Peyton Burnham
Peyton Burnham
Peyton Burnham
Quality of Life in Games
6 месяцев назад
How to Play Music (Automatically!) In GameMaker
6 месяцев назад
Channel Update Time!
Год назад
@Shmorez 4 часа назад
Hi! I know this video is old and I do not expect you to respond but, I was wondering if there would be an easy way to do this in visual.
@OHHHHUSBANT 5 часов назад
I literally searched for pixel slop games, this was recommended lmao
@cj_bluethunder 10 часов назад
I just finished watching through the whole series (not counting the extra parts after this in the playlist) and I was wondering how I’d make it so that the player could walk behind certain tiles, similar to the Mario & Luigi games.
@UNUSUALstudio726 18 часов назад
@gotanybacon5680 День назад
Do you have like a link or something so I can download the sprites
@guy0784 2 дня назад
Absolutely hate how you do things one way and then be like “buuuuut” let’s completely change it now.
@user-xh6bv7td5x 2 дня назад
17:11 --- could <or> be used instead of the + and the clamp? That's what I did and have not had any issues YET. ...Also at 17:49 I attempted to figure this one out by myself and ended up with runType = abs(moveDirection * runKey); I was thinking since the moveSpeed array can only be 0 or 1, it can't be negative (absolute value) and it only applies when there's a moveDirection != 0.. if moveDirection is 0 the equation is 0, so player wouldn't be running? I did try this before pressing Play again and it seems to be working without any issues YET. It was also working while I was in the air, which felt weird, so I added one more line of code <below?> the runType code line if !onGround { runType = 0; } so far.... so good... YET? I'm a super beginner and literally these are my first lines of code and understanding of code ever. I do realize if the array for moveSpeed ever goes to [2] for any reason that my code breaks entirely because I don't know how to make that equation equal 0, 1, or 2.
@user-xh6bv7td5x 2 дня назад
12:53 "Then" I proceeded to write my second and third lines of code before it was shown in the video! WOOT Except I did the third one a little different. I'm not sure if this affects much? if ySpeed != 0 { sprite_index = playerJumpSprite; } I completely forgot about onGround and my thought process was (from the absolute value of xSpeed) obj_Player will only be falling if ySpeed is -1 or 1.
@user-xh6bv7td5x 2 дня назад
19:18 lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (my first line of code typed before it was shown in the vid) -yeah its not much, but when you are an absolute beginner it feels like something.
@user-jx1ke4ek1g 2 дня назад
will you continue the series? I would like to continue learning
@mattidevs4310 2 дня назад
This must be the best tutorial I have ever watched, good job!
@ZheadMonkey 3 дня назад
Had some holidays to use, figured I'd take some time off to knock out this tutorial. Got far too excited and stayed up until the early hours (..don't do this) I was offsetting my bullet origin from the center of the player sprite and had loading errors. Been going over the videos repeatedly trying to find the issue, fixed some syntax and the room loads, my player sprite and weapon work as intended, but no longer fires bullets and no errors to follow (which were working fine, previously) I've scoured my coding, but obviously I'm missing something (probably obvious) Would anyone be able to highlight areas I should be checking or give me any clues as to where the problem might be? 🙏
@Absorbet 3 дня назад
@magenppg 3 дня назад
24:10 could someone pls explain me how does "face" variable works in oZombie if it was only described in oPlayer?
@extrimeghamer4050 3 дня назад
hey idk if anyone will help me but even tho i did evrything correct whenever i try to test the player movement like in 8:20 i keep getting an error for the "sprite_index" : Variable <unknown_object>.face(100011, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_obj_player_Step_0 (line 34) - sprite_index = sprite[face]; i did evrything like in the video but cant get past this point, can someone help?
@nicitia 3 дня назад
your tutorials have saved me lots of time so ill defo buy this whenever it releases
@captguyliner 3 дня назад
Having an issue at 7:42 when i try to create another tile path it wont let me draw any further than the previous small section, even after making the room size bigger. not sure what i did wrong.. these tutorials are amazing though, man. thank you so much!
@ChillFrosty_ 4 дня назад
Dang Peyton! Great job with this one!
@Noob-wv9ju 4 дня назад
やあ、私は日本のGamemaker初心者ですが、このチュートリアルは素晴らしい完成度でした。 説明が丁寧で、改造にも耐えうる頑丈なコード!シリーズが終わるのが残念です。 是非ともメトロイドヴァニア系統のチュートリアルも作ってほしいです。 製作ご苦労様でした。本当にありがとう🥰
@skippy1500 4 дня назад
For some reason, (I’m at 24:04 btw) it only shows one letter of each dialogue. Anyone know how this happened?
@Drathel302 4 дня назад
Peyton, thank you for your hard work making these videos so easy to follow along with. You've made the learning process fun and intuitive. Thank you!
