Kate Orson
Kate Orson
Kate Orson
@JoeThomas337 2 месяца назад
Kelcey Decker what is your ancestral background? The occult does n’t just happen. It follows the bloodline as familiar spirits get passed down and they lure the next victim to practice the idolatry.
@norahdavex4417 2 месяца назад
The woman teaching nadia is wonderful
@kateorson4754 6 месяцев назад
Just a note to anyone reading the comments here that judge Imaya's character. I know that when I was first looking into Christianity I followed Doreen Virtue's conversion, and found myself reading a lot of comments or watching a lot of videos from people who were making judgments on her from a psychological perspective, trying to psychoanalyse why she had taken this radical turn on her spiritual journey. Satan is the god of this world, and in this world Christianity is seen by many as very wrong, and a spiritual backwards turn. We can all psychoanalyse from a distance, but that is not what matters here. If you really want to know the truth you can pray to Jesus with an open mind and a humble heart and ask if he is real to reveal himself. No need to get hung up on gossip in the comments section. Just ask Jesus what the truth is.
@sandcastles23 7 месяцев назад
If Im a human having a human experience, what do I need to be forgiven for? Im genuinely curious. Im not perfect but I also don’t need forgiveness for my imperfections
@kateorson4754 6 месяцев назад
do you think it's okay to lie and steal? Or hurt someone? We can have compassion for others and their imperfections, that is a wonderful thing, but there is also a moral law created by God, thankfully. God's law is written on our hearts, though many people don't see the value of it.
@21.taras.meditation 8 месяцев назад
All of this is very white supremacist privilege. Condemning entire black and brown cultures she had no issue culturally appropriating. Which, really wouldn't have been as much of an issue if she wasn't out here entirely disrespecting now by calling them sinners and her way the only truth. She does all this from a laptop that all her sinful followers bought by purchasing her lessons and following her socials. And her website is still up and accepting payments to her school!? lol. ok.......
@AlbertDavis-yf1ke 8 месяцев назад
How can you say new age Jesus the king James Bible is over 400 years old . Jesus hasn't changed
@AlbertDavis-yf1ke 8 месяцев назад
How can you say new Jesus the Bible is over the king James Bible is over 400 years old
@jerri_fizzle 9 месяцев назад
Great testimony!
@bellydancerabiar7809 11 месяцев назад
Imaya, I am so happy to know you have found the truth. Christ 🙏❤️
@patriciagoecke7867 Год назад
i don understad. then why she still has the mistery school open!?
@originalmix2546 5 месяцев назад
exactly my thoughts.....Still her old videos up, her old pics up, her old channel up...and she still calls her IMAYA - aka Im Aya (huasca)... I don't think she has genuinely had her Damascus Road experience...this this is all for the social media clout...to actually populariz herself....which now she has gotten far better than when she was in new age/ makes me think of slave girl from Acts 16:16.....she talked like a believer, but Paul noticed the difference...
@SpiritLevel888 Год назад
Many folks seeking truth *fail to find* 'cos they're easily led astray by worldly logic, high sensuality, vain imagination or specious mysticisms. I know I was. I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager. I used to be into so much "spiritual" stuff: trance channelings, ancient wisdom, gnosticism, psychedelics, hindu gurus and buddhist mystics. I was illuminated by the *kundalini (serpent) spirit* then 7 years ago I got properly enlightened by the *HOLY SPIRIT* who showed me what a fool I was before. Spirit led me to the real *Jesus Christ* and everything changed - paradigm shifted. This is being *BORN AGAIN* and it's an ongoing surprise to me 😁
@user-hr3dx1ov3s Год назад
Imaya is not being honest . And she gives me an ugly feeling. Whatever is in her is still living in her. A corrupted testimony.
@originalmix2546 10 месяцев назад
why do you say so??
@phoebekate.s8918 10 месяцев назад
It’s because she’s a narcissist. She was exactly the same in the spiritual community. She hasn’t changed. Just a different cloak.
@originalmix2546 7 месяцев назад
@@phoebekate.s8918 oho, interesting..I had no idea, I only found about her via FB groups from new age to Jesus...and seeing her being mentioned... It seems she is relatively famous, a bit like 2 other women, who'''s new age to Jesus testimonies are popular..Do YOU think, Imaya is also giving a bad advise to people? Like a deviation from the truth?
@originalmix2546 7 месяцев назад
@@phoebekate.s8918 I just realized her nickname meaning...facepalm myself//// it is Imaya = like IM AYA ayahuasca..idk does it have any importance, but it just hit me, ..also is strange how she and I think Angela Ucci and Naela Rose, they 3 been promoted a lot and given interviews on a looot of channels...being just newly converts..It just sets off red flags/alarm for me..I dont know how she was in the new age, i saw her Serpentine dance school channel and website is still up..so idk is she really done done with her old self/lifestyle
@melaniesheppard778 Год назад
Kate, thank you for allowing your guest to talk freely without interruption. ❤
@mwolfe2022 Год назад
After listening to this, it seems like she just wants to be poor (nothing wrong with that) and her subconscious mind freaked out from all the money she got practically overnight in 2020. I definitely think those rich new age people toxic, but jesus is not the answer. Going for christianity after new age is just jumping from one lie to another.
