I've been at Let's Plays for a couple of years, and I'd think it's safe to say I have some decent experience. Having been a bit of a gaming enthusiast in my childhood, I found the idea of Let's Plays to be rather exciting. After having been inspired by Cthulhuigi and NintentoCapriSun, I went out and bought a Dazzle, and things went from there. I enjoy challenging myself, so expect my LPs to be on hard difficulties and going for 100% when reasonable.
@twoforfive9228 2 дня назад
Goji gettin crazy head
@nehehehgraylois 3 дня назад
2:59 it was bubbles that push you around underwater and it was very dumb, yes Good to see you're used to the controls enough to start doing more references
@ernestosibbley3238 3 дня назад
Yeah Jowee has teleportation powers that explains how he pops up every were even in levels.😅
@nehehehgraylois 4 дня назад
Character development is Jowee showing up, realizing nobody in the conversation cares about his presence and awkwardly leaving without a word
@benbarnett5743 4 дня назад
Here's my roster if I were to remake it: -Playable: Spongebob, Danny, Timmy, Jimmy, Miko, Lincoln Loud, Leonardo, Jenny, Zim, Tak, Plankton, Technus, Count Nogrog, Vicky, Beautiful Gorgeous, Traloc, Smytus, Chandler McCann, Dib
@benbarnett5743 4 дня назад
My idea for a revised roster for this game if it were made today: -Playable: Spongebob, Patrick, Sandy, Danny Phantom, Samantha, Timmy Turner, Jimmy Neutron, Miko (Glitch Techs), Tak, Lincoln Loud, Leonardo -Secret: Zim, Jenny, Annie (It's Pony), El Tigre, Gir, Parker J Cloud, Tommy Pickles, Dudley Puppy
@nehehehgraylois 6 дней назад
The rising apathy on these drawing prompts is thoroughly entertaining
@nehehehgraylois 6 дней назад
Got me good with that cut to Patrick fucking dying
@cathidor 6 дней назад
Ah good another case of a game where the player model of a character is shorter than the talk model
@GreenHyperMan7777 6 дней назад
I do love this games picture scenes!
@yoshihammerbro435 6 дней назад
@GreenHyperMan7777 7 дней назад
I love all of your videos!
@GreenHyperMan7777 7 дней назад
I love all of your videos!
@Wildboy789789 9 дней назад
This game is a fever dream from highschool lol
@ernestosibbley3238 10 дней назад
Man the drawings so far in this game is so Random.😅
@nehehehgraylois 12 дней назад
6:04 I timed 57 a second jog from Bakibeard to the Jungle Gate
@nehehehgraylois 13 дней назад
It's so amusing how Jowee is always there to teleport behind you at the end of a level, but never leaves with you through the door and just goes back into the voice from whence he came
@VenusHeadTrap2 13 дней назад
Whoa, you sound a lot like Jeff Goldblum. Right when you say "No recollection." I thought it was a Jurassic Park clip.
@nehehehgraylois 14 дней назад
I wonder if this game has ten million prompts to draw shit because there's more space to do so? If I recall, the DS games were really stretching it thin with the cartridge space and they had to use the most expensive kind to produce in order to fit all those drawings that can be saved and traded. Without that limitation on the Wii they probably thought "Let's go gung-ho it'll be fun!"
@ernestosibbley3238 16 дней назад
So far the music in the DS version is better.😕
@nehehehgraylois 17 дней назад
Those sirens in the background are the cops looking for Jowee, who keeps appearing in crime scenes to say pointless tangents and then vanishing. To give credit to the first game they *did* shake up the level themes sometimes just not as drastically as the second. The snow had the cave stages, the woods had you going through a clockwork forest and the moon, the beach had you going through ruins and the city world had you going through old castles. They're less inspired than in the second game (Besides the forest world which I think is themed very well), and the second game's worlds were more creative at their core, but they were still there
@KeybadeBlox 14 дней назад
I'm practically happy that I get occasion sirens in the background because they seem to frequently amuse people. I suppose I did indeed forget some of the level variation the first game had. I evidently didn't find that very memorable for some reason, though.
