Welcome to my channel where I play lots of Total War including Medieval 2, and Warhammer 2 primarily. I am a beta tester for Divide and Conquer, and you can find lots of previews here.
Divide and Conquer v5.2 Beta: Gondor [28]
3 месяца назад
@eugenefrolov1396 20 часов назад
The sentinels are useless for Dale which has the best archers. In Third age mod, the elves constantly threatened my borders, it was annoying AF
@bigthoughts2644 4 дня назад
If anyone sees this, if you want to still be able to produce orthanc at edoras and byrig whilst betraying isengard you must complete and win your assault against them in 1 turn. You must break alliance, assault, and capture isengard all in the same turn or you will lose those recruitment spots to script. If isengard is dead prior to script being able to implement. It will not run.
@JackLovesBbqWings 7 дней назад
Anyone heard from Augimund? Not like him to be this silent on here
@Augimund 5 дней назад
Have no worries. I'm still around 😎
@JackLovesBbqWings 5 дней назад
@@Augimund ah glad you are ok mate :)
@rickygable 7 дней назад
When new video
@MasterNinjaXz 10 дней назад
How can I update my game to V5.0? I just realized im still running the 4.6 Eriador Rises update
@duyanhnguyenphuc3899 10 дней назад
Why this faction doesn't have Galadriel herself
@MrDacat 13 дней назад
dont bother with this faction, its a bloody impossible campaign, you wont expend anywhere because your put on a constant defensive from turned 1 with all the stupid limitation and don't believed him aragon his units no better then any other general and can easily lose to a single or pair of units if not backed up
@usfreedomsmith3077 15 дней назад
Why did you get rid of the pelarger marines? I mean the new marine unit is good but my goodness the old unit model was awesome
@matthewturley9694 16 дней назад
How do you activate the assistance from Erebor/Khazad-dum for retaking Buzra-dum?
@adwersary1766 16 дней назад
Honestly i dont know if Im just not used to it but i really dont like the new models. Low-tier units look like some sort of blend between germanic tribes and indians from north/central america. Elite units on the other hand are mby bit too much armoured and colorful to the point where it does not feel like Dunland. Also some armour choices (especially helmets) look kinda goofy and ridiculous. Feels like it should have stayed the same, but maybe i just played too much 4.5
@crepley8335 16 дней назад
What if Isengard has Helm's Deep and Edoras?
@JacopoVallepiano 20 дней назад
Agimund, you forgot to showcase Glorfindel
@swiniver5839 20 дней назад
I think the family trees should be expanded to show all the important generals and the families that were mentioned in the book and if the modders want to have the specific characters have their significant others like Arwen for Aragorn and Eowyn for Faramir that would be cool
@bigthoughts2644 20 дней назад
I edited the files fam and used the highest tier new unit skins for the aduniac plate tier 5 and used the old skins which are still in the game for everything else. Imma tell you. They look amazing. It feels like you pulled up some boys from the south and scrambled them together then to get your tier 5 plate and look like a solid numenorean army with that black prince feel is so satisfying. Best of both worlds for real.
@johnroscoe2406 21 день назад
What really ticks me off with Lorien, and what ticks me off in general with this mod, is that AI friends who have your big enemy as their enemy as well, for example Khazad-Dun being enemies with Dol Goldur, seem to be coded to not really want to fight that enemy. I've tried Lorien a few times, and I just got sick of Khazad-Dun letting them walk through Erui (I don't take Erui I rush for Edrichairn, Rocheburg AND Fangorn Camp) without contesting them. They even move superior armies AWAY from inferior Dol Guldor stacks. Wood Elves are the same. They just sit there. And the Unification mechanic is not worth as by that time the AI Wood Elves, who don't suffer from lack of money as no AI does, has pumped up thousands of gold worth of units that it did nothing with, leaving you tens of thousands in debt, but because you were the only one fighting Dol Guldor, Dol Guldor still outnumbers you and you can't bring what should be an overwhelming force together. tldr; the AI rolls over for itself to create an artificial feel of "difficulty" for the human player. It's cheap and I don't like it. The only two AI pairs I ever see actually acting as if they are at war with each other are Rohan and Isengard, and Gondor and Mordor (and frequently Gondor leaves Cair Andros undermanned and let's Mordor hold it, as well as BOTH East AND West Ostgiliath). Sometimes Erebor and Gundabad. That's really it. And I disagree that you have options and breathing room. Precisely BECAUSE no one else takes Dol Guldor seriously, you can't really move out to expand past your first few settlements or even think about assailing Amon Loc itself because as soon as you mobilize, Dol Guldor starts sneaking a force in to take whatever you may have left undermanned. So you have to pull back. Or else you'll just sacrifice a settlement to take another, which ends up changing nothing.
