Boy Meets World
Boy Meets World
Boy Meets World
A video chronicle of the pain and suffering inflicted by prescribed antibiotics /
A channel devoted to awareness and recovery from antibiotic-induced toxicity.

Fluoroquinolone Support Group:

To find out more about my story:

Pharmaceutical Drug Warning Videos - Victim/Survivor Stories:

01. - GN - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Scyd59nUG7s.html
02. - GN - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-S-MGqPiOIDs.html
03. - GN - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tDkn2Xzrs4U.html
04. - GN - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ksJXaqx6Gag.html
05. - WRTV - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L42vn7KjPm8.html
06. - WRTV - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_K2aZyFZktQ.html
07. - WRTV - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-MjzloChi4Ps.html
08. - ABC - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GbVmxwB1hIg.html
09. - ABC - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8H1BpBJwvLU.html
10. - WRTV - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ydATpxzhmIc.html

Amino Acid Drip - Session 1 Update
5 лет назад
10-Pass Ozone - Session 1 Update
5 лет назад
@GingerNuts-mq4nj 28 дней назад
I’ve had just this along with countless other symptoms for years now, to begin with I was convinced it was early Parkinson’s
@111585sandman 3 месяца назад
Hey sir, I’ve watched your videos. I’ve also been floxed and much more, bactrim did wrong for months. How’re you now? I’m also still recovering and I can’t relate to everything you say. I’m slowly healing but I’ve a long journey to go. I hope you’re getting better.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 8 месяцев назад
UPDATE - 12-31-2023: 2014-2024. Nothing has changed. I’m still in the process of dying. They injured me, they disabled me, but they can’t touch my soul. On this Earth and in Death… I was, am and will ALWAYS BE FREE ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a broader perspective of the DEVASTATING HARM being inflicted on the world's population, please see the links below. Posts below indicate an epidemic of chronic illness in ALL age groups. Many are unable to work and look after themselves. Reddit - r/Autoimmune - www.reddit.com/r/Autoimmune/ Reddit - r/depression - www.reddit.com/r/depression/ Reddit - r/cfs - www.reddit.com/r/cfs/ Reddit - r/MCAS - www.reddit.com/r/MCAS/ Reddit - r/ChronicIllness - www.reddit.com/r/ChronicIllness/ Reddit - r/covidlonghaulers - www.reddit.com/r/covidlonghaulers/ Stew Peters Network - World Premiere - Died Suddenly [FILM] rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html Edward Dowd - Cause Unknown - The Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths In 2021 And 2022 [BOOK / E-BOOK] archive.org/details/cause-unknown-the-epidemic-of-sudden-deaths-in-2021-2022-2022-ed-dowd Innocent citizens have been treated as lab rats, and now our population, future, and DNA are forever altered. Let us not forget these evil and despicable crimes against humanity. STAY STRONG... STAY FREE, everyone. -Lukasz
@kingyup447 8 месяцев назад
Happy new year Lukasz. When I can reliably treat the cycles of symptoms, I'll give you a protocol of 1 or 2 supplements. I have a theory that my problems are from some kind of gut issue that goes under the radar. Sometimes the gut lining improves and I feel good, I just need to find the right supplement. I am looking at Boswellia currently, also known as Frankincense which is supposed to treat conditions of the gut.
@TheCanon66 10 месяцев назад
I am looking into rapamycin. I know a long-term floxie that has had success with taking it once a week for a few months now. I am also going to trial the lion diet for a few months. I have tried several other things. Honestly, I have little else to lose. I know of a guy who took 12 years to get better entirely...
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 10 месяцев назад
Another antibiotic, likely another life-destroying drug. Personally, I wouldn't touch it but the choice is yours.
@TheCanon66 8 месяцев назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Hello fellow sufferer. I have yet to get around to trying rapamycin since it is technically an antibiotic. I have added it to my list of last resorts though. I still firmly believe there is an autoimmune component with long-term flox injuries. And aside from regular plasmapheresis and CSF replacement, I am trying to find decent natural methods for treating autoimmune disease. I know many floxies have had success with strong immunosuppressant drugs, but the possible side-effects from said drugs seem about as bad as cipro possibly. So I don't want to risk any of that.
@presterjohn1697 Год назад
mRNA procedures are contributing to the problem as well
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
They certainly are, but it's the newest, latest, experimental "technology", so it must be safe, right? Hmm, what are the ingredients again?
