We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by us!

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@jplayzow 10 минут назад
"Screw Nazis" is bad bc they *saw* a Nazi which prompted them to say that
@starfuryduck3446 17 минут назад
I mean the thing is, im taking the example of the STD one with the twin: many of these people are just misinformed about what certain illnesses are and how they are transmitted or are just misunderstood or misinformed about medication or how the body in general works, so I personally wouldn't find it such a bother to explain it to people. Like i get it, how does one f up something like that, but if it was never properly explained the first time to a patient, then how do you ever expect them to properly know. Idk man, i feel a lot of these are really over exaggerated in terms of whats considered "common sense" and not.
@PardonMeBut... 20 минут назад
I have a testimony of my religion, many, in fact, which is stated by my other comment. I simply cannot believe the things that people are saying in this video. It sounds legit, but just wrong. I know this can’t be right. Something is wrong here. EDIT: They don’t do this. These things are just not true. I’m not saying that people are lying, or at least I don’t want to, but somehow these things aren’t true. My parents, my siblings & I are a happy family. My entire family, my ward members, they are all happy.
@jinkibiwi359 27 минут назад
For the first one it almost feels like the cops were also in it and trying to distract from that case
@SwifyPlayz 31 минуту назад
holy who ever is driving sucks learn how to cut up traffic
@PardonMeBut... 31 минуту назад
I live in Australia. I have NEVER been bullied IN MY ENTIRE LIFE (except kind of by my “friend”). The schools I went to were great, though probably because there’s this one school that EVERYONE goes to (3000+ students) and there is fierce competition between schools. The other schools are usually only around 500 students. Not even a city area, 40 mins away from Brisbane, a lot of properties big farming ones.
@JATorigin 38 минут назад
What i'm asking is how are all of these people on REDDIT
@PardonMeBut... 41 минуту назад
I’m a Mormon. It’s nothing like a cult and the people part of it are the nicest people I’ve ever met. I genuinely do not know how it is even possible for people to be this nice. The experiences described are nothing like mine. Though, if you feel uncomfortable and feel like it is a cult, then that is your choice. Edit: WTF!? PEOPLE TOUCHING YOUR PRIVATE PARTS!? MY DAD HAS BEEN A MISSIONARY, AND MY GRANDPARENTS CONTINUE TO DO SO!! I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO END THIS SENTENCE...
@rdcchannel5364 42 минуты назад
I think this only happens at my school but in india we have cbse which is a board foreducation monitoring the schools where in our 11th we have to choose a group which is solely based on our mark which in itself a seperate matter to dicuss but in my school during 9th and 10 th grade they seperate the students based on their marks and performance in subjects and these students get best teachers and teaching(fyi : i am also that kid who got in those classes) and i think its really unfair for those kids .But due to this system many of that kids despised us just because we are in that class.I think it ahould be changed you know.
@jalenanderson9706 43 минуты назад
What game was that in the background?
@user-ml3hl6vr4t 54 минуты назад
Friends visiting and took their 13 year old son rock hunting. A few clouds around dripping, not unusual. A college built partly into some bluffs. Right behind the dorms is a few ridges and a renowned sight for rainbow jasper. We parked behind the dorms, I put a note on the dash about rock picking in the area and we went up the hill. No lofting but a cloud lightly raining showed. I was looking that direction over the ridge and cloud to ground lightning hit over the other side. About 3-5 meters away in front of me I seen a leader flick in my peripheral vision about a meter high. About the height of the open scrub we were in. I grabbed bags and said we are leaving NOW and began a good pace down the rough. He was smaller and shorter. With adrenaline, I put him on my hip and started hopping some of the cracks his legs were too short to clear. Then I put him down and we finished the run to the car and got in. I solemnly swore him to not telling anyone else. It wasn’t until a few decades later that I told him why we ran for it. I also managed to bring our findings back and gave him the whole works as being nice.
@AxlLeigh 55 минут назад
baby giraffe on ketamine 😂😂😂😂😂
@SoundOfFreedom67 56 минут назад
Abstinence needs to be more normalized
@creative_4ever Час назад
Congrats on your 100k subs!!! 🎉now... I want the promised face reveal!!! 😁
@mildredhubble6848 Час назад
That Final Destination moment with the metal spikes might not have happened if he hadn’t have taken those few extra seconds to move them, meaning they wouldn’t have been in that exact place to crash. I had a similar thing that happened. I left the house to go skating without my gloves, went back after a few minutes to get them because my hands were freezing. A few yards down the road a car is coming towards me so I step up onto the path. I catch my wheels on the edge of a hatch and go flying and permanently fucked up my hand. I tried to protect my hands, but ended damaging one of them.
@frosted_glaceon5513 Час назад
I live in the US, never in my life heard of a Yoo-hoo. I thought it was slang for lady parts and got super confused when she said she put it on the counter. 😂
@cerovk6000 Час назад
What’s the game in the background?
