Search For Beauty
Search For Beauty
Search For Beauty
The official channel of The Search For Beauty: On Beauty and Reason in Islam.

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@haamedhosseini 21 день назад
Khaled is correct to claim that this was a premodern social welfare system at the time when the Muslim community was still weak and poor. While pre-Islamic Arab culture allowed multiple wives, treating them like belongings, Islam liberated women and this was interpreted as allowing only one wife. The fact that in conditions where Muslim families were losing their breadwinners and orphans were rising, we see the Quran allow men to go beyond one wife shows nothing but that prior to that this was not allowed! And only in such conditions and with the execution of justice was this allowed, and it remains the case in war-torn places like Afghanistan, where there is no state to look after orphans and widows and they can be subject to harassment, etc.
@haamedhosseini 21 день назад
There were no slave girls in Islam; the term "malakat ayman" refers to war captives abandoned by their tribes. These captives had to be accommodated into the community, and their custody was given to some families. Regulations were needed to govern the relationship with such captives, particularly the female ones. The rules were exceptionally humanitarian, warning against any temporary sexual relationships. Poor male Muslims were allowed to marry these women after certain conditions were satisfied. Even after marriage, if these women committed crimes, their punishment was halved, considering the context in which they had been raised. all in the Quran! lets read Quran and don't put words in the book's mouth!
@HumayunMirza-s8f Месяц назад
I recently started listening to Khaled Fadl n he immediately strike me as a profound modern thinker n Quran scholar which is the need of our time. Their has been so much confusion n deviation created created by sunni traditional scholars n Sunnism violent interpretation of Deen that is diverting many Muslims from Islam.
@iamhere88502 Месяц назад
Fascinating thanks!
@syedanargis616 2 месяца назад
@Stargazing482 2 месяца назад
The sheikh mentioned that he has written about this verse in detail. Where can we read that / what is the name of the article or book please.
@kscherk 2 месяца назад
Salaam, Where can we find translations of Sheikh’s work (books and videos) in Spanish? Is there a translation project under way.
@DrWoofOfficial 3 месяца назад
But what about this? Narrated 'Urwa: that he asked `Aisha about the Statement of Allah: 'If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (the captives) that your right hands possess. That will be nearer to prevent you from doing injustice.' (4.3) `Aisha said, "O my nephew! (This Verse has been revealed in connection with) an orphan girl under the guardianship of her guardian who is attracted by her wealth and beauty and intends to marry her with a Mahr less than what other women of her standard deserve. So they (such guardians) have been forbidden to marry them unless they do justice to them and give them their full Mahr, and they are ordered to marry other women instead of them."
@kscherk 3 месяца назад
Wow! You had a Spanish interpreter?! What happened to her? Sisters in Hermosillo are desperately in need of this knowledge and enlightened leadership. How can we bring back and institutionalize Spanish interpretation translation throughout Usuli? How can I help? As you’ve said in other videos, your interpretations are one-of-a-kind, but do you have any recommendations for scholars or organizations that are aligned in the Spanish-speaking world?
@ash38799 3 месяца назад
Write the name of the texts/books mentioned so others can read them too or research them
@ash38799 3 месяца назад
Should write the names of the books the Prof mentions -
@alial-yunani 4 месяца назад
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh) brought nothing new - Who are the Wahhabis Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh) was a mujaddid with nothing new. He followed the path of numerous people before him, the issues that he addressed such as grave worship, bid'ah, shirk, etc were already addressed by shayukh before him like Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Aqil, Ibn Jawzi, etc. Shaykh Hussain Ghannam work a book Tarikh Al-Najd about the history of the Najd and he was a witness of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh). Shaykh Ghannam wrote specifically about some of the bid'at going on in Arabia, such as the fact that people worshipped trees including two famous trees named At-Tarijya and Al-Fahhal, people believed that sacred trees gave them good luck, extended the life span's of their children, helped them find a spouse, and cured diseases. People visited the tombs of awliyat or charlatans in some cases. Shaykh Hussain Ghannam narrates that there was a cave related to a princess that people said she died in, and people went there seeking aid and assistance. When Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh) came