The Mary Michael Machabee Institute
The Mary Michael Machabee Institute
The Mary Michael Machabee Institute
We are a lay Catholic apostolate dedicated to knowing, loving, and serving all of the traditional doctrines of the Holy Catholic Church.
St. Basil | June 14th | The Liturgical Year
4 месяца назад
The Catholic Restoration
6 месяцев назад
@evelynbaldovino4716 17 дней назад
Praise God alleluia.. Come holy Spirit i need you all the time.. you are my strength..Lord help me to my financial situation today… Mama Mary i need you… you bless me now … Amen and Amen..
@margaretvanhuben9299 22 дня назад
There was no music
@shirleypatten6212 22 дня назад
I'm watching on my laptop. There's very soft background music, which I like. The music in some videos on other channels is so loud, I can hardly hear the recitation of prayers. Very distracting and annoying.
@ellenmarian2311 25 дней назад
Thank you for thr Holy Rosary fervently recited. ❤❤❤
@shirleypatten6212 Месяц назад
I hope we can look forward to Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries videos in the near future. But perhaps without pictures of naked baby angels?
@rosannazaffiro8075 Месяц назад
Such beautiful images make meditating so much more fruit ful for me. Thank you ❤️
@WrestlingMindset Месяц назад
0:37- Dogmatic Catechism 6:42- Questions of Catholics Answered 8:59- Creator and the Creatures 10:04- Denzinger
@WrestlingMindset Месяц назад
5:30- St Thomas 7:54- Fr Fenton 15:04- Dom Prosper Gueranger
@colleenwelling551 3 месяца назад
My grandson and I like to listen to these videos and very good singing at the beginning and end
@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad 3 месяца назад
Thanks for these videos
@Catholiccarpentarius 3 месяца назад
What a video summarizing well the cause and effect of the epic layout of God in His wisdom is using different groups to bring about the Redeemer of the world. Excellent stuff- so much to take in! It would be nice to see this book out there more.
@Catholiccarpentarius 3 месяца назад
This series ends so well. I'm glad that you have the second chapter started. The city shown at about 2 minutes, you can almost see Christ walking among the trees down the road.
@Catholiccarpentarius 3 месяца назад
What saint was is that held up the Eucharist in front of the donkey and the donkey genuflected? This is amazing. I'm sure many souls were helped with this testament.
@the3mi 3 месяца назад
That is good ol' St. Anthony of Padua.
@Catholiccarpentarius 3 месяца назад
When I think of what I see with so much confusion since Vatican II, I can find some peace with what Guerange said, "...The preservation of the Church through time without mixture in Her doctrine, without alteration in Her hierarchy, without suspension in her duration, without faltering in Her march..."
@Catholiccarpentarius 3 месяца назад
The image at 1 minute 50 seconds is powerful- nicely done, keep them coming!
@Catholiccarpentarius 3 месяца назад
I did not know about these 3 schools of history, thank you for providing clear info on each.
@Catholicaurula 3 месяца назад
I never hear much of anything of Saint Martin and yet thousands of churches are named after him! I'll have to read some more about him. Thank you for these. So fun to watch- I'm learning so much.
@Catholicaurula 3 месяца назад
I think I can get some of the faces at 1:50, but not all of them! Who are all the ones from more recent times?
@the3mi 3 месяца назад
5 separate Catholic priests who sought to radically transform the traditional, historic Catholic understanding of Creation. From left to right: Dollinger, Loisy, LeMaitre, de Chardin, and Jaki.
@Catholicaurula 3 месяца назад
Everything here below is for the elect and the elect are for Christ. So even invididuals who will not respond to God's grace and will not make it into heaven serve to help, purge, challenge those who will die in grace. Amazing.
@Catholicaurula 3 месяца назад
How true that one of the most powerful instruments of conversion was the constancy of the martyrs! These are so beautiful to watch.
@Raphaelk-ws7lp 3 месяца назад
8:38 why not all "Bibles" are holy...
@elizabethdettmer2646 3 месяца назад
Very informative
@djstaffo2075 3 месяца назад
excellence bit of apologetics in less than 3 minutes. Wow, who can argue against such. Either you believe all or nothing.
@elizabethdettmer2646 3 месяца назад
Very informative and interesting.