@Lycurgus1982 21 день назад
It looks as though going after Khand would round out their roster very nicely.
@stephenpickering8063 26 дней назад
Anyone heard any news about Augimund? The site seems to have been inactive for three weeks now and he's normally pretty active. Hopefully everything OK with him?
@HangrySaturn 27 дней назад
Currently playing as Dorwinion. I can't imagine a better faction.
@johnwheatstreet 29 дней назад
what's the squeaky sound in the background (49:00)?
@XramBrain Месяц назад
Dale is one of my favorite factions. Keep it up, Sir! I love your faction overviews.
@shadowwolf226 Месяц назад
fuck that damn Discord Group. There are just assholes, which always makes fun of you and bullying you when you have problems and ask for help !
@bigthoughts2644 Месяц назад
A comment on the lack of spears. The forest is an inherent defense against cavalry. Just for a lore blurb. Fighting in the forest is similar to fighting on a ship. Short weapons, shock tactics from ambush/boarding actions, cavalry don't work well, and prior to cannons the distance at which you can engage the enemy is quite short.
@chancemodiri3672 Месяц назад
Maybe I’m mistaken and maybe someone can help me here but I’m in the middle of my erebor campaign and I’m getting script messages about rhun stuff and that I might get attacked if I expand. So did he just miss this or what?
@gusdaskalakis770 Месяц назад
Well i wish I would’ve watched this sooner cuz I just realized I got to restart my entire campaign cuz Bree got destroyed so I can’t reforge Arnor, and Gondor got wiped early too 💀🤦‍♂️
@maximusd26 Месяц назад
who the fk thought 15-30 turns to recruit ONE unit was interesting ? that's criminal
@MrZiva82 5 дней назад
There is a lot of gate keeping with the modding team. I thought at first that it was because of AI balancing (Snow Orcs steam roll over EVERYTHING AI ALWAYS, every game i ever played they wreck Vale, Wood Elves and Erebor), but then again AI does not use production and economy at all (they are somewhat constricted by recruitment) so it does not matter. They are not horde faction, that is the only reason i can think of
@maximusd26 5 дней назад
@@MrZiva82 yeah the only faction for which it s understandable are the elves, and even still ...
@MrZiva82 5 дней назад
@@maximusd26 i know, that is the gatekeeping i was talking about. The argument is "game is too easy as it is", and for extreme minority that might be the case. However, hard does not always means fun. I dislike AI spawning army after army on top of the extra starting armies on top of free recruitment without upkeep on top of the free settlements, but i can understand it to a degree. That being said, fighting hundreds of battles where are you outnumbered 10:1 and expected to loose almost nothing time after time after time after time as the only means to have a sliver of army is the opposite of fun. Losing half of your economy because you moved one unit out of the city while AI is fielding tens of thousands of troops without any cost is... well.... it makes you loose all interest in all the rich lore that seems as nothing but fluff in the game that ignore half its own mechanics
@captwaffle1361 Месяц назад
I'm 90 turns into my Adunaim campaign, starting W. Osgiliath. How do I get Beruthiel's Watch?
@tofucana9152 Месяц назад
As much as I like the lotr soundtrack, i also miss the base medieval 2 battle themes, is it possible to get the file to change it like you're using
@ASunstrider Месяц назад
any idea when 5.2 will be released?
@derrickbonsell Месяц назад
I think the skins are fine. These aren't necessarily men that the Adunaim are training, but men of a pre-existing tradition. Also I don't like the ultra dark color scheme of these Adunaim anyway, I preferred the more golden Roman-inspired stuff but I'm too lazy to mod them back in. There's also no reason not to upgrade to the higher tier conscription buildings. The income is nice but the upkeep savings easily make up for losing it. I don't know if there are unit slots but an "assimilation unit" that's a slightly upgraded version of a local troop would be an interesting choice if you get enough culture. Alternatively if it's possible to tie unit experience to higher levels of Adunaim culture, though I suppose just having the units is already enough of a boon on its own.
@timmeh006 Месяц назад
To make the Gondor playthrough more managable, you can keep W-Osgilliath in an endless siege. The armies can't go around the city to attack your army on the bridge. So as long as your army is big enough to disuade the besieged forces to sally out, you'll be fine. You can gradually reduce the sieging army size to one cheap unit when the attrition takes it toll. This way you only need to defend Cair Andros in the west. Cair Andros is best defended by pulling Faramir and his rangers immediatly into the castle and from there keep recruiting Ithilien rangers mixed with a couple of balista's. In battle place them in the back of the settlement and use a couple of melee infantry in front of the gate. The free infantry units from the guardhouses are really good here. Mix in some pikes and you'll be fine. In the south, rush Umbar asap. Capturing Umbar will gut the Ar-arudanaim (or however you spell it) and make your southern border a lot safer. In version 5.0 Rohan is extremely strong and will usually stomp Isengard so as Gondor, you can play the vulture and scoop up some settlements. Rohan will usually not attack Isengard itself untill deep into a campaign, so you can just take that for yourself. Be carefull though because Isengards pikes are overtuned and will absolutly wreck anything bar your most elite units and that grenade thrower unit Isengard has is insanely powerfull if you let them throw.
