Janie DuVall
Janie DuVall
Janie DuVall
Welcome to Janie DuVall’s official RU-vid channel.

Janie DuVall was a producer for various International Christian TV programs for over 30 years.

She loves interviewing people about end time prophecy, teachings that will change people's lives & amazing experiences people have had knowing Yahshua/Jesus.

She also is a music composer for TV and has produced her own music CD’s

This channel covers end time prophecy, life changing teachings, current events & supernatural protection.
The Two Witnesses Are NOT Who You Think…
2 месяца назад
18 Reasons Trump CANNOT Be The Antichrist
3 месяца назад
Warning! April Eclipse Signals Trouble Ahead…
5 месяцев назад
*WARNING* Major Black Swan Event Coming 2024!
5 месяцев назад
Terrifying Fallen Angel Technology Revealed!
7 месяцев назад
What Israel is About to Do Will Shock the World!
8 месяцев назад
The FINAL Invasion of Israel [God Warned Us!]
9 месяцев назад
*URGENT WARNING* This End-Time Event is Imminent!
10 месяцев назад
@kimkolbet6644 День назад
You believe that the “interstellar beings” are “fallen angels”? Nah! They have come to help us. They are God’s creation, also. Where does it say in scriptures that “beings” in spaceships are “fallen angels”? That belief is just nuts!
@cookiemonster5565 День назад
I read years ago that Diana told one of her closest friends that she had been drugged shortly after her marriage and taken to a place where the royal family uncloaked themselves and became lizards. There they revealed her purpose to bear children. Apparently when their human bodies wear out, they inhabit the next generation. Sounds like demons to me. No idea whether this is true, but if it is, I wonder if Camilla is also a lizard. I do know that Diana once made the comment that they were not human. Was she speaking metaphorically or factually. If it were true, what a horrible life she must have had. Shecdid say her marriage was hell. Another metaphor?
@cookiemonster5565 День назад
The desire of women was a Hebrew euphemism for the Messiah, because all Jewish women desired to bear the Messiah.
@user-mo4my2fk2i День назад
@proudmarinemom74 День назад
Read somewhere that Science was created to cast doubt on creation/GOD/bible
@sharonchriswell8500 День назад
We are now moving into the millenilal days. We must move individually into the terrestrial where we all who are living close to the Spirit will be able to recognize The Savior when He comes.
@wakcackle3555 День назад
What is the likely-hood of a contrived/falsified fulfillment of prophecy to trick the Ecclesia to accept the Anti-Christ?
@jojot2045 День назад
Beast system
@annettemccoy7458 День назад
The Global elites are planning a fake return of Christ and rapture, as well as, a fake space alien invasion. They intend to use project blue beam holograms and other technologies in order to create these events. The aliens/demons have already been here. The elites are working with them. They gave them technology. The aliens will be introduced in the invasion as benevolent beings from our galaxy which will bring in the one world beast system. Do not be deceived. Christ will come on the clouds with all the Heavenly Host and every knee will bow. There will be no doubt who is the real Christ when he comes for us.
@rochellehaden День назад
That's not true! Acts 10 is clearly talking about the northern and southern kingdoms. There was a split, and the northern kingdom was considered unclean. Cornelius was of the northern kingdom and still kept the Laws of God. God wanted to use him(Cornelius) , but if God hadn't sent that vision, Peter would not have dealt with him.
@Reginagoff2024 День назад
Yes I think so. With all the toying around with DNA it's not surprising. Before the flood hybridization was practiced.
@annettemccoy7458 День назад
I don't believe in an early rapture. The Bible says to keep the faith until the end. It says do not fear what is happening and that no weapon will prosper against his children. Why tell us what's going to happen during the tribulation if we aren't going to be here? There is no mention of early rapture or two comings of Christ in the Bible. We will see first hand the power of the Almighty God and the Holy Spirit against the powers of evil. These events have to happen so that people will repent and believe or renew their faith. We Christians will need to be here in order to bring others to the truth and to salvation. We will be empowered by the Holy Spirit and the lost will see this and be drawn to Christ and his salvation. It's part of the plan. Just as God saved the Israelites from the plagues and were brought out of their tribulations and just as God saved Noah who was brought through the flood...all those alive will see and experience these troubling events so that we can all visibly see the power of God working in our lives. They will see how he protects his children and is able to save those who believe in his son, Jesus Christ. All will be revealed and all people will have to chose who they serve, God or Satan. That's what we are here to do, chose who we serve and save those who are lost. This could not happen with an early rapture.
