Matthew Weidner
Matthew Weidner
Matthew Weidner
Probate and Consumer Attorney
St. Petersburg City Council 12.20.20
3 года назад
@BILLUPS811 2 часа назад
Weidner, is there a phenomenon where judges are consciously reluctant to rule against mortgagees/alleged note holders?
Mortgages are Fraud because the banks have No Money
@melissareyes9455 7 дней назад
Shouldnt you know for sure who the holder of the note is?
@estherrayos 9 дней назад
I don’t need to be followed nor my treatment turned into torture sess beacuse of this woman - your rights in this country are a privilege and can be revoked for stalking and assault by the dentist
@danieldelewis2448 10 дней назад
Did the homeowner have to come to some kind of settlement agreement after the foreclosure was reversed, or did they walk away with the property lock Stock and barrel?
@danieldelewis2448 10 дней назад
35:54 the bank pulls the victim card
@melissareyes9455 19 дней назад
It did. He proved the bank suffered no loss and in fact actually gained and should owe homeowner.
@bluesky6985 22 дня назад
The borrower is the lender
@JohnTheBabtist-h4q 23 дня назад
SO, the courts and the banks are in collusion, stealing this womans $200,000 . The all need to be ARRESTED ---she DID NOT SIGN THE NOTE, only the husband did. They can't steal her equity, not lawfully, not without being corrupt crooks.
@califri1995 24 дня назад
All this criminals were laughing all the way to the bank (bench), and that's where they were sitting
@dadsapp 26 дней назад
Which side won this case?
@ibnbrydie 27 дней назад
Thanks for posting
@archiesanford7535 28 дней назад
This sounds more like law enforcement is framing the individual. The judge is trying to favor law enforcement when their jobs is to serve the people. It still doesn't allow the entry without following the warrant. If they hide a device in a drug package to signal upon opening if the signal doesn't happen they have no right to enter. It should have said the warrant could be executed after reception of the package . Then the warrant's requirements would have been met after delivery. If he opened it on the porch it would be in the plane view doctrine. The judges keep wanting to allow the description be in law enforcement s advantage. The officer's normally get the DA to draw up their warrant requirements and not just the officer. They wrote the warrant in order to be able to get everyone in the home when entry is activated
@rocksolidnaturalhealth9227 29 дней назад
How did this case end up ?
@rocksolidnaturalhealth9227 29 дней назад
How did this case end up ?
@hustleusa Месяц назад
Doesnt he know as a judge
@georgetaylor2819 Месяц назад
@EWDDG Месяц назад
Bank of America is one of the worst banks to do business with.
@OON7 Месяц назад
@OON7 Месяц назад
NOT FINAL UNTIL TIME EXPIRES TO FILE REHEARING MOTION AND, IF FILED, DETERMINED IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL OF FLORIDA SECOND DISTRICT WILLIAM CRAIG RUSSELL, ) ) Appellant, ) ) v. ) Case No. 2D14-3166 ) AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC; ) NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC; ) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC ) REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, ) INCORPORATED AS NOMINEE FOR ) FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ARIZONA; ) RL JAMES, INC.; and SUNDIAL OF ) SANIBEL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, ) INC., ) ) Appellees. ) ) Opinion filed April 24, 2015. Appeal from the Circuit Court for Lee County; James R. Thompson, Senior Judge. Richard Johnston, Jr. of Johnston Champeau, LLC, Fort Myers, for Appellant. Nancy M. Wallace of Akerman LLP, Tallahassee; William P. Heller of Akerman LLP, Fort Lauderdale; and Celia C. Falzone of Akerman LLP, Jacksonville, for Appellees Aurora Loan Services, LLC and Nationstar Mortgage, LLC.
