Based gaming, worldview, politics.

"... csak tiszta forrásból."
A libsi, internacionalista, kozmopolita források mind mérgezik a testet és a lelket, ezért soha ne olvassatok könyvet-újságot-honlapot, ne nézzetek filmet, ami ilyen szellemiségű (már ha lehet ezt szellemiségnek hívni egyáltalán)!
Csakis és kizárólag olyan információt engedj magadhoz eljutni, ami a tradicionalitáson, az értékeken nyugszik, ami valóság és nem ideológia, ami a szerves fontolva haladást hirdeti, a mindig romboláspárti baloldallal szemben!

Long live the TESTOSTERONE and the ETHNO-STATES!!! The future is male and female, as it always has been, with men showing the way. Conservatives love and respect women, socialists and libtards hate them, and want to send them to die in wars, like they did in the Soviet Union.

"Gender": Their end goal is to turn you into a neutral-sex worker drone, that eats the bugs and live in a pod.

Days Gone Pt 116: I Don’t Wanna Hang
Месяц назад
Skyrim Requiem Part 189: Joining the Thieves Guild
6 месяцев назад
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Part 175: Lab X8
6 месяцев назад
Skyrim Requiem Part 187: CONAN Hyborian Age (Pt.2)
7 месяцев назад
Skyrim Requiem Part 185: Farewell to Falskaar
8 месяцев назад
@BeatmasterAC 2 месяца назад
jo, it has been 3 Months, where are your next uploads? Everything all right?
@BeatmasterAC 4 месяца назад
@2:58 "I got this, just one molly will do it." @3:05 " Oh no." @19:56 the Bolt hit him so hard he almost did a Front flip (even tho physically, he should have done almost a back flip)
@tomigun5180 4 месяца назад
Molotovs are effective, but only if we can hit the center of the crowd. 19:56 Hatred gave him the strength to still stumble towards me.
@sobbaget4362 4 месяца назад
when i played this mission i would clear all the objectives but when it says regroup at the crossroads id do that and then nothing happens. the officer disappears also
@sobbaget4362 4 месяца назад
i just watched and it could be because i would push forward across the field with the officer rather than staying back and snupinglike he asked lol
@BeatmasterAC 5 месяцев назад
@1:20 poor Teddy Bear @4:25 this Guy's aiming is worse than a Storm Trooper @4:43 did you just one hit that Guy, on that distance with a sub machine gun? * Reporting for aimbot * ^^ @5:57 John Wick Reload Animation. @18:29 she is Sassy af.
@tomigun5180 5 месяцев назад
1:20 Yesterday I found the remains of a rabbit outside the city, while walking the dog. Was probably caught by a fox. I (Deacon) didn't want to be that rabbit. 4:25 He must have been panicking, just shot in the general direction of mine. 4:43 The aim assist is turned off in the settings, but it still happened, many times. I blame consoles and their controllers, and bad PC ports. 18:29 Yeah, I didn't understand that. The point of marriage is that husband and wife work together. No apocalypse can change that. In fact, it would just strengthen this bond.
@BeatmasterAC 5 месяцев назад
@@tomigun5180 yeah, in my playthrough, after she recognized me and started to become annoying and ordering me around, i was like "Girl, I searched for your Body for years and visited your DYI Tombstone nearly every day to mourn you. It's very hard for me right now to NOT pull my .50 cal and turn your upper Body into pink Myst, from point blank distance.