to 'Uyanah he dealt with the same issues, the grave worship of Zayd ibn Al-Khattab (ra) was huge, trips to the graves of various other people was a huge thing, and the worship of sacred trees was huge. So he leveled the shrine over Zayd's (ra) tomb and chopped down the trees. And this became a problem because it exposed the SUFI charlatan shuyukh who were permitting people to go to these places. Shaykh Ghannam lived in the same region and era and spoke of this in favor of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab but yet Sufis think we are supposed to take biographies of the shaykh from randoms somewhere thousands of miles from Arabia, people who are till this day visting graves and awliyat, despite the fact that the Prophet (saws) sent Ali (ra) to level graves and BOTH Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (ra) and Abu Huraira (ra) narrated that Rasoolulah (saws) told them that pilgrimage is only for Mecca, Medina, and Baitul Maqdis. Why is it new? Ibn Aqil (rh), one of the 4th century AH Baghdadi Hanbalis who experienced the early era of Sufism and its rise in Baghdad, reports that the Sufis of his time used to worship graves. In particular, the Sufis used to go to the grave of a man named Ma'ruf al-Kharki, they would take dirt from tombs, lay in them, write letters and throw them in the graves of awliyat, etc. Ibn Aqil (rh) came from the same city and rebuked them for this, kindling lights, kissing the tombs, covering them with fragrance, addressing the dead with needs, writing formulae on paper with the message: 'Oh my Lord, do such and such for me'; taking earth fi-om the grave as a blessing, pouring sweet fragrances over graves, setting out on a journey for them, and casting rags on trees in imitation of those who worshipped the gods Lat and 'Uzza. Dar Ibn al-Jawzee This is what he wrote all the way in the 4th century, this is the same exact thing occurring in Arabia in the time of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh). When the Sufis attack people and call them Wahhabis, then imply something new it shows how dumb and corrupt they are. First Wahhab is Allah's (swt) name so you have attacked people with one of the names of Allah (swt), then criticisms of Sufism predates Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh). Ibn Aqil (rh) criticized visitation to graves for intercession, Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) did as well, Abul Furraj Ibn al-Jawzi wrote parts of Talbees Iblis criticizing aspects of Sufism including fake miracles and homosexuality, adult Sufi men who loved young boys, Ali ibn Yusuf burned the books of Ghazzali, Shaykh Ghullam Khalil (rh) actually had some of the Sufis rounded up and charged as zindaq back when he was one of the big scholars in Baghdad during the rise of Sufism (during Junayd al-Baghdadi and Ahmad Ruwaym's time). Check that out, none of you Sufis know about that do you? Some of the early Sufis were charged with zindaq and heresy in Baghdad, ironically by another Hanbali, Ghulam Khalil (rh). So what is new about Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh)? Are Ibn Aqil, Taymiyyah, Khalil, etc Wahhabis too?!? They all lived eons before Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh), the association with Sufi critics as being "Wahhabis" is unhistorical drivel meant to deceive the masses and paint a picture that Sufism had no challenge until "200 years ago", Hanbali madhab itself has done innumerous damage to the Sufis for centuries, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh) is the newest guy on the scence. Same with Ash'aris, people like Ibn Qudamah and Al Hasan Al-Barbahari (rh) had already refuted them TOO. Are they "Wahhabis"? All of them lived before Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh). Ibn Hazm and Ibn Khaldun had already refuted the Rafidah before Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh), are they Wahhabis too? Imam Ahmad (rh) refuted Ahlul Kalaam and wrote an entire book about the Jahmiyyah, is he a Wahhabi too? Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rh) is accepted by the jumhoor of Ahlu's-Sunnah, only Sufis and Shias hate him. Get over it. (btw Sufism itself has no origins to the sahaba/tabi'iin but came later and then used fabricated sisila chains)
@shoaibbhat279 3 месяца назад
Darling you don't understand how orthodoxies are produced . They're more a product & function of power than of truth ! So take a chill pill sit back and research more outside your supposed understanding of Islam !
@shoaibbhat279 3 месяца назад
BTW you forgot to mention the book he is recommending is by a scholar on ibn Arabi ,William Chittick ! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@alial-yunani 3 месяца назад
@@shoaibbhat279 What book?
@shoaibbhat279 3 месяца назад
@@alial-yunani nothing forget it !
@Belbrahim 4 месяца назад
This is an amazing gem. Thank you so much for this
@Alburr250 4 месяца назад
Can you please elaborate on the verse 24:51 - “We hear and obey”.