@jenniferhejhal4101 День назад
REVELATION 13:15-18 KJV 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
@DogsRuleGrandma День назад
“ You will die like humans and fall like any other ruler. Rise up, God, judge the earth, for all the nations belong to you.” Ps 82:7-8. These monster inbreds will fail. This is satans goal to corrupt humanity thru his “children.” It’s horrifying. When Jesus rose he defeated death and said all power and authority was given to Him. We’re in a battle. God will win.
@livefreedom1776 День назад
A one world government, just like in the Bible. Get right with the most high, YAWEH your Elohim
@shawnmariep День назад
What about the Creed of Nicaea? The 1611 Bible was removed from the market for about 100 years. The next version differed from the the original King James. After that, it was removed from the public again. Changes were made again.
@i-love-privacy День назад
why a rapture and not go through tribulation? Why will there be an anti christ, if there are no Christians? The 12 disciples were also not set apart.
@arknanny2547 День назад
NO ONE WILL ACCIDENTALLY TAKE THE MARK! It will be pledge allegiance to satan or die. NO tricking people
@devylynn4295 День назад
What if the third temple is the true Christians period.. a supernatural structure ?💕🙏🏼
@Diaspora_roots_global День назад
17:17 we have it now #TMVPB.
@cliffdunning9296 День назад
In Mathew 11:5 Jesus is referring to Isaiah 35:5 and Isaiah 61:1 not some other non-biblical texts. The amazing things about the dead sea scrolls is their close adherence to scriptures not that they offer something new and different.
@Diaspora_roots_global День назад
47:10 That flooding of non Americans aren't worried about voting, they are the new border patrol sleeper agents.
@edhelm9099 День назад
June 16 AM NZT. I had a dream 1. I, w/ some people, looked at the sky and we saw something is coming 2. Next scene, We were asked to sit down and I told myself "this is it, they will reveal the anti-christ" I felt the presence of a dragon at the right side of the scene I'm looking at. But I didn't see it. Then I heard a woman's voice said "I am god, and if you worship me, I will give you everything you need". I saw people quickly went to the way of the dragon 3. I close my eyes and I remember my daughter. I saw her face and I look at her and said. Remember this. "There is only one God! Jesus is our Lord and Saviour" 4. I opened my eyes, I saw and heard a christian friend asking "what will happen to those who will not accept the dragon?" The person answered: "They will be separated" from those who accepted and go with the dragon" 5. We who rejected the dragon, walked to the left path, the dragon is at the right. we are very few. At the end of the left path, I saw a small mountain of rocks with a little bit of water flowing, for people to pass through. From there, I heard my husband's voice, so I quickly go up the rocks and pass through, then I followed his voice. 6. There are lots of people stuck in that place after the rocks, and I can't find the way or door to go to where the voice is coming. I asked someone if they can hear the voice and they said yes and I asked how to go to him? This is the answer: "There is no physical door/way to go there. YOU HAVE TO BE SPECIAL!" 7. Wondering what does it mean, I just move backward from them thinking what to do and then in an instant, suddenly, I was suck into an invisible door, like to a different dimension. But I can still see those people I'm talking to. And they saw what happened. They were shocked and asked, How am I special? And How to be special so they can also enter to that place. 8. I left and followed the voice and was able to be with my husband and daughter. We went to a place where there are houses with gates (like beautiful townhouses). We enter our house and I look around and everything we need is inside the house. "It is complete!" are my last words.
@elibennett6168 День назад
On another note, I read an interesting theory that the two witnesses are the angels that appear throughout the bible. Think of the cherubim before the ark, the two olive trees in Zechariah 4. The two angels that enter Sodom who took on physical form. The law was put into effect by angels (Galatians 3) and so it would stand to reason that they could be the witnesses warning of judgment according to the law and the gospel message. They witnessed the entirety of human history and were there for important events. By two or three witnesses a matter will be established. I also wonder if they are the ones granted to sit on the right and left of Jesus.
