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Science insanity is a channel dedicated to bringing the technical, fantastical, and amazing worlds in science fiction to my viewers through silly, stupid and fun podcast style videos. My mission is to drag as many people down into nerd culture with me as i can.

What's it like to be a MechWarrior?
4 месяца назад
The MCKENNA class | 400 years of being the best.
6 месяцев назад
WARSHIPS | The forgotten titans of BattleTech
7 месяцев назад
Why are mercenary armies are so rare in Sci-Fi?
7 месяцев назад
Why use ships when you have the stargates?
7 месяцев назад
@gameoutcast2 13 минут назад
anyone got a source on the 40k timeline picture they used?
@Whalewraith 2 часа назад
Probably should have just sent it off on a mission of some description, like Kain's war. Alternatively it could have survived New Caprica, barely and been totally trashed by the engagement, just another fleet member.
@PavewayJDAM 2 часа назад
They wasted Cain/Pegasus making her so one dimensional and a insta-baddie. It would have been sooo much more interesting if all those bad orders were necessitated by the Pegasus getting into a shit sandwich. Abandoning/shooting civilian fleet - put it on a timer, they have 15 minutes before the Cyclons show up and kill them all. Attacking against overwhelming odds? Insert plot point where attack is the only option or death - maybe even trying to save Civilians. Allowing rape/abuse of a Cylon - look the other way because those doing it had skills that no one else had due to the whole end of the world as we know it. Tolerating it.
@DGrin79 3 часа назад
F 40k
@CarbonGlassMan 3 часа назад
In space, isn't a slingshot an unlimited range weapon?
@staceygruver1969 5 часов назад
Your comment about the Cylons deciding to strike because of a unified humanity is somewhat inaccurate as if you remember it was Adama that used a Battlestar crossing the armistice line that showed the Cylons that humanity was the war mongers that they thought, when the only rule of the armistice was not to cross the line. Had Adama not violated the armistice agreement, the war may have never happened…
@Frost-01 5 часов назад
The way you described how the OG base star fights kinda justifies how and why the current base star came to be, they just doubled down or even quadrupled down on it, more missiles and craft to spam and more speed to get away from danger getting close to it
@jonasan-san 6 часов назад
Give me the nightstar with a dragon style head location and king crab missile launcher and that's a franken mech I'd be happier with than any other mech in existence atm.
@lucafilippettiilmezzoorco7799 7 часов назад
That was so cool! Thank you!
@overrunbydachshounds 9 часов назад
Steve sounds and acts like an OG Cylon, danger doster alert! The ad mec will be pleased.
@robrib2682 9 часов назад
16:33 why complain? just add a strobe function and it helps you win mech brawls :p
@rybsmith 11 часов назад
I feel attacked for my use of a ECM equipped Archer mech.
@robertagren9360 11 часов назад
Your forgot Gattling Tank
@ShawnBeckmann-f4h 17 часов назад
The Mercury class is 1790 m. Long not 2800m.
@overrunbydachshounds 17 часов назад
Really enjoyable video, I remember watching the episode with this battle in it and the horror the crew went through that anything could hurt them was increadible
@karlwikman3874 18 часов назад
Could the Inner Sphere beat Comstar in a 1v5?
@greyslayers 18 часов назад
Is Cain stupid and selfish? Yes, but so are many current and former leaders. She completely broke somewhere between the invasion and shooting her XO, and it just got worse from there. Her arc makes sense given she watched her home destroyed and family killed by the Cyclons as a child. She never really got over that. Her hatred led her to justify any insane action. All that mattered to her was killing more Cyclons. At any cost. In the real world, many leaders of countries and corporations only care about their own wealth and/or power. At any cost. Michelle Forbes plays her brilliantly imo. I loved to hate her.
@DKDRFTA 20 часов назад
It's a boot defense
@jolemaire6629 21 час назад
A dumb decision to sacrifice it. It would have made a fantastic spin off.
@hyocheolchoi6783 22 часа назад
SNIFF ...SNIFF ...SNIFF .... Smell that? Smells like a spin off. Nova just sits and guards a single system to say f**k off so they can rebuild and go again.