@tomigun5180 6 месяцев назад
00:00 Some early morning fights with all kinds of animals 02:49 A Screamer's mini horde 05:38 Killing bandits, freeing the hostage 11:06 A few more skirmishes, had to stop to rest at night 18:43 More early morning encounters 21:52 More bandits 23:44 Found the polystyrene shipment 30:10 Night fell, had to clear a camp to have a place for sleeping (Bare Bay Ambush Camp)
@tomigun5180 6 месяцев назад
00:00 Buying some horribly expensive protective scroll 01:49 Doing Brynjolf's dirty work, somewhat clumsily, hehe 07:43 Ureni and her non-husky dog (that amateur Reqtificator software gave it the wrong name, it should be "Dog", as Ureni points it out) 17:05 Resting in the inn and meeting the ladies of the night 24:54 Meeting Brynjolf again in the sewers, and doing yet another dirty job for him 39:19 Joining the Thieves Guild, finally! 43:23 The Goldenglow job briefing 46:30 Looking around, talking to the thieves 01:05:50: I'll have to craft this light armor for Zora, yummy!
@abdou.the.heretic 6 месяцев назад
Lmao there is no sense of dread when you can tank that much damage
@tomigun5180 6 месяцев назад
Yes, I went in there prepared, thank you for noticing it! I'm wearing the Mutant Hunter Armor for a reason. It has good impact protection, I only had to heal myself once, after they threw something really heavy at me. On the other hand, it's weak against gunfire. And psy-damage. That controller oneshotted me at the beginning, and the burer didn't oneshot me only because I took some psy-block pills.
@abdou.the.heretic 6 месяцев назад
@@tomigun5180 brother my sincere apology for my mistake, I myself know of the types of armor and what they do, but I stuck too much to my Rugged Leather Coat I forgot other types existed for different threats 😂 bruh I have no excuse for my idiotic previous comment I made myself cringe 💀💀
@tomigun5180 6 месяцев назад
@@abdou.the.heretic It's forgiven, we've all been there, me too, don't worry about it! Good hunting, Stalker!
@tomigun5180 6 месяцев назад
In GAMMA, this lab is surprisingly uneventful. Soon, I will finish this playthrough and mod GAMMA to be manly and based, like this old 1.5.0 Anomaly.😎
@tomigun5180 6 месяцев назад
00:00 We killed the Dreugh in the last second 03:03 Finding the long-dead lover, while almost freezing to death (The Book of Love) 16:10 The Thane of Falkreath 22:26: Selling Alessias and Septims 23:35 Spreading Mara's Word in Riften, Honorhall Orphanage
@BeatmasterAC 6 месяцев назад
that's a nice and clean looking Shotgun at the beginning. New Weapon Mod? @2:06 yeah, he wasn't messing around. @3:47 what a Bullet Sponge. Too bad you lost your Partner @9:42 he looked like he has that "yep, i killed all of them and i am bored now" expression.
@tomigun5180 6 месяцев назад
No, I don't use any weapon mods, because I'm not sure how the magazine mod would handle them. That's the Russian MP-153 semi-auto shotgun, my favorite. They're selling it in the USA as well under a fantasy name I don't remember now. 2:06 With the Dangerous Mutants mod everything is faster and stronger and spongier. These Controllers do high melee damage as well, luckily it didn't try to come closer this time. Also, those psy-block pills make aiming much harder for a minute. 9:42 😁
@estrategic9990 7 месяцев назад
@DelsinOmega 7 месяцев назад
When I got to this place it was empty other than the werewolves
@tomigun5180 7 месяцев назад
I don't know why that is. Maybe you have to join the Companions, and only after that will all the Silver Hand soldiers spawn? But I'm just guessing.
@DelsinOmega 7 месяцев назад
@@tomigun5180 yea I got them to spawn but the spells to have them, they literally don't move or do anything except look at me and it's very irritating
@BeatmasterAC 8 месяцев назад
Your Bike looks very well upgraded. @2:53 i hated those. They are so tanky. @11:33 nice try to get you @13:11 that aggressive tactical reload XD @27:12 Zombies and Wolves. Bad Combo @30:30 that Crossbow needs at x4 Scope
@tomigun5180 8 месяцев назад
I only upgraded the bike only once after this. I changed the lamp back to the triangle one. 2:53 Yes they are. I play on the highest difficulty, but I have a mod that give me x1.5 dmg, so they are more manageable. 11:33 I was listening to the conversation, that's why I was driving so slow and could stop in time. 13:11 I love the reload animations, I try to show them every time. 😛 30:30 Then it would be really overpowered! 😋
@oneeyedjackgaming978 8 месяцев назад
This game was magnificently made. It deserves a sequel.
