Let's talk gaming! 😄 I'm a fan of Factorio, Dyson Sphere Programs and similar games. Got any recommendations? Drop them in the comments, and I'll be eager to check them out and discuss! 🎮👾🕹️
Low Oxygen | #10 | The Crust | Let's Play
Месяц назад
@Xxjaylon28xX 17 дней назад
how did you command the drones to work?
@sawyeriii 28 дней назад
Those work hours have a global option checkbox, what does that do when adjusting hours when it's checked? FYI: Every belt after level 1 is cheaper to run long distance underground as the cost of the underground only go up by 500 per level( per tile, so x2 no matter the distance ran) while the belt prices double per level PER TILE. If you have the laser gun contract, you'll want to get the nanotube factories up and running, which means building floor space and a lot of farms for organics, so pipe slag into the building to be stored and distributed.
@sawyeriii Месяц назад
The multi-item storage would work as a good buffer coming out of the cargo dock. Run a belt into 1 side and divide all the possible items collectable as filtered outputs from the other 3 sides. You could continue branching each output into more multi-item storages until only 3 specific items are feeding into the last and then dedicate those outputs into single item storage chests. Otherwise the multi-item storage piles could allow your bots to keep the factories building as their outputs would be emptied to a larger amount than the default 20 before being backed up. Alternatively run splitter off a short output belt from each factory into a single item chest so they won't fill up, the bots will have a place to grab items from and you would be ready to belt those items to other places in the future. A last note, don't forget to keep storages for the items that are used for repairs like components and microcircuits. Glad you noticed the extreme savings you can have when using the higher speed belts underground, my only suggestion is when bridging between 2 undergrounds to continue a run, leave an extra tile for a belt to be turned into a splitter for future branching of items on or off the belts.
@rarejunkie Месяц назад
Hey pimp, what mod do you use to keep the trees around?
@hellyworld Месяц назад
:) on this run it's the industrial revolution 3, it's part of the mod and has more mechanics regarding the ploution, different fuel types each with a level of pollution, air cleaners, compressors, carbon dioxide as secundaries on oil processing.
@mathieuborgo2721 Месяц назад
Hi, I've been binge-watching the series over the past week (liking each video in the process), I'm happy to having caught up and see you keep it going even if the slow pace of this mod maybe doesn't fit well with the attention span for Let's Plays here on RU-vid. Keep up the good work I am really enjoying it!
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Thanks a lot for your support, I really appreciate it. Do you have any other suggestions how can I change the let's play tag. If I will reach the right audience I will have lover bounce rate
@TheGreenTaco999 Месяц назад
keep it up!
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Thank for your support
@zyekboutro7994 Месяц назад
Dead World and IR3 sound very interesting. Watching to learn.
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Glad to hear that! Indeed it's special 😊
@michaeldonoghue9015 Месяц назад
No way, death world AND industrial revolution?
@hellyworld Месяц назад
yes it's real 😂. I still need to find the right combination and difficulty to play this, but this run is better :) enjoy
@gamerelite3989 Месяц назад
nice base is coming along well ... I don't really have much opinion to add in comment because this style of base is not the way I learned to play the game from the veterans I only learned the expanding bunker ( walls with turrets ) and been going with that in mods too so by the time I get behemoth bites I'm pretty much always ready haha ... I'm not hard-core as much as the veterans who crank the difficulty to max and make miracles happen I'm not nearly has good 😎
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Not a veteran but ...I really appreciate your support, thank you! ... I still have near 3K hours
@ryangross5446 Месяц назад
Just stumbled upon this video randomly in my youtube recommendations. This mod looks insane! Such a different style of factorio than I am used to. Cool video
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Glad you enjoy it!
@sawyeriii Месяц назад
Note: The underground belts can save a lot of money as they are the same cost no matter the distance ran, thus the higher upgraded the underground belt length is the better the savings, also better savings when using higher level belt speeds. If you keep a tile between belt lines you can use the underground belts to pull from belts nestled between other belt lines making an easier multi-item bus to transport all your items around. As each single item storage holds 500(512) items and the large store 2k remember to upgrade your supply chests to large or multiple storage chests for items you need to provide more than 500 items for( especially the laser components smart concrete, iron, silicon, components,...)