@Grizabeebles День назад
The descendants of Kerensky's army weren't just the Clans. They were also the Mercenary companies and the Comguard. The war Kerensky had sought to avoid still happened 400 years later.😊
@Qardo День назад
GM has never stopped making machines of war. Fun fact: The main gun on the A-10 Warthog ground attack jet. It is made by GM. So fast forward 1000 years. GM has never changed.
@garywood1973 День назад
I heard what you had to say about Pegasus & yes very true indeed it was written as a doomed ship Admiral Caine saw to that , but if we go back to the start Galactica was written as a museum ship old & retired seen to already done her fair share of trials , wouldn't they have built a replacement a Mercury Class Galactica this gives food for thought as in real life this happens often with navy's through out the world . Remember in razor we saw how the docks were destroyed while Battlestars were being replenished these were not construction docks or asteroids leaving a possibility that a new series could be written ??.
@rathburnscape6465 День назад
Not going to lie, i loved this stupid mech, especially after i put an lbx 10 on the thing and turned it into an evil skirmishing brawler
@jaredhigham869 День назад
Speaking of anime, what is your opinion on the Pegasus class assault carriers from Mobile Suit Gundam? A breakdown on some of those ships would be awesome
@Grizabeebles День назад
"No guns" wasn't the problem. Where were the interceptor missiles and the Raider screens to block incoming missiles?
@99zxk День назад
ComStar had plans to backstab the clans from the beginning and talked about how they'd rise as the saviors of the Inner Sphere after the houses feel.
@Daginni1 День назад
The Pegasus was infamously misused because the show was "Battlestar Galactica" 2004. She was the answer to all of he flaws of a now ancient Battlestar of a war 40 years ago. She had factories to produce more Vipers, and ammo, and everything the civilian fleet needed. Lee Adama using her as a suicide ship to save a ancient bucket 40 year old battlestar was almost as bad as Gaius Baltar's actions.
@DaimondEyes-qw7sg День назад
Ok, hear me out… two Gauss rifles in place of the AC/20s.
@Archris17 День назад
I really like Starsector's shields myself. Yes they're technically bubble shields, but the twist comes in the 'flux' mechanic. Every hit to the shields builds up 'hard' flux which if allowed to get too high, will overload EVERYTHING and make you a sitting duck for a few seconds. Hard flux can only be decreased by pulling back and venting it into space, which in turn means your shields are down while it vents and to make matter worse _so are your guns_ because firing your weapons builds up 'soft' flux which will decrease over time, but can also overload you! So combat becomes this dance of going in, trying to overload the enemy's shields without pushing your own flux levels too high, then pulling back and venting to allow you to renew your attack. Even better, ANY level of flux cuts your top speed by like, 10%, not much but enough to matter. Also, shields pretty much NEVER cover your engines, meaning anyone who can get around you is going to knock your engines out and make you unable to pull back to vent that flux safely. It's a really neat system.
@Kokopilau77 День назад
I always thought the Valkyrie class was cool looking. Though not sure why they messed up canon in B&C, especially major issues like the tram system and multiple decks to the launch pods on Galatica.
@Archris17 День назад
7:35 "Aaahhh... The delicious salty taste of tears. Mmm, cry harder." - an Archer main who will absolutely throw a tantrum at anything that dares to shoot me back
@brachylp3400 День назад
I will State one thing that Sci Said at the Beginning No 40k is not the Final Boss of Sci.Fi. that Honor Goes to Warframe just by Sheer MINDNUMBING Stuff that Happens just in the Main Timeline but also the Way Lore gest Presented and Distributed but I wouldn't mind seeing ur Take on EITHER
@blanktm228 День назад
I am very thankful for what you do, in part because the easily digestible format makes it possible for me to draw inspiration from it in the moment. Thank you, angering canadian!
@thosewhocando 2 дня назад
Re Demolishers. Actually they aren’t rare. 80 tons w two AC/20. More often than not used on the defensive in urban environments. And in teams or lances. Imagine being ambushed by 4 of these things in close quarters? Cost is 2 million c-bills each. Also they have an ICE engine so can be produced locally on most planets.