@presterjohn1697 Год назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Not sure what the exact ingredients are. Pharma treats it as proprietary. I do know from the court released Pfizer documents that Pharma and the FDA colluded to hide the adverse effects of the shots
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
As you said, it's a proprietary substance, which means private and confidential information. If we had access/knowledge of the ingredients used, it wouldn't bode well for these pharmaceutical companies, and so they hide them and rely on people's trust and lack of knowledge. Same idea and strategy with their pharmaceuticals. I'm happy to hear about the collusion documents being released. It's important for the public to see through their lies and realize how EVIL and ANTI-LIFE these pharmaceutical companies are.
@sarahblmi7024 Год назад
I would like to ask how have you been doing lately? Have you not seen any improvements? I have been follwoing your channel for years. I first found your channel after i took Clarithromycin and suffered from it. I had some improvements through out the years but still not completely like before. Please let me know how are you doing and what symptoms do you still have. I send you my prayers 🙏🏻
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Hi Sarah. Yes, I remember you from earlier times. Sorry that you're still suffering to this day. As for how I'm doing, not good. I've long given up on the idea that there's "recovery" from this ordeal. Perhaps a small number of people get better, but nobody is ever the same again after an adverse drug reaction. The whole ordeal leaves a permanent psychological scar, and not to mention, the physical and mental symptoms which never seem to come to an end. How can the body recover when we age, are constantly exposed to contaminated and toxic foods, water, air and personal care products (soap, shampoo and toothpaste)? We are constantly adding to our toxic load and the liver is so overburdened, that it can't flush any of this stuff out from our body. As for improvement, minimal at best. It's all very frustrating, as you know all too well. It's always one step forward and two steps back. Thanks for the prayers. I hope you find a way back to health.
@presterjohn1697 Год назад
Sending love. I know what you are going through.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
We are being poisoned, injured, disabled and murdered. Please watch these videos and share them with others: Tucker Carlson - Prescription Drugs & Mass Shootings vimeo.com/727578088/2ab19cc94d Legal Death - In Drugs We Trust - TAKA - Official Trailer vimeo.com/356792033 Tim Alexander - An Important Warning About Doctor Visits To Protect Yourself! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Ur2eUoLLMgU.html Any person who is participating in these MEDICAL CRIMES is: 1.) Conducting human experiments without informed consent 2.) Committing crimes against humanity 3.) Violating the Human Rights Act & Int'l Bill of Human Rights Remember, these are chemotherapy drugs that are masquerading as antibiotics. Imagine being prescribed chemotherapy pills even though you dont have cancer. It's been happening for several decades and is continuing to happen, even today. My life has been completely destroyed by these medical criminal acts. However, I will NEVER STOP informing the public of the risks associated with these drugs. Please continue to spread the word to all who are unaware of the potential risks. Thank you. -Lukasz-
@GoogleHandles Год назад
Its been 5 years since my mom took me to the doctors to have them give me these meds. She treats me like i am trash whenever i talk about my pain twitching. I have clicking in my head it feels like things are ripping. I get popping in my neck i cant sleep at night. i feel like my heart is stopping.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
I'm sorry to hear. It really is a nightmare of unparalleled proportions. It feels like someone/something playing a sick joke on us. The longer it goes on, the more draining it all becomes. Having family members, or anyone else for that matter, downplay the whole situation, or even individual symptoms, doesn't help the cause. It just makes matters worse. I'm sorry that your mom isn't being as supportive as she could be. I've been there myself, not with family members, but with these so called 'medical professionals'. The symptoms and subsequent break down of various bodily systems and bodily functions (internal injuries) is both shocking and alarming to say the least. Again, I am truly sorry that you're going through all this. I hope you find some relief soon.
@GoogleHandles Год назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Thank you sir... same to you
All of these evil people who work for the BIG PHARMAKEIA EMPIRE will pay for it in the LAKE OF 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Revelation 9: 21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their SORCERIES , nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. Revelation 18:23 ...........for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy SORCERIES were all nations deceived. Revelation 21:8 but the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and SORCERERS , and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. PHARMACY = SORCERY
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
I absolutely agree.
2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Rest as far away as possible from this world is what I need the most.
@LeonardoYouTube8 Год назад
It breaks my heart. There's too much evil in this world.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Sadly, yes. I hope to leave this world soon and find peace elsewhere.
@LeonardoYouTube8 Год назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness I'm sure once this ride is over you'll find peace elsewhere. I've been following you for years. Again it just breaks my heart. I wish I could be near you to help you out in whatever you needed.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
@@LeonardoRU-vid8 Thanks for the kind words and support over the years, Leonardo. Indeed, leaving this destroyed body and mind behind will be the ultimate act of liberation. I just wish it never came to this.
