The Read Aloud Room
The Read Aloud Room
The Read Aloud Room
Live streams every SATURDAY 8-9:30pm Central / SATURDAY 9-10:30pm Eastern / SUNDAY 10am-11:30am Seoul. Get comfortable and let me read you a story. A good one. 📚
Tuesday Bookclub: The Pearl Chapter 6
Месяц назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 8
2 месяца назад
Tuesday Bookclub: The Pearl Chapter 5
2 месяца назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 7
2 месяца назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 6
2 месяца назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 5
2 месяца назад
Tuesday Bookclub: The Pearl Chapter 4
2 месяца назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 4
2 месяца назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 3
2 месяца назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 2
2 месяца назад
Sunday Bookclub: Animal Farm Chapter 1
2 месяца назад
Tuesday Bookclub: The Pearl Chapter 3
2 месяца назад
Tuesday Bookclub: The Pearl Chapter 2
2 месяца назад
Tuesday Bookclub: “The Pearl” Chapter 1
3 месяца назад
VEDA2014 Superpowers
10 лет назад
Veda2014 Day 1
10 лет назад
The Gift of No
10 лет назад
@Lego_movies.animations 10 дней назад
Keep going 😊
@kylesohn3548 17 дней назад
It's NOT your fault, Tree-ear 😢
@kylesohn3548 22 дня назад
ㅋㅋㅋ "ugly ones 😂"
@ogrit2791 23 дня назад
Thanks a lot ~~ ^^ You have a wonderful voice ~
@kylesohn3548 Месяц назад
Excellent voice act esp. where Tree-ear & Crane map having tough tug of war on jacket vs. Sandles 😂
@kylesohn3548 Месяц назад
Thank you for the upload Min is so mean 😁
@thereadaloudroom Месяц назад
I know, right! What a grumpy old man!
@FiniooGMO Месяц назад
I started watching chapter 2 so now I'm here ❤
@stellalove8032 Месяц назад
A flight of herring clouds~
@eunsukhan2235 2 месяца назад
This is very helpful. And I love the actor Danielle!
@thereadaloudroom 2 месяца назад
Thanks so much! I'm glad it helps.
@eunsukhan2235 2 месяца назад
I love this voice! :)
@ogrit2791 2 месяца назад
It helps a lot for me to read the book ^^ Thanks again~ You have a beautiful voice~ ^^
@ogrit2791 2 месяца назад
What a beautiful reading ~^^
@justanna11 3 месяца назад
He’s answering a question Sula didn’t ask; I think the question is something along the lines of “are you watching over me? / will you protect me? / will you love me?” and the reason why the answer is “always” is because he sees someone else in Sula, perhaps. As to whether or not I was ready… NO 😅, but also, I had a sense of impending doom in both of those scenes - the Eva one foreshadowed by her taking baby Plum to the outhouse, where I thought she was going to try and end his misery, but she happily saved him (and I think she realized only after she saved him the real reason she had taken him there).
@ogrit2791 3 месяца назад
Wow~ I think your reading style ~ is awesome. !!!!! But only one thing ~~ It would be great to voulm up~^^
@thereadaloudroom 3 месяца назад
Ok! Next time I’ll make sure the volume goes up! ❤
@blueskies8788 7 лет назад
@kissandhug83 10 лет назад
I love his faces!!! AND I LOVE YOUR FACE!!! That would be a great superpower!!
@kissandhug83 10 лет назад
I've missed your face soooooooooo much!!!!! <3 <3 <3
@MelbourneOnMyMind 10 лет назад
If you do develop that superpower, I may have to demand that you travel with me on every long-haul flight I take. Because I always seem to end up stuck behind babies/toddlers that scream bloody murder for, like, ten hours of a fifteen hour flight. Sigh...
@sandywessel 10 лет назад
That would be a great power!
@TheWillieSun 10 лет назад
Of course you have a tent in your living room. My god, this is cool.
@BelAir55 10 лет назад
YAY!!!! I was missing your face so much!
@Dutchface_ 10 лет назад
DANIELLE! :) Hi... *waves frantically*
@stillconfused84 10 лет назад
I'm so glad to see your face again danielle! I was so hoping I could meet you before I leave Korea for good. Congrats on your new baby!
@TabithaCarnes 10 лет назад
I missed your face sooooo much!
@TheWillieSun 10 лет назад
I have missed you so much and am glad to see your face again. Also Jude is cute as ever!
@sandywessel 10 лет назад
Missed your videos!
@MelbourneOnMyMind 10 лет назад
I HAVE MISSED YOUR FACE AND I'M GLAD IT'S HERE. Also, Jude's haircut is phenomenal.
@rachelskirts 10 лет назад
I don't exactly know what brought me to this video today, but it was WONDERFUL timing. Thanks for sharing such a great reminder!
@TreavorUnion 11 лет назад
lol DO NOT talk during highly anticipated shows
@TreavorUnion 11 лет назад
Texas *does* sweet tea. Also, sun tea in the country used to be a thing.
@TreavorUnion 11 лет назад
Bless your heart.
@TreavorUnion 11 лет назад
This needs to be undone!
@TreavorUnion 11 лет назад
Did you just twerk?
@TreavorUnion 11 лет назад
I love that K helped you edit this.
@TreavorUnion 11 лет назад
I have stretchmarks. I don't know if girls get them a lot growing up but guys do. I like mine they're kind of like tiger claw marks. Free tattoo!
@justanna11 11 лет назад
waitttt!! There are 31 days in August! Where's my last video?? *sob* I'm in Danielle withdrawal.
@TabithaCarnes 11 лет назад
The fast dancing! Bahaha. (Did I just see you in your underwear? We are so intimate. Totes coulda taken me in the bathroom with you the other night.) Go Kenny!! Techy husbands are the best.
@BelAir55 11 лет назад
I will hire you. Don't know for what though... Oh my god, I love this video! Hysterical. And I would also like a boob reducer, so if you could find that, that'd be great.
@BelAir55 11 лет назад
What a great view, so pretty. And OMG the cats, adorable. Your trash chair is wicked, what a great find!
@Btchonheels 11 лет назад
I'll hire you!! :) Really funny outtakes <3
@PatrickPho 11 лет назад
@TheWillieSun 11 лет назад
THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!! Loved your dancing and singing and you pulled out the good ole Fleetwood Mac <3 I'm gonna miss your face!
@MelbourneOnMyMind 11 лет назад
If you find that boob reducer thing, could you pass it on? Kthxbai.
@sandywessel 11 лет назад
Best part of being a stay at home mom! You can just bust out dancing anytime!!!
@justanna11 11 лет назад
BIKE SHORTS BOOTY!! I don't know WHAT your theme was today, but I loved it, and I also could watch 10 minutes worth (or more!! Just post it ALL!!). Dear Prudence finale was really lovely, too. <3
@theGirlFrmMars 11 лет назад
Hahahahaha, awww, you're hilarious and awesome. <3 all of your bloopers, would've totally watched ten minutes' worth.
@TylerFontaine 11 лет назад
I'm going to go delete all my videos now, I think. This was fantastic.
@TabithaCarnes 11 лет назад
I looove the abundance of books!! And I love the hardwood flooring!! And I love that you and Kenny are both reading Steinbeck. (I need to revisit some of his work, and discover The Pearl for the first time.)
@Dutchface_ 11 лет назад
Danielle bloopers are my favorite thing in the world :)
@lynzteee 11 лет назад
So much sweet dancing :)