart and mind to put the ego to death 'figuratively' and the self ego raising the inner vibration of love 'ahura Mazda' and putting away 'Angra mainyu' of the self.
@ryankoryciak629 22 дня назад
Yes okay, would you?
@andrearoosth564 22 дня назад
Thank you so much. The story about the fellow who began to say berachot later in life answered a question I have had. It reminded me of your story about the person who had berakhot or benchers printed in bulk for distribution to do tschuvah.
@susiebenzaquen2336 23 дня назад
As a Jew “America is the place in the world”? Really? What about Israel?
@andrearoosth564 24 дня назад
Thank you, Rabbi!
@rochelalbert3899 27 дней назад
I love your lecture but too hard to focus with all the background noise
@keifferiksson8537 28 дней назад
Angels have two legs. Go read Genesis 18.
@keifferiksson8537 29 дней назад
Amazing shiur. Shiur gadol.
@susiebenzaquen2336 Месяц назад
Listening from Israel and wondering why the Rav chooses to use the term that is more typically used by Arabs rather than Baruch HaShem. I personally find it upsetting. Is that really how the Sfardic community in the US speaks?
@TheNamdar1 Месяц назад
“The biggest insult to the memory of the Holocaust is not denying it, but using it an excuse to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people.” - Norman Finkelstein
@andrearoosth564 Месяц назад
Powerful and timely- thank you, Rabbi!
@francinebarr1204 Месяц назад
❤ That was a Beautiful Experience Traveling With You As You Unfold This Story. Shalom 😊
@ShiaKorchin Месяц назад
Very interesting!
@morelife943 Месяц назад
Great teaching.
@personanongrata7976 Месяц назад
Rod of Asclepius
@personanongrata7976 Месяц назад
This is very edifying. Thank you, Rabbi. Christian (Catholic) here.
@andrearoosth564 Месяц назад
Wonderful! Thank you, Rabbi, for this encouragement.
@YogaladyToronto Месяц назад
At 16:17 minutes, did Churchill not say “IRAQ”? I listened again and again at every playback speed. I keep hearing “IRAQ”. Can someone confirm this and/or explain?
@davedaves3489 Месяц назад
Are you wearing tzitzit ? If not then you cannot be taken seriously. Are they tucked in ?? If so then why ?
@shuabitton5274 Месяц назад
Firstly Sephardi Jews as per kabalah tuck thier Tzitzis in. I personally keep mine out :) but spending hours in cemeterys each of the day’s filming requires me to tuck them in as per Halacha! Having said that they do feature as the keep slipping out. I’ll leave it up to you to spot them :)
@davedaves3489 Месяц назад
@@shuabitton5274 firstly im a sephardic israeli. Mine are out bezrH unless i need to protect them bc im cleaning or doing dirty work or in a beit kevarot. Secondly i understand ur 2nd point. Thirdly most of the time u were outside of beit kevarot. Is it a safety issue in antisemitic europe where you were ? I thought not bc u wear a kippa. I noticed them out ONLY when you were in the beit knesset. If there is no safety issue which it seems not with your kippa so why not keep them out ?
@davedaves3489 Месяц назад
@@shuabitton5274 Mine are out unless i need to protect them bc im cleaning or doing dirty work or in a beit kevarot. And i see most sephardic israelis with them out. Im not aware of such kaballah. Can you explain it ?