@presterjohn1697 Год назад
Have you talked to the doctor who did this?
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
2 different doctors from 2 separate incidents. I haven't spoken to either of these individuals.
@mauriliofilho9226 2 года назад
Did the spasms go away?
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
No. Nearly 8 years later and they're still around. Maybe not as frequent, but they're still with me.
@markanthonyhernandez3378 2 года назад
Hey man..Did you recover?
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
No... and I probably never will. This is a life sentence afterall.
@rickomax1 2 года назад
Hey brother. I guess you remind me. I'm a fellow "Floxie". I found your channel again and just saw this video. I hope you're doing fine. Stay strong, I've been dealing with new issues now (not Cipro related).
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Sorry to hear that, Ricardo. Hope things are better now?
@Rachelllllll2024 2 года назад
Are you okay?
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
I've had better days, Sarah. Thanks for asking, though.
@kingkongjjs 3 года назад
How you doing bro, since your page has changed I havnt been able to get hold of you Hope you and the rest are doing better
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Hey. I'm not well. Hanging on by a thread and sick and tired of existing like this. I hope you're doing better lately?
@nhallo7596 3 года назад
I was floxed too and Ozone saved my a**. Haven‘t you seen any improvement with the 10 pass Ozone? I also do rectal insufflations and that helps me tremendously with my floxed gut.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Hey Noah. Unfortunately 10 pass ozone didn't agree with me. I'm glad it worked for you though. Hope you continue to make good progress and work your way back to full health.
@nhallo7596 3 года назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness oh man Lukasz the therapies do not do anything for you. I saw your story on floxiehope. I am pretty sure that it all comes from the gut! The biggest progress for me was RECTAL!! Ozone. 10 pass is just too much for a floxed person maybe. I went from bodybuilder to cripple in a 10 day prescription of 20 Levaquin. I am 26 years old. In month 11 now, almost back to 75% with almost 50 IVs of high dose vitamin c, ozone, b vitamins etc. Went from having a lot of money to bring completely wiped out. I am sure that these devils will have to eat the shit they are prescribing some day. They give it out like candys here in Germany.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Unfortunately, yes, all therapies and treatments have failed. Not only do they not do anything for me, but in some cases, they make me worse off since I am extremely sensitive/reactive to just about everything on this planet which is composed of more than a single ingredient or two or more chemicals binded together. It's absolutely insane and unbelievable that my body would be this sensitive/reactive to chemicals, but that's the nightmare reality I've been enduring for the past 8 years. And yes, you're right, the gut plays a pivotal role in overall health. I've tried to remedy this over the years with no success. I did do quite a few FMT treatments, but just like everything else, they didn't produce the results that I was hoping for. I guess I'm in the severe category of being floxed. Having said that, I'm really happy that you were able to find decent success with different treatments. It seems you're on the right track and I wish you continued success with the recovery. I hope you get back to as close to 100% as possible. I'm just sorry that this had to happen to you, to all of us. You were a very young guy entering the prime of your life, and this evil came along and took away your health in a matter of days. I know the feeling all too well and have read and heard about this type of occurrence all too often. Sadly, it's very common and very much deliberate. Sorry that you had to lose everything. I've also lost everything so I can totally relate to the frustration of this entire ordeal. Taking/stealing every last dollar from us is part of their plan. Always was. They get filthy rich from our pain and suffering. As you said though, these devils/demons will eventually get a taste of their own medicine. Of that I have no doubt. And yes, this is very much a worldwide attack on humanity. Crimes against humanity, as I've mentioned many times. These lunatic chemists who produce the drugs and the drug-peddling doctors who hand them over to unsuspecting men and women should be locked up as these drugs have been injuring, disabling and killing people for decades. The majority of suicides can be directly linked to pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Having been there myself, I can see how these drugs lead people to commit suicide. Yet, these same drugs that cause people's health to completely fall apart and cause daily suicidal ideation are still being prescribed in health settings all over the world. How convenient. So yeah, let's hope that these very same drugs used for poisoning us will wreck havoc on the same psychopaths who make and prescribe them. Thanks for your message, Noah. Hope you continue to get better!
@antoninotroisi6585 4 года назад
Hi I am Floxed to ....
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Sorry to hear this Antonino. Stay strong.
@antoninotroisi6585 3 года назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Hi !!! you are in FB fluoroquinolone American group ??
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Hi again. No, I'm not a part of that group.
