Elizabeth B
Elizabeth B
Elizabeth B
@oyuerdene 4 часа назад
@maksymiliano4847 6 часов назад
Thank you guys 💖🌠♥️
@clarissasmiles1913 7 часов назад
I’ve listened to this about…. To many times lol
@idontknow-lw5kk 11 часов назад
I fell for him, but not because of his smile, his height, his hair or his face. I fell for his kind, caring and gentle soul that nobody could’ve known about. We talked for hours and hours about everything you could ever imagine. Nobody understood why I was so in love with him but they didn’t see what I had seen. I knew that he didn’t like me that way but I did. I told him and I received a no but you see that he was already so mature and knew how to handle a woman/girl. He is sixteen. That was such a heartwarming answer and I hope he knows this. I’ve never met someone like him before but I am glad I did now. Never knew I needed someone like him. He will always have my heart. We laughed over his childish jokes he made for hours. He just knew hot to make me laugh even at my lowest. And if he sees this (probably not), I love you.
@user-ws4bp2vv5f День назад
@nishimurarikiberry День назад
its my first time listening to this playlist and i just realize that no one in this world truly does love me they way i do for them (except for my family) 😕
@no-hl4vp 3 дня назад
i have no chance but i love listening to these and hoping with all of me that he’ll just give me one. he may never know it but he rly holds ever ounce of my heart.
@imjustagurl318 4 дня назад
*Hey stranger I’m proud of you you’re literally the coolest person alive you* *matter YOU HAVE A PURPOSE in life YOU BELONG HERE* ༊·˚
@okayyy7143 4 дня назад
He lay down and stared at me while i fall a sleep for about an hour ....😢
@dashamakarova5395 4 дня назад
Pov: Ты никогда не испытывала влюблённость , но всегда хотела этого . С этой песней я обретаю чувства любви , гармонии, мира, мир приобретает ярких красок, счастья и необычное состояние, похожее на то как будто я умею летать или плавать в космосе. С этим плей-листом я попадаю в трогательную книгу или фильм . Большое спасибо ❤
@nenenenenene3295 4 дня назад
stephen lunginsang. my baby. my huam being. i remember his smile, i remember the way he looks, the way he is, the way he talks, the way he speaks. im so lucky to have met you. be safe love. be safe.
@Nobody_nothing897 5 дней назад
Life is hard. It’s really hard. But please, don’t give up. Especially on love. Even if you can’t get them. I know it’s heartbreaking. But when you’ll find the right person for you, life will be easy and beautiful. I can’t get him, but I love you.❤️ With love, ~Stranger from the internet~
@BlueTeaLeaf 6 дней назад
I’ve always been the chubby smart girl. I never really focused on a relationship even though i REALLY want one. Each boy I know is way out of my league and would never date me, but I didn’t mind. Last December, a boy a year younger than me moved to my school. We shared one class, his least favorite subject and my favorite, art. I didn’t really care all too well for him. I thought he was like the rest. Our art teacher sat us together a month after he moved. Those 3 months we sat together were some of the best. We fell out of contact now, but I still think of him even though he’s dated multiple girls since then.
@gabrielakaram 7 дней назад
first time falling in love with someone after a heartbreak and this person is moving out the country today
@sinedje 8 дней назад
I am so tired of dreaming every night about people who don't care abt me anymore, they stopped talking to me for different reasons. They started their new lives without me and seems like they never met me. It is so painful to dedicate my dreams to them, i really wanna move on, but my mind is still there, hoping for their comeback. Being happy, look deep into our eyes for endless minutes, relieve the sparkle between us, feel butterflies in your stomach, falling in love again and again with a dream... I almost forgot your voice, the one i would have listened for hours without stopping, what an irony. Every time i woke up, i feel empty and meaningless, and i spend all my day thinking "are they dreaming about me? did they forgot me? do I ever come back in their thoughts?" Wondering many things and knowing that you will never have an answer... It's a hell, ugh
@Jdoeus 10 дней назад
maybe in other universe we are together Maybe in other universe we are spending time together Maybe in other universe we are giggling on our bad jokes Maybe in other universe we get lost in each other's eyes Maybe in other universe we are in each other's arms Maybe in other universe we are happy Maybe in other universe you are mine and i am yours Maybe in other universe we spent the night with the moonlight Maybe in other universe we take care of each other Maybe in other universe We are sitting together at the river bank and cold breeze air touches your silky hair.... Maybe in other universe we are staring at each other with love Maybe in other universe you love me a lot Maybe in other universe....... Maybe in other universe.... Maybe in other universe .....🦋😩
@Obsessed_11 11 дней назад
Can i just vent about my ex rq? I dont know whose fault the breakup was. I dont blame him. He spread rumors about me. But man, i loved him. I saw him with his little siblings today. Hes so good with kids. He wouldve been such a good father of my children. I jist wish he loved me as much as i loved him. And yk, we broke up 2 months ago, and call me a stalker but o really still love him. I really though he was tje one. He's moved on. He likes somebody else.
