Javed Khan
Javed Khan
Javed Khan
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@Tesh0011 14 часов назад
John|:8-44... /:10-10|Perkins.
@qamarkhan7492 3 дня назад
The Holy Prophet(sa) has said: “There will be a decline in religious faith and nothing would be left of Islam except its name and nothing would be left of the Holy Quran except its text. Mosques though full of worshippers will be empty of guidance. The religious scholars will be the worst creation under the canopy of Heaven. (Mishkat-ul Masabih, p.88 & Kanaz-ul Ummal, vol.6 p.43).
@joecruz3723 5 дней назад
@rosyid2414 7 дней назад
MashaAllah.. 1:28:00 the state of 1sr43l replacing US as the ruler of the world. Then the suffering of Arabs will truly began. Sheikh said it was marked by 9/11 incident, but I also heard other analyst said since the assassination of JFK, but it even shows that Sheikh's points is also offered by other scholars and analyst
@fahzelabrahams1836 7 дней назад
Allah hu Akbar
@paulmusyk4lyfe51 9 дней назад
2:53:57, 2:58:10, 3:11:17, 3:17:20
@judybecker4200 9 дней назад
We close our eyes, cover our ears - next thing we know it’s happening to us - Canada.
@ladanomar9677 12 дней назад
When i was a child i was confused by the concept of Hell but never confused about Heaven. It made perfect sense that God would create a peaceful paradise but the other place? Now i am grateful for Judgement. The true judgement from which no one will have the ability to challenge the ruling. They escape nothing. Six years is but a minute of what awaits.
@rvaillant 13 дней назад
Ever wonder why governments can never run without debt? Well, here's why.
@sonwabileluhabe8448 14 дней назад
Empires fall.
@mohammedfaraj9423 15 дней назад
This is cancer
@andyhughes1776 15 дней назад
It's now May 2024 and the President of Iran just went down in a helicopter. Hmmmm.....
@ultimatetruth9241 17 дней назад
The so-called sheikh is supposedly spitting knowledge when it is all garbage. Jesus is not coming back. There is no dajjal. The hadith cannot prophesy anything. The Quran does. Stick with the word of Allah please. They are selling you garbage from the hadiths books just like the Christians have been duped with the Bible (another hadiths book). This is to divert you from the right path (31:6). Those are the enemies of the prophet as Allah said in 6:112-113. Leave them with their fabrications, says Allah.
@umar8050 14 дней назад
So you don't believe in prophet Muhammad saww?
@Religion-Science777 18 дней назад
Salam Alsykoum, Sheikh... May the Lord God bless you abundantly. Amen
@kaker4444 20 дней назад
All Prim ministers Are Zionists who worshipped the F-16 as said Wolf on Talk UK And as most Rabia/s (that's Why you'll never hear them on the BBC or Sky or on Fox News Not Even in the so called Hindu in Ziono/Christian' Balfour's HQ in London, And water levels in PALESTINE And everywhere else had either dried up or diverted as in Lebanon since the early 60's' since the Nazis of 1882-48 in PALESTINE and in the EU 1938 - 2023 that's Why they All pouring weapons and money on the biggest concentration camps in Nazareth of Jesus of PALESTINE And Bethlehem to Gaza!! And that's Why we don't And won't hear about them like the South African"s Day at tge International Court of justice like Was the case with Nuclear and burnt Hiroshima Algeria And Johnsberg South Africa, Vietnam And to PALESTINE And the Free minded professors like Chaomsky, Miershiemer and Desny, FinkeleinS nd i Ilan PapeS And Students world wide All stood up to the Nazis and their enthusiastic Goiem worshippers And financiers!! Isn't this the Truth?