@Sparten7F4 Месяц назад
I see Denethor went to the Greek school of tacical thought
@artolan_illusive Месяц назад
Gotta love Lond Galen. In my campaign it was doing over 10k at some point, not even Umbar was richer.
@kristianjacobsen352 Месяц назад
Any news about Wien this version is out ?
@IILeao67II Месяц назад
@kristianjacobsen352 Месяц назад
Thats a Galu joke mate
@nearbypc8314 Месяц назад
I watched Galu from the begin, you just reminded me how the life was back than ☹️
@zethylon7707 Месяц назад
This is the Masterpiece of V5. The perfect story of uniting clans, thematic unit roster, the brilliant music. Everything plays and fits so well together. Enedwaith became quickly my TOP favorite faction by far.
@maxrander0101 Месяц назад
oh and a personal note on picking between loose and a thin shield wall the thin shield wall wins but only if done right that is with a second line of pikemen just behind them or within the line so the pikes also act as apart of the shield wall and have your archers in the same drawn out lines behind them in guard mode as they will keep taking out the enemies behind the main front line troops and make holding the line alot easier as by the time the front lines meet the enemy is already on the verge of retreating and within a few mins of hitting your front they will break
@maxrander0101 Месяц назад
for my last ten playthroughs Ered Luin have taken the rings and joined the evil side no matter who i have been playing they even took one of my undefended havens when i was playing the elves as i had been forced to send its entire army to aid the other haven due to other enemies on my border that were being pains and always attacking the same haven every turn
@Buffon266 2 месяца назад
Hello Augimund...is there a version of 5.2 to download?
@ASunstrider 2 месяца назад
Right in the descriptions it says that it's not publicly available yet.... No if @agimund would send us the files...
@Buffon266 2 месяца назад
My bad...tnx sunstrider 👍
@radek329 2 месяца назад
Hello, is there a website that shows what type of armor a given unit will need? because I wanted to play Aragorn at Arnor and I don't know if I will have access to gold armor upgrades if I make this choice. And now I don't know how to quickly check whether typical Northern Dúnedain units need the "Numenorean Plate" for gold armor. I know it's a bit of a strange question, but these gold upgraded units look great
@user-qg2ht8gx6f 2 месяца назад
Just checked game files and marauders does not have any anti cav bonus at all. Also tested couple battles marauders vs osgiliath veterans: fully upg marauders can only kill 50% of veterans in like 5 charges and then they flee, while basic marauders killed only 24 men and flee the battle. Also marauders can`t even kill gondor cavalry militia in 1on1 combat. So its all just a marauder paranoia :)
@logycaa 2 месяца назад
The Gurveleg are basically Middle Earth's Delta Force. I totally adore them
@CICellDirectorCairmann 2 месяца назад
best faction aesthetically if you ask me no contest hands down etc etc
@gkuhn2589 2 месяца назад
Iorthon's army have 2 choices one take Morigost first then fight the army of Ragzad in a defensive siege battle the second choice was to lift the siege to fight Mordor army in a open field then take Morigost You chose the second option I would have chosen the first option because of the amount of cav of Mordor's army and the fact in a defensive battle I have tower in my side
@gkuhn2589 2 месяца назад
I have a rule of caution : the army cannot leave a settlement until you have build a military recruitement building or a armoury to protect the settlement even if the construction take 10 TURNS
@slavkoburic6030 2 месяца назад
Think about maybe giving grey company armor piercing attack and second hitpoint, it is aragorn.. the strongest warrior in middle earth
@NathXXX69 2 месяца назад
I am pretty sure the Clans of Enedwaith resist diplomacy with factions that hold clan seats. The AI factions consider some settlements as their own and will fight to get them. Enedweith has to claim all clan seats like the one in Carras so I doubt they will ally with you long term if it is player held.
@martello4957 2 месяца назад
Maybe Overview mods Gondor at War? New models units the best
@PerunsZGRevenge 2 месяца назад
Great series, keep going my man, can't wait for the downfall of Mordor, the siege of Umbar should be glorious.
@sirdandre5837 2 месяца назад
boromir doesn't have full armor upgrade
@liamcarnahan1346 2 месяца назад
The weird thing for me is if that the two routes i find the "risky route" ends up with less casualties then the "safe route" the healing from the wood elves and the fact when i face the trolls that the elven units do not matter means when i get to kazadum I have a fairly experienced army that can push through the mostly trash units of the goblins with no problem