@OON7 Месяц назад
No appearance for remaining Appellees. BLACK, Judge. William Russell appeals a final judgment of foreclosure entered in favor of Nationstar Mortgage, LLC (Nationstar), following a bench trial. We reverse because Nationstar failed to establish that the original plaintiff, Aurora Loan Services, LLC (Aurora), had standing to foreclose at the time Aurora filed the foreclosure complaint. On February 25, 2011, Aurora filed a single-count, verified complaint for foreclosure. In the complaint, Aurora alleged both that it was the servicer of the loan, authorized to bring the lawsuit, and that it held the note and mortgage. Attached to the complaint were a note payable to First National Bank of Arizona with no indorsements, an allonge containing three indorsements, a mortgage naming Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS), as nominee for First National Bank of Arizona, and a corporate assignment of mortgage. The assignment reflects that the mortgage was assigned from MERS as nominee for First National Bank of Arizona and its successors and assigns to Aurora on November 23, 2010, prior to the initiation of the lawsuit. The note with attached allonge contains three undated special indorsements. The first indorsement is from First National Bank of Arizona to First National Bank of Nevada. The second is from First National Bank of Nevada to Residential Funding Company, LLC. And the third indorsement is from Residential Funding Company, LLC, to Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Trustee (Deutsche Bank). Deutsche Bank is not a party to the action nor was it served.
@OON7 Месяц назад
During the course of litigation Aurora moved to have Nationstar substituted as plaintiff, and the court granted the motion. Aurora attached to its motion an assignment of mortgage from Aurora to Nationstar. An amended complaint was not filed. In his answer, Mr. Russell raised standing as an affirmative defense, alleging that Aurora lacked standing to foreclose and that Nationstar, as substituted party plaintiff, also lacked standing. A bench trial was held on June 20, 2014. Nationstar called Jose Perez as its sole witness. Mr. Perez testified that he was a default specialist for Nationstar and had previously worked in the same capacity for Aurora. The original note and mortgage were admitted into evidence along with the assignment of mortgage. However, the assignment did not purport to assign or transfer the note, and as previously observed, the note was not indorsed to Aurora nor was it indorsed in blank. See Lindsey v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 139 So. 3d 903, 904-05 (Fla. 1st DCA 2013); see also Bristol v. Wells Fargo Bank, Nat'l Ass'n, 137 So. 3d 1130, 1133 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) (disapproving the bank's argument that the assignment of mortgage, reflecting only transfer of the mortgage and not the note, supported its standing to foreclose). In addition to those documents, a limited power of attorney (POA) executed by Deutsche Bank and evidencing Nationstar's designation as loan servicer was admitted over objection. The POA identified Nationstar as the successor servicer to Aurora, which was a successor servicer to Residential Funding Company, LLC. The POA, dated August 6, 2012, does not indicate when Nationstar became the successor servicer to Aurora or when Aurora succeeded Residential Funding Company.
@OON7 Месяц назад
Mr. Russell moved for involuntary dismissal based on Aurora's and Nationstar's lack of standing. He argued that neither Aurora nor Nationstar was the holder of the note and that there was a total lack of evidence establishing Aurora's authority to bring the foreclosure action as servicer. He further argued that the best evidence of standing that Nationstar presented was the POA which was signed well after the suit was commenced and was unclear as to whether it even applied to Mr. Russell's loan. The court did not expressly deny Mr. Russell's motion. And despite expressing concerns regarding standing, the court ultimately entered the final judgment of foreclosure in favor of Nationstar. "A plaintiff alleging standing as a holder must prove it is a holder of the note and mortgage both as of the time of trial and also that the (original) plaintiff had standing as of the time the foreclosure complaint was filed." Kiefert v. Nationstar Mortg., LLC, 153 So. 3d 351, 352 (Fla. 1st DCA 2014). Under this theory, a plaintiff must establish more than just physical possession of the original note. If the plaintiff is not the payee of the original note, the plaintiff must also prove that the original note contains an indorsement in favor of the plaintiff (special indorsement) or an indorsement in blank. Id. at 353. In either case, the indorsement must have been made prior to the filing of the lawsuit in order to establish the plaintiff's standing. Id. A substituted plaintiff acquires only the standing of the original plaintiff. Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.260; Kiefert, 153 So. 3d at 353 n.4. Here, the only note in evidence was payable to First National Bank of Arizona and specially indorsed, ultimately, to Deutsche Bank as trustee. Nationstar's
@OON7 Месяц назад