@doniny5040 4 года назад
Try vsl 3 it’s very good probiotic May help
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Thanks. Tried it before but no luck.
@DanielTojcic 4 года назад
Is it DP/DR that you’re suffering from the most? I hope that you recover and see some improvements soon
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Hi Daniel, at the time of filming this video, yes, DP/DR was off the charts. Thanks for the well wishes.
@Eze_Cloud 4 года назад
Have you considered taking LDN? I’ve heard of number of people who’ve been injured by Cipro/levaquin have benefited from it. Please hang in there
@Eze_Cloud 4 года назад
LDN stands for low dose naltrexone
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
@@Eze_Cloud Thanks for the support. I have considered it in the past but have not tried it yet as my distrust for all things pharmaceutical is still strong.
@radusabau3582 4 года назад
Did you try homeopathic treatment? It worked for a friend of mine with the same problem. I was lucky for me it got better in 3 years without treatment. Cipro is a neurotoxin it shouldn’t be given
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Agree. Cipro is hell on Earth.
@kingkongjjs 4 года назад
How long did it take for the brain to heal the panic and weird feelings I'm at 22 months and still struggling Is there hopw
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
@@kingkongjjs My panic attacks went away after a couple of years but my brain is still suffering to this very day. It's still a work in progress. As long as we are alive, there is always hope.
@solamancarter7895 4 года назад
Don’t give up Brother.! You can do this I can only imagine the pain. Keep the faith!
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Thanks for the support, Solaman. Doing what I can to keep going each day.
@edwinkok6323 4 года назад
Feeling you. I was you in Sept 2016. I was crushed and dying. Multiple times floxed with very serious side affects. First 2 years mostly in bed. Fight this with all you got. If you ever want to talk let me know.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Thanks for the encouragement, Edwin. Did you recover from your ADRs? If so, what was your method?
@edwinkok6323 4 года назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Hi Lukasz. I am in noway my old self, but I am exercising again, gained weight and most of days pains are bearable. I think key is healing the gut and supporting the liver in its detoxification. It took 3 - 3.5 years to get to that point that I could finally start doing a little more. I prayed for death and healing at the same time while I was in excruciating hell. Send me a mail any time so I can elaborate a little more on what I was doing (and still doing) to get to this point.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you're in a better place these days. Exercise, weight gain and pain management are important steps on the road to recovery so it seems you're on the right track. I'm yet to get there, but hopefully soon. I do think you're right about the importance of healing the gut and liver support to enable detox and healing. This is something I need to focus on as my gut health is quite poor and my liver probably isn't any better. Anyway, keep up the good work, Edwin.
@azzking9305 2 года назад
Edwin Kok Did you have severe brain issues? Depression, dizziness, weird vision ect? It’s been 5 years for me and I’m still suffering from this shit
@edwinkok6323 2 года назад
@@azzking9305 brain was affected but did not have depression (trained my mind not to) I did have motoric issues, short term memory gone, remembering words dicficult and could absolutely not handle any kind of stress.
@tericiprovictim3830 4 года назад
I’m so sorry for all your suffering. I pray for you.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Thank you, Teri.
@tericiprovictim3830 4 года назад
Boy Meets World did you try Colvita collagen with Colway Vit. C same company that sells Colvita. It saved my life in 2013. You can order from eBay. Your in our FQ Facebook groups?
@tericiprovictim3830 4 года назад
Boy Meets World m.facebook.com/story/graphql_permalink/?graphql_id=UzpfSTEwMDAwNzE2OTQ3NTIzMzpWSzoxNzg5MzgzMDA3ODE3MzQy
@tericiprovictim3830 4 года назад
Boy Meets World Here’s Dr. Mercola’s Vit. C. When taking collagen you must always take a Vit. C. shop.mercola.com/category/1156/1/immune-support?cid_source=banner&cid_medium=int&cid=immunity_awareness_20200305&cid_content=shoptop
@tericiprovictim3830 4 года назад
Boy Meets World God bless you. Praying for you. If you have any questions you can find me in Facebook...