@tomigun5180 8 месяцев назад
Looks like there won't be one. 😞 I did not even record the cliffhanger scene, my playthrough will end on a happy note.
@emelhu 8 месяцев назад
5. perc. Nem lehetett a SZU-t felforgatni mert zárt. De lehetett mert nem volt olyan légmentesen zárt mint a régi Japán. Bekerültek az amcsi "kultura" darabjai (pornó, Rambó, popzene) és kivertek téglákat a falból.
@BeatmasterAC 8 месяцев назад
@1:54 they go down so fast @5:53 poor Teddy @10:44 HOUSE CLEANING. Even tho he drives a bike, in the coldest Region, he is never cold, never shivers. He must be pissed off because it's not colder. XD
@tomigun5180 8 месяцев назад
I wanted to mod in some winter clothing for him, but they wrote that they don't work in the cutscenes, which would have been even more immersion breaking, so I kept on playing with vanilla.
@oneeyedjackgaming978 8 месяцев назад
I've said this a million times, and I'll say it a million times more ... Days Gone is better than the Last of Us 2.
@tomigun5180 8 месяцев назад
It is. It's not perfect, but it's well written and has a soul. TLoU2 is just a cringe far-left propaganda piece.
@oneeyedjackgaming978 8 месяцев назад
@@tomigun5180 I'm telling you that the 3rd installed of The Woke Of Us, will be 10 times more obnoxious.
@BeatmasterAC 8 месяцев назад
@1:30 dayum, looks like a slaughter. @4:20 "If I am gonna die, I'LL TAKE YOU WITH ME." @5:44 great Sniper position @10:29 did the Blood sucker just end itself? @18:12 he was waiting for you there. Damn little Camper. @31:10 that was nice
@tomigun5180 8 месяцев назад
Yes, the Psysucker died in the Elecro anomaly. And the Monolith soldiers sometimes just sit and wait in a dark corner until you walk into their crosshair. XD
@BeatmasterAC 8 месяцев назад
@0:24 alright, who wins between you two, gets a Bolt to the face. @12:20 good tactic And yes, yes you did
@tomigun5180 8 месяцев назад
0:24 Hehe, exactly. 12:20 The killing of the other half is coming soon. But I needed to do a main quest to get into that locked area where they are.
@BeatmasterAC 9 месяцев назад
@10:50 "he is only armed with a Crossbow, i can charge him. What could possibly go wrong?" @10:52 "huh, my Friend died while charging him. I won't suffer the same fate." * proceeds to charge you directly * @10:57 "what a bunch of idiots, at least he might ran out of ammo. I can get him." * proceeds to charge you directly" Game A.I. at it's finest. @15:27 that one was personal @23:00 so satisfying when bashing their heads with a spiked Melee Weapon @30:35 actually a good sniper spot. Where is your Sniper?
@tomigun5180 9 месяцев назад
I love the crossbow, it's more challenging to shoot with, and there's always ammo for it everywhere.
@Huy-G-Le 9 месяцев назад
Nazi lol.
@oneeyedjackgaming978 9 месяцев назад
0:58 The voice acting in this game was phenomenal! Taylor was probably one of my favorite side stories from this game. The voice acting was so convincing, and from the beginning, I knew something bad was going to happen to Taylor.
@tomigun5180 9 месяцев назад
Yes, and he looks like the young Charles Grodin, whose comedies I really like.
@BeatmasterAC 9 месяцев назад
turning the Hall of the dead into the Hall of the purged.
@tomigun5180 9 месяцев назад
We used the Dawnbreaker a lot, and now the Vigilants of Stendarr attack us on sight. They now think I'm a daedra worshipper.