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Thanks @sawyerii, I did tested the underground belts too, you are right. I try to buil more compact. But probably I will change the layout one more time after I can recymerate al the credits from belts and cable lag. Really apreciate your support. ❤️
@spartainwarrior6445 Месяц назад
Wait a goddamn second this is the same seed as the death world
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Yes, nice point, it is the same :) but with more RED :))
@EvilNecroid Месяц назад
aww damn its incompatible with kras and SE im kinda addicted to those mods at the moment
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Yes, unfortunately it's incompatible with K2 and SE. Would be lovely a combination
@MarekJam Месяц назад
Hi. Its looks killing with flame turrets is better than shotguns from beggining and there are not so loud :-)
@hellyworld Месяц назад
glad to hear that :) and it's more efficient - I will test even some grenades, so sorry for that
@sawyeriii 2 месяца назад
Howdy Helly, Been binging a lot of crust these days and have learned a lot. For example the building you put into the base that wouldn't power up is a bug that can be solved by a save and reload of the game, As for in general I have a few suggestions about belts throughput and power management. The sum of all the power used from all the factories the grid powers is the power consumption and is a capacity limit managed by the number of batteries and their max capacity values. So you must have mor battery capacity than consumption else you'll get brownouts even if your batteies have plenty of charge available. The max recharge rate is the speed a battery can be filled up with solar panels( or fuel generators), ensure your total power supply is equal to your total max recharge rate, any more wastes CPU and any less means you may not charge your batteries fully in a lunar day. I suggest planning around the idea of basic level 1 belts, 60 items per. That is 3 regular extractors or 2 level 1 upgraded extractors worth of unprocessed ore. It is also exactly the capacity of an unupgraded multi-refinery input. The output is harder to calculate as each "leg" is effected by the ore ratio going into it, with the exception of slag which is a fairly constant 1/5th of the input( 60 per or 12 per max). In general if you setup an series of 5 multi-refineries you'd max out your slag output along with all the other belts, however if each of the regolith lines running into the multi's averaged the ratio of silicon, for example, to 50%( vs a balanced 25%) then you'd have 2 belts worth of silicon coming out of all the multi's. With well designed buffer bulk storage( using 3 sides as 3 separate belt inputs and 1 as output to refineries) for each ore, slag and regolith then you can balance and optimize the system with 20 extractors( or 30 unupgraded) feeding 5 multi-refineries outputting 5 full level 1 belts of each ore and 1 for slag going to their individual smart concrete and refinery arrays. Plan the lines as before, enough to handle a full 60 belt. Note slag is only consumed by the smart concrete factories( besides some with farms for organics) and it pairs with silicon so a higher ratio of silicon for the smart concrete should be helpful. Thus a "bala.nced" average ratio would be Si around 50% with Ti, Fe, and Al around 16.6% each A last note for any factory/refining array/series: in the splitter, star the filtered item into every factory input, if the factory fills it it will back up and "turn off" letting all items past for the next factory. This will make the 1st in the lines always on with the last dependent on all the prior buildings states. If you do not set the stars then items will waste time waiting to be filled in the end factories as each splitter gives a decreasing proportion of the original belt total 50%/25%/12.5%/6.25%/...
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Howdy Sawyer, nice to see you! How are you doing? The bugs are ok, most of them are fixed. In the next episode I will cover more with bit batteries and the grid will be balanced. I will change again the factory layout to optimize costs. For the ration, i did calculated a lot and indeed I will need a loot of silicon but for the rest I will try to control everything on storages to have a big bus and 100% salvage on belts and grid and only than i can play with the ratio.
@JDonGeee 2 месяца назад
I enjoyed this. Keep it up please bro!
@hellyworld Месяц назад
Thanks! Will do!
@MrJack556 2 месяца назад
Maybe a dumb question but it's this a mod?
