PBS Utah
PBS Utah
PBS Utah
PBS Utah, from the University of Utah, is Utah's storyteller. PBS Utah provides the full PBS schedule, including WORLD Channel, PBS Kids, and the Create Channel, in addition to locally-produced documentaries and series that focus on Utah.
Utah's Power Pivot [PROMO]
2 месяца назад
@sunkings5972 22 часа назад
Such an awesome project for the community and much needed for the country. Only issue with this tech is the nuclear waste. I do wish the US woukd build a pilot thorium reactor soon.
@RoysFineGems День назад
Dougway Utah, was where My Mother was exposed 1952-53. She died of cancer in 1977😢. I don't know what kind. Dad was a nuclear chemist for the Army. We got? 🖕
@masteryoda129 День назад
jay shree krishna. it's so great that good people of utah have a krishna temple and they believe in the good dharmik ways of krishna. only one negative thing is, temples architectural style is similiar to islamic palace.
@Ekbhaskaran 2 дня назад
The pursuit for happiness and finally moksha end in hinduism ❤
@babeena_gt_3645 2 дня назад
I have learnwd so much prior to this,and it is so much heartbreak because many of the indigenous peoples now a days do pow wows and dress up but don't realize that it has less to do with their culture ,and more to do with entertaining white invaders of their land. It was pure evil what was done to them. Europeans did not understand what peaceful people looked like ,so they forced them to conform to their ways of war and satanism
@steinec100 2 дня назад
We need to take a longer harder look at the entire area around oak ridge tennessee as well. My great uncle had a secret job at martin Marietta and died of multiple cancers at age 66. My mother died of multiple myeloma - extremely rare for women. We know oak ridge was careless with waste for decades - and has never been fully forthcoming about it
@sayusayme7729 2 дня назад
Lots of love , a beautiful recognition of a great culture we all need to honour and protect. 🇨🇦
@Mystic_1568 2 дня назад
All hindu temples must be placed under Christian authority so that no malpractices are committed in the name of religion. Hindus are very prone to corruption and crime.
@mariae.2670 2 дня назад
Thank you Ben and Kate for providing good feedback on that incorrect supposition that it's too easy in Utah.
@mariae.2670 2 дня назад
With so much of the description discussing amendment D, I was hoping to find more airtime devoted to it as well as the others. They're all quite important with Amendment A and Amendment D both having some problems with the manner in which they are being presented.
@ClairePetersen-p6d 2 дня назад
👀👀👀👀👀Fool us once..... SHAME on YOU. Fool us twice SHAME on Us👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
@ClairePetersen-p6d 2 дня назад
Des pill given to millions of pregnant women to prevent miscarriage ( to protect from fallout????). Well, a long list of live changing, hard to endure illnesses followed the women, their offspring for 2 generations, and the worst of it 😢😢😢😢😢😢 it didn't even prevent miscarriage, nA long list of LIFE changing consequences.Iodine feed to cows had a list of illnesses as well❤❤❤May God have Mercy and Grace on us all. Father Son Holy Spirit Amen
@flirtwithdanger_les 3 дня назад
There's a timing difference between the audio and the subtitles.
@johnhanaly2943 3 дня назад
Oppenheimer's hat was for fallout protection.
@Rc19923 3 дня назад
All victimhood
@randydelaney7053 3 дня назад
These men who talk like oh it is not harmful at all, have no bloody conscience to speak of.
@randydelaney7053 3 дня назад
Some of these locals in Utah make me sick.
@riverraisin1 3 дня назад
My dad was at the Nevada Test Site during Operation Tumbler-Snapper. He was in the Army Signal Corp and set up all the communications equipment in preparation for atomic detonation. He spent 2-3 months on site and was involved in two nuclear tests. One of those soldiers you see crouching in a trench. He said they received high doses of radiation while all the military brass and distinguished guests watched the blasts at a safe distance in air conditioned buses. He was proud of his service, but bitter about being an expendable tool, not much different than the common farm animals tethered to posts out in the blast zone. He passed at the age of 55 from Lymphoma. The only known member of his side of the family to contract cancer.
@prophecyrat2965 3 дня назад
Manifesting thier Destiny all over Earth🔥☢️💀
@willhartnett5470 3 дня назад
The silent war on the citizen.
@mtnwisp 4 дня назад
Great job on the 'Disagree Better' initiative! I’ve tried it with my liberal friends, and our conversations were much more productive. Also, excellent response on supporting Donald Trump. It can be tough to answer when you don’t always fully agree with him, but no one can deny he gets things done. Lastly, it’s refreshing to hear policy questions met with substantive answers.
@Hazil-uq6gi 4 дня назад
Apa makanan untuk induk
@robames1293 4 дня назад
Move the testing to Bikini Atol ---problem solved. The Pacific Islanders no longer have their home but problem solved.