@s..e.k...12o77 День назад
He is too old for antichrist and he has no so money and power. There are others. He is not good on health too. Antichrist have real power and he is young. He is not from Europe not from America not from Asia... God bless you
@racheldoesacrylic4089 День назад
Anyone who poo poos what's truly going on regarding evil in the world is blind as a bat ,you can feel it x frightening to think what they are doing most don't want this if you have a soul that resonates with Jesus Christ x stay prayed up x
@elibennett6168 День назад
The two witnesses are proof-positive prophecy has not ceased. The church needs to build spiritual discernment.
@dustinblackmon1514 День назад
I renounce satan and praise christ 🙏
@user-op3yg5ng7t День назад
@williamrink4851 День назад
SS and Nazis were into occult
@esoteric.breadcrumbs. День назад
22:26 my son (7yo) had a dream that bugs were coming out of the earth and trying to eat us and the ground becoming lava.
@denisehughes2898 День назад
I have to admit that some of this stuff sounds good. Like the 15-minute city, driving less, having smaller homes. We ARE spoiled in the United States. Riding our bikes more, etc. doesn't sound like a bad idea. However, I know that they have an evil agenda behind it all.
@JohPetersen День назад
This is just another Hollywood sci-movie, it’s so dumb that these beasts think they can get away with it, they’re just like spoiled children who are playing evil games with each other. They don’t know that they’re being watched by God anytime and all the time, he is not going to let it happen. So be trustful to God you people and just deny to play with them, even if they will kill you or prison you. Be trustful we are already in the God”s kingdom. 🙏❤️
@esoteric.breadcrumbs. День назад
30:50 reminds me of a dream not long ago. It was all these demonic influences building trying to stress me out and anger me and make me feel crazy. They stole me away so I could complain and then worked to further frustrate and confuse me. At a certain point I realized what they were and how little power they had. I started calling them out and praying. They got angry and threw me into darkness. Here’s the interesting part. I was falling, in total darkness, then this bright fire orange light lit up the darkness and it was an image of triangles that buzzed on with great force. I felt my neck snap to the right and a loud noise came from the right side. I was paralyzed but the sound was so loud and painful my paralyzed body spasmed in pain. They were trying to shut me off, but I kept praying until I woke up. The weird thing is I tried to find that symbol and the closest thing I found was the symbol on a laptop key called the “programmable key”.
@pamelalynneowens8479 День назад
that will be a cold day in hell!! !!
@daviddavis9411 День назад
Elon is very evil
@chrishusoen День назад
Military has not shared the real footage.. they give us the cinematic versions
@DeborahFoster-wk2xf День назад
There is something that show it OCTOBER 7 2023 APRIL 7, 2027 WOULD BE 1260 DAYS
@jac7253 День назад
Acts 10:13-15 what God hath cleansed , that call not thou common
@jill3686 День назад
It is spiritual warfare They are owned like cattle.
@DeborahFoster-wk2xf День назад
Or in Zachariah two olive trees
@alissac6161 День назад
HI Janie- to live for 100 or 150 years?? Per Prophet Kim Clement- We will be the generation that does not die-- So Kool!!
@DeborahFoster-wk2xf День назад
Two Olive Trees also found in Joel
@DeborahFoster-wk2xf День назад
Two Olive Trees shown in Jeramiah
@jill3686 День назад
Sooooo what happened to family's, friends and love
@jill3686 День назад
Transhumanism Forehead , is the third eye. Google and Apple. China is the model. Branded as CATTLE. Funny this is. When i was first told i had cancer. I imagined us separated from our families. All the cancer people were put in a certain area and fenced in. Separated from your families. How can you trust these people. When FDA approved. Medications cause cancer, destroy kidneys. So you can be in dialysis. And can affect your liver. Soooo you think you can trust them. I don't need them to do anything for me.
@im7224 День назад
They want control of our bodies, minds, and souls for underlying evil purposes. Dont be fooled by the shiny objects they will set before you. Fight against this.
@BadBoyBuddha День назад
I can't wait to meet like-minded and get the SOCIAL needs met that we all have been waiting for ☮️❤️😁🇺🇸⚛️♂️♀️🧠🧼🦸‍♂️♾️
@BadBoyBuddha День назад
The covenant was broken with this technology and bringing something that's political brings uneasiness because TRUTH is in Crist and Needs Understanding for Millennials and others how the fallen angels have been hoarding knowledge outside of schools still stuck in Rockafeller System of Cast
@cookiemonster5565 День назад
The 15 year old Jewish boy, Nathan, who died and had a vision of WWIII said Obama was GOG.