@kaker4444 20 дней назад
All Prim ministers Are Zionists who worshipped the F-16 as said Wolf on Talk UK And as most Rabia/s (that's Why you'll never hear them on the BBC or Sky or on Fox News Not Even in the so called Hindu in Ziono/Christian' Balfour's HQ in London, And water levels in PALESTINE And everywhere else had either dried up or diverted as in Lebanon since the early 60's' since the Nazis of 1882-48 in PALESTINE and in the EU 1938 - 2023 that's Why they All pouring weapons and money on the biggest concentration camps in Nazareth of Jesus And Bethlehem to Gaza!! And that's Why only South Africa And PALESTINE And the Free minded And Students world wide stand up to the Nazis and their enthusiastic Goiem worshippers And financiers
@r.m8069 20 дней назад
Nothing to fear it’s already been written it is finished…keep the faith and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
@donaldwhittaker7987 22 дня назад
Sounds quite plausible
@masudsaleh5155 22 дня назад
You never talk about nuclear weapons 😒 🙄
@masudsaleh5155 22 дня назад
Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allah. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved - unto Hell they will be gathered.
@masudsaleh5155 22 дня назад
Javed Khan, are you still alive??? 😢😢
@masudsaleh5155 22 дня назад
/This massive discrepancy exists despite the fact that there is no gender bias in the law favoring females. Whether you like it or not, the welfare system forces you as a man to pay for single women, many of whom, as you know, are degenerates. Without welfare and all kinds of affirmative action promoting women in the workplace, women can't support themselves. The feminist welfare state just distributes the burden of taking care of women to all working men. So you, as a man, have the burden of financially supporting these women without any benefit in return, women who will berate you and call you an incel if you disagree with how stunning and brave they are. Basically, Western liberalism forces you as a man to fund the lifestyle of women drinking, sleeping around with a new man every night, popping anti depressants like candy, going to the womens march on weekends to whine about how oppressed they are. You're literally subsidizing all that. Women being free is not free. Someone has to foot the bill. Islam says, no. No one gets a free ride. You want to be taken care of, you have to be in a marriage as an obedient wife. And if you dont want to be an obedient wife, go be a burden on your father, who didn't raise you right. And if you don't want to live under your father's roof, go live in the wilderness or beg on the streets. See how long you last there./
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
25:39 WOW 😮Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allah. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved - unto Hell they will be gathered.
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Quran S -2-
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Ahmad to come
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Told in the Torah and Injeel of Ahmad
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allah. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved - unto Hell they will be gathered.
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Put on a Cross
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
As said about the inslaved Muslims stolen brought to America
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
And he spoke to them
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Like the Rapes of Men told legat sex with the inslaved Muslims menyet not among the European who took the Muslims inslaved 3the Dark skinned called Negors / till this very Day Negro-equal-called Black ,dark skin Human being
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Turn to what came the seal of Prophets pbuh😊
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
20:40 World Bank 🏦 is US bank 😮😮😮
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
Structural adjustments 😢😢😢 16:20 Currency devaluation Large funding cuts for social program ✂️ Privatisation of state owned enterprises Free international trades 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
Structural adjustments 😢😢😢 16:20 Currency devaluation Large funding cuts for social program ✂️ Privatisation of state owned enterprises Free international trades 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
16:20 Currency devaluation
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
11:27 The House of Saud accepted American deals 😢😢😢😢 11:33 Saddam didn't.
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allah. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved - unto Hell they will be gathered.
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Luts people who follow the behavior history in Torah Injeel and the Quran explain of who what When told warned told about the test of death and Resurrection the purpose of love
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
And the westerners are still wondering why Muslim countries are poor and lot of them migrating to Europe and USA.
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
11:27 The House of Saud accept American deals 😢😢😢😢 11:33
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Children of Adam pass present and future
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
S-2-address then now and the future
@jocelynburrell445 23 дня назад
Addressing the disbelievers
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
And the westerners are still wondering why Muslim countries are poor and lot of them migrating to Europe and USA.