@CarolBrown-x7k 4 дня назад
Juwan Field
@mariekatherine5238 4 дня назад
My uncle died of cancer after serving in the US Army with nuclear testing.
@daspicsman 4 дня назад
If you can’t bring a suit against the government then the government holds ultimate power. That would easily be unconstitutional.
@HeavenTrain. 4 дня назад
The Devils have gotten away with everything so easily.. Following the path that God has set.
@gennysexton1427 4 дня назад
Music is so loud at times!
@robertmanders8323 4 дня назад
Stories about horrors at schools went up in direct proportion to how much the federal government was willing to pay for such horror stories. Proof was never required. Anybody who said they enjoyed their time a school were told to shut up and got no money. It is giant a hoax.
@ceeemm1901 5 дней назад
Dang, Peter Coyote knows EVERYTHING!
@MaudWinston-t8n 5 дней назад
Rodriguez Linda Clark George Hernandez William
@jimrohrich2625 5 дней назад
Good news.
@pameladomino3644 5 дней назад
So sorry my love
@pameladomino3644 5 дней назад
So beautiful you my love
@dawnreneegmail 5 дней назад
600+ atomic explosions??? Really fellas, how many times GO BOOM do you need? sincerely, your collateral damage.....
@4estdweller4ever 5 дней назад
Candace Bear is so well spoken and has a beautiful spirit ❤
@martuuk8964 2 дня назад
Are you serious with this line? lol. Saying a non-white person is “well-spoken” is one of the most deeply racist things you can say. It’s mostly white women that say it. It’s like you’re saying that they are “savages” and that it’s surprising they can speak English… The dominant language of the country. Perhaps you’re shocked that she’s educated? Wow…
@Joey4rox 5 дней назад
I worked at Los Alamos for 8 years in the 1970's. I have cancer from my exposures there. I am receiving compensation, and the government is paying for my cancer care, but that would not have happened in the 50's or 60's.
@4estdweller4ever 5 дней назад
If you believe in a Creator why do you believe the sun is your father?
@martuuk8964 2 дня назад
@@4estdweller4ever the mistake you’re making is thinking that all creation stories necessarily mirror that of the Abrahamic/Jewish story of Genesis, where God (the one God that Abrahamic religions believe is the God of all things) is also “The Father.” Not all creation stories work like this. Not all cultures and religions believe that humanity was necessarily created by the same entity that created nature/the universe. For example the Yamato people of Japan (the dominant ethnic tribe, who traditionally practice Shinto) believe the mother of their people is Amaterasu Okimaki. But she didn’t create everything, she herself was created by a higher entity, and they believe other people/races have different creators/progenitors. Traditional Shinto practitioners will often make reference to the “eight million gods” which is basically an acknowledgement of the highly syncretic nature of Shinto (8 million isn’t an exact figure, it’s just wordplay to illustrate their belief that many gods and goddesses coexist and have separate responsibility over different people, things, lands, and spiritual/metaphysical domains).
@4estdweller4ever 2 дня назад
@@martuuk8964 I’m fully aware of the multitude of divergent belief systems. I tend to think logically so it doesn’t make sense to me that if the “creator” creates the sun that it’s the sun that is the father to humans. Simple question. I was just curious and I was hoping someone with this system of beliefs could explain it to me. I’m not interested in confusion.
@WilcoxChanning 5 дней назад
Jones Cynthia Brown Ruth Taylor Daniel
@SmithTroy-w1y 5 дней назад
Garcia Kevin Johnson Jason White Frank
@janetmcfarland7743 5 дней назад
Thank you for the beautiful images and many interviews. We need to know this as we race by on I-80.
