Rayan Sajid_TV50
Rayan Sajid_TV50
Rayan Sajid_TV50
Rayan Sajid_TV50
@RayanSajid_TV50 20 часов назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ And I swear by Allah that I will devise something against your idols after you have gone away turning your backs.” 57 Then, he turned all of them into pieces, except the big one of them, so that they may come back to it. 58 They said, “Who has done this to our gods? He is one of the wrongdoers indeed.” 59 Some of them said, “We have heard a youth talking about them. He is called Ibrāhīm.” 60
@داودالمحمود 2 дня назад
الله وكبر الله وكبر الله الله يالله الله الله وكبر الله يالله الله الله الله يالله ❤❤❤❤❤
@waheedselim2560 2 дня назад
@RayanSajid_TV50 2 дня назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ They said, “We found our fathers worshipping them,” 53 He said, “Surely you and your fathers have been in open error.” 54 They said, “Did you come to us with truth or are you one of the triflers?” 55 He said, “No, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, who has created them, and I am one of those who bear witness to it. 56
@RayanSajid_TV50 3 дня назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤ And this is a blessed advice We have sent down. Are you still rejecting it? 50 Even earlier We had given Ibrāhīm his right course, and We knew him well 51 when he said to his father and his people, “What are these statues you are devoted to?” 52
@RayanSajid_TV50 4 дня назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ We shall place scales to do justice on the Day of Judgment. So no one shall be wronged in the least. Even if it (a deed) is to the measure of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth, and We are enough to take account. 47 And We gave Mūsā and Hārūn the Criterion, and a light and an advice for the God-fearing, 48 - those who have awe of their Lord without having seen Him, and are fearful of the Hour (of Judgment). 49
@RayanSajid_TV50 5 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ But We have given benefits to these and their fathers until life was prolonged for them. So do they not see that We are coming to the land narrowing it down from all its sides? Then, are they the ones to prevail? 44 Say, “I warn you only by revelation, but the deaf do not listen to the call when they are warned.” 45 If a whiff of your Lord’s torment were to touch them, they would certainly say, “Alas to us! We were wrongdoers indeed.” 46
@islamicmessageenglish 6 дней назад
@RayanSajid33 6 дней назад
@NadiaMimi-je1vd 18 часов назад
@NadiaMimi-je1vd 18 часов назад
@RayanSajid_TV50 6 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ In fact, messengers have been mocked at prior to you. So those who laughed at them were besieged by what they used to ridicule. 41 Say, “Who will guard you, during night and day, against the RaHmān (All-Merciful, Allah)?” Rather, to the remembrance of their Lord they are averse. 42 Or do they have gods who protect them besides Us? They are not able to help even themselves, nor will they have anyone to side with them against Us. 43
@BOSSMVP9 7 дней назад
اللهم نسألك ببركة آية الكرسي.وأسرار آياتها أن ترحم المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الاحياء منهم والاموات آمين اللهم نسألك ببركة آية الكرسي.وأسرار آياتها أن تحفظنا جميعا فالله خير حافظا وأنت أرحم الراحمين سبحانك
@BOSSMVP9 7 дней назад
اللهم نسألك ببركة آية الكرسي.وأسرار آياتها أن ترحم المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الاحياء منهم والاموات آمين اللهم نسألك ببركة آية الكرسي.وأسرار آياتها أن تحفظنا جميعا فالله خير حافظا وأنت أرحم الراحمين سبحانك
@BOSSMVP9 7 дней назад
🌺اللهم صل🌺🌾 وسلم🌾🌺 وبارك🌾🌺 علي سيدنا🌾🌺 وحبيبنا🌾🌺 محمد عدد ما ذكره الذاكرون🌾🌺 وغفل عن ذكره الغافلون🌾🌺 عدد ما كان🌾🌺 وعدد ما يكون 🌾🌹وعدد الحركات والسكون🌺🌾 صلاة تنحل بها العقد🌹🌾 وتنفرج بها الكرب🌾🌺 وتقضي بها الحوائج🌹🌾 وتنال بها الرغائ
@BOSSMVP9 7 дней назад
لا الاه الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم رب ياكريم سبحانك انك الواحد الأحد سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم واتوب اليه استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه ولا حولة ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
@RayanSajid_TV50 7 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤ They say, “When will this promise be (fulfilled), if you are true?” 38 Only if the disbelievers were to know the time when they will not (be able to) keep off the fire from their faces or from their backs, nor will they be helped. 39 Rather, it will come upon them suddenly and will baffle them. So they will not be able to turn it back, nor will they be given respite. 40
@ZakiyaYasmeen 8 дней назад
Beautiful voice ❤❤❤❤
@ramia1362 9 дней назад
تلاوة القرآن والانصات له حياه اخراء
@asmaamhmd-n5w 9 дней назад
اللهم ارزقني حسن الخاتمه يارب
@RayanSajid_TV50 9 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ We made the sky a protected roof; and they are averse to its signs. 32 He is the One who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each floating in an orbit. 33 We did not assign immortality to any human (even) before you. So, if you die, will they live for ever? 34