@christianalvarez2363 18 дней назад
Thats so odd, for 6-2 i finished it in my first try and it took me 1:30 minutes and i know i didnt get the mission complete since it had said i needed to do it under 60 seconds but for some reason it checked the mission off for me
@christianalvarez2363 18 дней назад
Dude that 4-2 stage was so hard lol i managed to get him with some ghost volley ball attack. I totally forgot about the attack you used to beat him. Ive noticed youre the only person to upload these stage missions, and for that, i truly appreciate it. Thank you! I feel like not a lot of ppl knew about the extra missions 😅
@ernestosibbley3238 18 дней назад
Well this game ain't called Drawn to life for nothing.😅
@simplyluke1584 18 дней назад
It seems like this version has more effort put into it
@nehehehgraylois 19 дней назад
Perfectly cut ending
@jabmaster1000 20 дней назад
I got stuck on the plankton double jump tutorial. Did the programmers just not realize that that is literally impossible to do by just double jumping?
@nehehehgraylois 21 день назад
I think a lot would be fixed if they had a "hold a button to stick to a grid" thing like many art programs have. Even MS paint to a degree with line tools. Idk how many buttons slots have been used up on the wiimote for that to even be possible though, but it's a thought
@Perzecute 22 дня назад
My childhood
@crookedmothh 23 дня назад
I loved this game!! I took so many photos haha
@nehehehgraylois 25 дней назад
2:52 That strikes me as something Jowee would say and now it's disappointing that he didn't
@trashdotcom753 25 дней назад
Do you have an instagram?
@KeybadeBlox 21 день назад
Nah, don't really have any social media presence.
@nehehehgraylois 26 дней назад
You could probably take advantage of the anti aliasing in the future and color pick some of those low opacity pixels on the edges too if you really wanna get into the nitty gritty of Drawn to Life for the Nintendo Wii™
@nehehehgraylois 27 дней назад
As it turns out, you're a dude in a red shirt with floating limbs in real life and you just didn't know it. Thanks, Mari
@mybanks1014 27 дней назад
Oh gosh, the Wii version of this game was something👌🏻
@nehehehgraylois 28 дней назад
Wow this was surprisingly quick. I’m impressed you managed to eke out something remotely half decent with the Earth there, glad you’re taking this whole using the wiimote thing on the chin. I know relatively little about this one so this’ll be a bit of an adventure for me too. As for the Udraw tablet being perfect for this it bugged me too long ago and looked into it. The tablet didn’t come out until 2010, a year after this released, but VERY interestingly it was created under THQ (funny how the company carries this channel on their shoulders) who was also the publisher to every Drawn to Life game up to this. I imagine the tablet was being developed while this game was still being made but I can’t help but wonder if DtL in general gave someone on the big chair an idea
@KeybadeBlox 27 дней назад
Yeah, funny how the timing worked out on that tablet. I didn't realize it was from roughly the same people, though, which probably would've obviated the whole "rights to use" issue. If only we got that for this game. (and I admittedly played this so soon because I have no idea what else to play lately)
@emilianomerendino3311 29 дней назад
Good times
@108CAM Месяц назад
For me, Bronze in Quick Draw was a challenge but it soon became easier when I noticed the four 50s always shot out at preset intervals. With this info, I started using the level’s timer as a signal for when the 50s were just about to shoot out. Cannon Clash has 3 different patterns which greatly impact your score. I also found this level to be easier because the blocks are bigger and there’s more 50s
@Erikso20008200 Месяц назад
I’m glad you decided to play been really suffering lately with lack of sleep and dental pain and this brought a smile to my face seeing you uploaded this. Yeah the Lydia boss fight is always a pain with those tats if you watch my play through you’ll see me go through lives facing her. The shuttle and Freakshow himself will be easier
@Erikso20008200 Месяц назад
This game is based off the Freakshow episodes I re call it being a 2 or 3 parter thing. I always found the Daniel and Danny thing a bit funny could’ve named human Danny Fenton and ghost Phantom
@youngsuperknight_2k674 Месяц назад
I miss this game I used to play it as a kid
@eutieria Месяц назад
How did you get to record on the ds ?