@Will-f7y9x 6 дней назад
Having worked in a commercial nuclear power plant for 10 years, I think these areas that current host conventional power plants really are ideal for the SMR nuclear plant approach. Yes, the "nuclear island" requires a level of quality, training, and engineering several levels above that of a fossil fuel plant, but it's easy to forget how essential the conventional "secondary side" of a nuclear plant site is to the overall reliability and safety of the plant. This is the generator, the dissipation of the waste heat, and (of course) the complexity of the power transfer system from the generator to the grid. This part of a nuclear plant is very similar in almost all respects to a fossil fuel plant. Much of the current coal fire plant can be reused or repurposed--the savings in not having to build out a new grid support infrastructure is huge. But it's the PEOPLE who currently work at the PacifiCorps plant that are the REAL benefit--a veritable gold mine of talent--in terms of siting a new nuclear plant. They are ready and highly motivated to "repurpose" themselves, and they already have all of the respect for the demands of electricity generation and safety that is essential for the establishing the right "culture" for a successful nuclear power plant. The real challenge (I believe) is TerraPower's technology. Liquid sodium cooling in the primary circuit is nothing new. The nuclear physics of a "fast reactor" make water cooling impractical and liquid sodium more or less ideal in terms of the physics. But in practice, it's been hellacious. INEL--really the birthplace of American nuclear power generation--built plants with liquid sodium coolant 70 years ago. Admiral Rickover actually built a liquid sodium prototype in upstate NY, and fielded a liquid sodium power plant in the USS Seawolf (SSN-575). But handling this coolant is a nightmare. It reacts explosively on contact with water--which made it's use in a combat submarine dicey. We tried it in a commercial application (Fermi-1--star of "We Almost Lost Detroit") and never did again prior to the current interest in SMRs. Russia has a few I believe. Japan experienced serious problems with liquid sodium at its Monshu facility. For those concerned with nuclear accidents, it's acknowledged that the simpler the reactor design and the easiest it is for human operators to master and run with optimum safety--the lower the accident rate. Rickover's designs post Seawolf always emphasize making the reactor as "sailor-proof" as possible. If there was a way to make a mistake, a sailor was going to make it and that would be the end of his nuclear power program. Yes, liquid sodium is optimum for the physics regime and desired power density the TerraPower design operates in. But it is essentially challenging relative to pure water. There's a reason that LWR is what the Navy will always use and all of our commercial power plants use.
@freethewolves 6 дней назад
who does the inrtoducton?
@ArlineHunter-gr7fm 6 дней назад
See Dr Forest Tenant and his videos he said izs a myth because he disagrees with CDC AMA and all antiopiod organizations.Dr Tenant was the only Dr that ever studied pain especially chronic Intractable Unimaginable Pain he wrote the Intractable Pain Law and The Pain Bill of Rights.Jr traveled the world and went to Vietnam preforming surgeries and also became a physician to minister Opioids to the wounded and chronic Pain with Opioids.Thetre is nothing wrong with taking Painkiller Opioids for many years up to 50 years or so .Dr Forest Tenant studies and research tjat no medical places has he has the facts to back up Chronic Intractable Painof the spine thousands have Adhesive Arachnoiditis of the spine called the King of all pain and those people at the Veterans Hospital and Clinics are clueless.Let Dr Forest Tenant change your thinking as the AMA and the CDC is the cause of this not people suffering needlessly with Chronic Intractable ypain they don't hear you too busy wanting to cut open the back and putting in aStimular that is supposedly supposed to kill the pain at a high cost and Tens Units.What they forget to tell the pain patient is cutting open the spine can cause infections and that's dangerous.Opiods are not dangerous like they the unlearned no studies or research like Dr Forest Tenant .He left all chronic Pain Sufferers his videos . They need to go to Washington DC for Kamala Harris.Trump started the war on Opoids in 2016 for his political gain.He hated Veterans and wanted to see them suffer as he knew so many were. Horrible man if he's a man. See Dr Forest Tenant and his many medical videos make this go Viral and send his videos to Washington DC .Pass the word. s the cause of this not you
@destinyschild8515 6 дней назад
Social media posts with shock value are the ones that go viral. Unfortunately, tame, informative posts seem to have much less appeal.
@user-wd3po8sd7k 6 дней назад
I HIGHLY disagree with Trump. How can you not??
@painter4769 2 дня назад
Just have a iq about room temp and you’ll start thinking clearly.
@57113 6 дней назад
Thank you for this powerful and informative documentary on the treatment of native Americans and revealing the horrendous treatment of the many times in the governments efforts to eradicate their culture and cause long lasting traumatic symptoms in these people. They are human beings.I am well aware how indigenous people's, especially children in Canada where they were literally torn from their homes and families and sent to Catholic schools where they suffered atrocious physical and mental health issues as well as sexual abuse by Catholic nuns and priests. It's not caused assimilation, call it what it is complete eradication of their culture and way of life. The results of those who suffered such atrocities are with our indigenous peoples today. Alcoholism, drug abuse, suicides, and trauma as well as ptsd. Very few who suffered the schools run by Catholics ever received or even knew they needed therapy or help, and the pope's apology was a sham and didn't help those who suffered at all.
@PBSUtah 6 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your heartfelt reply and response to this video.
@Contessa6363 7 дней назад
In the 90s I worked for a temp agency for a while. One of my assignments was working at a real estate seminar. One of the attendees was a Veteran that had been at Bikini Atole for the nuclear testing. He had cancer at the time and knew he had gotten it from the testing. Having had my own cancer battle, I can completely empathize with the Downwinders. 🕊️🕊️🕊️
@JoanneHavis 7 дней назад
Divide and Conquer!!! Thankyou Catholicism!!!
@CromwellAndy-d4r 7 дней назад
Brown Jennifer Robinson Nancy Hall Robert
@ceeemm1901 4 дня назад
...are f-ing each other...