Top 1000 Faceit, Rank G, 6th place on Premier Leaderboards, Ex ECL-Relegation Player
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HOW TO PLAY: T Anubis (CS2 Guide)
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@fredrik1337 3 минуты назад
wait how the fuck do you get good molotov visibility like in the intro? mine are still impossible to see through
@user-ny7el1sp6h 10 минут назад
the unrelated gameplay is so annoying
@muntazirali6346 35 минут назад
its not just feels, with an awp not moving 100% accuracy my bullet went thru enemies body just yesterday and it happend twice in a single map on dust 2. i even have the video 😭
@ksemkjk 53 минуты назад
this is truest rant ive heard so far about the spray problem. i myself have been looking relentlessly for a solution to my ass ak spray in cs2. i really wish that some valve dev would watch this.
@polyaddict 58 минут назад
I really appreciate the kz background footage on this
@michaelalexify Час назад
you really think the buy menu is better in cs2???
@sickdewd5694 Час назад
Surely we see this in pro games soon
@rdcgyyyyyyyyy 2 часа назад
60k views in 1 day, surely this will make a difference. Imagine I have more fun shooting in 1.6 and for me it's a joke that you need "NASA PC" to play cs.
@frank_sawyer 2 часа назад
you would die like 20x times from mid doors while trying to line up this smoke = useless in competitive prime matchmaking ...
@ayushgautam1527 2 часа назад
really goated insight brother please email this to valve all of you to make it visible the white dot. subscribed you now
@a7isdroubble844 2 часа назад
if they remove the screen shake it would 100 times easier
@noname-cg7ez 3 часа назад
I think the problem is that the brightness has been changed, making it difficult to see the spray and also making it difficult to see the crosshair. I also think that the problem with kill delay is that there is no intuitive connection between the aim you move and the moment you kill the enemy, so it doesn't lead to learning how to aim.
@bubanto 3 часа назад
@nyannyanneko5919 4 часа назад
hit reg is so shit, too hard to hit moving target, which makes smgs and shotguns so over power also the peeker advantage gone way higher than csgo, sometimes its no way anyone can react
@differentone_p 4 часа назад
We all know there's something wrong with CS 2.
@nili832 4 часа назад
I thought about this topic i few days ago. My conclusion Was that in csgo i was orienting my spray by the bullet tracers while shooting which was far more difficult in cs2
@steven-vj7vi 5 часов назад
How are you playing csgo kz? I changed my version to legacy and looked up community servers but got a pop up saying server are no longer supported
I used to disable viewmodel recoil in cs go since it would mess with my perception of spray but in cs 2 such an option doesnt exist and since the animations are working worse by a bit spray feels wonky asf
@all4ornoth1ng75 5 часов назад
This video is absolutely spot on, I always feel the same but couldn't get them together into words.
@Valla451 6 часов назад
You haven't understood how Subtick netcode works and why there is more of a delay client side. Its a trade off for online kill accuracy to account for ping differences If you're still not confident in your spray without feedback you might just need more playtime. You can adjust to the slower feedback with confidence you're on target
@pugstar9298 7 часов назад
bros got the mr beast tik tok algorithim bar for the add, thats how i know bird be doing research
@omkar2571 7 часов назад
Ohh that's why bullet tracers helps me
@bleakestjazz 7 часов назад
amazing video
@jormoungandr 7 часов назад
the saddest fact is even if these things solved, there is still massive cheating problem valve can NEVER fix. The reason I just stopped playing cs is there is a cheater in every game we play on mg-mg2 lobbies in dust2.
@bensonspov 8 часов назад
Great video but sry the amount of motion sickness I got from this video haha
@AyyyyUhhhh 8 часов назад
W vid. I had to turn tracers off in cs2 and it helps but I feel the kill delay heavy, sometimes I’ll stop shooting and go to unpeek and reset and then I’ll get the kill. It feels very strange (even with 2-50 ping) I play on 55% brightness and even then it feels so bright. Weird that the grey gloomy source 1 engine helped with seeing bullets landing on surfaces but it makes sense.
@yudiart 8 часов назад
@valve @gaben
@neustoychivyy 8 часов назад
very good informative video, thanks!
@jadenjaden1151 8 часов назад
this important
@ejbock5b179 8 часов назад
what kz map was that and what server can we still play csgo kz I miss the old days
@Lucaaz1n 9 часов назад
name of the map please xD
@Bonekk1992 9 часов назад
I realised sometimes i stoped spraying and enemy just die after 0,2 second or something. So enemy is dead before i see this. Csgo was so much responsive and crisp
@bruhstoise 9 часов назад
the bullet hole feature is worse with the m4 actually because it fires no tracer rounds. when i spray with it and i die im often wondering if i was aiming to low or too high
@senior4153 9 часов назад
lit video. 10/10
@CharIie83 9 часов назад
it should be possible to lock the screen to where the bullet hits
@Hether6971 10 часов назад
cs2 sucks i still play csgo
@CarlitoJr408 10 часов назад
Buy menu is an upgrade?? Ummm no.. we are now forced to use limited guns. That's lame.
