Sarsh R
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Sarsh R
@shenroncali4372 2 дня назад
They missed out on 8th grade science?😂
@tobiramasenju2204 Месяц назад
previously they had an active shield that was immune to physical attacks, one of which was javeline rocket attacks and guided missiles, after they were infected with viruses, germs and bacteria from within, their immunity decreased like they had the flu, and their shield slowly weakened and finally they were able to be executed with rockets javeline.. Urraaa 🗿💀
@moviestudioteam Месяц назад
0:15 so god made the disease and put it on earth to kill the aliens. So god saved humanity? I may be right or wrong but yall decide
@omicron5128 Месяц назад
Technically yes, because humans live on Earth long enough to fight the diseases and win.
@illumynarty 2 месяца назад
"By the toll of a billion deaths." The population of the world in 2005 was roughly 6.5 billion. Roughly 16% of humanity was exterminated. To put that into context, every 1 in 6 people were killed. That's still horrific.
@dejanjakobovic9803 Месяц назад
In the novel Wells also wrote of a billion deaths. Tgese might be a reference to the people who died of diseases before we developed the necessary antiviruses.
@ErebusHellhound 2 месяца назад
Even though, a lot of people consider this ending to be "anti-climatic" or a "Deus ex Machina". But to me, this is quite realistic in terms of how the alien invaders have boasted their advanced technology and superior fighting machines. Yet the aliens themselves were just as mortal as mankind when they were exposed to Earth's bacteria.
@bizmo2789 3 месяца назад
So is that vomit and diarrhea that fell out with the alien they were probably leaking from every hole they had lol 😂
@Saosinner 3 месяца назад
Can you imagine if the microbes in this movies actually made the aliens stronger rather then kill them?
@davidmcallister8858 4 месяца назад
The ultimate deus ex machina
@user-dv6im5vf7h 4 месяца назад
Weapons and devices failed? Did you not see what those javelins and gustaveses did?
@tobiramasenju2204 Месяц назад
previously they had an active shield that was immune to physical attacks, one of which was javeline rocket attacks and guided missiles, after they were infected with viruses, germs and bacteria from within, their immunity decreased like they had the flu, and their shield slowly weakened and finally they were able to be executed with rockets javeline 🗿💀
@hoangvo11 4 месяца назад
them fools in Alien Covenant made the same dumb a** mistake....step off the ship without protection and got Aliened....lol
@Somewondude 4 месяца назад
"...where neither do men live or die in vain"
@AzNorth-wj5vf 4 месяца назад
Was just waiting for Andy dufane to show up.
@fernandoagustin452 7 месяцев назад
@Goodiesfanful 8 месяцев назад
Freeman could have actually said the word "bacteria" to make things clear. I have always been annoyed at this bit of omission from the narration.
@kenmurphy6792 8 месяцев назад
from the moment the invaders arrived 0:02 breathed out 0:03 air ate and drank they were doomed 0:09 they were undone destroyed 0:12 after all of man's weapons and devices 0:14 had failed by the tiniest creatures that 0:17 god and his wisdom put upon this earth 0:21 by the toll of a billion deaths man had 0:24 earned his immunity 0:25 his right to survive among this planet's 0:28 infinite organisms 0:31 and that right is ours against all 0:33 challenges 0:35 for neither do men live nor die 0:39 in vain
@BreMue 8 месяцев назад
Maybe it's just me but this line felt so absolutely stupid I think it ruined the movie for me
@maxwelldillon4805 8 месяцев назад
Why? It explained why the aliens failed. Though personally I do dislike the way it glorifies human suffering as work to have earned a spot here.
@BreMue 8 месяцев назад
@@maxwelldillon4805 I think I was maybe expecting a better explanation or something Like to me it came across like "God in his wisdom decided humans suffered enough, you've earned your immunity to the aliens" Or maybe it's that the foreshadowing of them being sick could have been done better It just didn't seem to explain what happened without being too philosophical or whatever so it felt super out of place It's hard to fully explain why I hated it it's a little bit of several reasons
@user-et3go2zs7y 9 месяцев назад
Akhirnya mereka bersatu kembali setelah melewati semua serangan dari alien
@jasondean1634 9 месяцев назад
This is exactly what happened to many Europeans in the Scramble for Africa. They were technologically superior to the local tribes and kingdoms, but it took until the advent of modern medicine to penetrate the interior. Before then Africa was known as the White Man's Grave because of all the pathogens that they weren't used to.