@BeatmasterAC 9 месяцев назад
@@tomigun5180 but you are a deadra worshipper. Obviously. XD XD XD
@BeatmasterAC 10 месяцев назад
"lost and found"? Oh you mean second Hand Market Dwemer Spectre, got it XD @4:03 you got smoked. Literally. This could have been in Mortal Kombat tho XD @4:35 wow, that companion Leroy Jenkinsed in that Enemy Group^^ @5:07 hi Ghost Gimli, you are in the wrong Franchise. OOf, you died so often against him, that I would not recommend you to be a Ghostbuster in Skyrim XD
@tomigun5180 10 месяцев назад
In the previous video the girls chased this Spectre to the elevator, where it just disappeared. After the looting (and probably a save-load), we found it again at its original place. I still have low fire, in this case, steam (and everything else, maybe except for poison) resistance, this is why delay the dragon quests.
@tomigun5180 10 месяцев назад
After looting the place, we bumped into the lost Dwemer Spectre. I thought we can kill it single-handedly, but it caused us much headache. The Requiem Overhaul is the best.
@BeatmasterAC 10 месяцев назад
for the Sawmill Horde i used the Tommygun, lots of Remote Bombs and Mollys. I planted the Bombs in the Tunnel and lured the entire horde through it. Even with all of that + Mollys and 200 Rounds of Ammo fired into them, i barely cut them down by 1/3. So i had to stock up and repeat the procedure 2 or 3 times. I was at the Edge of my seat every time^^
@tomigun5180 10 месяцев назад
I moved on to the next area by now, but I hope later I will be able to return and finish the job. I'll try to find that tunnel.
@BeatmasterAC 10 месяцев назад
@0:43 a close one @1:28 aaaw look at that Horde. Stopping at the Edge, looking left and Right for potential traffic and then cross the Street. Just like Kids.^^ @5:54 and they are all dead. Let's just say they got surprised by an incoming Truck...or Train...or Plane. @14:57 didn't you know the rules when it comes to Bear encounters? If it's black: Fight back. If it's brown: Lay down on the ground. If it's white:....no, you gonna die. Polar Bears are on a different Level.
@tomigun5180 10 месяцев назад
1:28 LOL yes, thank you for reminding me that I have to add to the description the mod's name and link, that gives the Screamers a small horde! 14:57 No, I didn't know that (we don't have bears anymore in Hungary, only hedgehogs), but sounds about right. I guess the sentence is also death, if it's grey. 🙂
@tomigun5180 10 месяцев назад
00:00 Wildlife 01:30 Breakfast 03:44 Bandit 04:58 The brothers 06:18 Hjorgunnar Manor 07:09 Hjorgunnar Crypts 16:53 Bearclaw Cave 18:57 Back to Amber Creek
@martabachynsky8545 11 месяцев назад
For some reason the choice of "Why is the number of steps so important to you?" doesn't come up for me, so I can't start the quest. ☹️
@tomigun5180 11 месяцев назад
Sorry to hear that. Maybe it's a bug in a newer version of the mod. I played it a few times and never had that problem. I have some sound files not playing here and there, during this playthrough. Never happened that before either. Modded games are never perfect. Neither are unmodded, now that I think of it... 😅Anyway, it's just a short little quest, you don't lose much.
@martabachynsky8545 11 месяцев назад
@@tomigun5180 I know, I just would like to complete it. For some reason, the first two times I played through, the choice came up. I'm actually a fairly new player and have only been playing (when able to) for three years this upcoming October. This game is very fun for this middle-aged woman, and I wish I had been playing this since it's creation. If only more of the NPCs had interesting things to say (perhaps when AI improves).
@tomigun5180 11 месяцев назад
@@martabachynsky8545 Yes, 99% of these "sandbox" games are a bit empty, the NPCs and their stories aren't that interesting. The only exception that comes to my mind is The Witcher 3. But you cannot play that with a female character. (I haven't played Kingdom Come Deliverance yet, they say it's also very good.)