@melocoton7 Час назад
I lived in a small beach community as a teenager. We used to hang out at each others houses all the time and everyone walking home at night was a normal thing to do. One night I was walking home, a street I had walked countless times but this time, as I was about 10-15 meters from a little dark patch of the road my neck hairs stood up and felt a void in my stomach. A voice in my head said "RUN!". I hadn't seen or heard anything, but I started jogging anyway. Just as I was entering the dark spot I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I start running. A man emerged out of the shadows and I booked it turbo speed. I felt his hand miss me by literally nothing while saying "I finally got you". I was an athletic teenager thankfully and I was fast AF. Ran full speed all the way home. Mom and Stepdad went out looking for the dude with a shotgun. Didn't find him but he was a known criminal in the area and if he had managed to grab me I would have been 1000% SA'd, if not worse.
@violethope02 Час назад
hey can you maybe not do little quippy marvel one liners after stories about SA?
@StormTheSquid Час назад
45:26 wtf kind of mother leaves their kid to take a *BUS, ALONE, ON PAINKILLERS, AFTER SURGERY WITH ANESTHESIA?!?!?!* I swear sometimes these stories make me question how we survived as a species with people like that as parents...
@valkyrie1066 Час назад
I can imagine there are many that hearing people just learn to block out. Hearing EVERYTHING on the same level? Oh, yes, there are many ANNOYING noises.
@junecleaver4099 Час назад
"....one of the many, many reasons i dont exercise" 😂
@juinman3251 Час назад
"Attention all units, suspect seen heading south. Block all major roads and capture him"
@cathyvickers9063 2 часа назад
Thank you for pronouncing it as Try-age & not tridge. Like fridge, but with a T. Artificial voices can't tell the difference between an A & a D! I learned to pronounce it as tree-age.
@namjoon-ahsaranghae2385 2 часа назад
About the deaf story. I have one. It's funny. I always work at a company where people don't realise I am hard of hearing. And after work I always interact in sign language with my friend and her friends (from her company) and this went on for few weeks untill my mom called for an emergency during my interaction with the deaf group. And one boy was frozen is shock as they actually assumed I am dead or had trouble with little hearing but here I was on the phone like any other person with no disability. It was then I realised people assume a lot about others including me. Lol. My friend knew that I speak but her friends didn't know and it is a sweet memory now.
@nikirobinson9702 2 часа назад
I'm a surg tech, you pronounced "Canula" right. Can-you-la :)
@skellious 2 часа назад
Your pronounciation of cannula as cann-u-la is right. Its latin. From the same root as canal. Your pronounciation of triage is completely wrong though. It's pronounced tree-arj, not tri-arj
@baconshreds1772 2 часа назад
I'm currently in a position where I'm pretty much unable to be fired. It's pretty nice. I dictate my breaks and do whatever I want whenever I want as long as I actually do my work. I basically don't even have a boss.
@hyliandragongaming 2 часа назад
What’s the game being played in the background?
@widowkeeper4739 2 часа назад
The person who had a creep calling her at age 9 and her mother just laughing it off sounds so much like how my own "mother" was. If it was too complicated, too much work, or too expensive, my mother would just gaslight both us and herself by pretending it wasn't REALLY that big of a deal. We were just being overdramatic and silly children, which gave her the convenient excuse to not have to do anything. There were so many situations where my brother and I were just left to fend for ourselves and survived only by sheer luck because our egg donor was useless. I really hope that storyteller is doing OK today.
@TaeTy45 2 часа назад
Some of these make me want to go home and hug my kids tight and never let go. Baldr's breath...
@sunnyandthechlo 2 часа назад
Never thought I’d hear about geocaching in one of these videos but it really does make you end up in some questionable places. Probably one of the reasons I don’t do it any more. That and the baby rattlesnake I found sleeping underneath one.
@ludezo 2 часа назад
"Where it's pretty 'rednecky' in spots." This might just be one of the best made-up adjectives there are.
@timehunter9467 2 часа назад
Does “push to talk” not exist or something? Easiest way of being muted.
@dailydrivensedans4875 3 часа назад
Please for the love of god triage is "tree ahdge" triage.... tree,ah,dge Edit:triazed??? Thats not even a word. The fact its spelled and pronounced wrong answers my question as to if your a real person. Might not even be an owner to this account. Ais powerfull enough to run the whole show😭
@bodine219 3 часа назад
When I was in college I went to a park with a couple of friends in the middle of the night (stone sober, just bored) and we were about to walk down a trail when all three of us got a weird bad feeling at the same moment. We shared a couple glances and hurried back to the car without even discussing it. If I remember right, some instinct had us watching the trail, not just turning and running. Definitely walked, but quickly. Next day, we hear there was a cougar sighted in the area, which was extremely rare. Like unheard of for our area. To this day, I have never felt the same deep dread in the pit of my stomach, hyperawareness of every hair and movement of the wind.
@NiaJustNia 3 часа назад
So I was looking through r/medical gore, and the amount of things that were minor issues that people ignore until it's a disaster, is absolutely baffling. It also gave me a fear of "bone setters", which is basically an older person in some Indian and African rural areas, where a bone is set by wrapping it tightly, which often leads to limb death, requiring full limb amputation or if they still can't get to a hospital, death from sepsis.