@user-he3gn5bb2y 2 месяца назад
IR3 is the mod, short for Industrial Revolution 3
@MrJack556 2 месяца назад
@@user-he3gn5bb2y thanks
@N0ullify 2 месяца назад
play with rampant mod
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
That it's insane. And I do play with that but not on this series. We have a CO-OP in livestreaming, and we have omnite too. @N0ullify you can find more here ru-vid.comVS5dAGG0ARU
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
We will start a new episode today in 1h 30 min - I stop the streaming on low interest
@user-he3gn5bb2y 2 месяца назад
looks like you struggle with flamethrower creep💥good luck learning the tech its usually done with non-underground pipes get the wall done ass soon as possible it doesn't need to be pretty use bots to help build frontline flamethrowers, and for repairs
@hellyworld Месяц назад
I placed that flamethrower too close and for the pipes, on this mode is complicated, you can't cross over non-underground pipes. For the moment they are not aggressive in expanding, the mode is chilling them out, especially with map pollution control
@zeddgara1 2 месяца назад
There isnt any smart concrete until 20 minutes in for the next viewer /sigh
@samuelurban6132 2 месяца назад
Congratulations on the little one!
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much 😀
@Ardaria_survival 2 месяца назад
Your garden base is super cosy: Factorew Valley
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
🤣 Garden Sim, but without it was impossible 🔥
@Utvnd 2 месяца назад
You seem tierd in the begging need a little bit energy but love the content ❤️
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
Yes indeed, few hard days, but I will find my energy to bring more content on this series.
@MarekJam 2 месяца назад
hi. I start this mode 5 times on default settings and never finish blue science. its too slow and sorry for this but if someone start to play this mode I dont think you need to explain how things work. Of course you can but for begginers its too much and for long time player is not much fun. I even finish sea block because there is still something to do but for this mode I just still waitng for something. no offence, I saw all parts up to now but this part I wake up after 1 hour :-).
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
Thanks for sticking with the series and for your honest feedback, @MarekJam. I apologize if some episodes have felt repetitive. I'll strive to keep the content fresh and avoid over-explaining mechanics. Sometimes, I think I explain things more for myself! 😄 I'm looking forward to making future episodes more engaging!
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
@spandanganguli6903 It's not a permanent night, but the day cycle is very long (6 hours) with extremely hard nights. During the day, nests do not spawn any biters, but they track how many need to spawn. When night comes, all of them will attack at once, similar to "They Are Billions."
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
@LCBC11 Sure! Here's how the Rampant mod works: The Rampant mod is hardcore and adds a lot of challenging mechanics without replacing "vanilla" or other mod mechanics, allowing them to work simultaneously. It doesn't populate the entire map by default but can attack from afar and assess defenses to bypass them. Biters can even launch underground attacks, passing through small water barriers. As evolution increases, more dangerous types of biters appear, and existing nests mutate too. This requires more thoughtful defense strategies as difficulty builds up gradually. Early game biters are weaker than standard ones, but they become much tougher, making it harder than standard Rampant. It's not recommended for first-time Rampant players. There are various options for the location of Rampant's enemies and other enemies. The mod is very hardcore, and I am really sorry that my microphone wasn't working earlier-I spent almost 30 minutes explaining how the mod works, including biter evolution, their tiers, and their weaknesses and resistances. I will explain all of these in the next episode, with my microphone ON :)
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
@richardkennedy6814 - Unfortunately, we're still in the first night, and the challenge has a very long day cycle-one in-game day lasts 6 hours. The nights are darker, and we're using the Realistic Flashlight mod for a more... realistic, horror feel.
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
No sound from my microphone-sorry, everyone! OBS was fine, but it seems RU-vid only used one audio channel. I didn't double-check. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, and I'll answer them all.
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
Oops! It turns out my microphone wasn't recorded during the livestream. Interestingly, OBS seemed fine. Apologies, everyone. I ended up talking to myself for the last 8 hours! 😅 If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, and I'll answer them all.
