Kaptain Beans
Kaptain Beans
Kaptain Beans

'the literal CEO of warcrimes...' ~Teph
Hey there, fellow Tarhans, I'm Kaptain Beans, and I make gaming videos. Currently I make HighFleet videos, but I do plan on making content from other games in the future.

Здарова, дорогие тарханы, я Капитан Бинс, и я делаю игровые ролики. В данный момент, я делаю видео о HighFleet, но планирую создавать контент с других игр.
Coming Soon...
4 месяца назад
@rasyaanimates2338 13 часов назад
lebron james scream if you love highfleet
@kuzerov2123 3 дня назад
ya the problem i see with flares is, if the missile is IR type then just think about it your shooting small sparkles next to you BIG ****ing space lunching engines, soo ya i see why they don't work.
@kaptainbeans 3 дня назад
Yeah it’s better to stop engines as you’re flaring
@laff__8821 4 дня назад
*<<That's what V2 is for.>>*
@karpikrus4892 4 дня назад
Кстати, разработчик highfleet давал интервью, в котором говорил, что хочет полностью переделать аркадные бои, сделав большие корабли более выгодными (и добавить корабли ещё больших размеров) а так же упоминал, что очень хочет ввести огромных мехов в игру. Так же в соц сетях было опубликовано 3D модель пустынного дома, что намекает на возможное полное переделывание игры в 3D
@sunofabeach9424 4 дня назад
six skylarks in a coat made me fuckign die
@kaptainbeans 4 дня назад
@sunofabeach9424 4 дня назад
@@kaptainbeans "Калифорния. Перегрев."
@rasyaanimates2338 2 дня назад
​@@kaptainbeans united states of skylark
@Sp1n3c 5 дней назад
Who the F farted!
@xw1ngnutsx952 6 дней назад
Wonderfully good fun! Thanks for the entertaining and informative educational build guide. o7
@kaptainbeans 6 дней назад
@xw1ngnutsx952 5 дней назад
@@kaptainbeans Wery Kapitain! o7
@Sp1n3c 7 дней назад
Beautiful missile carrier/tanker
@kaptainbeans 7 дней назад
@krieger8825 8 дней назад
Which is better, Archangel or Gladiator?
@kaptainbeans 8 дней назад
@kaptainbeans 8 дней назад
I’m kidding, Archangel is just bigger, more powerful, has better armour layout, but gladiator is faster and is less costly
@S-ACV 9 дней назад
Man, I wish my game didn't lag so that it would be as smooth as this.
@kaptainbeans 9 дней назад
Are you playing on a decent(ish) pc or laptop? If so then it’s just the game being not-so optimised. Sometimes the game lags for no reason even on my end, but restarting my pc always helped
@S-ACV 9 дней назад
@@kaptainbeans no, my PC is horrible
@S-ACV 9 дней назад
@@kaptainbeans and besides the point, I have settings set to lowest possible and even in the map it lags do much, have to play using strategical assets such as missiles and planes
@kaptainbeans 9 дней назад
@@S-ACV oof
@macncheesefeast 9 дней назад
@maus-chanuwu1244 10 дней назад
Ran put of fuel ?
@vasilromano9093 10 дней назад
What an ugly abomination is that!
@imgodzillaurjp 10 дней назад
add some fire extinguishers just in case
@starskream66 17 дней назад
So, this mod is gonna give you The Greatest CBT you ever know. And i like that....
@kaptainbeans 17 дней назад
@IstvanK_PC 17 дней назад
Funny and cool recap and review of the walkthrough and the mod. I liked this run, but fight difficulty was fluctuating, balance was a bit off in my opinion. Still, incredibly well done and really fun mod, the creator did a great job.
@SrYozha 17 дней назад
Ждём прохождения на харде с кастомными кораблями. Кстати, в моде есть ошибка, я не могу создать свой собственный флагман. будет здорово, если это исправят и добавят дополнительную настройку в интерфейс, чтобы флагманом можно было делать любой корабль прямо в редакторе
@kaptainbeans 17 дней назад
В каком смысле невозможно флагман делать? В фаилах игры или просто дизайны сложно придумать?
@SrYozha 17 дней назад
@@kaptainbeans в файлах игры. Прописываю строку, что это корабль флагман, а игра не реагирует. Все флагманы, созданые до мода работают.
@filipzietek5146 14 дней назад
@@SrYozha I played with custom flagsip in the latest version of the game, no problems.