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 4 года назад
Bro......... even though I'm not in the Condition you are in right now... I just say MANY of us don't love this evil world and we aren't going to be in the EVIL WORLD much longer. Why ?.. Because JESUS CHRIST is about to COME BACK FOR US AND TAKE US OUT OF THIS EVIL WORLD and take us HOME TO HEAVEN .... in HEAVEN we ALL will have a BRAND NEW ETERNAL LIVING BODY.......A body that will NEVER EVER Feel any PAIN, no more TEARS, no more TEMPTATIONS , no more DEATH ....... And I STRONGLY BELIEVE THIS IS THE YEAR THAT JESUS WILL TAKE US HOME....... PLEASE keep FOCUSING on HEAVEN, ETERNAL BODY , NO MORE PAIN , NO MORE DEATH....... PURE PARADISE IN HEAVEN with GOD our SAVIOUR...AMEN. 2 Peter 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 2nd Peter 3:13 -14 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Thank you, Greg. I needed to hear this.
@doniny5040 4 года назад
God help you brother I’m praying for you
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Thank you, Liridon.
@LeonardoYouTube8 4 года назад
Hey bud, how are you?
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Still alive. : )
@LeonardoYouTube8 3 года назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness has the illness gotten better?
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness Год назад
Sadly, no. : (
@meganwalker27 4 года назад
I'm very sorry about your condition but you need to take down the vid about coseva. They are making money off vulnerable people such as yourself, it's disgusting and you should not be sharing fraudulent products with other vulnerable folks who will also waste their money for nothing.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
I agree with you, and have now taken down the video. I apologize for offending you and anyone else who disagrees with the product.
@meganwalker27 3 года назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness You did not offend. I'm glad you're still alive and I wish you only the best for the coming new year. Thank you very much for your response!
@piricsiremus2405 4 года назад
Also these treatments cost close to nothing compared to the conventional ones ,hope you'll find some relief and get your life back on track.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Thank you for the kind words.
@piricsiremus2405 4 года назад
Look into homeopathy. Reversing iatrogenic disorders drug side effects.It helped me had same reaction as you .
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Thanks, Piricsi. I'll look into it.
@ripley2822 4 года назад
My son was dealing with a lot of gut issues due to over-prescribing of antibiotics. I wish I had been better informed back then. His health had been deteriorating in the last couple of years with a lot of food sensitivities and daily stomach aches and weight loss due to malabsorption. By chance watching youtube videos of people discussing gut issues, I kept seeing comments from people mentioning the Medical Medium and celery juice. Out of desperation I decided to try his protocol and my son hasn't had a stomach ache in months. He's still dealing with chronic fatigue, but his health has dramatically improved since he started taking his celery juice every morning. It wasn't easy to convince a 12 year old to drink celery juice first thing in the morning, started with only 4 ounces. 3 months later he is drinking 16 ounces every morning with no complaints because he has seen the results. I will add another 16 ounces in the afternoons soon. There are a lot of videos on celery juicing, and I actually got Medical Medium's book, it's really informative and makes sense. But if you're interested, I'll just sum it up here: 1) get a juicer if you don't already have one 2) Before breakfast, on an empty stomach drink 16 ounces of celery juice. Then wait at least 30 minutes before having breakfast. 3) Avoid gluten and fats before lunch. If you decide on giving it a try, I would love to know how it goes for you. Good luck and good health to you!
@onderozdemir4386 4 года назад
Onderozdemir184@gmail.com can you write to me?
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Carmen, thanks for taking the time to stop by and write this out. First off, I'm sorry about your son's stomach issues. That's antibiotics for you. Like you, I wish that I was better informed about the impact of antibiotics on overall health, but what's done is done. We can only look to the future and learn from past mistakes. Having said that, I'm happy to learn that your son is doing much better these days, thanks in large part to your efforts. Also, good on him to follow through with the juice. Kids can be very picky with what they eat and drink so kudos for convincing him to drink the juice. I will certainly attempt this regimen and see what kind of results can be obtained from it. I'm sure this type of program can only benefit my health. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks again and best of health to you and your son.
@DanielTojcic 4 года назад
You got this, keep fighting as there is hope in your future!
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Thanks for the support, Daniel. Much appreciated.
@sahilbarwar1992 4 года назад
Bro take vsl#3 it is a very strong probiotc u surely will feel positive benifits jst after a day or 2
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
I appreciate the suggestion Sahil, but VSL#3 did not produce any positive effect for me.
@aimee0880 4 года назад
I took 2 pills yesterday and stopped. I feel terrible. Horrible episodes where I feel like I can't breath. I'm anxious constantly. Do you think it's permanent?
@doniny5040 4 года назад
Aimee B Do not take it anymore Destroy your life
@aimee0880 4 года назад
I'm feeling much better today thank god
@kingkongjjs 4 года назад
@@doniny5040 did it destroy your life ?
@Lusitano1 4 года назад
@@aimee0880 How are you now? i took 1 cipro pill today, i felt strange right away.