@kateorson4754 Год назад
If you have never asked Jesus if he is real with an open and humble heart and willingness to know the truth then I wouldn’t dismiss it as a lie. Where we spend our eternal life depends on being open to the truth even if it doesn’t fit with our personal spiritual beliefs. It was a huge leap for me to be open to Jesus being real but I am so glad I made it as he is the way the truth and the life. Everything else is just counterfeit
@mwolfe2022 Год назад
@@kateorson4754 Jesus is as counterfeit as anything else.
@zemog1025 Год назад
There is truth in Christianity, and it is a fine truth, but it is ignorant to believe that it is the only truth, it is a Westernized religion, and it is arrogant to believe that the rest of the world lives in sin and in ignorance of the truth. There is more than one true path. I know many that claim Christianity but are not good people, it is what we are willing to let in and what we are willing to keep out. It takes practice and discipline to walk the path of truth, there are many false paths.
@ticktick6585 Год назад
A lot of people in cults or high control groups are susceptible to jumping to a different cult/high control group.
@littleflor2975 Год назад
Thank you ladies 🙏🏻
@1111YDROXOOS Год назад
Thank you for sharing! People need to know this! God bless you both ❤❤❤
@kateorson4754 Год назад
Thank you for watching. God bless you too! X
@superman9772 Год назад
in the USA, currently the #1 song on the country and the rock music charts is by an artist called "Jelly Roll" the song is called "I Need A Favor" it shares the same topic as this interview/video.... music/dance is an expression of the spirit... never stop that expression or inhibit it... it is how people communicate... think how communication uses tone, inflection, verbal pacing, hand gestures, body positioning, facial expression, eye contact... music/dance is a refinement of all those things which are used to convey ideas, thoughts, emotions, and feelings....it is the Spirit and Message
@zemog1025 Год назад
Dance is simply another form of expression and communication; it is the intent that matters.
@superman9772 Год назад
@@zemog1025 yes... exactly... life lived ought to have intent... and it is a natural human "yearning/gift" to desire to express "spirit"/God... we do that through many different ways (listing those ways gets kinda long) ... but each person has an "art"...i do believe that dance/music is one of those gifts/arts... each person ought to "discover" their "art" and develop and use it ....(me, personally, i can't dance or hold a rhythm but i am constantly developing my own art)
@sackeeniarobinson1594 Год назад
Shout out to East London
@sackeeniarobinson1594 Год назад
Watching from London 🇬🇧
@sackeeniarobinson1594 Год назад
Yes you are right once you open the door to sata he has lega right to do whatever God allows hi to do. To get rid of those legal right you must have deliverance and inner healing and renounce your past. God will continue to reveal more things to you
@mswamp_1826 Год назад
Sad that shes not teaching anymore and is talking about it like its the devil. 😢
@ThisisAlexaRose Год назад
It is the devil.
@mwolfe2022 Год назад
@@ThisisAlexaRose No, it's not.You're just brainwashed into thinking the feminine is bad.
@mwolfe2022 Год назад
Yeah, it's really sad. She's emotionally unstable and has a history of obsessing with things and then moving on from them once she's a point. Maybe her "finding jesus" will help her, but I doubt it. She quickly escalated into thinking herself a jesus expert ... in very little time. It's a red flag. Usually people who study religions and holy books for years before doing what she's trying to do... 🙄. So either this fake religion salvation problem will help her by telling her what to do and how to think or this new obsession of hers will run her into the ground.
@zemog1025 Год назад
Just a different person with different experiences finding the truth. I'm not follower of the new age, but Christianity is not the only path to the truth of God.
@ticktick6585 Год назад
I think she has some serious mental health struggles
@tinfacesful Год назад
A testimony explained in a clear, intelligent & rational way, an honest exeptance of the Truth that is Jesus. Thankyou.
@Soberan Год назад
By the accent I take it that you're based in the UK. The problem with churches in the UK is that most of them are of the "progressive, liberal" type. Conservative churches are few and far between. But you can still find them if you know where to look. The ones I know, they also post their sermons online, so if you live far from them, you can still follow them and be part of them, as it were.
@gotagboa Год назад
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)
@JamesAustinHall Год назад
God bless everyone in the name of Jesus spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially amen.
I love your testimony - especially when you open the bible 😭😭
@kateorson4754 Год назад
Amazing isn’t it?!