@martabachynsky8545 11 месяцев назад
@@tomigun5180 I _love_ watching my husband play both games. I have neurological problems, so I can't use a controller, only mouse & keyboard. I tried so hard, but just couldn't get the hang of it. I don't really care about playing females. Most of my characters on Skyrim are male. For some reason, I see Kajiit (sp?) as female, so when I played one, I played as a female (I suppose I'm sexist 🤷🏻‍♀?).
@tomigun5180 11 месяцев назад
@@martabachynsky8545 I never use a controller, mouse and keyboard is far superior! I play 3rd person games (like the Knights of the Old Republic games) mostly as females (for men, they are better to look at for many hours 😁). I installed a mod to make male Khajiit more muscular, so they aren't feminine anymore! 💪
@BeatmasterAC 11 месяцев назад
the gun fight after the Wedding flashback gave me some Kill Bill Vibe.
@tomigun5180 11 месяцев назад
It's possible that the scene was inspired or at least influenced by it.
@BeatmasterAC 11 месяцев назад
@3:50 good aim @5:50 headshotting from that distance without zoom? Nice.
@tomigun5180 11 месяцев назад
I like the crossbow more than the sniper rifles. There is ammo for it everywhere. 😁
@BeatmasterAC 11 месяцев назад
No, no it's Antifa. Call them for what they are.^^ @2:36 no Furry shall defile the Motorcycle.
@tomigun5180 Год назад
Commentaries destroy the playthrough of a game like Skyrim, where's the main point is the atmosphere. But here are some timestamps, if you want to know the structure of the episode: 00:00 The wildlife around Mammoth Keep 09:20 Getting rid of the guards 15:56 Entering the Keep 24:30 Looting 35:17 Guards at the back entrance 37:31 Learning Falmer construction techniques 37:54 Pickpocket training 38:58 Selling Septims 39:40 Home sweet home
@user-gz3iz3zm3p Год назад
El uniforme que tenian los rusos y franceses canadienses en la guerras mundiales es muy feo y ridiculo😂
@tomigun5180 Год назад
00:00 Hunting 2:03 The troll who staggered me 3:14 More hunting 7:47 Discovering Kalrun Monastery 12:45 Pinevale Bandits and Bears 16:52 The Pinevale Mine 25:05 Looting
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@18:09 Zombie Brawl it is^^ @21:25 It's a Bird. It's a Plane. No it's a frikking Anomaly.
@tomigun5180 Год назад
😅 Sometimes the zombies seem to be more alive than my companions. 😅 And the pyro-something anomaly is the most dangerous, I think.
@tomigun5180 Год назад
00:00 Zombies in Yantar 02:22 Dead City: Jobs for the mercenaries 03:30 Bandits ambushed me while I was artifact hunting (which ultimately failed) 09:13 Army Warehouses: We helped some mercenaries to deal with a few zombies and a bloodsucker 11:02 Two more artifacts lost: this pro stalker stole them 14:00 Another bandit ambush, while I was looting some Monolith corpses 15:08 A stash and some Freedom reputation grind. Buying some cannabis and steroids. 17:03 Artifact hunt in the acid swamp 19:14 Some solid shootout at the farmstead 24:52 Artifact hunt in the fire anomaly 26:05 Pseudodogs near Rostock
@tomigun5180 Год назад
00:00 Buying some decorations for my new home in Amber Creek 02:40 Cutting firewood and milking a cow 03:18 Making arrows, improving weapons 4:16 Books to the bookshelves, alchemy ingredients into the barrel etc. 9:38: Visiting the Hjorgunnar Brothers, Svegard and Ulgar 13:00 Troll 14:05 Wolves at the Warmth's Edge Caverns 17:21 Clearing the Caverns from necromancers 20:35 Looting, collecting the last fragment, and sending home Audmund's cow 27:04 Next stop: Pinevale!