@midokiyang5303 17 дней назад
I don't have enough time to play this mod. But luckily , I still can watch your video.
@Adomantit 17 дней назад
Дядечка Женечка Пригожин очень смешной)))
@kaptainbeans 17 дней назад
Забавный персонаж согл
@DustyPazner 17 дней назад
Gameplay is great but the story and writing left a lot to be desired. It feels a lot like balkan being the setting wasnt utilized to the fullest, and the tarkans have just a little more personality that base game... just barely. Too much of the mod is just the base game reskined
@shieldbearer8115 17 дней назад
That's the extend HF can be modded :/
@DustyPazner 17 дней назад
@@shieldbearer8115 I really mean the tutorial is very similar and some of the tarkans are just reskined. The master is also just Admiral daud. But i did really love all of the art and this mod with all my heart so for me an honest review is 0/10 game too hard (9/10)
@shieldbearer8115 15 дней назад
@@DustyPazner Yes these are all limitations of modding the game. It's not a new dlc.
@shieldbearer8115 17 дней назад
Shit mod, 0/10
@DustyPazner 17 дней назад
Bro the music and atmosphere alone makes it a 6/10 for me
@kaptainbeans 17 дней назад
I think overall it’s “thermal signature detected” out of “steady as she goes” for me
@DustyPazner 17 дней назад
@@kaptainbeans you see i made bootleg lightnings that dont have any detection so i didnt hear anyone of that ☺️
@filipzietek5146 14 дней назад
I really enjoyed the difficulty in the latest version, the AI ship designs are really scary compared to vanilla. The story was a bit dissapointing since no major events happen including the ending but i understand that many things are not modable.
@shieldbearer8115 13 дней назад
@@filipzietek5146 thank you for the understanding
@S-ACV 18 дней назад
I think beans is Russian
@kaptainbeans 18 дней назад
I think he is
@johnteslov5870 20 дней назад
I thought anything other than 130 mm and 180 mm is useless but looks like AK-100 kinda works
@kaptainbeans 19 дней назад
100mm is also good AA with three or four guns and proxy fuses
@alfredoaaron2664 20 дней назад
i used the jammer to hide and prevent the enemy my position but i was wrong
@kaptainbeans 20 дней назад
A jammer does kinda distort your real location on enemy radar (the grains on the radar screen) but the problem is that they will know you’re jamming and will start to use anti-radiation missiles (KH-15P, which locks ONTO radar or jammer)
@Franpowah 21 день назад
lmao lost my shit when the Lightning got a participation badge
@kaptainbeans 21 день назад
@Franpowah 22 дня назад
I wonder how cost effective it will be to buy and carry around the 8gun anti cruiser ship, compared to using 2 or 3 AA pods per cruiser defense on a non dedicated ship.
@kaptainbeans 22 дня назад
You can get away with 6 37mm guns if you place your shots well, unlike how I did in the video. Having missiles is a good defense but it’s not 100% reliable. It’s always good to have layers of defense in this game, a bit of strategic defense and a bit of CIWS helps
@kaptainbeans 22 дня назад
It is cost effective to have guns if it’s 37mm or 57mm because you don’t buy HE ammo, it comes free. This does cost a lot of upfront prices, but will work when you have it. Missiles on the other hand, have to be replenished which is the leading cost here, but the missiles upfront are not as much as guns + ammo modules + power
@TarkhanTeph 23 дня назад
Be happy that you got to fight the Memnon in your campaign. Either the vanilla game or the mod were pretty bugged during my run. Anyway congrats on finishing FtHV!
@kaptainbeans 23 дня назад
Thanks man!
@homelanduniversitypress1150 25 дней назад
FBI: Dispatch a team, He knows too much.
@homelanduniversitypress1150 26 дней назад
I'm at the barbers watching this and when your Carrier got speared i went 'Sheet' and everyone was like 'Tf wrong w/you?'
@kaptainbeans 26 дней назад
Nah, at the barber is crazy 💀
@homelanduniversitypress1150 26 дней назад
I never had the money glitch in vanilla v.1.163.d. I sure hope I did though.
@Sp1n3c 27 дней назад
So did you enjoy HV better than vanilla highfleet?
@kaptainbeans 27 дней назад
Gameplay yes
@dnjproducciones2358 27 дней назад
Finally, after so many battles, so many sacrifices, the journey ends here. Captain, I can only say that it has been an honor to serve at your side, and to live long enough to see the monastery liberated. I can't wait for the next adventure Long live the Beans Navy, and the Romani Empire!