@shoaibbhat279 5 месяцев назад
With due respect to the eminent scholar & his views , i still find it pertient to bring into discussion the opposing interpretation of the same verse which allows polygamy (i risk of being accused of having a strong male bias) that has existed throughout the islamic history and the institution of polygamy (in Islam ) has almost never been criticised or denied like the shaykh and few other modern scholars do. I think emphasizing monogamy and reading the verse in this manner ignores the way men & women are biologically and evolutionarily build. Men are designed to actualize their sexuality primarily in physical terms with emotional content being subsidiary or secondary. Women on other hand in relationships seek security & safety (and this has an anthropological evidence ) . The question here is who doesnt want the institution of polygamy to exist- men or women ? The answer almost unanimously is women , and why because it threatens their safety & security needs , more so in traditional & ancient societies where they were almost exclusively dependent on men (the institution of polyandry of course has severe problems. In my humble opinion the verse could also be read in a different way which is in its context ( although Mr Khaled also does the same but arrives at different results) - the institution of polygamy already existed in the socio-cultural context of Quran . If Quran wanted to ban it (as Mr Khaled nearly implies) then there would have been a clear 'nass' of Quran to it - which is not. Rather it seems that Quran maintains the institution of polygamy but tries to leverage it to use it for greater social justice ie post war rehabilitation of orphans. Despite this sahabas did not marry multiple wives for the sole reason of rehabilitating the orphans . And it is also interesting as to what is the source of saying "most of sahabas were in monogamous marraiges " . Shaykh's viewpoint is also devoid of taking into consideration the idea of "nikah mutah" which existed in early islam ( thereby allowing & recognising the amative aspect of man-woman union ) and i guess sahabas had nikah - mutah while being married already. The viewpoint is also ignorant of the allowing of sexual relationships with slave girls (malakat aymaanukum) while being married already . To conclude my viewpoint , it is quite logical to say that humans like most other animals are polygamous (both men & women ) but men are polygamous in space & women are polygamous in time .
@DrWoofOfficial 3 месяца назад
Narrated 'Urwa: that he asked `Aisha about the Statement of Allah: 'If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (the captives) that your right hands possess. That will be nearer to prevent you from doing injustice.' (4.3) `Aisha said, "O my nephew! (This Verse has been revealed in connection with) an orphan girl under the guardianship of her guardian who is attracted by her wealth and beauty and intends to marry her with a Mahr less than what other women of her standard deserve. So they (such guardians) have been forbidden to marry them unless they do justice to them and give them their full Mahr, and they are ordered to marry other women instead of them."
@lifechoices6643 6 месяцев назад
True,but the pressure to belong to a madhab is overwhelming
@salehuddinsifat9846 7 месяцев назад
How could I get the script?
@lifechoices6643 8 месяцев назад
The rise of wahaabis is linked to colonialism.But I must jokingly say that most Wahabis are sensually repressed people.
@lifechoices6643 8 месяцев назад
Lying may be a big sin, yet withholding information can be necessary at times if the intent is correct.For example,in Sufism, there's a rule not to divulge what one sees and hears to others if the intent is to protect others.
@lifechoices6643 8 месяцев назад
In Sufism there's a batini nikaah, ie a nikaah undertaken for spiritual purpose
@lifechoices6643 8 месяцев назад
I would personally have more than one wife only in 2 conditions: with the permission of the first wife and only if the second wife supports my spiritual mission.
@zulfikaregzikutor5561 10 месяцев назад
There is no "Wahhab Islam" , such a think does not exist.
@tamerb11 Год назад
This man is a rambling fool
@Alburr250 7 месяцев назад
Au contraire, he knows exactly what he is talking about and is fully able to back it up 😉
@Alburr250 Год назад
Absolutely 💯! My wife is several years older and Alhamdolilah it has taught me so much in terms of humility and respect. She has been a strong backbone when I had to deal with hardship and difficulties.
@sammu Год назад
Good info here. However, the ahadith are clear on the impermissibility of keeping dogs as pets inside the house, yes? All four major schools of fiqh agree on this.
@josephs9451 Год назад
Why Alla did not creat 4 eve's to one Adam?
@DrWoofOfficial 3 месяца назад
so we can all have one mother and father as an origin
@josephs9451 Год назад
Why Islam donot allow females to Mary many men?
@DrWoofOfficial 3 месяца назад
how many times can a woman be pregnant at one time for all those men?
@Alburr250 Год назад
Wahhabism or Salafism is not rooted in history or classical Islam and is completely incapable of creating a civilization. The literalist, dogmatic, puritanical, black and white mindset that it propagates dulls the intellect. The speaker is right when he says that it teaches people to shut up and obey. After all “obedience”, and “submission” are their emphasis.