@aimee0880 4 года назад
@@Lusitano1 I'm doing much better. I still have moments where I feel wired and like I can't breath but it's much less than it was at first. Seems to get worse when I take Advil. I think my body is still detoxing from it but doing much better.
@kalkeikuu 4 года назад
I’m so sorry that this happened to you. Please seek the guidance of a good Naturopath, Ayurvedic Doctor, And Chinese Medicine Doctor. They are your. Best chance of healing from the pharmaceutical poison.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
It's quite unfortunate, however, my goal these days, and right to the end, is to prevent others from walking in my shoes.
@PeterPhou 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this info! Ive been taking Clarithromycin and been wondering why I feel like I've been dying.. I would have heart palpitations and muscle weakness. It took me as far as researching and looking for answers. I found that Clarithromycin can cause heart problems and I have major brain fog as well.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Hi Peter. I'm more than happy to spread the word about these dangerous and often, deadly drugs. I'm also really sorry to hear about them impacting your life. I hope you recover quickly.
@MegaMikeylikes 4 года назад
I'm very very sorry this happened to you for 5 years omg you poor dude. Listen its not much consolation i just subbed to let you know that i did find a doctor Dr. Ghalili of L.A. Regenerative Advanced Medicine. I just found this Doctor by chance on RU-vid but they offered to help me to.He to was a victim of Cipro and lost the use of his legs for 6 months he researched and received a stem cell infusion into his spine harvested from his own fat cells he regained the use of his legs 6 weeks after that and was able to practice now he treats us only flurorquinolone toxicity patients the difference in days for many is amazing. I had cipro in 2017 and was not told any side effect prior to it going iv into my vein. I reacted immediately i felt it in my stomach first i almost died i suffered in a standing position full body parallasis in my feet up my legs abdomen neck and head i couldn't break my fall and the room went black then a flash of light i hit my head off my bedpost and fractured my skull. Luckily i lived through that but went to emergency eventually it took me 50 minutes to put socks and my shoes on my poor brain i could not concentrate on anything.I didn't want to worry my family, my sister thought this was a pennicilian and so did i because i was not told anything for treating a uti I had to appoligize to myself and forgive myself for taking more but i called my nieces husband a pharm tech he thought it was the infection spreading so i took more cipro for 3 days all i could take i had to stop then the next day i hit my head . Its hell the panic attacks i had for 14 weeks about 12 per day lasting about 30 mins each it seemed like it came in waves. I meditate its what got me through. Anyhow sorry i acted with my heart cause it goes out to guy all you folks that had this happen had to deal with a doctor that thought you were stoned on a street drug etc due to the brain fog glossy eyes like me on my 2nd visit until i told that er phys he was missing 10 pages of black box warnings for life threatening side effects. This Doctor Ghalili is legit he got a 4.8 rating so far detoxing us and healing other aspects and its brand new folks.I'm sure they will have more of these to treat many many sick people. Some get through 1 or even 2 flox's then a 3rd and that's it for them. Each one of these pills matter, hang in bud thoughts and prayers go out to man 5 years of this hell omg.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Hey Mike. Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, it's been a tough go for the past 5 years but regardless of it all, I'm still grateful to be alive. I've learned much from this experience, as I'm sure you have. I'm really sorry that you had to endure this nightmare. It's amazing and shocking at the same time how many people around the world have been impacted by these poison drugs. Never again for me. I'd rather pass on than go through this experience again. Re: Dr. Ghalili, I'm familiar with him and his practice. In fact, I contacted his office some years ago to discuss treatment options. Unfortunately, I couldn't secure the funds for treatment and was unable to visit him. I'm really glad that he's been able to help you and so many others. The man is doing God's work. Bless him for helping so many injured and sick ppl. I hope that you continue to recover and return to 100% of your health, and if not 100%, at least 90% better. Thanks a lot for the thoughts and prayers.
