I just exist I guess- I'm just here to upload random stuff that happens while playing games
2v2 Arena Skarner is still fun
Год назад
2v2 Arena Skarner is fun
Год назад
Too many minutes of Hubert stuff
2 года назад
Hubert educates you on coffee
2 года назад
Ferdinand is an amazing singer
2 года назад
Thanks courier, really cool
2 года назад
I'm having fun!
2 года назад
Bernie's Unstoppable
2 года назад
Paralysis is my favorite debuff
2 года назад
Ark be like
2 года назад
Byleth is sus extended
2 года назад
@Winter_Symphony 27 дней назад
This video convinced me that Hubert is a good character, but now I'm left with the dilemma of who I like him with: Ferdinand or Bernadetta 😭
@bennel3588 3 месяца назад
Wasn't Holst a member of the Golden Deer? There is a dialogue with Hilda and Holst.
@dittofish1818 3 месяца назад
This was made when only the demo was out and I never updated it. Kinda expected someone else to upload something on the full release. And now I feel like it'd just be extremely late to do so lmao
@bennel3588 3 месяца назад
@@dittofish1818 Someone has done it. I did find the video, be cannot find it anymore. I think the user took down his/her video or that user blocked me, so that's why I cannot find the video anymore, even in my history search results.
@ShadowdaHedgie11 3 месяца назад
Leonie: Time to hammer Captain Jeralt's motto into your skull: Better to fight dirty and win, than play fair and lose. Lorenz: Leonie, I refuse to learn such cowardly techniques. Do this lesson when I am not present, if you must- Leonie: POCKET SAND, SHA-SHA!
@ShadowdaHedgie11 3 месяца назад
Rodrigue: This is delicious! ...now i'm just imagining Rodrigue in the Bison meme. Also, inter-house laziness club: Sylvain, Linhardt, Hilda
@nhilz 6 месяцев назад
hes so daddy
@TheGamersState 7 месяцев назад
"Perhaps if you flush with rage every now and again you wouldn't have the complexion of a coffin-dweller" I don't care what anyone says; Monica absolutely owned Hubert with that 1.
@TheGamersState 7 месяцев назад
Hubert: If you are that superior, perhaps I will simply let you do everything. Hubert....Have you been taking lessons from Hilda?
@ummno3703 8 месяцев назад
Billy ;___;
@infinitygenealpa 10 месяцев назад
Is Sylvain trying to switch places with Hilda or something?
@tuxysmagicaljukebox5431 10 месяцев назад
I love HIlda's voice so much. It's part of what makes her so appealing.
@RexicTheKing 11 месяцев назад
put this man on the ferdinand von choir.
@aishi_rei 11 месяцев назад
@rainyday9174 11 месяцев назад
2:57 Caspar in a nutshell
@tterabyte_exe 11 месяцев назад
Hubert can GET. IT.
@harusbestgirl8648 Год назад
@lindylandy3063 Год назад
somehow, hubert started to become one of my fav characters years after i finished the game. he is just so silly and so cute n goofy in his other supports
@BoomingInfernape Год назад
Billy taken too soon ahh
@ryangillott7081 Год назад
Having Tara Platt voice Edelgard was one of the best decisions for the character lol
@randymogus7811 Год назад
what r u doing?
@Amonimus Год назад
A powerful rat, named Hubert Von Vestra
@simontscharf9613 Год назад
why are your shields so big here. Did you get any shield augments or is it just the support starter item?
@dittofish1818 Год назад
Master of duality aug, gives a ton of ap which gives a ton of shield I'd consider it to be the single most broken thing on skarner since you can spam abilities and auto fast
@CIKAM1337 Год назад
You can get an augment that lets you use r again after just using it. Whoever you grab is dying for sure. @@dittofish1818
@JustSomeFatGamer Год назад
@@dittofish1818 I've been maining skarner and currently 5200 rank in gladiator. I'd have to say that the augment that gives ability haste is the most broken, as you can perma cc with just your E, combined with courage of the colossus that gives shield when you CC someone, and/or Guilty pleasure that heals 4% max HP when you CC, but Master of Duality I would say is just behind the ability haste one but perma cc I have 1v2'd so many times It's like playing in urf but enemies are not lol
@hannahmeaker4595 Год назад
0:30 which game is that clip from
@dittofish1818 Год назад
Three hopes, believe it's a support
@allen0neil142 Год назад
te recomiendo usar trinidad y espada del rey arruinado es mas divertido, sobre todo con la skin de blindaje
@dittofish1818 Год назад
He estado jugando con Divine Sunderer (no puedo hacer que esto traduzca lo siento) recientemente. A veces uso Espada del Rey Arruinado, pero depende de la competición. Hay muchas construcciones divertidas en Skarner
@xacmashe3852 Год назад
God i love Shez's silent reaction to Hubert. You can just see on his face going "whoa, how long have you been there?"
@aiden4016 Год назад
soar skar
@wolfgirl40032 Год назад
Rq, when does this part, 2:33, occur in the game?
@CGrascal Год назад
Three Hopes moment during the Black Eagles route.
@PokemonMaster64158 Год назад
I think I’m going to cry 😢❤❤. It’s been a year since billy kametz passed
@zarris3986 Год назад
Hubert is so freaking funny as a simping troll lol one of my favorite characters in three hopes.