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
*The secular West’s double standards are glaringly evident from how they deal with “irrationality”. When this so-called irrationality is linked with religion it’s a problem. However, when it comes to things like “gender fluidity” it’s completely fine. Another example that can be mentioned is how the “clairvoyant” Edgar Cayce was extremely popular during the early 20th-century.* And it’s the same story when it comes to aliens. The secular West, unable to fight its innate tendency to believe in the ghayb, proposes the likely existence of a non-human species that could communicate with our world - the same way Muslims believe in the jinn Of course, all of this is done in the name of their own religion: science. They even have their own priests in the form of astrobiologists, etc. This belief of theirs is of the same nature as ours. Even if they try and add some pseudo-empiricist spice: there may be tangible elements pointing towards the existence of aliens They fail to grasp how we, too, say there are “tangible elements” regarding the influences of the jinn within our world.*
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
*The secular West’s double standards are glaringly evident from how they deal with “irrationality”. When this so-called irrationality is linked with religion it’s a problem. However, when it comes to things like “gender fluidity” it’s completely fine. Another example that can be mentioned is how the “clairvoyant” Edgar Cayce was extremely popular during the early 20th-century.* And it’s the same story when it comes to aliens. The secular West, unable to fight its innate tendency to believe in the ghayb, proposes the likely existence of a non-human species that could communicate with our world - the same way Muslims believe in the jinn Of course, all of this is done in the name of their own religion: science. They even have their own priests in the form of astrobiologists, etc. This belief of theirs is of the same nature as ours. Even if they try and add some pseudo-empiricist spice: there may be tangible elements pointing towards the existence of aliens They fail to grasp how we, too, say there are “tangible elements” regarding the influences of the jinn within our world.*
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
19:30 For all of those who think it is ideal if Muslim women are not financially dependent on men: Would it be ideal if Muslim men were not sexually dependent on their women? For example, would it be ideal if men could purchase (at low cost) harems of docile life-like forever-young sex robots? How would you respond to Muslim men who justified this by saying such robots are necessary to give men true independence, such that they are not forced to stay in relationships with women who are rude, jealous, controlling, manipulative, fat, old, or ugly? How would you respond to Muslim men who said that Muslim women need to "step up their game" such that men choose to be with them instead of a robot that is more friendly, beautiful, young, and thin? The cop out answer is to say sex robots are haram, but there are other conceivable halal alternatives that would do the same thing: flood men with cheap alternatives. Obviously, such alternatives would weaken and ultimately destroy marriage because it takes away the dependence that men have on women for sex. But that is literally what giving women financial independence does; it makes them independent from men. And that's why no society or religion ever did give women that independence, except for our current dystopia.
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
/This massive discrepancy exists despite the fact that there is no gender bias in the law favoring females. Whether you like it or not, the welfare system forces you as a man to pay for single women, many of whom, as you know, are degenerates. Without welfare and all kinds of affirmative action promoting women in the workplace, women can't support themselves. The feminist welfare state just distributes the burden of taking care of women to all working men. So you, as a man, have the burden of financially supporting these women without any benefit in return, women who will berate you and call you an incel if you disagree with how stunning and brave they are. Basically, Western liberalism forces you as a man to fund the lifestyle of women drinking, sleeping around with a new man every night, popping anti depressants like candy, going to the womens march on weekends to whine about how oppressed they are. You're literally subsidizing all that. Women being free is not free. Someone has to foot the bill. Islam says, no. No one gets a free ride. You want to be taken care of, you have to be in a marriage as an obedient wife. And if you dont want to be an obedient wife, go be a burden on your father, who didn't raise you right. And if you don't want to live under your father's roof, go live in the wilderness or beg on the streets. See how long you last there./
@masudsaleh5155 23 дня назад
COMPARE THESE TWO ARGUMENTS "Islam endorses war (jihad) to impose its law (Sharia) across the world. Therefore, Islam approves of killing people across the world. Muslims are dangerous - your Muslim neighbour literally wants to knife your little daughter and then blow up the local McDonalds." "Liberalism endorses war (e.g., colonialism, humanitarian intervention, military occupation) to impose its law (international human rights law) across the world. Therefore liberalism approves of killing people across the world. Liberals are dangerous - your liberal neighbour literally wants to knife your little daughter and then blow up the local mosque." Why do so many idiots find the first argument logical and compelling, while they find the second argument illogical and absurd? Aren't both arguments illogical and absurd? Do you want to know why the US is broken and subject to an increasingly totalitarian surveillance regime? It is because the American people allowed themselves to be duped by absurd arguments into endorsing the "Global War on Terrorism" - spending 8 trillion dollars and agreeing to give the government unlimited surveillance/policing powers in the name of "fighting terrorism/extremism" as characterized by the first argument above.