@DanDavies741 10 месяцев назад
So how did they not die when they were in the basement, drank the water and breathed the air?
@freedomwriter9688 8 месяцев назад
That’s what happened that moment they did that they were already infected
@maxwelldillon4805 8 месяцев назад
We can say that it took some time for the microbes to kill them
@iantaylor2331 10 месяцев назад
Great ending to an underappreciated film
@88crazydriver 10 месяцев назад
Whats funny is Morgan Freeman probably got paid almost or more the tom cruise did 😂
@danewillis263 10 месяцев назад
Martians: “your weapons are useless against use! Nothing will stop our onslaught! *evil laugh*” Bacteria: “hold my beer.”
@larryhutson3386 10 месяцев назад
Yes people do die in vain morgan and I just ate a peice of pizza on earth hah and I'm not dead yet ill give it a minute maybe takes some time like 40 years call the inshurance Co they most likely have tod all factored considering I have pre existing breathing abilities???????????????
@marcusbaker830 Год назад
Even tho the Martians had the technology of 10,000 years later, their bodies weren't used to diseases or microorganisms
@AtticTapes14 Год назад
This movie was moreso good on the humanity side of its scenes. All scenes without the aliens or tripods are great. The family dynamic, dialogue more than the aliens and tripods themselves. I didn't care much for the scenes showing the tripods or aliens ironically. The dialogue scenes are so good in this movie. Also good are the scenes showing the HUMANS/people.
@CapitalTeeth Год назад
I can just imagine the Martians fucking ragequitting after figuring out their whole brainchild earth invasion masterplan didnt work out because someone coughed in their general direction.
@RennieAsh 11 месяцев назад
Not even. Simply touching dirty, bacteria laden humans and "processing them"
@hudsonkilbury3416 Год назад
Dream stans after seeing dreams face:
@onedimple75 Год назад
That was dope
@maynorramos4087 Год назад
Que final más sin sentido
@Alex_FRD Год назад
Aliens from a barren, thin-aired planet really thought "hey, let's invade a planet that has life in every single orifice and drink their blood" was a good idea.
@CapitalTeeth Год назад
I mean, if you grew up in a completely sterile environment for your entire life, I could imagine that your knowledge on diseases and shit would be pretty limited.
@valadier3348 Год назад
Lol this goes both ways though. Aliens could bring their own pathogens with them.
@Goodiesfanful 8 месяцев назад
Where they come, pathogens have long since been eliminated, so ours took them by surprise.
@White_man_from_town Год назад
The only reason I would ever appreciate germs and bacteria.
@TheTruth01234 Год назад
Bacteria when the aliens show up. “looks like meat back on the menu boys”!
@Eitachi5656 Год назад
This was my one issue with the movie. Yes aliens have complicated technology to cross the VASTNESS of space to come to earth. Yes aliens have the technology to build force fields that defy physics and repell projectiles of doom. Yes aliens are so complicated and advanced and intelligent. Somehow (in this movie), they were stupid enough to come to earth and NOT prepare to deal with the tiny micro organisms that were to be found here. Like wuuuuuuuut? I was EXTREMELY disappointed to find out that something even WE as humans know, would destroy aliens in this movie. Its kinda ironic because if aliens wanted to come to this earth and take it over, they would EASILY engineer lethal viruses that would do their killing for them. As soon as the last human ends up dead, they'd come unchallenged to this earth and claim it without having to lift ONE alien finger. Or, hell even easier... if aliens wanted to conquer the earth for whatever reason, they'd just build a dyson sphere on the sun, absorb all its energy for themselves, and when everything on this planet has turned to ice, they could just come and acquire anything they need unchallenged. IF you REALLY wanted to get fancy with it... you COULD just wait until humans become dependent on robotics with artificial intelligence, HACK the robots and make them annihilate all humans again, without lifting ONE finger... I still wait for a movie that ACCURATELY shows exactly how it would go down if an alien species decided to invade this earth. Ofcourse it wouldn't end well for humans, but it IS a movie afterall.
@DestinyAwaits19 Год назад
It's sorta like Jurassic Park. Humans, with all their engineering genius and intelligence ressurected dinosaurs, but life still found a way. The same concept applies here. No matter how powerful you are, you cannot be omnipotent.