@bencurran3204 Год назад
reaching beard in this game after grinding out so long is probably one of the most enjoyable things possible, COP first game i played and it felt great to return to it
@tomigun5180 Год назад
The Zone feels like a second home for people like us. ☢
@Lebedev34 Год назад
Found you on twitter, I always enjoy Skyrim Requiem content!
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
well, would you look at that? A good night Hunt and clearing a Bandit hideout at the same Time. A good Tuesday for the Dragonborn i might say^^
@tomigun5180 Год назад
Falskaar is perfect for leveling. It's needed, when playing Requiem. And even with its many faults, it grows on you at the end. I always feel sad, when I have to move on. I love the music here as well. I have two other bigger mods installed, "Wyrmstooth" and "Moonpath the Elseweyr". I had to remove Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, because it was too big and loading took forever even on an SSD.
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@@tomigun5180 what about Enderal? Did you try that?
@tomigun5180 Год назад
@@BeatmasterAC No, not yet. But that's not part of Skyrim, but its own world and story, if I understand it well.
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@@tomigun5180 yeah it's a total conversion
@tomigun5180 Год назад
00:00 Hunting some wolves on the way back to Amber Creek 00:34 Giving Rangarr the fine gold 02:04 The Jarl gave us a new job 04:32 The Spriggans of Starwatcher Grove 19:10 We returned to Brother Arnand 23:18 The journey to Stoneridge Watch, where we'll have to free someone from captivity
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@3:06 put a Bullet in his Head. RIGHT THEN AND THERE. DO IT. Also Boozer = Best Bro
@Semyonov78 Год назад
Nice shot 👍
@tomigun5180 Год назад
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
Alright you know the Drill: If it moves, it dies. If it dies, you move on. Keep the Machinegun running, keep the Mollys flying and most importantly: have fun purging. XD
@tomigun5180 Год назад
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@5:45 The Sniper could NEVER see you through the high Grass AND the Trees in front of him. That is lazy Wallhack A.I. @15:09 it's funny that many of their friends die but still want to investigate the spot where they died. Just to die as well. It's like in Assassins Creed.
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@0:36 perfect flanking @1:50 survived the first Headshot. From an AK47 @3:46 he was just jogging. That was unnecessary ^^ @6:46 they avoided you for some reason. There are so many Firefights in this Video. It's like you are trying to purge all the Bandits from the entire Zone^^
@tomigun5180 Год назад
1:50 It's an AK-74, which has a smaller caliber, but still, very unlikely to survive it. Let's say, that it just grazed his head the first time. 🙂 3:46 We don't like fit bandits around here! 6:46 My companion took aggro, as he always should. - It was the other way around, they tried to purge me, they never sent 2 assassin squads after me at the same time before. But the outcome is the same, they bit the dust.
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@@tomigun5180 means zou became verz popular there``
@renbffnizz Год назад
why do mine have allied tanks still german tanks?
@tomigun5180 Год назад
I don't know, I never had problem with that. Make sure you use the 1.0 version of the mod, not the 2.0.
@renbffnizz Год назад
@@tomigun5180 how to download waffen ss mod version 1.0? I don't know how to download 1.0
@tomigun5180 Год назад
@@renbffnizz www.moddb.com/mods/call-of-duty-2-waffen-ss/downloads/waffen-ss-mod-10
@renbffnizz Год назад
@@tomigun5180 thank you very much I will subscribe, once again thank you very much
@tomigun5180 Год назад
@@renbffnizz No problemo. If you have problems, ask and I will try to help.
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@2:45 "Peek a boo, you're dead" @4:08 The Enemy of my Enemy...DIES SECOND. @11:56 lol, at Point Blank range. @13:44 that was perfect. All at once.
@tomigun5180 Год назад
11:56 Not what crossbows were invented for, but it just works. 😅
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
@@tomigun5180 "It just works" at that Range you see "16 times the Detail" XD
@BeatmasterAC Год назад
it's almost like playing on "Journalist" difficulty mode