@anomanom5256 Месяц назад
Playing this game is a nightmare
@ernestosibbley3238 Месяц назад
I don't have much to say but if the collectors addition with part 1 and 2 of this game was different because I guess it was to mature for kids Lol this game dark man.😅
@nehehehgraylois Месяц назад
29:51 First major swear I think I've heard from you period LOL. I will say not getting a blind reaction to the ending was a bit disappointing, especially with what we got from Mayor Rose so early on, but I also kind of saw it coming too. Sadly the game is more known as "The kid's game on the DS with the really fucked up ending" than it is for the sum of its parts, which is pretty disappointing as a fan but clearly that means it left an impact if nothing else. I have a LOT to say about the ending but your take at the end does shed some new perspective on it I haven't considered. Here's my main issues with it: the way it is feels like a middle finger to the player for being so invested in the world the characters and their struggles. It's very very clear that the first game had nothing of the sort in mind and they pile SO much onto Mike at the very last minute that, besides the fact he's the only human, it doesn't sell me too much on the idea. They could have done had him done way more than "WOWZERS this place is weird!!". The artwork in the game is absolutely GORGEOUS and coupled with even the first game is absolutely brimming with fascinating worldbuilding that leaves you asking so many questions. Why are the Raposa's houses all made of airplane scrap? What was this desecrated cathedral that Wilfre took over? Etc. Etc. It's a stretch that some random kid had such a well structured fantastical world beamed into his head from a couple of ragdolls he won at a carnival. Then there's the characters. Heather had so so SO much squandered potential in both games. They could have shown more conflict with her fitting in in the first game and raised more mystique about her disfigurement. They could have built more of a relationship with her Jowee and Mari. Just more little character moments alone would have gone a long way. Having it turn out she was Mike's big sister the entire time and that the shadow all over her face was just some bandages in real like that Mike wouldn't even know about being in a coma feels like such a stretch to me. Mari could have gotten more screen time in the second game too but I can respect the idea of her being pushed aside so Jowee can grow as a person without her telling him what to do. But the fact Jowee grows so much, has lost and strained so many relationships only for such an abrupt end really dilutes all that frankly really good writing. That's where your thoughts come in here, I stand by everything here but if the pacing was just better, if the ending wasn't so rushed and we were given a chance to settle things down then maybe I'd more readily accept how things pan out. Would I like it? Probably not, but maybe more in a "Well that sucks but it's bittersweet" way and less in a "W-what??" way. When I was a kid I hated the ending because it made me do a cry, as an adult I dislike it because I just don't like how it was handled. And I understand the biblical aspect at play here too, this is supposed to mirror the end of the world, Satan is defeated and everyone gets sent to judgment, but at least the Bible is pretty clear cut on life after death whereas if the Raposa are just figments then there's nothing there for them which is way more depressing than bittersweet like its inspirationsake. They wrote themselves into a corner in a way where there's not much room for ambiguity. If the game did more with Mike to make me actually care about whether he lived or died then that could have also gone to making this an easier pill to swallow. If there's any solace, according to the series' creator, Mike in the bed is supposed to imply that the Raposa still exist in his head but it's waaayy too subtle to really mean anything outside of making anyone coming to that conclusion on their own look like they're huffing mad levels of copium. ALL that said though, I'm glad you scoped out an earlier uncensored build so that you could see the ending as intended. I had the 2-in-1 collection as a kid so I didn't even get the traumatizing car wreck, I got "Cartoon kid fell out of a tree, blacked out for a few minutes yet somehow dreamed months of adventures and wakes back up :))))", so God knows how much more salty I would have been had I played the game the way it was meant to be played. I've never played the third game so if you end up playing that it's likely that I'll be watching blind along with you, but from the looks of things it's not very good so I don't think anyone will blame you for glossing over it. Gameplay is absolutely nothing like in the first two games, going for more a mobile game puzzle-platformer kind of thing, the story is even more shallow than the first game's, drawing serves less importance to the world as you just draw your character and a few random overworld things, the artwork isn't remotely as detailed, so on and so forth. A lot of the original staff sans the creator worked together on it but I think people severely underestimate the importance that an original creator's input has on a series. His headspace is probably very different now from what it was 14 years ago but ultimately he was the glue that held the first games together. He's still at 5th cell though (seeing as it's HIS company) so I can't rag on the original team on wanting to move forth on an old project they loved either. Just an unfortunate rabbit hole of people trying to make the best of a copyright shitshow. This is going on hearsay though. There's also the Wii version of The Next Chapter, made by a completely different studio and is different from the DS game in pretty much every way, being closer in formula to the first game but with