Automatic Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters
Automatic Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters
Automatic Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters
Step by step Guide to install and understand the process of GCV Testing of various type of fuels (Coal, Agriculture Waste, Biofuels, Brickettes, Wood, Carbon, Petcoke, Husk, Baggase, LDO & Furnace Oil etc) by Bomb Calorimeter Method.
Manufactured by PRIME SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES (since 1985 in Delhi - INDIA)
OEM & ODM of high quality and best performance Scientific Instruments at Genuine Price.

Partner Name : Mr Suresh Thakur
Contact Numner +91 9910496782
Email: primescientificindustries@gmail.com
Website: www.primescientificindustries.com
Website: www.primesciind.com