@kaptainbeans 27 дней назад
I’d like to point out that the ending is missing a cutscene and got some scenes mixed up because this is a bugged save.
@Xx_REDACTED_xX 27 дней назад
finnaly its over
@SDDanil1123 27 дней назад
But what was inside the monastery that the only with emperor's blessing could see? And most of all main characters definitely saw it despite clear orders and yet the court (?) has let them go The ending was meh to be honest, although it was nice to see a little bit of each character's story :)
@filipzietek5146 27 дней назад
It was a wooden holy icon so pretty much a nothing burger and there was no gathering counter atack or your father atacking you for brking the orders and going inside the monastery which was a bit dissapointing. So overall the ending was a bit dissapointing, you kill the memnon and thats basicly everything. Also i think the base game ends with the great darkness or calamity and the Khiva bunker is supposedly a key to survival while here it seems the gathering just loses the war and everyone lives happily. Regardless i enjoyed combat and the strike groups battles far more tha n in the base game, shame it's not possible to mae the SGs respawn after 50% mark of the campaign.... usually at this point they are al ldead and the 2nd half of the campaign becomes a bit boring.
@SDDanil1123 27 дней назад
@@filipzietek5146 So, all this security and mystery just for the holy icon? This is some sort funny, like imagine the face expression of rebels who tried to capture monastery lol!!1 Despite ending being disappointing and some minor bugs, the mod can be called unofficial dlc to the main game
@dimostychalas9716 27 дней назад
​​@@filipzietek5146Are we sure it is just an icon? Or does it have some... other properties? There is a second ending in the mod
@filipzietek5146 27 дней назад
I will play it again
@kaptainbeans 27 дней назад
@@dimostychalas9716 I'll be glad to take a look at the second ending when the mod will be ready. Take your time with it, don't rush or hurry. I'll be more interested to play it when it has much more new stuff and gameplay to enjoy
@eliasvicard3399 27 дней назад
Yeah, the ending is broken, it missed a cutscene
@Noek-Vessel-H. 27 дней назад
@IstvanK_PC 27 дней назад
At the Hara Vera fights the high speed music was very fitting, you could picture the band sweating while playing. This campaign was amazing, the mod is really well done.
@shieldbearer8115 27 дней назад
uhm... the ending was utterly broken..
@filipzietek5146 27 дней назад
Where is the promised double Memnon battlgroup with a Zefir in the last version? Thats plain false advertisement!😭😭😭
@shieldbearer8115 26 дней назад
@@filipzietek5146 wha? when did I promise this?
@IstvanK_PC 28 дней назад
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. 10/10 mod
@Sp1n3c 28 дней назад
HV or Vanilla?
@kaptainbeans 28 дней назад
Hara Vera
@johnteslov5870 29 дней назад
I turned skylark into a strategic light flagship with 2 airplanes and 4 missile silos
@kaptainbeans 29 дней назад
@johnteslov5870 29 дней назад
Rockets are better for missile interception really
@kaptainbeans 29 дней назад
Yes and no? The A-100 works well a lot of times in the strategic map especially when it’s going dead towards the enemy missile. A-100N is the same but it can also intercept R-3N unlike the “geneva compliant” variant. Those two however are not 100% reliable as sometimes enemy cruise missiles can take a hit from an A-100, so then you either launch another one or you use other ways to intercept. If you meant rockets as in 220mm MRLS from an A-220, then idk. Air-to-air missiles from planes are also effective, probably less reliable than an A-100 but they do good too. CIWS on ships is almost always effective in tactical intercept given good aim and enough firepower, but it doesn’t help in strategic map. Some individuals will say, however, that dodging and avoiding enemy cruise missiles altogether is the best way of intercepting them, but they are minmaxxers and you should laugh at them) Anyways thank you for commenting!
@Sp1n3c 29 дней назад
The game is brutal. I'm still trying to finish it on normal difficulty
@kaptainbeans 29 дней назад
Good luck!
@Sp1n3c 29 дней назад
That looks like a good design
@kaptainbeans 29 дней назад
@TarkhanTeph Месяц назад
Has modding gone too far?
@maus-chanuwu1244 29 дней назад
Its art
@kaptainbeans 29 дней назад
It’s (F)art
@barmaley5933 Месяц назад
Товарищ, спик ту раша плиз!