more linear levels (so no running around for half an hour) and a MUCH more unrelated watered down plot. That said it could be worth a look *because* it's so different and looks like a fine enough game on its own merit, but something you'd probably want to emulate unless you really like the idea of using a Wii pointer to draw with. So yeah that's my essay of a comment, sorry for the wall but you can tell I'm rather passionate about this old shovelware dev gimmick game. This was a fun LP to stick to, it was a nice ride seeing in real time what someone thinks of the improvements from the first game. Despite the scripture's worth of text I still love everything else about the game, as noted by me commenting on meaningless side stuff on it the entire time. An absolute piece of art. Not perfect but it's such a leap from the first game that its shortcomings are pretty forgivable. Here's hoping RU-vid doesn't mark me for spam again lol
@KeybadeBlox Месяц назад
Hah, I usually tailor my commentary to the game I'm playing. I'm a lot more loose with language if I'm playing something like Ribbit that's very clearly not for kids. Agreed on pretty much everything involving Mike, Mari, Jowee, and Heather. If Mike is so bloody important, why was he standing around doing nothing the whole time? They could've used him for some good foreshadowing to soften us up a bit to the ending instead of killing everyone off for a guy we haven't had a chance to get attached to. I'm fine with Mari being offscreen because she's clearly carrying all her development from the first game (the main point of that story in my mind) and she needs to be taken away for Jowee to get his chance to grow. I really got invested in what he was going through, which is a great turnaround from just finding him annoying in the first game, but he never got the payoff I was hoping for. Heather's absence definitely disappointed me a little after seeing she was actually given attention in the opening. I didn't catch the parallel between her and the sister, though, which I do have to say is pretty interesting (but then why not have interactions between her and Mike?). I feel like the really intricate world could've worked if we knew more about Mike. If he was this really imaginative person, maybe with some inspiration from some fictional world that these plush raposas belonged to, I could believe it, I think. That, and/or it could've been clarified why the raposa were so special to him as to dominate his whole dream during this coma. I'd point to Omori as a pretty good example of something similar. I admittedly have a hard time seeing the biblical parallels since, as you say, the raposas seem to just cease to exist afterwards, not to mention that it was kind of a forgone conclusion that'd happen to them whether or not Mike woke up. I guess we at least have canon confirmation these days that they still exist in the third game. I did hear about the other ending after finishing the game. I think I prefer this one, not just because it's what they originally wanted to do, but also because it makes way more sense with the coma thing. Like before, while I think it faltered in the execution, I also have some respect for them doing something so unusual. Maybe it's an obsession with novelty, or maybe it's me just growing tired of the usual tropes over the years, but a story doing something unconventional always feels at least a little refreshing to me. I'd rather remember an interesting failure than forget another generic success, I guess. I'll have to think on the third game, but I've also gotten the impression elsewhere it didn't have much appeal to existing fans. I wasn't aware the Wii version was so different, though, so I might take a look at that after another LP or two. I can definitely see how this series would be one that would be real special to some people. To me, it's mostly just a memorable experience with a good game, but I've definitely had the same thing happen with other titles like BLiNX, JSRF, Klonoa, or Mad Rat Dead that I hold very closely, flaws and all. Coming into contact with people with personal histories with all these different games and getting to feel even just a little of what they found so compelling is probably my favourite part of doing LPs over the years. (y'know, even after all this time, I'm still not feeling that clear on who the creator is and what their role is, seeing as how they're apparently not Mike himself...)
@nehehehgraylois Месяц назад
I appreciate you letting Girr have one last coin dance
@ernestosibbley3238 Месяц назад
You say Maze level yeah its pretty amazing.😏
@nehehehgraylois Месяц назад
It really really really annoys me how they use the stock panic music here because this level *has* its own music, and it's a really good track, but it goes unused. I think they screwed up and swapped it with whatever plays in the cutscene where everyone prepares to dock into the wasteland? Total shame, and it gets really really repetitive in a level like this where you keep going through doors
@nehehehgraylois Месяц назад
Probably faaaaaaar too late here but the Coins just unlock various stuff in the shop. Unless you really want the FMV opening and some templates you're not missing anything. On the edge of my seat on how you take in what the game's keeping secret, the final stretch is an absolute doozey
@OliverHviid Месяц назад
Absolutely goated guide
@nehehehgraylois Месяц назад
Usually I'm not a fan of reusing themes for final worlds but the minecart level made me appreciate that they give you one last opportunity to use some stuff you've drawn that you would have only used once otherwise. Of course Wilfre's castle having its own set of levels also alleviates that, but regardless. I wish the game did more with the drawing platform rooms earlier though, it's weird that a world will introduce a new type of platform and ONLY use the new platform