@RayanSajid_TV50 10 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤ Should any one of them say, “I am god besides Him”, We will recompense him with Jahannam (Hell). This is how We recompense the transgressors. 29 Did the disbelievers not observe that the heavens and the earth were closed, then We opened them? And We created from water every living thing. Would they still not believe? 30 And We created mountains on the earth, lest it should shake with them, and We have made therein paths and ways, so that they are guided. 31
@fjhg5930 11 дней назад
اسم القارئ
@bbmbb12337 9 дней назад
القاريء أحمد عبدالرزاق نصر
@fjhg5930 9 дней назад
@@bbmbb12337 الله يجزيك ويجزاه كل الخير
@RayanSajid_TV50 11 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ They said, “The RaHmān (the All-Merciful, Allah) has taken children for Himself.” Pure is He (from having children). They are but (His) honored servants. 26 They do not precede Him in speech, and only under His command they act. 27 He knows what is in front of them and what is behind them, and they make recommendation for none but for whom He likes, and in awe of Him they are fearful. 28
@borazzaaziz 12 дней назад
سبحن الله❤
@hawalamis3805 12 дней назад
لماذا الكتابة بالالوان ؟ Why this 🏳️‍🌈💩
@RayanSajid_TV50 12 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ He is not questioned of what He does, and they are questioned. 23 Is it that they have adopted gods besides Him? Say, “Bring your proof.” Here is the (book carrying) advice for those with me, and the (books carrying) advice for those before me. Yet most of them do not know the truth, and therefore they are averse. 24 We did not send before you any messenger but We revealed to him that there is no god but I, so worship Me.” 25
@امجدعبد-ق6ش 13 дней назад
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم على نبينا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين يارب العالمين إنك الحميد المجيد يارب العالمين 😮😮😮😮😮❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ياالله
@RayanSajid_TV50 13 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ They proclaim His purity night and day, never slackening. 20 Or have they adopted gods from the earth, who raise the dead? 21 Had there been gods beside Allah, in the heavens and the earth, both of them would have fallen in disorder. So pure is Allah, the Lord of the Throne, from what they describe. 22
@lamamoosa896 14 дней назад
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
@RayanSajid_TV50 14 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤ Had We intended to have a pastime, We would have had it from Our own, if We were ever to do so. 17 Instead, We launch the truth against falsehood, which gets it smashed, and in no time it is gone. Alas to you for what you describe! 18 To Him belong all those in the heavens and the earth. And those who are near to Him are not arrogant against His worship, nor are they sluggish. 19
@rihabbibo420 15 дней назад
لا اله الا الله ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@RayanSajid_TV50 15 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤❤ (It was said to them,) “Do not flee, and go back to the luxuries you were made to enjoy, and to your dwellings. May be you are asked questions.” 13 They said, “Alas for us! We were wrongdoers indeed.” 14 Then, this continued to be their cry till We turned them into stubble, totally extinguished. 15 We did not create the heavens and the earth and what lies between them for play. 16
@صلاحالربيعي-ه1غ 17 дней назад
@RayanSajid_TV50 17 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English❤ Surely, We have sent down to you (O people of Arabia) a book having a good counsel for you. So, do you not understand? 10 How many a town, that were unjust, have We crushed and raised up after them another people! 11 So, as soon as they sensed Our punishment (approaching them), they started fleeing from it. 12
@RayanSajid_TV50 19 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English💕 And We did not send before you messengers except men whom We inspired with revelation. So, ask the people (having the knowledge) of the Message, if you do not know. 7 We did not make them such bodies as ate no food, nor were they immortal. 8 Then We caused the promise to come true for them, so We saved them and those whom We willed, and destroyed the transgressors. 9
@RayanSajid_TV50 20 дней назад
Surah Al-Anbiya Translate English💕💕 He (the prophet) said, “My Lord knows all that is spoken in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” 4 Further they said, “(The Qur’ān is) a mixture of jumble dreams. Rather, he (the prophet) has fabricated it. Rather, he is a poet. So, let him bring a sign to us, as the earlier ones were sent with.” 5 Not a single town from those whom We destroyed came to believe before them. So, will they believe? 6
@يزنسامي-ذ2ي 21 день назад
اتقوالله ❤لعلكم ترحمون❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@RayanSajid_TV50 21 день назад
Surah An-Anbiya Translate English💕💕 The reckoning of the people has drawn near to them, while they are in negligence, turning away (from its signs). 1 No fresh message of advice comes to them from their Lord, but they listen to it as if they were playing, 2 their hearts paying no heed. And the wrongdoers whisper in secret, “This one is nothing but a mortal like you. Would you then go along with sorcery while you can see (the reality)?” 3