@GarethBryant15 Год назад
"al-Wahhābiyyah/Wahhābism", for the Record, is a Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative: garethbryant.wordpress.com/2022/07/19/wahhabismmythos/
@ridwandocumentaries517 Год назад
This is wonderful
@firasjawjad436 Год назад
@zakiasuddin Год назад
A muslim is never a broken human being! Subhan Allah how well said.
@saifshareef7194 Год назад
Thank you so much
@sarfrazahmedc Год назад
الله.. يرحم
@auravsingh Год назад
What is a good source for studying the theology of Rabiah Al Adawiyah?
@abdullahthebutcher2275 Год назад
jazakallah khair
@xrjx1511 Год назад
Nope, I don't buy it. The word modesty does not even exist in the Qur'an. The "lowering of gaze" means do not lust after the wife of your brother in Islam. A woman should not lust after a man if she is already married. Just do a search of the word "Gad" in the Qur'an. Gad al Basr means avoid avarice. All these ideas of modesty came from Christianity via Heresay from oral tradition compiled hundreds of years after the death of the Prophet. Do you really think men and women can freely interact without some flirting between single women and males? You guys can be so unrealistic. Islam is not against flirting either if done without danger of adultery. How do you expect people to find a spouse, via arranged marriage? Please drop the bricks of guilt and fake modesty. The definition of modesty is asexuality. Islam is not asexual. It is quite rated R actually. Khaled is right about a lot of things but he is dead wrong on some things too. facebook.com/progressive.moderate.islam/
@unknownunknown7984 Год назад
Clearly men and women did interact without flirting as this was the case during the Prophets time. Countless stories of this happening. Even then, people are not animals, they are humans. They can control their desires and talk normally with people of the opposite gender, or they could just not view that other person in that way.
@khamzatisrailov3428 2 месяца назад
😂 Absolutely silly
@mohammadadaileh6218 Год назад
OMG, laying is worse than adultery!!!!!!!!!! I am out, this Shiekh has a different version of Islam, Byeeeeeeeee. Anyone following him, I am truly advising you stoppppp and read the Quran and its interpretation from its Authentic sources.
@mohammadadaileh6218 Год назад
He keeps saying, Wahhabi Islam. Can you define it? so-called Wahabis are on Hanbali Math-hab; what is he talking about!
@Ya39oub_G Год назад
Because he is a reformist may Allah save us
@mohammadadaileh6218 Год назад
This Shiekh is literally making up Fatwas out of nowhere! Trying to make Islam fit the desires of western society, and this is due to Western hegemony! the problem with people asking these questions is that they do not trust Allah and that he is All-knowing all-wise
@ldrago6031 Год назад
Go debate the sheikh if you think you’re more knowledgeable
@AsmaYAli Год назад
This is Amazing mA! May Allah preserve and disseminate Dr. Khaled Abou el Fadl’s knowledge. More than ever, we are need of voices like his, that are true allies of Muslim women. Never have I listened or read a piece of Dr. KAF regarding the affairs of Muslim women that I’m not left with peace and confirmation that Islam Is Just. Much love to all of you at the Usuli Institute. <3
@silviasilvia6513 Год назад
I am Isnaini Prof
@leebarry5686 Год назад
@leebarry5686 Год назад
Should not say Wahhabi Islam but Wahhabism, which denotes the specific interpretation of Islam and not equal to Islam
@shreebhasker6279 2 года назад
The level of liberal-feminist contempt for Islam that comes from Abou Fadl is astounding. No wonder western converts love him.
@timurmamedov2398 2 года назад
Visit the website for the full tafsir: www.searchforbeauty.org/circles-of-learning-halaqa-s/commentaries-on-the-qur-an-tafsir/
@timurmamedov2398 2 года назад
More of the tafsir of surah fatiha by the Shaykh: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4N6oNFM-2g8.html
@nimisable 2 года назад
So knowledgeable .
@sparephone8228 2 года назад
I agree with Dr Khaled about salafi/wahabi Islam. Yes they have a strong belief in Tawheed and it did stop some of the pagan practices, but ultimately as Muhamamad Asad put it, it is Islam without the spirit.
@sparephone8228 Год назад
@StrivenLight I'm not sufi, but salafism/wahhabism is not the spirit of Islam.
@Alburr250 Год назад
It’s an Islam that is very black and white, arid, literalist, uncompromising and very shallow. Regarding Tawheed, Ibn Abdul Wahab acted as if he understood Tawheed better than anyone else and declared that those who didn’t agree with him was a kafir.
@GarethBryant15 Год назад
Wahhābism is a Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative...it's unreal.