@bennel3588 Год назад
I found a dialogue for the following not in this video: Raphael and Lorenz Raphael and Ignatz Lysithea and Marianne Marianne and Lyndhart Mercedes and Constance I wonder if I spelled any of their names wrong.
@vino.vvveeee Год назад
just another proof that black eagles is indeed best house, each member was just so endearing imo..even hubert of all people xcbfjdjc
@yowieyahoo Год назад
my two coffee-drinking girlfriends (and yes they drink coffee)
@wanderlustwarrior Год назад
My two air-breathing girlfriends (and yes they breathe air)
@bennel3588 Год назад
I'm so glad that there's a video of just the Black Eagles dialogues. I do not have to go through the clutter trouble just trying to find the Black Eagles in the complete dialogue video. Isn't there also dialogues for new recruits (like people you persuade to join the team) and Byleth and Jeralt with a member from the team?
@dittofish1818 Год назад
There is, this was just made during them demo and I didn't bother updating it since people already made videos of all the dialogue by the time I would've been able to once the full release came out
@bennel3588 Год назад
@@dittofish1818 I did find the video of all the dialogues for this game, and then when I came back on after getting new members on my team, I could not find the video. I think I did check my video history, and even did the search thing for it, but I cannot find it. Maybe the person deactivated his/her RU-vid account, removed his/her videos, or blocked me.
@bennel3588 Год назад
​@@dittofish1818 If you're wondering why the person probably blocked me, it might be for misleading. When I saw the dialogues that I could not get, even by using the same character they used, I did post how I think to acquire it, and then when I tried it, it did not work, so I removed the post, and I think I posted a question about how am I supposed to get the dialogue or a suggestion about how to get it. I think the user checked his/her e-mail box, and then saw an incorrect post I made on one of the RU-vid video, and then just counted that as misleading, and did not check if I removed the misleading post. Can't expect everyone to know things perfectly well. There were no commentaries nor annotations in the video either, so that's why I posted suggestions. I was not trying to be misleading; I just did not know how to get the dialogue.
@castiolare Год назад
I only played the base game of Three Houses back when it first came out (never played the DLC) but Hubert is still my favourite character in the game even with little memory of it.
@thefrenchbastard1646 Год назад
never had this before but he sudenly reminds me of harlock
@Engardian Год назад
“Let me explain…!”
@thrasher698 Год назад
Not enough minutes of Hubert stuff*
@LumenInFusco Год назад
I love how with the exception of Bernadetta none of the black eagles are even remotely intimidated by Hubert's villain persona. "You'd best watch your step, lest you find yourself inadvertently stumbling into an...unfortunate predicament." "Yeah yeah whatever, what do you want Hubes"
@wanderlustwarrior Год назад
Introducing new people to the group: Ashe: "Is that a g-g-g-ghost?!" Caspar: "Oh don't worry about him, he's just like that."
@worthywill9294 Год назад
@GeraltofRivia22 Год назад
It would make a pegasus dance with joy.
@blueeyeddrago3540 Год назад
We miss you, Billy.
@Infernal_fauna Год назад
He’s so baby girl
@kumonoameai Год назад
So the reason Hubert looks like he never gets any sleep is because he's fueled by caffeine from coffee. Checks out.
@cybercoldymcphearson7338 Год назад
9:20 Caspar by perchance?
@NileNi_3 7 месяцев назад
Pretty sure the first one is Ferdinand, then Caspar, and the last one I think is Edelgard but hell if Lindehart gonna to Hubert 😂
@gann5264 Год назад
The way dimitri talks to felix at the dinner table is SUS
@user-zd8gt3qb3u Год назад
They look different?
@Jarock316 Год назад
Fun fact: Hubert is afraid of heights. But despite that, he wanted to become a Pegasus Knight, despite the fact pegasus's only let women ride them. (Subaki in Fates is the sole exception.)
@rhadamanthys649 Год назад
Shigure too.
@user-zb1bh9ss2f Год назад
Pegasus Knight is not a gender exclusive class in Fates
@firstnamelastnamethirdname Год назад
Isn't it because the pegasus from fate differ from the other pegasus species in other games?
@Jarock316 Год назад
@@user-zb1bh9ss2f Try getting males other than Subaki and Shigure classed as Pegasus Knights. Read: You can't.
@user-zb1bh9ss2f Год назад
@@Jarock316 friendship seals
@huskydylan6178 Год назад
Did you know that in three houses, after hubert and bernies first support, byleth kicks hubert in the nuts and gives him detention for obvious reasons, he didn't have to give her a heart attack to tell her to watch where she is going while holding a sharp object
@PeruvianPotato Год назад
Top 10 things that never happened
@wanderlustwarrior Год назад
2:35 I'm stunned the rest of the Eagles didn't burst out laughing at Monica's response. Hubert's their friend, but they all need a good roasting from time to time.
@Jarock316 Год назад
I wonder what blend Hubert prefers...
@NintendoGirl49 Год назад
Lol almost everyone is giving Lorenz crap. Heck even RAPHAEL of all people gives him crap.
@SentaiYamaneko Год назад
Kinda funny how Lorenz complains about dirty tactics when Ben Diskin also voiced Joseph Joestar, who thrives on dirty tactics.