@casualsilver2702 2 дня назад
I used this thing in the modern turn based Battletech game and I stripped out the weapons and gave it LRMs and a ton of Armour
@MM22966 2 дня назад
During the Iraq invasion in 2003, some US Marine units used loudspeaker trucks to insult the honor, bravery, and general requirements for manhood of a group of Iraqi fighters dug into an area the Marines had to go through to get to Baghdad. Sure enough, the Iraqis came out of their trenches, heads on fire at the insult...and then the Marines set them ON fire with concentrated arty and air strikes, and liberal doses of machinegun fire. So this kind of stuff happens in real life, too.
@dathore 2 дня назад
I feel like a way to make the Pegasus death more awesome could be like, introducing a super Cylon base, like the biggest thing you've ever seen, literally built to hunt the beast, the toasters send 4 of them too, tossing everything they had to take down the biggest threat they know, and it's not enough, even with their super bases, the Pegasus is far too badass to die, with Galactica's help it takes down 3 of the 4 but is all but gutted, and for the final one, we do the ramming scene, but instead of the base breaking, the Pegasus is stuck right in the middle, pushing the huge cylon ship against the planet and both get taken down as gravity grabs them and pulls them with the force of a whole planet, the last scene of the battle is a huge explosion reminiscent of the nukes the Cylons like to use, but hundreds of times bigger, as the last cylon ship's remaining ordinance detonates on impact. (I know this is corny and such but hey, that's the fun of it, badass has to go in a badass way, them's the rules. )
@kaionski1105 2 дня назад
Yes, pilots should not piss off their techs. Once upon a few decades ago, a sierra hotel USAF pilot known as Lt Arse--le did a full bags, full live ammo alert mission. On postflight insection his ejection handles were found to be safetywired ..... safe. No one ever admitted knowing anything about the safetywire. The Lt was said to have recieved consul from the Commander. That I don't know, I do know that he was much easier to work with after.
@Big_Black_Dick 2 дня назад
its such a relief to know i wasn't the only one completely enraged by wat they did to Pegasus 😒 to this day i can feel my vitals boiling at the thought
@hudsonberkan3232 2 дня назад
Bros playing ftl music #nostalga
@Arendelft 2 дня назад
@Lair_of_Adair 2 дня назад
Excellent video on the best space battle still today, but I have to disagree with you on one, tiny thing. Providence > Venator, any day of the week. I know we see the Gualara (I hope I spelt it close) take on Grievous 1 on 1 and win. You could chalk it up to luck, but I would say that the Invisible Hand had already been fighting for a big amount of time already. We see in a couple of cutscenes that makes it seem that the Invisible Hand has been damaged. For instance that one scene of Shak-Ti's death, Grievous tells the droids not to engage due to the reactors. I like the Venator, but the Providence to me just seems like the better warship for broadside combat, especially design in mind. Also a shame that for some reason Grievous was in the smaller version of the Providence.
@KarlHodgkinson-h2k 2 дня назад
The spoiler could be a radiator so it could burn its engine harder for longer
@SadChief 2 дня назад
It would absolutely suck ass if your trying to drop a duce in your 100°F mech and you get attacked but survive. now have to explain to your techs why you are naked and covered in hot stinky shit💀💀💀
@Yacovo 2 дня назад
The Pegasus was like the military arriving in a zombie apocalypse. If they stay around, have good supply lines, and remain benevolent, why should we worry about what will happen to the battered survivors? So one of the three has to change to return tension. Thanks for the video.
@LordRazer3 2 дня назад
Lessons to learn is don't mess with the guy making your food and don't bully the guy in charge of keeping your giant hunk of metal standing. We wouldn't want any unfortunate cases of spontaneous combustion happening now would we?
@Crybaton 2 дня назад
Calling British Tank development "Real Wallace and Gromit Hours" is actually fantastic
@jrwilliams7534 2 дня назад
The Rim World Republic was on a Three Way Civil War when the Star League invaded. One a Full Democracy Group, One as is Republic and House Amaris/Join Star League smallest faction.
@iainbaker6916 2 дня назад
Sweet. Excellent inspiration for a mission in the FreeSpace campaign I’m planning