On this channel is where I play and review older video games, mostly RPG/Action-Adventure/FPS games and sometimes go for the platinum trophy.
@ahppple 18 часов назад
i recently finished my playthru of FFII, your words perfectly sum up my experience with this game aha. I look forward to your future videos :)
@ashnemo2718 День назад
Loved Final Fantasy 1 and thought Final Fantasy 2 was hard and sucked and after playing Final Fantasy 3 I am sure that is the one that sucks the most and now I am stuck due to my ship being destroyed and I can't go and buy potions. The fact that they give you new jobs but vendors don't sell suitable starting gear for them is stupid.
@davecoppenrath 3 дня назад
I bought The pixel remaster for my iPhone. I’ve been having a blast with the xp boost option. Grinding a bit here and there and blowing away the enemies. It’s a solid 2 weeks for fun for 12 bucks! Well worth it!
@fritzdrybeam 6 дней назад
It's not a bad game. It's 100 times better than the FF 7 remakes.
@SkullyTheHypnoSkull 7 дней назад
Blue magic is a super interesting mechanic? What a super idea from a super informative book report.
@joe9739 8 дней назад
I grew up on the SNES game...its like comfort food. Ragnarok used to be Crystal Sword, i kinda like that better
@Elijah668 9 дней назад
being late to videos like this makes me wonder, did i miss when this man just cooked non stop?
@poppabear4301 11 дней назад
The only problem I had with this game was the advancement of the storyline. . . I got so lost trying to figure out how to move the story along that I was an absolute demon by the time I figured out what went wrong. . . Some advancements in the story required interactions I had to guess at and wander aimlessly talking to folks I never thought of to unlock things . . . . It was incredibly complicated
@patrickrobinson545 12 дней назад
Still one of the most favs games even to today.
@KooriGraywolf 17 дней назад
I'm grateful to this video for putting together a comment section full of BASED FF5 enjoyers. Y'all are the real G's
@bon7029 17 дней назад
"Golbez summons Leviathan" He did not.
@graylyhen9490 21 день назад
Finally, a new review of one of my favorite GBA games. Surely this man will speak well of this game
@graylyhen9490 21 день назад
nvm he loves FFXIII, we're on very good terms now
@ScumDog420 26 дней назад
Im currently playing this game
@kingtimmy88 26 дней назад
Japan... we will release FF4 as FF2 and FF6 as FF3 so there wont be any confusion.
@larxie93 27 дней назад
It's a good game. I specially enjoyed the GBA port because you could use whoever you wanted and you didn't have to stick with the main party.
@andrewchristianson2086 27 дней назад
I played the original on an emulator plus 3D version on Steam and lastly the Pixel Remaster. I liked it better than I, II & V.
@jackiespaceman 27 дней назад
I’m playing through it yet again right now It’s kind of weird. I’m currently homeless and for the first time in my life I have no friends either. It’s very lonely and stressful Luckily I bought all the games for switch before I was homeless so I have them to keep me from going crazy
@damoncranston9364 Месяц назад
Have two characters cast berserk, one cast blink, and one cast haste on everyone to start, no weapons go unarmed and you'll punch your way to the final boss.
@mcdonkey500 Месяц назад
this and secret of mana are my favorite JRPGs
@mcdonkey500 Месяц назад
Playing through this game right now and almost finished. Probably has my favorite combat out of any of the FF games
@gabrielsa2111 Месяц назад
It does make sense and its not a waste of time to level up the character that leave your party in the GBA and PSP version with the souls of rebirth sidequest witch is one of the best and very satisfactory after you end the normal game.
@MMasterDE Месяц назад
Freelancer and Mime is OP once you master other jobs, as they get the passive abilities and stat bonuses from those. This makes it so Mime isn't just good for 3 different ability slots, but it's super OP from all the passive abilities and stat bonuses, and can equip anything.
@MMasterDE Месяц назад
Most of the team learn she is a woman much earlier in the story (at the inn), only Lenna doesn't know when they get to the ship.
@MMasterDE Месяц назад
Btw, FFV was released with FFIV in EU. :) FF6 was separate here.
@MMasterDE Месяц назад
It was developed by Square / SquareSoft, not Square Enix. :)
@B33FY2011 Месяц назад
I have platinumed Final Fantasy I, II , and III. I am currently in the process of doing Final Fantasy IV, which has been on the backburner for around 6 month as I was burned out on Final Fantasy games due to doing them one after the other. Think I am going to pick it back up and finally finish Final Fantasy IV for the first time and get that platinum.
@Morgil27 Месяц назад
Personally, I love turn-based RPGs, and hate that the Final Fantasy series pretty much abandoned that style and changed fully to action shit.
@mrsticky005 Месяц назад
FF2 is my favorite game in the series. I want a FF2 Artistic Revision that actually looks like Amano's designs to the extent that is possible. But also I like to see other artists involved too. Although I think all the FF1-6 could use an Artistic Revision I feel like FF2 would benefit the most from it. I know the story probably feels extremely basic but to me it is an absolute classic. People will say the story line is just Final Fantasy meets Star Wars because sure both are about rebels vs the the empire but the mood is entirely different. FF2 is bleak. Or at least I felt like that was the mood that they were going for. Although that's probably true for a lot of FF games I felt like that sense of melancholy really began in FF2 while FF1 has a much more whimsical adventurous feeling to it. So while I would want the original plot to remain with the orphans joining the Wild Rose Rebellion I also want the story expanded. Particularly for the temporary fourth party members. I believe the core theme of FF2 is about struggling with loss. I think it would be great if the longer you play as the temp 4th player the more destruction the Palamecia Empire causes so you're racing against the clock but the clock is also ticking down for your fourth player. I think a voice acting option would really help. One major possible addition that I think would add a lot of depth to the story is while you sleep as your party you wake up as Leon while he is a Dark Knight of Palamecia and you get to play as the villain maybe even form a team with the despicable Borghen and walk down a path of violence and destruction in order to gain favor from the emperor and be bestowed new dark powers. The twist is that while you do gain new powers the destruction that you cause means you lose out on gaining other powers and items when Leon turns good.