@Grey114 12 дней назад
I always wished I was the protagonist of a romcom but I’m just the friend acting as a bit of moral support eating myself a loaf of bread
@bruh-en3ti 12 дней назад
I love when I put on one of these videos and get to read the comments. It's so comforting and soothing.
@i.nshanni 12 дней назад
he really makes my day he is the reason i'm happy where i'm rn i really hope he will see me one day with the same eyes i see him he's my favorite person even if i don't know him that much people don't find him like a good person cause of his personality a little rude sometimes but i really see something in him and hell... if i see something in you... my intuition doesn't lie for me he's so little like i wanna hug him and just be there for him one thing that makes me sad is the fact that we don't talk i'm just here... see him leaving school alone breaks my heart and i want just to talk to him and do with him the road to the train station but i can't i'm just a schoolmate... no one never talked to me except for my two friends but i wish everything was different yeah maybe not everything but just normal, i wish it was normal to talk with him and the rest of the class just to be classmates and not strangers but no... i really like looking at him from the back of the class and smiling at is silly jokes today i helped him (we where in class and he dropped a tissue and it fell under my desk so he was in front of my desk and i called his name and oh man the butterflies i had... he made a hand gesture like give it to me and he accidentally touched my hand) i've never been that happy i'm just a silly delulu girl but don't mind me for this he has beautiful eyes and i can talk about him for hours my friends can't take it anymore but what can i say i wish i can be his but i don't have the courage to tell him how he makes me feel maybe one day he will know but for now i'm happy to see him everyday i really like you but my heart can't stand a rejection i'm just gonna be here seeing you from across the class as long as it makes me feel good 🩵
@e_rinn_06 13 дней назад
I love to get a stuffed animal he got me and cuddle w it while listening to this..❤
@farzanehrahmati2960 13 дней назад
Sometimes there's invisible pressure on your chest that you don't know why....
@sollig_75 13 дней назад
POV: You just came back home after your first date with the guy you have a crush on. It all has been perfect, you went to the cinema together and in the middle of the film you held hands; at the end of the film he tells you he has a crush on you and you tell him you feel the same, after that you walk outside the cinema and you kiss (it is your first kiss). Then he walks you home and asks you to be a couple and you say yes and you kiss again. And then you write this on a random video on RU-vid but you are too happy to not tell anyone hahaha
@faka21125647745 13 дней назад
That’s very cute. Your comment made my day. Sincerely happy for you. Hope everything will be perfect
@winkwink2972 14 дней назад
I fell in love with a papular boy at my school, he never love me the way i did for him, he was so handsome, the way he smiles, the way laugh,he was so sweet and kind, he had a light brown eyes,two dimples,a stright brown hair,he was tall,and he always smiles,everytime when he smiles my heart just melted,everything about him was just beautiful, sometimes he just stares at me,right into my eyes, i never knew if he liked me or not,i was scared to confess him cuz he rejected alot of girls.and two years later, i moved to another school and now i left him, and still have fellings for him. but i was never sure if he liked me. love is like posion, it kills you. but stay strong❤
@katy_slytherin1265 14 дней назад
i never knew i was capable of love for anyone , it never feltlike i was able to love , i hated most people and enved love , i was cruel and dull , until i met you our eyes met my heart beating i smile and giggle with you i feel complet i never thought i would love someone as much as i love you i would kill for you die for you and even live for you i love you my boy xx
@sophiemaddox9252 15 дней назад
Dude I found the absolute perfect guy ever! But I’m terrified of losing him. I’m known from past relationships that no matter how hard I try my best to make the relationship work perfectly I somehow mess it up completely. I can’t let that happen between us. I’ve only been dating him for a little bit now but I don’t want anything to happen between us. Besides being my bf he’s also one of my best friends. I’m praying to God that nothing happens to us and that we will make it through it. Im trying to be better in relationships I really am but I don’t wanna get too obsessed over someone I might lose in a second
@jonahmichael7333 16 дней назад
My brother drowned himself, music has always helped me cope with his death. I’ve always felt a sense of loneliness before and especially after his passing, I tend to imagine how lonely he must’ve felt in life and especially on that night he chose to take his life. I don’t think he understood the psychological damage that it would cause but I understand the mental pain he must’ve been experiencing was extremely overwhelming. God help us through these tough times, I love you and miss you immensely Tyson❤️