witness, Mr. Perez, testified that Deutsche Bank was the holder of the note. Thus, Nationstar failed to establish that Aurora had standing to bring the foreclosure suit as a holder. See Lacombe v. Deutsche Bank Nat'l Trust Co., 149 So. 3d 152, 155 (Fla. 1st DCA 2014) ("[N]one of Deutsche Bank's exhibits qualifies as an indorsement from [the note holder] to Deutsche Bank, an assignment from [the note holder] to Deutsche Bank, or an affidavit otherwise proving the plaintiff's standing to bring the foreclosure action on the note and mortgage at issue as a matter of law."). "In the mortgage foreclosure context, 'standing is broader than just actual ownership of the beneficial interest in the note.' " Elston/Leetsdale, LLC v. CWCapital Asset Mgmt. LLC, 87 So. 3d 14, 16-17 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012) (quoting Mortg. Elec. Registration Sys., Inc. v. Azize, 965 So. 2d 151, 153 (Fla. 2d DCA 2007)). Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.210(a), the real party in interest rule, " 'permits an action to be prosecuted in the name of someone other than, but acting for, the real party in interest.' " Azize, 965 So. 2d at 153 (quoting Kumar Corp. v. Nopal Lines, Ltd., 462 So. 2d 1178, 1183 (Fla. 3d DCA 1985)). Thus, "a servicer may be considered a party in interest to commence legal action as long as the trustee joins or ratifies its action." Elston/Leetsdale, 87 So. 3d at 17 (emphasis omitted). In this case, as in Elston/Leetsdale, Aurora alleged and verified as true that it was the loan servicer and had authority to bring the foreclosure action. Aurora did not allege upon what authorization it acted. Nor did Aurora attach to the complaint or file of record "any evidence, affidavits[,] or other documents, supporting its allegation that it was authorized to prosecute the action on behalf of the trust." See
@OON7 Месяц назад
Elston/Leetsdale, 87 So. 3d at 17. And, as in Elston/Leetsdale, the complaint was verified by an employee of Aurora and not by the real party in interest-Deutsche Bank. Nationstar contends, as it did at trial, that the POA sufficiently establishes Aurora's standing at the time the foreclosure suit was filed. However, as previously noted, the POA is dated some eighteen months after the complaint was filed, grants limited powers to Nationstar only, and does not indicate the dates which Aurora previously acted as servicer for Deutsche Bank. Nor does it indicate that Aurora held a similar POA or was otherwise given the same limited powers granted to Nationstar. Cf. One W. Bank, F.S.B. v. Bauer, 39 Fla. L. Weekly D1160 (Fla. 2d DCA May 30, 2014) (granting petition for writ of certiorari and noting that powers of attorney for both the original servicer and successor servicer were introduced into evidence), rev. denied, 157 So. 3d 1041 (Fla. 2014). Nationstar's evidence established that it was the current loan servicer for Deutsche Bank; it did not prove that Aurora had standing as a prior servicer. See Murray v. HSBC Bank USA, 157 So. 3d 355, 358-59 (Fla. 4th DCA 2015). Perhaps more importantly, even if the POA could in some way be evidence of Aurora's authority to bring the foreclosure action, the POA merely references agreements which identify mortgage loans serviced by Nationstar and those agreements identify loans not by loan number or name but rather by "series" numbers which do not correlate to any of Mr. Russell's loan documents in evidence. When questioned about the agreements referenced in the POA, Mr. Perez was unable to state what loans were included in the various series identified. Nationstar failed to present any evidence that Mr. Russell's loan was among those included in the agreements referenced in the POA. Thus, Nationstar failed to establish that it-and its predecessor
@ghostofzaire Месяц назад
Its all fictional. So true. These corporations are fictitious entity. Power to the people
@williamfelts7530 Месяц назад
I was injured at that time frame i had never been late on my mortage work comp started playing not sending my pay so i was getting behind i called bank explained my situation they transfered me the person asked me if i was behind i said not yet but with the fight with worksman comp i might get behind he said well i can not help you till you are over 90 days behind i said well i was going to see if i could just pay less for a while and then catch up he said modification after i was over 90 days behind said dont pay for 90 days then call him and he would adjust my payment then he said i had to apply for loan modifaction because i was over 90 days late i told him you told me to not pay he said i know but now we can lower payment so i had to apply it took over 8 months i was makeing test payments like half payments then after the 8 months they sent me a new mortage to sign they added over 10 thousand dollars and 10 years to my mortage and it was like a new mortage allmost all payments at first were intrest mostlet and added penelties for missed payments for 3 months and partial payments for 8 months when i started they said it would take like 1 month to 6 weeks to do modifaction the kept all partial payments did not credit to princaple or intrest and i found out after that after the 90 days they used mortage insurence and total owed on house was payed to them by insurence then they charged me penelties and intrest and 10 thousand dollars and 10 years of intrest on top they made out like major on me but i had 15 years of payments into the mortage allready was just really paying more to princaple than intrest i bet there are people they did even worse than me
@georgesheffield1580 Месяц назад
Doetch Bank, where have i heard of that bank and questionable real estate loans ???