@TheNuts1225 Месяц назад
Just found this channel. "Uploaded 9 months ago." Damn. I hope you're doing well.
@TheNuts1225 Месяц назад
Nice to see fellow Final Fantasy 13 enjoyers out in the wild.
@EchoFoxtrot21 2 месяца назад
It definitely has some ambitious ideas that don't work as intended and the main three characters are pretty dull (although I do like Firion's general design) but I think the last couple iterations like Dawn of Souls and Pixel Remaster elevate this to being a decent (but flawed) game. Hot take but I like this game more than the technically superior but very on rails FF IV.
@EarlLittleman-nl4lq 2 месяца назад
This game is great...the nes version is a bit slow but still fun
@raulrojas9253 2 месяца назад
FFX is the best FF You goddamn right
@nrrork 2 месяца назад
The Pixel Remaster was the first version where that was finally good. It's still the most grindy one, but the auto-battle helps immensely here. I'd just equip my characters with weak versions of whatever weapon I wanted to build up and let it do its thing. Meanwhile, have my spellcasters work on healing or buffs of something. It proved quite effective.
@nrrork 2 месяца назад
You can't call yourself a real fan until you play it. That's not really meant to be a "No True Scotsman" thing or nothing. But it's just that it's not the horse I'd suggest you ride on your first rodeo, you get me? The Pixel Remaster is the best version, but you should play the 8-bit versiom first just to see what it was really like. There's no shame in using walkthroughs. That game came with tons of booklets, maps, amd guides. Pretty much everyone who played it back in the day had SOME kind of help.
@zalden2565 2 месяца назад
@14:15 I thought King Leviathan did that to rescue Rydia?
@danielstriker3739 2 месяца назад
You use to get rewards for playing the 15 puzzle game fast enough. They removed that though.
@danielstriker3739 2 месяца назад
First time I played this game was when I got FF1 and FF2 on the PSP
@danielstriker3739 2 месяца назад
Common misconception, white wind does not fully heal the party. It heals the party for the amount of HP the caster has at the time. So if you cast it with 100HP, you are only healing for 100.
@danielstriker3739 2 месяца назад
I love Anthology. I prefer the job class system and being able to change jobs focusing on leveling only 4 characters. As much as I love the story of 6, having so many characters to manage leveling and learning magic etc can be a pain for me. I love both games for different reasons. <3
@Keullo-eFIN 2 месяца назад
FF II & XIII are one of the most underrated games I personally enjoy.
@DonAdnan123 2 месяца назад
It was made by squaresoft not enix
@TheNuts1225 Месяц назад
@Heymrk 2 месяца назад
FF2 for Famicom was translated into English, put on a NES cart and even advertised in Nintendo Power. The only reason it wasn't released on the NES was the system was at the end of its life cycle. Nintendo of America made the decision not to release it or 3 in North America.
@bahamutskingdom 2 месяца назад
There was a reason for these older games being far more difficult in the older days of the NES/SNES..... Cost of the games. Final Fantasy on the NES was $75.00 on the NES new for me. VI was $79.00 on the SNES new. (So please no more complaining about paying that much for all 6 of them) What this meant was not a whole of ability to buy games all the time for parents. You either got the new game for Christmas or your birthday. These games needed to last. SIDE NOTE: Pixel Remaster IS back to the base game. But is still done in the PS1 FWD "Easy Mode" release. This game was 10x more difficult on the NES. 10x more expensive to get things. Hardly any of the items in this game are in the original. And 10x more level grinding. Seriously in XIII I could stand at a save point, and see the save point ahead and behind me. WAY TOO EASY. I do love these. I finished I, half way through VI, and in the middle of V. Pixel Remaster are indeed the closest to the originals I have seen.....without putting my originals in.
@ViktorDN 2 месяца назад
For me FF3 is the Game that lead me to give the franchise a second try. My first game was ff7 and I hated everything about it! (Fairly spoken haven't progressed any far) but the characters and the aesthetic of the world, the color schemes overall didnt seem to match and I struggle to play games that arent visually appealing. One day I got bored and got to play ff3 and DAMN I was in!
@ryann8348 2 месяца назад
I've played the Famicom version of this game at least 7 times over the years. For the time it was made, the ideas in this game were just incredibly revolutionary. The real problem was it was rushed out the door. I know a lot about how the stat leveling works and have spent some time thinking about how I would have solved the balance issues. If FF2 had been given the time to be properly polished, it could have really changed the genre. EXP/level systems may have been the uncommon one instead
@jeremynadaskay7872 2 месяца назад
This one did the job system very well. I usually hate job systems in my rpgs.
@cameronpittman4554 2 месяца назад
I found ff 2 to be way more fun than the original I played the psp version of both and used IGN's guide
@seancondon5572 2 месяца назад
13:47 - spoiler alert... I named him "Butts". Not even "Butz" as unofficial translations would call him. Just... "Butts" ... and Butts shall have to live with this shame through my entire playthrough. Which may take months.
@seancondon5572 2 месяца назад
Also, I do enjoy oversized gluteus maximi, and I am in fact, in this regard, incapable of speaking a fabrication.
@markellzey1531 2 месяца назад
FF3 is the trial run for FF5 which does the job system far better.