@gamerelite3989 2 месяца назад
hmm for now im my IR3 save i did use shotty turret creep for early nests but they fall short really quick ( low hp ) and even with the steel shells they just cant tank the hits the medium biters dish out i had sadly to upgrade to gunner turrets asap to push further out and with steel bullets to boot but with flame throwers in early mid game it turns the tables really quick to expand and protect until you get the longer range weaponry ( fyi laser turrets are not viable until you get nuclear running on deathmaps just too much power needed solar just cant keep up early on ) nice base cheers!! :D
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
@gamerelite3989 Great to hear that I'm not the only one playing this death world in IR3. Thank you! 😄
@gamerelite3989 2 месяца назад
@@hellyworld glad to help fellow factorian :p happy building... Oh one last tip since this is IR3 you can use a backup plan i call the ( safe tank ) you position the builder vehicle with lots of repair kits and full drone setup near where youre about to push and make a turret barricade so if things go south you can retreat to the safe tank resupply ( turrets - ammo - repair kits ) heal up and get back in the fight it saved my bacon a few times ( really close calls too )
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
@@gamerelite3989 that's really interesting, and you used a car or a heavy roller? I think the car has more HP but the heavy roller has a big equipment grid
@gamerelite3989 2 месяца назад
@@hellyworld heavy roller for the big grid you need lots of drones to keep the turrets of the barricade alive while youre doing the turret creep further in closer to the nests as the biters will prioritize the drones if they get too close to them so losing a few if you run back is highly possible i put a full stack of drones at the ready extra in the roller and on myself for good measure btw the roller does not need you inside it works automaticly that is a HUGE plus with this tactic
@user-he3gn5bb2y 2 месяца назад
from my experience with these deathworld challenges and what i remember of IR3 i would try this: 1) shotgun turret spam 2) calculate if using low tier ammo is more resource efficient 3) rush flamethrowers 4) try some insane tactic with IR3 wehicles as a battering ram + grenades
@hellyworld 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the tips. I will use the flamethrowers but after some tests with the shotgun turents it seems they have a very low hp. At the moment the damage of low tier ammo is ok for the bitters. I am using the hight tier for nests and worms kill. The fighting with vehicles seems fun, I will try it.
@Nick-jf7ku 3 месяца назад
now start over as its way harder lol.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
A new run it might be tougher, but I've gained more experience. 🔫 In this series, everything was discovered on the spot with no online content to guide me. It took a lot of time to figure out how the dark fog works, its attack patterns, and what generates threats.
@dyonisth 3 месяца назад
Hello, You could try the prologue, it is more complete than the demo.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
hey @dyonisth this was the demo - if the prologue is more complex, maybe I will try that too, I presume it has a separated steam page
@dyonisth 3 месяца назад
@@hellyworld Yes, it's a separate steam page. If you liked the demo, you won't be disapointed by the prologue.
@PaulCoughlin 3 месяца назад
What game is this?
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
The Crust, and it will enter early access in 15 July. You can find more on Steam: Automate a lunar base as you become the savior of humanity exploring the future on the moon. Mine, craft, research, and trade resources with Earth in this gripping narrative base builder.
@MarekJam 3 месяца назад
Hi maybe you can little bit decrease game sounds because its too loud according to your voice. Esspeciacly guns, sometimes I needs to push mute button.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
@marekjamrich4313, thank you for your feedback! I'll adjust the game sound or edit the sound in the battle scenes. Unfortunately, I already have over 20 episodes recorded and scheduled on RU-vid, so please bear with me for now.
@deviousbutton9211 3 месяца назад
OH BOY... You have made this WAY more complex than it needs to be.. OK the first thing you need to do is pick a farm you want to keep and dismantle ALL the other farms. Now as for naming, always use the same symbol at the start of a stations name to make sure all stations show up in the list with one key press, i use the minus key so my stations names look something like ( - Farm OUTPUT #04 ) ( - Sirius I Power OUTPUT ) ( - Home Power INPUT - South ). Now about groups, the only thing that should be grouped to make life easier is your Darkfog farm. Others that can benefit from grouping are: Antimatter OUTPUT (Hydrogen) and Graphene OUTPUT (Hydrogen) so you can easily find them to link to your Casimir Crystal INPUT. Exclusive things like 1 to 1 Power Systems should not be in a group because they only interact with themselves therefore grouping them is pointless. Ok so now i'll explain how to setup your ( - Farm OUTPUT # X ) group to easily find anything you need by only naming 1 through X. - Step 1; Name the farm stations - Farm OUTPUT # X then group all of them to #1 priority - Step 2; Go to the planet you wish to INPUT the goods, name the station "- Something INPUT" and set it to group #1 ( or the same # you allocated to the farms OUTPUT group ) - Step 3; Click on the large box on the right side of the priority window that has a number and says "Stations" under it, this well bring up a list of the stations in the group and little icons of the items they have available, now scroll down the list to find the item you wish to INPUT to your station. - Step 4; Click on the configure button in the "Point to Point" tab, this will open a window to the left, click the + button in that window to open the text box, now type the name of the station that had the item icon you needed in that text box. Example: I saw that green chips are in Station "- Farm OUTPUT #05" so i type 5 and this shows - Farm OUTPUT #05 in the drop down list i click on it and then click the add button to its right.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
LOL, yeah, I definitely overthought this. I did some tests too ... anyway, many thanks for the details you shared with me, you saved me again. Naming in this way is definitely easier. I will test them again and come back with an update. Your step-by-step guide is very detailed, and even without testing, I can see that you use groups to identify the ILS for 1-to-1 pairing-that's smart. No need for product names in the ILS name!