@fouziaazouzi1163 24 дня назад
الله الله الله الله الله الله الله الله الله الله الله الله ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@RayanSajid_TV50 24 дня назад
Surah An-Naziat translate English❤❤❤❤ I swear by those (angels) who pull out (the souls of the infidels) with extreme force, 1 and by those (angels) who untie the knot (of the souls of the believers) smoothly, 2 and by those who float (in the atmosphere) swiftly, 3 then proceed forward quickly, 4 then manage (to do) everything (they are ordered to do,) 5 (you will be resurrected) on the Day when the shocking event (i.e. the first blowing of the trumpet) will shock (everything), 6 followed by the next one (i.e. the second blowing of the trumpet.) 7
@RayanSajid_TV50 25 дней назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕 He (the Prophet) frowned and turned his face, 1 because the blind man came to him! 2 What could tell you (O prophet about the prospects of the blind man?) May be, (if you had attended him properly,) he would have attained purity, 3 or have received the advice, and the advice would have benefited him. 4 As for the one who does not care (about faith), 5 you are anxious to pursue him, 6 while there is no blame on you, if he does not attain purity. 7 As regards the one who has come to you rushing eagerly, 8 while he fears (Allah), 9 to him you pay no heed! 10 Never! (you should never act in this way,) Indeed this (Qur’ān) is an advice. 11 So, whoever so wills may pay heed to it. 12 It is (recorded) in those scripts (of the Preserved Tablet) that are honoured, 13 exalted, purified, 14 in the hands of those scribes 15 who are honorable, righteous. 16 Damned is the man! How ungrateful he is! 17 From which stuff did He (Allah) create him? 18 from a drop of semen! He created him, and designed him in due proportion, 19 then He made the way easy for him, 20 Later, he made him die, and put him into grave, 21 Thereafter, when He will intend, He will raise him up. 22 No! He has not yet fulfilled what He (Allah) had commanded him. 23 So, the man should consider his food, 24 how well We poured water, 25 then how nicely We split the earth, 26 then We grew in it grain, 27 and grapes and greens, 28 and olive and date-palms, 29 and gardens, full of thick trees, 30 and fruits and fodder, 31 as a benefit for you and your cattle. 32 So when the Deafening Noise will occur, 33 the Day when one will flee from his brother, 34 and from his mother and father, 35 and from his wife and sons, 36 every one of them will be too engaged in his own affairs to care for others. 37 Many faces, on that day, will be bright, 38 laughing, rejoicing, 39 and many faces, on that day, will be stained with dust, 40 covered by darkness. 41 Those are the disbelievers, the nefarious. 42
@RayanSajid_TV50 28 дней назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕 laughing, rejoicing, 39 and many faces, on that day, will be stained with dust, 40 covered by darkness. 41 Those are the disbelievers, the nefarious. 42
@RayanSajid_TV50 Месяц назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕 the Day when one will flee from his brother, 34 and from his mother and father, 35 and from his wife and sons, 36 every one of them will be too engaged in his own affairs to care for others. 37 Many faces, on that day, will be bright, 38
@RayanSajid_TV50 Месяц назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕 and grapes and greens, 28 and olive and date-palms, 29 and gardens, full of thick trees, 30 and fruits and fodder, 31 as a benefit for you and your cattle. 32 So when the Deafening Noise will occur, 33
@RayanSajid_TV50 Месяц назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕💕 No! He has not yet fulfilled what He (Allah) had commanded him. 23 So, the man should consider his food, 24 how well We poured water, 25 then how nicely We split the earth, 26 then We grew in it grain, 27
@princesam3682 Месяц назад
صدق الله العظيم ❤، و جزاك الله الف خير ❤، و اللهم صل وسلم وبارك ع سيدنا وحبيبنا ونبينا ورسولنا محمد وع إله الطيبين الطاهرين ❤.
@RayanSajid_TV50 Месяц назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕💕 From which stuff did He (Allah) create him? 18 from a drop of semen! He created him, and designed him in due proportion, 19 then He made the way easy for him, 20 Later, he made him die, and put him into grave, 21 Thereafter, when He will intend, He will raise him up. 22
@ZakiyaYasmeen Месяц назад
@ZakiyaYasmeen Месяц назад
@RayanSajid_TV50 Месяц назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕💕 Never! (you should never act in this way,) Indeed this (Qur’ān) is an advice. 11 So, whoever so wills may pay heed to it. 12 It is (recorded) in those scripts (of the Preserved Tablet) that are honoured, 13 exalted, purified, 14 in the hands of those scribes 15 who are honorable, righteous. 16 Damned is the man! How ungrateful he is! 17
@RayanSajid_TV50 Месяц назад
Surah Abasa Translate English💕💕 while there is no blame on you, if he does not attain purity. 7 As regards the one who has come to you rushing eagerly, 8 while he fears (Allah), 9 to him you pay no heed! 10