@Laaaanyyyyaaa 16 дней назад
I came here because it’s 3:15am and he is probably sleeping, he is older than me i met him in college, i grew up thinking i will be an anti romantic for life, but he changed that, things i used think were cringy now do have a meaning to me, i like love songs as love songs not just a song for their vibe, i tried to learn how to make me pretty because i saw that he likes posts with pretty girls with make up, i dress up girlier than before, i make time for him, i have stepped out of my boundaries for him, but it’s all useless because he have no clue in the word that someone like him this much, I’m not gonna say i love him but i have imagined us dancing under the rain, i have imagined us watching the sky and moon gazing, i have imagined us cooking in the kitchen together, but he doesn’t know, for him im just a girl from the same department and a stage younger who approached him with the excuse of university work and questions about things i knew i already quite well knew of, I’m just a girl who must even look clingy to him, but i swear he is the only guy i have stepped out of my boundaries for, I’m shy to approach him in university because i don’t know what to say next, but then again i really crave his presence, i would love to have him just sit next to me and we could watch the clouds float by, he probably have imagined all that too, most certainly for someone else, what can i do now? What have i done wrong? For the only person in my whole life that i liked, he doesn’t like me back, half of this playlist is gone by and im still not done talking about him and i, we are in the same sentence but not together, though i hope that changes, or at least one day im brave enough to tell you, but then i think about the consequences, what if i lose him completely? part of me wants him to know because he deserves to know someone likes him this much, but the bigger part of me is scared of the thought of losing him, i can’t fail to have him as both a lover and a friend one of them gotta work, so dear lover in a form of friend, if by chance, which is never but if you ever see this and knew it’s me, let’s meet in my favorite spot at uni, and i will tell you all that’s remaining in my heart, i hope you will find this one day before its too late. I love you Finished by 3:36
@frederikfrowis4546 16 дней назад
I miss something that I have never felt. I don't know exactly what I want, but I need it.
@vvyx-eu7np 16 дней назад
Is is js me but whenever I see my friend being happier with someone else than me I feel like good for them but deep down js feel sad
@thedoglover-zk2ip 16 дней назад
I've fell back in love with my ex who's dating my ex best friend.... I keep making scenioios of him and me and sometimes it gets out of hand...
@IlIlIl- 16 дней назад
Some songs make us understand it even if we dont know what lyrics means . I dont understand french but I can feel .
@Internet_Isolation03 17 дней назад
POV: You lay there on the floor of your room, phone resting on your stomach that somehow comforts and eases the butterflies you feel in your chest. Your eyes are closed, and mind is creating a false reality where you finally have equally returned love. Oh how it must feel like staring off a skyscraper rooftop into a city with a pink clouded sunset...
@prachisharma585 19 дней назад
Him my favourite incomplete wish 🌸
@4_MIFFYY 20 дней назад
"I like him, he likes her, I leave him so he can be with her, I leave before they leave, I don't cry because I can't"
@Dal_-oi5iv 20 дней назад
I dont know of anyone os going to read this but i will still write it. I want to love someone, i want someone to love me even when i feel like shit even when i am ugly crying and maybe i am not as nice. I want to be able to give that to someone but i feel like i am not able to do that when i cant even love myself. I should love myself i know but i selfishly i want someone to tell me that i an worth loving, and no one desereves someone who cannot love with everything in them. How am i able to ask for love that i cant give. Maybe i am just too full of myself but i have tried changing everything in me and even then i cant seem to like me. Anyways thanks for reading, hope youre okay
@CreativeChaos-bn4cq 9 дней назад
I hope you're doing ok, if you need someone to scream into the void too, I'm here.
@miaperong656 20 дней назад
Today I lost all of my friends. My best friends. They decided I wasn’t good enough anymore and left me. My once best friend stole my ex from me, not to mention my ex was also my best friend. He knows everything about me down to my core. I love everything about him and care about him so much, as he did the same until my former best friend stole him from me. I have no words to explain how upset I am that I lost everyone I ever cared about. It makes me want to die.
@CreativeChaos-bn4cq 9 дней назад
I hope you're currently doing well. Please don't give up hope. The right people will find you if you make yourself available. Just be glad they didn't make you like them. Stay safe, enjoy the little things.