@fikajlo 10 часов назад
It's like they designed the game to be played with follow recoil
@griffenbrd 10 часов назад
@rauldelgadillo8447 10 часов назад
I've mentioned it in reddit in defence of follow recoil. 1.6 has HUGE bullet impacts that you can see where you're shots land. CS2 does not. Im smelling my own farts but theorized that people blame misses on net code or inconsistent sprays when it's likely that they're just missing shots. Yes, game needs to be fixed. But Follow recoil makes it way easier to track your shots because your cross hair stays in one spot. Anyone complaining about dim bullet impact should just turn it on and realize how bad their spray is without visual feedback. I turn it on cuz in blind as hell and can't see where my bullets land, and ironically that's what this video is about but never mentions it.
@genericapplesauce 11 часов назад
First content I've seen that actually explains this
@HandsomeMadMax 11 часов назад
Nah, I think the feedback delay is the problem. Sometimes you only see the bullets connecting half a second after you shot them. While spraying this obviously confuses you like hell. Sometimes I prefire tap and go back behind cover and THEN I get the headshot sound and killfeed. Its insane. Same goes for dying behind corners. I have clips saved of me crossing a gap with nobody on screen and just dying to a headshot. On my screen they are not even there yet (or anymore) and on theirs they either shoot into an empty gap or they see me for an entire second. Its ridiculous.
@benkeip6883 11 часов назад
great vid
@kroooassant9899 12 часов назад
dead game
@thinkintelligently5925 12 часов назад
You never know how easily you can recognize 150ms until you think the guy is dead and he is but he dies later than you thought/feel he should have. Somehow way easier to recognize that than it is to realize an enemy just moved pass your scope. Im sure its partly because when in a fight you are super engaged.. when you are waiting you are... waiting. However, spraying is ass in cs2. I've gotten more used to it but still It''s like sometimes I feel like It's back to normal or I understand it now again and some days, well we all know about those days.
@davinci4223 12 часов назад
never heard someone say one taps are alright sometimes enemy is like 5m infront of you and you shoot his head but miss
@JanFlunher 13 часов назад
Well...Rant. Don't make comparisons with game of different genres - MOBA's fog of war is simple and wouldn't consume much resources (server-wise), because it's just very trivial to implement. You cannot apply the same thing for an FPS. You can definitely make some simple checks as you described (5:05), but they would be highly specific to each map and cannot be generalized. At the end of the day, the client needs to know, when for ex. a grenade is thrown and get the information about the enemy's position to properly simulate it. And these checks aren't very useful, since they aren't going to solve the elephant in the room. ...Now how about checking when someone is behind a wall? For ex. peeking someone from top mid inferno to ramp. The server would need to predict where each player would be and figure out whether he could see him in his field of view. He would need to *predict*, because the client also predicts, what is going to happen - otherwise you would just see people suddenly popping out after you run from behind a wall. These predictions are not-so-obviously non-trivial: How do you check if one player sees another one? - Let's make it in 2D and make a line to each of the enemy players! If the lines don't intersect with some obstacles, they can see each other! Generate a 2D map from all the obstacles...well not all of them; what about banana's car/barrels? They might see each other if one is behind a car... At least all the obstacles, that are very high. Also what about someone standing under balcony? And what the hell are we going to do with de_vertigo? 2D ain't gonna work... - Let's make it in 3D! We just have to connect a line from the client's POV to each of the enemies and check whether they can see them! Connect to...where? The feet? Only his head can be seen. The head? Only his feet can be seen. The body? Nope, only the head and feet can be seen, because he's in front of some stupid pole. Guess we'll have to do multiple of them. What are we doing again? Raycasting? That's...very expensive. Guess we'll have to live with +20ms latency? This stuff is most importantly *expensive* and not in a realm of "just buy more expensive servers, lol". I don't work on this kind of stuff, but I know that these checks are simply non-trivial and would lead to increased latency and horrible bugs. This whole "server-side AC" bullshit just keeps being pushed by morons, who have no idea, what they are talking about. (Not talking about you specifically. It's just that I've seen a lot of people being very confident in the bs they say about this; as I do right now.) And at the end of the day...all these checks are for nothing, because that guy that just killed you? He was using aimbot, that you cannot detect with your fancy server-side checks.
@Murukku47 13 часов назад
Never realized why in CS:GO where the bullet landed felt so crisp because that white flash flicks so fast & you only see it with your own bullet holes, but damn it makes a big difference.
@gigachad6844 13 часов назад
Also tracers are horrible, they confuse even more, just disable them
@Wllp61561 13 часов назад