@loupapier3350 Год назад
Wow this is heavy.... Praise Yah for those seeds planted and rescuing you to bring you to the true light 💗
@JoeThomas337 2 месяца назад
Precisely! This occult New Age is a counterfeit light. We have the REAL thing.
@FrankieForever2024-k7s Год назад
My favourite one so far! Really touched my heart. Thank you. ❤❤❤
@loupapier3350 Год назад
Amazing!!! So happy to hear that 💕
@hariskhankhel Год назад
Where you from
@loupapier3350 Год назад
@loupapier3350 Год назад
Finally watched this 🙌🙌🙌 Great to hear this testimony all the way through in one go! Very powerful.... Praise Yah 💕
@MrGabjadz Год назад
Powerful testimony
@loupapier3350 Год назад
Thank you 🙏🏼
@loupapier3350 Год назад
Praise Yah for saving you out of that darkness 🙏🏼 The Holy Spirit is the best gift anyone can be given 💝
@tierrabear10 Год назад
Thank you!! This blessed me so much. An answer to my prayers.
@violetdoll1111 Год назад
I'm interested to know what your view of plant medicine is. Is plant/herbal medicine an offence to God? Do you refrain from all types of medicine? What if, for example, you had diabetes that could be managed by herbal medicine, what would you do? Would you use pharma drugs, herbal medicine or nothing at all?
@kateorson4754 Год назад
I do think ahuyhuasca is dangerous as it opens up doorways to the spirit world and because Satan disguises himself as an Angel of light it can lead to be deceived and having spiritual experiences that are not what they seem - like when Lyndsey thought she’d met her soulmate. I was just thinking about medicine as I don’t know the answer to that. In the Bible Timothy drank some wine to help his stomach. Maybe sometimes we need something physical to help us. But also a relationship with Jesus is so healing. The modern church has lost its way a bit but there are churches where the Holy Spirit moves more and sick people are being healed etc
@loupapier3350 Год назад
Good question... I personally am a very natural person, I never use pharma products. Natural médecine as I described is very different to plant médecine which opens us up to spirits. My go to is diet/lifestyle change and prayer. This is so powerful.
@violetdoll1111 Год назад
What bible do you recommend Kate or Lyndsey?
@kateorson4754 Год назад
The first Bible I read was the New Living Translation although it’s not one of the most accurate it is easy to read. Now I’m reading the English standard version. Also the King James has beautiful language though it’s quite complex for a first read! English standard version might be a good accurate one to start with.
@loupapier3350 Год назад
My favourite is the ESV. As Kate said NLT is probably the easiest to read, KJV the hardest. ESV sits nicely in the middle. NJKV also a good one. The main thing is to find a bible you can easily read. They all say the same thing, just in different ways, so whichever one makes reading most enjoyable.
@gotagboa Год назад
I asked my friend this recently and he said that "the best bible to read is a read bible".
@loupapier3350 Год назад
@@gotagboa that's pretty much the answer !!
@Soberan Год назад
​@@loupapier3350Yes, ESV is a good, safe choice.
@Nadiahope7 Год назад
Such a joy seeing this. I've walked through some of this journey with Lyndsey and seen Jesus transforming her first hand. Incredible to hear deeper her experiences before. It never stops blessing me hearing how out God shows people himself.
@loupapier3350 Год назад
Testimonies are so confirming aren't they 🙏🏼 Love you being on my journey 🤓
@kateorson4754 Год назад
It was amazing to hear! Still can’t get over how she was born again by opening the Bible.
@ArcofNeptune Год назад
oh my! I didn't realise you have this channel, Kate! Seeing you with Nadia, this will have to be the first video I watch - so good to see my two friends and sisters in Christ!🙏🕊❤‍🔥 (BB)
@tierrabear10 Год назад
Thank you ladies!! I'm coming out of the New Age as well and am having similar experiences. I find that I'm feeling blocked from reading the Bible. Procrastination, exhaustion and the like. I will definitely start casting out these little demon buggers! Thanks for the tip Samantha! 🙏💕
@kateorson4754 Год назад
That’s great to hear you are coming out of the new age too! It seems quite common to feel a bit blocked with reading the Bible. I pray it will get easier for you with time it did for me.