@deviousbutton9211 3 месяца назад
@@hellyworld Yep works like a charm, super easy to find anything and if you want to be extremely lazy you can just put every station you make into 1 group and name them INPUT or OUTPUT and you'll should never lose an item
@leggytuck1official 3 месяца назад
you have good videos, idk why you are not getting a lot of subcribers and views on your videos! wish u luck! btw i am ur new subscriber)
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for subscribing and supporting! Growth might be slow right now, and I might be making some mistakes, but it will get better and improve over time.
@leggytuck1official 3 месяца назад
@@hellyworld nice to hear that you are working hard!
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
all the time :) especially against biters
@adrianhelerea7190 3 месяца назад
@deviousbutton9211 3 месяца назад
Also..... Um that farm you want to make is probably going to melt your CPU. The farm i made in the end was two pole defender style builds with planet shields to block bases landing anywhere but the equator and a strip of land linking the two poles together. The reasoning behind two (one at each pole) was due to CPU lag and it was also WAY to much for one base to handle. oh and on another note if you want to build a base and take over a planet easy then go to the darkfog communicator and pay for an hour of peace, then you can take the oil and topple their government under the pretense of "looking for W.M.D's" while only small amounts of them fight back.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
Yeah, the farm is a test and might be too complex given my low frame rate. I'll try using the chase fire strategy instead. Thanks for the advice!
@deviousbutton9211 3 месяца назад
The new priority system for logistics towers can fix this for you, Name the farm logistics tower that has the item you need then Name the logistics tower on the planet you wish it to be sent (the one with the fuel rods you're splitting onto the line as a priority) then link the two towers as priority pairing; and to make %100 sure it'll be used first, belt the item to where it's needed and priority split it on like you did the fuel rods.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
Nice to see you again, @deviousbutton9211! I set up the 1-to-1 pairing like you suggested, and it seems to be working. However, I'm struggling to make them exclusive. For example, I want one logistics tower dedicated solely to charging accumulators on one specific planet. Any tips on how to achieve this? Thanks for the help!
@deviousbutton9211 3 месяца назад
@@hellyworld The behavior can be changed to exclusive, on the bottom right of the menu there is a drop down box to change it to exclusive.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
@@deviousbutton9211 yes I try that but it's very difficult to test the result. Last time I try with the accumulators and in the provider there where 3k empty acc and the requester received full package 12k of empty acc. I will try again to test that, I will need it
@deviousbutton9211 3 месяца назад
@@hellyworld I guess you set it up wrong. Exclusive is working in the tests i have done.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
You are right, it works ... soon on this series too :)
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
Get ready for an exhilarating ride! Things are about to get CRAZY! So crazy that I'm tempted to start over. After recording 34 episodes, I'll relive the madness and save those 14 hours. But hey, this journey is all about experiencing it together, right? Hope you're ready to join me for the wild ride ahead. Enjoy!
@daan3898 3 месяца назад
I quite like the design of your farm, looks good. I am stuck at yelllow research right now :)
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
You can do it!
@adrianhelerea7190 3 месяца назад
Up vote, thanks 🎉
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
@KingAdamXVII 3 месяца назад
You might want burner inserters pulling the wood out of the forestries into chests.
@hellyworld 3 месяца назад
That's a good point, thank you. In thi's way I can be sure that the foretries will not get stuck
@hellyworld 4 месяца назад
Apologies, everyone. I see that the title referred to episode #14. However, in this episode, we haven't constructed the power plant yet; instead, our focus is on researching Electricity.