@zouofzouey 4 дня назад
This is a really great tutorial! You did a great job explaining everything! But just as a side note: For anyone like me who wanted a key press to interact with an NPC and the speak box object (As in RPG movement and if you get close to the NPC you can press a key and interact you just have to put: *keyboard_check_pressed(ord("E")) && distance_to_object(oPlayer) < 10* // 10 is how many pixels away from the object it has to be to work and oPlayer is just whatever your player character is or the object you are controlling. in the oSpeakBox step event instead of *position_meeting(mouse_x, mouse_y, id) && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)*
@sunwrek 4 дня назад
7:37 leaving this here so i remember lol
@TitanCrusader 5 дней назад
idk what i did wrong but i fixed it by copying a other bullet and change the name and sprite and that fixed it
@gavinwooten5228 5 дней назад
@gavinwooten5228 5 дней назад
@Moons_TheNerd 5 дней назад
I'm three years late, but I finished the tutorial, and when I walk into the warp block, it plays the animation but doesn't warp me. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for me?
@theshadowworld97 5 дней назад
hey everyone in case you want to have the items appear on the top left screen and follow you around make sure to place them in the draw gui event and not in the draw event :)
@oooooooooegorova9717 5 дней назад
Everything is fine, except for one thing. After I added draw_sprite_ext to the draw event, the sprite animation stopped working. How can I fix this? I did everything as in the video.
@oooooooooegorova9717 5 дней назад
Ok, I found a solution. I added a custom image_speed to each movement where located the //sprite control.
@FoolishRT 5 дней назад
thank you so much, always cooking with the tutorials. sometimes my brain gets fried along the way, but if i keep watching it always ends up making sense.
@SodieSquad 6 дней назад
I want to make a platformer and this sounds like an amazing resource. I am trying it out and following along now. Thanks for this
@werecus 6 дней назад
youre a great teacher. thank u 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@werecus 6 дней назад
bug i think: when the _subPixel value is .25 for getting pushed through the semisolid platform and .5 for scooting up to the wall when colliding on a moving platform, id sometimes teleport when running into the corner of a wall while on a semisolid platform rotating upwards. Changing both _subPixel values to .25 fixed this
@amdjadmoussa301 6 дней назад
I have a problem when I change rooms the collision of the other room if I suddenly find I'm stuck
@nebbyteb3282 6 дней назад
Do you have any combat system tutorials in GMS2
@MetaphoricMinds 6 дней назад
grrrr why do people have to change sh.* all the time? I hate when you're in a software tut and its like "Click on the first frame down here" but GUESS WHAT, GameMaker doesn't have that section any more. It looks different and I have NO idea what I'm doing. 2 minutes in to making games and failure is already knocking at the door.
@MagieNoire3587 7 дней назад
############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_enemy_parent: Variable obj_Noob._damagelistsize(100025, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Script_get_damaged (line 116) - for(var i = 0; i < _damagelistsize; i++ ) ############################################################################################ gml_Script_get_damaged (line 116) gml_Object_obj_enemy_parent_Step_0 (line 2) - get_damaged(obj_damage_enemy,true) gml_Object_obj_Noob_Step_0 (line 1)
@SuperAdjusted 8 дней назад
Can you use this to save and load an array from the instance creation code?
@werecus 8 дней назад
anyone else have spotty results walking down slopes at dif speeds? It works with the movement values in the vid but after setting walk and run speeds to 1 and 2 and colliding with a wall once, the player skips down the steps again
@Plaguedocluna 8 дней назад
new gamemaker dev here, and i just wanted to say that as a beginner, your tutorials are awsome!
@Fire_Jacket 8 дней назад
getting somewhere
@Fire_Jacket 8 дней назад
Thank you alot you are in my heart
@Fire_Jacket 8 дней назад
Ich küss deine Augen du bist der beste
@napoleonicgerbil 8 дней назад
18:47 that gave me a mini heart attack, I thought I didn't follow along XD
@Xboy1207 8 дней назад
video starts at 4:46 btw
@brnperes 9 дней назад
This is the best Gamemaker tutorial I have found so far. And I've been looking!
@Iconic730 6 дней назад
dud same. his rpg one is good too, you should check it out.
@Lynxpawws 9 дней назад
i cannot believe i made it this far, thank you so much, this is was incredibly helpful
@user-vc4ij8pz1q 9 дней назад
Umm I broke somthing ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object ObjectTextBox: Variable <unknown_object>.text_x_offset(100069, 0) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_ObjectTextBox_Draw_0 (line 167) - var _textbox_x = textbox_x + text_x_offset[page]; ############################################################################################ gml_Object_ObjectTextBox_Draw_0 (line 167)
@magic4694 9 дней назад
I have copied everything for the box arrow pointing part but for some reason when i press left or right arrow buttons the arrow animation appears for up and down and for up and down arrow buttons vice versa direction arrow animation appears even though i followed everything as it is. Is this some version change issue?
@bendriscoll 9 дней назад
these tutorials have been instrumental in helping me make my project currently. also do you plan to make a cutscene tutorial?