@delontebrown-dockery7389 Год назад
This is such a powerful testimony, so good. The grace and power of our Lord Jesus
@daughterofthemosthigh5788 Год назад
Thank you for bravely sharing, Kelsey! Praise God for this incredible testimony, and may your book be a blessing to many! Love you, precious sister!🥰
@raymepasieka Год назад
Hallelujah!!! John 8:36 (KJV) If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Praise Jesus!!! God is so good! All thanks be to God for your testimony Samantha & thank you for your faithful sharing also dear Kate May! I was raised JW but left that at 14 and then after a miscarriage and heavy depression I looked for answers in “self help” with a heavy emphasis on New Age / LOA and I was even into mediumship and energy work, kundalini yoga, transcendental meditation Angel cards, hypnosis and so much more... and then when I first came to God I realized how wrong and against God’s will I had been. I repented (acknowledged my sins out loud to God & my husband and I turned from all willful sinning) I received the Holy Ghost and months later I got baptized- all glory to God!! The night after my baptism I was attacked in my dreams. In one dream I was burned by a hateful demonic girl with a cigarette and I cried out to Jesus and he delivered me and in another dream I was in my bed and paralyzed being tossed across the bed this way and that and all I could do was cry out to Jesus in my mind for deliverance... I think I said something like Jesus help me!! And praise God he did!!! It stopped just like that! The Spirit realm knows when we are baptized. It’s more than just a symbol! It is our death! Romans 6:4 (KJV) Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Praise God that we are new creations in Christ Jesus!!! We are His workmanship!!! All glory to God! I’m so grateful to God to hear what the Lord has done for you and is doing in this last hour across the face of the earth!!! May God bless you & may his name continue to be magnified through you!! As it is written: “The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” Blessed be God!!!
@Temporarychannel453 Год назад
Such an inspiring interview. Thought provoking and vibrant. Thank you so much Kate and Kelsey.
@kateorson4754 Год назад
You are welcome, thank you for watching! ❤
@shereenesbitt777 Год назад
Please pray for my husband john who is so involved new age teachings and is involved in witchcraft and left myself an our autistic son nearly 4 year's ago. We need emergency prayers. Our son is suffering from severe anxiety everytime he stays with my husband please can someone pray.
@raymepasieka Год назад
Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! All glory to God - I will pray for your husband John, your son and you Sheree. God is merciful! I used to be very involved with new age / energy work / witchcraft/ mediumship and 2 years ago God woke me up and Jesus delivered me - as it is written: with God all things are possible Are you a born again believer dear Sheree, meaning have you repented (acknowledged and confessed your sins to God), turned from them, believed in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, been water baptized and received the Holy Ghost yet? If so, please take all things to God in prayer first asking humbly to be led by the Holy Spirit... and if you are so led pray for protection over your son before he goes over there or pray for wisdom in the matter. The grace of God is so great and as it is written: 2 Peter 3:9 (KJV) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God doesn’t want anyone to perish but all to come to repentance! I pray for a personal revelation of God to your husband and son and that God’s will be done in your life and that of your family in Jesus mighty name! ‘And it shall be that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord [invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord Jesus] shall be saved (rescued spiritually).’ Acts 2:21 AMP Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38 (KJV)
@kateorson4754 Год назад
Praying now 🙏
@kashaglazebrook Год назад
Praying now 🙏
@shereenesbitt777 Год назад
@@kashaglazebrook Thankyou so much for praying I appreciate your prayers.
@CottonCandySkie Год назад
Praying 🙏🏼
@lucindabutton1601 Год назад
Amazing testimony and witness to the power and grace of God through His son our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ! <3 There is power in the name of Jesus!! Because he is risen and alive! <3
@misscosmic6407 Год назад
Praise God! So glad to hear the power of Deliverance, thank you both for sharing this!
@NatureSouldierSC Год назад
I'm 55 and Imaya changed my life over the last 3 years. Thanks for doing this video , I loved it.
@e.l.p.i.d.a Год назад
Imaya's experience is so similar to mine; (which was Jan 30th 2023) it brings comfort that all these sudden 360° changes are because of Christ and I can trust this being born again process. Thank you for sharing!!
@mwolfe2022 Год назад
You've been psyoped, that's why. The funnel from new age to christianity was by design, but not by your god.
This testimony is such a light for The Kingdom!! Praise God. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life ♥️
@jimmyliggs Год назад
I've not watched this in full yet but two wonderful ladies together...for now Kate you are glowing!!! This Christian walk looks good on you pal 🙏😇❤️
@kateorson4754 Год назад
Oh thanks Jimmy. I’m usually feeling exhausted so always pleasantly surprised when someone tells me I’m glowing on the outside!! X
@thebluebutterfly5177 Год назад
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Even more meaningful that I can call you both sisters in Christ. So helpful for me and any other baby Christian’s who have come from spirituality/new age. Thank you so much ladies❤️🙏🏻❤️
@kateorson4754 Год назад
I’m really glad you enjoyed it. 💖I don’t know who you are Blue Butterfly but it’s so wonderful the community we have together!
@paulmartin7053 Год назад
@@kateorson4754 hay sister in Christ I'm also a Christian who gave my life to the holy spirit I have back slided so many times hated god but I'm a Christian yay god is working through us in the spirit one step at a time together amen ✝️☦️🙏🙏🌅✝️