@AcousticKitty 3 часа назад
"there's not a lot of blood in the scalp" uh no, not true. head wounds, even small ones, always bleed a lot more than you'd expect.
@someguyO2W 3 часа назад
This is my life. I don't care about being fired, and I'm valuable af!
@xxconsperus_yt4136 3 часа назад
one time on my way home via the school bus, it started to gently rain. After we dropped one person i just sat between the next person and the door. The teacher after like 10 seconds told me to move, so I did. later during the ride, it started to rain hailstones. we got on with the ride and one of the urban routes to my place was barred off by a whole tree. we watched it fall. We turned around and followed through a different route. A tree literally fell on a car directly in front of us if I hadn't just sat between the door and that guy, we probably would have died
@Ptero4 3 часа назад
Those are the people who vote democrat.
@Dueiso 3 часа назад
@BrokenKat1 3 часа назад
I was driving on the highway behind but in the next lane over to a dump truck. I had a feeling to get away from it but the car in front of me was going to slow to pass it so i slowed down. Not 10 seconds later the whole tire came off of it hit the car beside it rolled hit the concrete wall in the middle. Bounced really high in the air then came down right on the hood of a car on the other side of the highway on the service road then bounced off that car to continue rolling off. I and the car in front of me were able to safely drive around all the debris. If i had not slowed down that tire wouldve hit me instead
@volpecremisi878 3 часа назад
I wanna know what the background is
@underwearmaintenance 3 часа назад
I’d had a partial hysterectomy 11 months before I had a full one. Endometrial cancer. So we had my fiancé’s grandkids all day. I was doing ok with getting around and such at this point. We took them to the play center place, I forget what they’re called. They have all the jungle gyms and the tubes they climb around in. Whatever. Anyway, we went out to dinner at the restaurant their dad (BF’s son) managed. I ate really well, but I was definitely ready to go home. We never told the kids about my cancer or my surgery or anything, so I acted like I was just fine all day, just a bit tired is what I told them, I just had a feeling that something was off. I just wasn’t feeling quite right. No major symptoms or anything, just… something. We went back home. Their dad finally got off work and picked up the kids. Bf closed the door, looked at me, and asked if I was ready to go. I had never said anything to him. He took me straight to the ER at the hospital where I’d just had my surgery. I was taken back right away. I could have waited. It wasn’t urgent or anything. I just wanted to make sure I was ok. I was told Dr. Russell would be with me shortly. “My doctor Russell?” (Who was my gyno who’d also operated on me.) “No. Her husband.” Ok. Cool. Bf stood against the wall and kept rocking back and forth on it. He was acting nervous. He never acted nervous. I had no idea what the hell was going on. He kept looking behind me, so I sat up and looked behind me. My blood pressure was 70/30!! My O2 was 94! My temperature was 103.5. Dr Russell came in and looked me over. I had a hematoma at one of the surgical wounds, but it was going down and doing much better. He couldn’t do a pelvic unless he really doped me up because of the very recent surgery. So he pressed my abdomen a bit and pulled out his cell. He called his wife. “I have a patient of yours here and…” His voice trailed off as he left the room. About a half an hour later his wife came into my room and told me she’s going to admit me. I still had no idea what was going on. She swabbed me inside and told me she had to send it to the lab to find out exactly. They drew a ton of blood to go with it. 15 minutes later a man came in and did an ultrasound. Everything was happening really fast. That never happens in the ER. I was taken to a hospital room in the IMU (Intermediate Care Unit) I felt lucky because exactly where my bff worked. I was hung with all kinds of IVs. My Dr. Russell came into my room about an hour later and told me I had internal cellulitis (I didn’t know that was a thing) and it had caused septicemia. That I was very sick and I’m lucky that I came in when I did. Bf was right beside me this entire time. He never left my side. I finally had to make him leave because his students really needed him. They were preparing for mid terms. He couldn’t be half asleep in class. I was properly doped up and fell right to sleep. I was closely monitored for a week and I healed up just fine. All of this because I felt a little off. It was crazy!
@Kate21214 3 часа назад
I got one I'm the patient I was 20 I have spina bifida and cath through my belly button couldn't get a cathinng tube in went to the er for help was left in my er room for 4 hours crying trying constantly to get a tube in cause I have ptsd and wanted to get out of there after 18 hours of not peeing I finally got a tube in and taped it in. asked them if they wanted to keep me I was positive I was going to get a uti or kidney infection they told me I'm fine sent me home. after working my full shift at work I went home crying in horrible kidney pain went to a er not the same one. was later taking by ambulance to a major hospital in the biggest city in the state. I had gone septic from the kidney infection they said I didn't have the day before 3 nights icu and 3 potassium drips and I lucky to be here. now in stage 4 kidney failure having to go in for any kidney pain so i don't go septic again. later went to my primary urologist he had to redo my umbilical cath scar tissue was blocking the channel.
@kunfussed213 3 часа назад
100k!! CONGRATS!!! 👏🎇👏🎇👏