@chango_fett Год назад
H. G Wells was a Darwinist and with his novel he wanted to show that in nature it is not the strongest but the fittest that survive, I loved this ending and it was scientifically one of the most accurate that Hollywood ever did, the microorganisms that live here as in other planets are a great blessing or threat, neither side will be ready in an eventual alien invasion
@Mahi-nw5vh Год назад
Not the fittest really, it's the most adapted that survive
@RX-12 Год назад
This isn't an Orwell story.
@Goodiesfanful 8 месяцев назад
Don’t you mean H.G. Wells?
@chango_fett 7 месяцев назад
@@Goodiesfanful Damn, at the time I wrote this I was reading 1984, my mistake.
@ver9244 Год назад
если долго смотреть в бездну можно самому потиряться....
@Tesoro1996 Год назад
Plot twist: The aliens released their own bacteria and viruses into the world and now humans are fucked too.
@aleahoki3883 Год назад
Maybe our immune is stronger than em, their bacteriea or viruses cant infected us
@velstonjonis5753 Год назад
War of the Worlds (narrated by Morgan Freeman)
@PoketMon1008 Год назад
No American will truly know Morgan Freeman was best narrator in War of the Worlds.
@PoketMon1008 Год назад
10/10 Perfect Masterpiece. Truly Inspirational.
@PoketMon1008 Год назад
Truth about Alien Covid 19 Case events from China. LMAO.
@trashsoviet Год назад
bro became extinct by the common cold
@RayDynus Год назад
Viruses are the heroes we need but not the ones we deserve.
@4YrStasis Год назад
You mixed those word up, right...?
@djufu1 Год назад
I will never understand why people like this ending but think the computer virus in Independence Day is stupid. It’s the exact same thing. The technological superior Aliens are undone by the smallest thing.
@tigerguy1013 Год назад
You’d think an alien race that managed to hide those tripods for so long, ride lightning INTO them and destroy so many things knew how to protect themselves against the common cold
@randypalmer2328 Год назад
They come from a dead world. They have no idea what microbes are.
@kadejito1 Год назад
It's simply another case of not anticipating every detail. Their engineering might have been advanced, but perhaps their knowledge of biology less so. In the 50s people thought Venus was a tropical planet and that there were huge artificial canals on Mars. Imagine if we had had the technology to reach Mars or Venus at the time, it would have been a one way ticket to hell in either case.
@CrashB111 Год назад
Even if they knew, what could they really do against it? The immune system of every animal on Earth has adapted over millions of years of evolution to survive the non-stop onslaught presented by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Our own bodies are host to innumerable bacteria, in our gut, on our skin, in our blood from previous infections.
@Thedarkknight2244 Год назад
Well just look at jurassic park. They knew how the genetics worked, and yet nature found away. its the same concept here in my belief
@alexcarter2461 Год назад
I guessed that they were such an advanced species that they abolished all forms of bacterium on their own world, no immunizations, a weak immune system that by the time they come to earth the smallest microbes compromise them, compromise their health and eventual leads to their deaths. Best thing for us as humans in this scenario is all the tech and tripods they left behind in their wake for use to progress technologically.
@elitemook4234 Год назад
The worlds current population is only possible due to a very indicate and fragile system of trade and specialization. If that system is interrupted for only a few days then thousands will be condemned to death via starvation. Losing a billion people so quickly would cause that system to collapse entirely dooming billions more to death, and those people would drag the rest with them in their desperation. In short. Everyone died. The end.
@garyking5036 Год назад
Maybe hundreds of thousands more would have died worldwide indeed but considering the rather short time span the invasion lasted as you pointed out, that fragile system meant for 6 billion people would have been back on tracks in to time. Mankind is resilient.
@content_watcher_only Год назад
that means these types of aliens are not a threat. I'm more afraid of xenomorphs, predators and species btw.
@4YrStasis Год назад
What about the Reapers from mass effect
@somethingtojenga Год назад
Hard to believe that in 1897 it was good enough and powerful enough of a statement to talk about natural selection, but in 2005 we needed to somehow bring 'God' into it. Shows how in the early aughts the US was SATURATED in religion, probably as a result of 9/11.
@gothicblack5876 Год назад
Swarmak ☠️💀
@maded1988 2 года назад
"god and his wisdom put on this earth" a change to the original literature which named natural selection. Thank you Neil degrass Tyson for pointing that out