@hadijahsifa3008 4 года назад
Thank you so much to save my life. I started taking this medication on Saturday December 7 th 2019 and I am totally confused!!! my mind is not going well and my all body is shaking. I feel pain, dizziness and nausea and I feel nervous for no reason and I am not focusing anymore at school. I am sometime having stronger feelings in only five days!! I wonder how this people want to destroying someone's lives. this is not fair.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Hi Hadijah. I'm very sorry to hear that you were harmed by one of the antibiotics I took. If I understand it correctly, you took the antibiotic for 5 consecutive days? These drugs are very potent and life altering. Many doctors know this and still choose to prescribe them since they don't have natural alternatives to offer the patient, only synthetic ones. Hence the epidemic of chronic disabilities that we're seeing these days. I would suggest you to go out and buy magnesium to counteract the drugs' reaction. Magnesium bisglycinate is a good option but you can use other ones as well. I would avoid magnesium citrate and oxide since they're rather poorly absorbed and can have laxative effects rather than therapeutic ones. Additionally, you may want to add some vitamin and mineral supplementation into your daily routine as these antibiotics are notorious for depleting many of the vitamins and minerals in the body especially the B vitamins but many others as well including tons of vital minerals. A comprehensive blood test should give you a better indication of which ones may have been depleted. Magnesium, as noted earlier, is also one of the most depleted by antibiotics. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins, just be sure it's non-fluoridated water as your body is already dealing with a heavy fluoride load from the antibiotics. Switching to non-fluoridated toothpaste is also a good idea to prevent further fluoride toxicity. Most importantly, try to stay calm about the whole situation. I know it can be scary, but you'll get through it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you need anything at all, please feel free to reach out. Take care and all the best with your recovery.
@slickyricky2430 4 года назад
Hey friend do you still suffer from the muscle twitching and do you have issues with balance or ear issues or head pressure. Did you ever consider that this may be an autoimmune response, did you see an immunologist, immunotherapy can possibly help? Immunoglobulin therapy or plasma exchange or even steroids or extreme cases chemo tablets? Immune system can cause soomany systems please read the book my brain on fire. It details a young mid 20s girl who was believed to be psychotic and nearly admitted to a psych ward, until a brilliant doctor realised that her immune system was causing inflammation and attacking all her vital organs and systems. Good luck, I will pray for you friend.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Thanks for posting this information. Yes, to all of the above symptoms. I did consider this being an autoimmune response in the past, but never got around to doing any tests to rule it out. I'll have to investigate this further. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention. I appreciate it.
@slickyricky2430 4 года назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness hello again friend, did you conduct the immonuglobulin transfusion? Some other mentions that hopefully can be of interest. A carnivore diet, sound very extreme, but it has "cured" many people from autoimmune issues. Another suggestion friend, I understand you're anxiety can be crippling. I have gone through the same, may I suggest a SGB Injection, I understand it has significantly improved severe symptoms of PTSD, Anxiety and depression. Please keep me updated, you are in my thoughts brother. Stay strong.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
@@slickyricky2430 I tested negative for the condition. Thanks for the above suggestions. I'm going to do some research on this diet and determine if it's right for me. Happy Holidays to you.
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 4 года назад
All of these EVIL BIG PHARMA SORCERY people will pay for what they have Done to Innocent People Like You and Me ........ They will pay for it for ETERNITY in the LAKE OF FIRE....... We was warned about evil big pharma in the Holy Bible...... Revelation 18:23....... Pharmacy comes from the Greek Word Pharmakeia and it means SORCERY..... WITCHCRAFT ......... CASTING SPELLS........ MAGIC POISON POTIONS............. I will keep pray for you Man :)
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 4 года назад
Thank you, Greg. Stay strong and God bless you.
@teeduck 4 года назад
I remember when my Dr wanted to give me this class of antibiotics. I told him no, just give me Amoxicillin. He said ok, but I was worrying for nothing.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 3 года назад
Consider yourself lucky. I would do anything to go back in time and dispose of these drugs. Knowledge is power. Wish I knew what I know today.
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 лет назад
My Heart and Prayers are still going out for You.......... I'm a Antibiotic Survivor......... so hang in there and keep climbing that mountain........ HAVE FAITH !
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 5 лет назад
Trying my best, Greg. Hoping this mountain doesn't defeat me, but if it does, I won't be the first fatality, neither the last. God help us all from this evil.
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 лет назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness ............. Amen Brother........... Amen. Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
@LeonardoYouTube8 5 лет назад
Hey man! I followed you from one of your former videos. I suffer from h-pylori but trust me I keep you in my heart. Just wanted to check up on you.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 5 лет назад
Cheers bro.
@NadhirGS 5 лет назад
Yes clarithromycin destroyed a big part of my life
@kingkongjjs 5 лет назад
In what way and did you recover ?
@kingkongjjs 5 лет назад
Nadhir memmiche what did it do ?