@shuabitton5274 Месяц назад
It is Reb Chaim vital , it is to do with protecting the holiness. Google it. Secondly if you go into a cemetery, all options say you MUST tuck them in
@shuabitton5274 Месяц назад
צורת לבישת טלית קטן מנהג בני ספרד ורבים מבני אשכנז ללבוש את הטלית קטן מתחת לבגדים ולא על הבגדים. כמבואר בדברי העיטור, רבנו יונה, מהר"ם מרוטנבורג, המרדכי. וכן הוא על פי הקבלה, כמו שהעיד רבנו חיים ויטאל (שער הכוונות ז ע"ב) על רבינו האר"י ז"ל, שהיה לובש הטלית קטן מתחת לכל מלבושיו על החלוק הסמוך לבשר. וכן היה המנהג הנפוץ בזמן מרן הבית יוסף, כמבואר בבית יוסף (סימן כג), הגאון החיד"א ועוד. ויש מבני אשכנז הנוהגים ללבוש את הטלית קטן על הבגדים, כמובא בשלחן ערוך (סימן ח סעיף יא): עיקר מצות טלית קטן, ללובשו על בגדיו, כדי שתמיד יראהו ויזכור המצוות. המנהג הפשוט אצל גדולי רבני ספרד, שלא להוציא את הציציות מחוץ לבגדים, וכן נהגו כל גדולי החכמים והמקובלים זצ"ל שבדור הקודם. ואמנם מי שמרגיש שהוצאת הציציות בחוץ, מחזקת אותו ביראת שמים וגורמת לו לשמור על עיניו בהליכתו ברחוב וכיוצא, בודאי שיוציא. ובחור מבני ספרד שלומד בישיבה של בני אשכנז וכולם מוציאים ציציות, רשאי להוציא גם הוא ככולם. (יבי"א ח"ט סימן קח אות יח)
@ilana3232 Месяц назад
Thank you Rabbi … very inspiring and powerful especially @ the part when Rivka started keeping Shabbat and HaShem saved her life…..🇮🇱💪🏻❤️ Chazak Baruch ‼️
@endofdaysprophet Месяц назад
I feel like pointing out that JEWS worship YAHWEH!!! If the people stopped worshiping YAHWEH and BROKE the covenant with YAHWEH as pointed out in 1 Kings 9 in the days of Solomon or later by those that wrote about the people breaking their covenant with YAHWEH like in Jeremiah 31!!! These "tragedies" did NOT happen because the people "continue to walk in my ways", rather they are all products of people who chose false worship over the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!!!
@Simchah18169 Месяц назад
Baruch Hashem!!!
@Revekah Месяц назад
Thank you! What an amazing and inspiring to hear this young man’s presentation ❤🇮🇱🔯🕊️
@wormserguy Месяц назад
Is the narrator Rabbi Yehoshua Bitton?
@shuabitton5274 Месяц назад
@evayelloz Месяц назад
8:32 pm Los Angeles One of the best and most emotional, well researched pieces I have ever seen! Kol ha kavod​@@shuabitton5274
@judithbitton2858 Месяц назад
Yes the one and only
@wormserguy Месяц назад
@@judithbitton2858 👍😊
@davedaves3489 Месяц назад
Why doesnt he wear tzitzit ?????? If they are tucked in then why ????? I never saw a serious Gd-fearing Gd-loving rabbi not show his tzitzit. Even conservative rabbis do so.
@joekay3150 Месяц назад
Abarbanel wasn't kicked out he left to go with all the rest of the jews
@GayleLevy-y3k Месяц назад
Such an interesting and informative presentation!!! Thankyou!
@netjac Месяц назад
Amazing production. Very interesting!
@rebeccaaharon776 Месяц назад
Am Israel Chai
@sharons7597 Месяц назад
Wow thank you Rabbi Bitton!
@drnono3386 Месяц назад
@beesinthegardens Месяц назад
My father is from a very small Italian village called Marano Marchesato in Southern Italy . Now I understand my father's traditon of frying everything from sweets to savoury during the Christmas holidays and his very close affinity to the Jewish people. I think in his heart he knew where he belonged. We have just recently discovered our family name has Hebraic roots. Maybe that is why the town was named Marano Marchesato .
@irwinw5339 Месяц назад
Absolutely you are spot on.
@evemarksfulfillmentcoach633 Месяц назад
Very informative
@WENKTUBEWRC Месяц назад
🧠🫀🧭👣🕎🕍🕎👣👣✡️🇮🇱✡️👣👣Am Yisrael Chai 👣👣👣🌺🌻🌸🌼🌾🎻🏳️🕯️🌏🌎🌍🕯️🏳️🌾🎻