@BobbiejoKuzma Месяц назад
weidner its all a scam and fraud AND YOU KNOW IT.....where did the money come from??? read the book by tom schauf bankers secret manual....you will reverse your position and REALLY START ASSISTING THE PEOPLE....instead of taking their money...also are you registered under the foreign registration act....????
@jorgesegura8044 Месяц назад
This language ? Can any man be tried in a foreign court, in a foreign language to you ???? Were they on Federal Lands ? Does US, 10 sq. Mi. Have territories purchased other than military bases and guam, america samoas, puerto rico, and a few others ???
@topeliteautosale7658 Месяц назад
whats the court case number
@blain20_ Месяц назад
Why is this a question? Fictional characters never die.
@gboundrepublictv7564 2 месяца назад
Borrower funded everything but has no standing as a 3rd party pooling and servicing beneficiary? 🙃
@CashappQdangerous 2 месяца назад
It's illegal for a bank to foreclose on any property they don't own.They only loaned you the the down payment on the property.Therefore everyone out there that was foreclosed on was illegal. The bank owes you money and they won't tell you this because the thief's want to keep it. 🎉😎🤗😊
@angelaauger3691 2 месяца назад
The whole system is based on fraud which in a court of law it becomes null and void
@michellecormany1909 2 месяца назад
What paper do I file for non payment of spousal support in Calif
@michellecormany1909 2 месяца назад
Wife is so greedy, She’s petty over nothing.
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
How is blacks law, NOT FRAUD...Same words, and different definitions...does either your lawyer or judge tell you this...nope...FRAUD...legal ease is fraud...their own language for chrst sake...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
All one huge fraud........
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Under martial law, no one has any rights...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Military courts...tribunals...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Gold fringe around the red white and blue means martial law or admiralty jurisdiction...ask about this.......
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Courts, police can not lawfully talk to me...private and public never mix..........
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Im a non citizen national, private,..
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
A us citizen is us property...anything with the u.s. before it, is u.s, property...like the us Supreme Court...us virgin Islands, u.s. sailor, mus soldiers, etc.......all us properties.......
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Makes you private...citizens are public...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
When you drop the citizenship...no longer in their jurisdiction...
@luminouslink777 17 дней назад
If you drop citizenship how do you tavel to other countries,since it means dropping the passport too? Must be another way to handle this matter, less limiting.
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Very rare indeed..........
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Good luck finding an honest judge...........or an honest lawyer.......
@rayburnyarborough4695 Месяц назад
You never hire a member of the British Accreditation Registry!
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Class dismissed...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Because they have value,........unlike the us dollar. ......
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Banks will sell, the promissory notes and contracts, stock market m international stock market...say show me the wet copy...be long gone...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
No wet copy, not lawful...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Only the wet copy is admissible...wet copy...wet ink...original copy.......only one, rest are forgery...
@dougbillman2333 2 месяца назад
Public and private do not mix...men and women are private...courts are Public...unless you are a citizen...you control what you create...who crested the citizenship.........