@davidheywood1493 5 лет назад
What you mean I am only just started taking these
@kingkongjjs 5 лет назад
@@davidheywood1493 dont take them they have made me trip for 9 months and depersonalization like crazy Has ruined me taking so long to recover
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 5 лет назад
Lots of destroyed lives. Clarithromycin aka Biaxin/Biaxin XL: www.askapatient.com/viewrating.asp?drug=50662&name=BIAXIN ....and it doesn't end just there.... www.askapatient.com/viewrating.asp?drug=50775&name=BIAXIN+XL
@jasonreviews 5 лет назад
I got floxed 6 months ago. God this is a nightmare. I did get better though. Diet, meditation, acupuncture, and vitamins. On top of floxing you'll get sick from other stuff too. It's on it's own.... it's horrible
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 5 лет назад
No doubt. I'd say it's one of the worst things you can experience in life.
@doniny5040 4 года назад
Retro Gamer Did you have trouble sleeping
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 лет назад
Have you tried Magnesium Oil Spray ? You simply buy some Ancient Minerals Magnesium Chloride Flakes, put some in a glass spray bottle, add some Distilled Water and Shake till becomes full dissolved..... Then Spray it on your Body every night before you go to bed.... Have you tried this ? ....... I know many others , including myself, has seen good benefits from this... Please try it if you haven't already.... I'm still praying for you man...... JESUS Loves You........ JOHN 3:16
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 5 лет назад
No, I haven't tried this form of magnesium. I may give it a try if I can find the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Chloride Flakes locally. Thanks for suggesting it. Also, thanks for the continued prayers, Greg. I appreciate it.
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 лет назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness ............ You're welcome Bro.......... Here is the exact kind I get and have been using for over a year now. www.ebay.com/itm/1-65lb-Ancient-Minerals-Magnesium-Chloride-Bath-Flakes-Pouch-For-Body-Foot-Soaks/183788653860?epid=2254503064&hash=item2acaa84d24:g:1LcAAOSwKbdcwuTj Do some thorough research on MAGNESIUM OIL.... Lot's of good information out there. Instructions again.... Put some Magnesium Flakes into a glass spray bottle .... Put in about 25% Magnesium Flakes and 75% Distilled Water Shake it up till it becomes liquid form. First spray a little on your skin somewhere and then wait 1-2 hours to see if you have any kind of serious reaction..... Just in case. Then if no rash reaction...... slowly start spraying areas of your body like your Belly Area, Behind Back Area, Leg's, Arms....... Just get it on your skin and allow it to soak into your blood stream ......... There's a guy I know on YT that is a cipro victim and he has seen great benefits from this. Keep Being Strong Man....... Pray and Read the Holy Bible....... Remember, the enemy satan is the one who is behind all these bad things happening in the world...... GOD has nothing to do with it ........ It's just where WE have been TRICKED and MISLEAD by the enemy satan in this world to Trust the Evil SORCERY WITCHCRAFT PHARMAKEIA EMPIRE ........ Of course you know that Pharmacy comes from greek word Pharmakeia and it means Sorcery, Witchcraft, Casting Spells, Poison Potions......It's Evil !! .... All of these Toxic Drug dealer Doctors, Nurses and Pharmacists are WOLVES in White Clothing and are taught to only HIDE the Health Problems or Make them WORSE for PROFIT...... Please go WATCH this Lecture from a Former Medical Surgeon Rebecca Carley...... She REVEALS the TRUTH on what is going on with evil BIG PHARMA and how all these Hospitals and Doctors ,Nurses and Pharmacists are nothing but BRAINWASHED ZOMBIES for BIG PHARMA.....ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9WoMps4Pmpo.html
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 5 лет назад
Thanks for the thorough instructions. I appreciate you taking the time. "WOLVES in White Clothing" ...so true! They should not be allowed to wear anything resembling white as that is the colour of peace. They have NOTHING to do with peace and EVERYTHING to do with destruction.
@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness 5 лет назад
Greg, if using distilled water to mix with magnesium chloride, will the flakes dissolve? Doesn't the water need to be hot in order to dissolve the flakes?
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 5 лет назад
@@BoyMeetsWorldAwareness ......... Hey Bro........ The Magnesium Flakes dissolve very quickly in normal cold or lukewarm water. All I do is put the magnesium flakes in the glass spray bottle and then add the distilled water and then close the lid and then shake it up.... dissolve pretty quick. ...... Putting Magnesium on the Skin is the BEST way to get your magnesium... Go Watch Videos on Magnesium Miracles.......... ru-vid.com?search_query=Magnesium+Miracles ......... Hoping and Praying for you to Recover just as I did Bro... keep Enduring....Never Stop........ GOD Bless, Greg :)