@strangervideos1256 20 дней назад
Pov: your keep finding people that treay you bad but you still have hope because you want to be treated like in movies or k-dramas, no matter how many times they hurt you, you still have hope that someone will love you like you love them
@jatmohamed 20 дней назад
that electric feeling when i touched his skin. ❤ 10 years married
@OhNoNotTheGoose 21 день назад
I’ve been feeling everything so intensely lately. Usually I struggle with numbness and sometimes euphoria, but I miss him so much my chest hurts, my favorite character in a show died and i had a panic attack, I sat in a hammock in my backyard and felt so calm i did nothing for the rest of the day, everything is just so intense right now and it’s exhausting. Can someone with experience help me please 🥲 I feel like i cant breathe
@Red_1023 21 день назад
the only thing i want to have him hold me, to be next to me, to comfort me, but he’s forgotten me but I haven’t forgotten him. I’ve loved him for 12 years and have never told him. I don’t know if i ever will
@melatonin-fs7fr 21 день назад
Her voice her confidence the way she holds her self her insecurities the way she thinks nobody finds her cute but just...hot i find her just darling her humor doeish smile and silly compliments i love her
@salahhope 21 день назад
To the one I love… I’ve loved you ever since the first day. At least a little. The first day I saw you there was something about you I couldn’t pin point. I shrugged it off and kept going. A couple years later I get to know who you really are and man when I say I have fallen madly in love with you I have. You make my soul ache and my heart spin round and round till the pulse echos through my body. I can’t help but let my eyes reveal the love through running rivers. It’s not the outside but the inside that is truly beautiful. Your love for God is something I truly admire. I love the kind of leader you are and your servant heart. I love that you are goofy but not in a bad way. I love that you have a thoughtful nature to you that I don’t think many see but that I see. Your red hair, freckles, the mole on the right side of the top of your nose, your brown beaming eyes, your little ears, your smile with your one little crooked tooth that is adorable, I love all of you. From your flaws and so called imperfections to the delightful things about you I love and adore it all. I want to love you for you and nothing else. You don’t have to think or accept it but know from the deepest roots of my heart that I love YOU.
@AnhadAmeek-jt4jt 22 дня назад
Even though this is all from a year ago I feel like this is my safe zone where I will not be judged
@PhillyEditzAudios 22 дня назад
I want to fucking die. . . She lied to me about her feelings twice. . . My heart was broken twice. . . I can’t live anymore
@Red_1023 21 день назад
it’s ok man it will get better, maybe she wasn’t meant for you and God has better plans whatever you do keep going because you never know what’s in store, everything happens for a reason. God bless you ❤
@paulaticsgaming6051 22 дня назад
Was I the only one listening to this while sleeping and actually fell asleep?
@Candace711 16 дней назад
Me too😂
@charlottedupre4508 23 дня назад
I'm praying that this one stays... he makes me extremely happy.
@every0nehatesCris 24 дня назад
just a lonely man livin life with my cat🥲
@AhanaParbat 24 дня назад
When your idea of love is simply you.
@user-nh1zm9tz6l 24 дня назад
I’ve never commented on a video before, but reading others comments left me wondering if I should comment. I know I won’t have a popular opinion, I am aware that most might even be annoyed. I just want to put it out there though. You’ll never know true love until you know the love of God. This world can’t offer you what you truly deserve, we all sin but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to find truth. For everyone that says just never love, I’m sorry that you’ve gone through things that have left you with the thought of closing yourself off. I truly do understand how painful it is to think you’ve fallen in love and then have it all end. I’ve only been serving for about a year, and I’m 16 now. I was so lost and broken, I just wanted to be loved. It took the strength of my single mom to seek after God, get sober and stay sober to be able to reach me. And even then I didn’t want to, but I tried it. My last relationship ended so badly, I really did think that he was the one, it felt like the fairytale love stories. But it wasn’t true love. If you want to know what true love is, first it’s NOT just some butterfly feeling, it’s NOT always looking at them and feeling a certain way. True love is in 1 Corinthians 13:4 “Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” Love will last forever, it doesn’t fail or end. Love is the greatest thing of all. If you’ve given up on it then I’m sorry but I hope you can find a strength from deep inside to fight again. Be patient we are called to love everyone, we aren’t called to go from relationship to relationship trying to see what sticks and just live in the moment. Focus on you and if you find yourself falling for someone, even if you don’t believe in God just ask him to take them out if they aren’t meant to be in your life. I pray that everyone finds true love. If you’ve read this then just know you’re worthy of Love and you’re stronger than you know. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.