This Expansive Adventure
This Expansive Adventure
This Expansive Adventure
Welcome to the RU-vid for This Expansive Adventure, the blog that moves away from the idea of unrealistic travel, adventure and makes it more approachable and achievable. Our goal is to help you feel better prepared outdoors, and get a greater sense of fulfilment whilst doing it. For more info, visit www.thisexpansiveadventure.com
Exploring the Amalfi Coast, Italy
2 месяца назад
@geegroovyy2938 22 дня назад
Do they run big?
@martinparedes3761 4 месяца назад
are these pants meant to use on top of other pants?
@thisexpansiveadventure 3 месяца назад
Yes they can be worn as a top, waterproof shell on top of other pants.