@Raphaelk-ws7lp 3 месяца назад
1:47 does not seem so evolutionary after a line like that
@Raphaelk-ws7lp 3 месяца назад
29:47 is worth replaying after watching too much of the news these days
@user-patspruce 3 месяца назад
It makes me realize how much I have wasted my time on earth and I know that I do not have much time left to me.
@Raphaelk-ws7lp 3 месяца назад
9:48 if you ever need a reason to study and contemplate the Mystery of Creation...
@user-patspruce 3 месяца назад
Men are not perfect and will make mistakes. The Catholic Faith itself is never wrong as it was instituted by Christ Himself for our salvation. If we would only adhere to the Catholic Church's teachings.
@user-patspruce 3 месяца назад
For those protestants who claim their church to be the true church, you would think they should realize the falsehood of that as all of the protestant churches were started by men. Only the Catholic Church was started by God the Son, Jesus Christ.
@Raphaelk-ws7lp 3 месяца назад
Why doesn't this have more views? Questions like "What is defined dogma?" "What about teachings that have not been formally declared yet have been practiced for centuries?" are essential questions to which every Catholic should know the answer!
@Catholiccarpentarius 3 месяца назад
This was such a treat to watch! Thank you for this quality documentary. Well said about grace- it aspires to cover man in all his depth to fix itself I him in all his degrees . The introduction to the four schools of history was very helpful- I learned a lot I didn't know before. How many Catholics really hold onto the Christian school of history? Is this saying that when people take egyptology or paleontologists as more important than what the Catholic Church has always taught this leads souls into troubled areas?
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
What a quote by the gueranger on Christian history. Amazing. The quote by the evolutionist, Fr. LeMaitre regarding Fatima is very sad. To think a priest could say such a thing. The photo with him and Albert Einstein- at least the scientist priest was able to impress Mr. Relativity. Even in places where the liturgy is preserved from the many corruptions of the past half century there still seems to be the acceptance of some principles of the false naturalist school. How can this be helped?
@djstaffo2075 4 месяца назад
His work always leaves one in contemplation, hopefully in contemplation of Truth. Thank you for putting this together. Very well done and inspiring. God bless
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
Pius X hits it on the head in this one!
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
…. Such ideas may win the applause of the world, but not the salvation of souls. Do you think that most scientists just give into human respect to such a large degree for fear of being mocked by the Bill Nye people of the world?
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
Yes! Of course every Catholic knows the power and importance of the Rosary and scapular and yet Catholics are not required to pray or use these. But what Catholic does use these always? Good point.
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
The Council of Trent clearly provides so much protection against 'progressive creationism'. Isn't this just another form of evolution?
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
Excellent. I hope that the Kolbe Center will play some of your videos!
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
Good point well over a millienia and a half of the doctrines of creation were consistent and universally held in dealing with instantaneous creation, ordering of the days, God revealed age of the universe. This helps me to see that new progress of "science" over 200 years ago is just like today when all kinds of conservatives are giving into the next phase of the progress of "science". Thank you for this great work!
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
Hell fire …that opens the mind up
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
I’ve not heard of this priest Fr. Frasinetti- has he written on any other topics?
@djstaffo2075 4 месяца назад
Very, very good presentation. Your video and voice and superb. It certainly shows that history repeats its self. I will try to spread your apostolate.
@the3mi 4 месяца назад
Very kind of you! May God reward you for your kindness and assitance!
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
Good video- informative and concise. Really enjoyed watching!
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
Basil's comparison of the ocean to the prayers of men, women, and children was interesting. I did not think the ocean's power and magnificence could be compared the way he did. What a saint. I hope others can learn of this great man of our Lord.
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
That’s interesting that out of humility he disguises himself as Peregrinus in his writing to express the quality of being a pilgrim or stranger on earth. Make me think of a book recommend by a priest I knew- Pilgrims Progress. Is that a good book?
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
'not to keep silent, not to conceal, not to mitigate extraordinary facts which God produces'. yes that is truly the aim of how to be
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
For a breath is sufficient to sway the crowd to and fro. Isn't this the truth!
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
Bill Nye the Science Guy- hahaha. Such a good use of that worshipper of science and not even real science. 'Trust the science' of the saints.
@Catholiccarpentarius 4 месяца назад
Peace: Saint Basil had the true meaning of peace down- good man
@Catholicaurula 4 месяца назад
The shaking of hands in which one was a red hand with black nails...very scary! But reminds me of making friends with the world.