Queer 2 Help
Queer 2 Help
Queer 2 Help
Welcome to Queer 2 Help, folks. I'm Faelan (they/them)--a nonbinary content creator and researcher. I've dedicated myself to starting and participating in conversations around the politics and history affecting the rainbow community.

Of course, part of the rainbow community is our labels. If you'd like to learn more about labels (not only in the queer community), then check out the second channel: Label Makers.
If you'd like to share you're own experience with labels, please reach out to Queer 2 Help on Instagram, Twitter, or via email (queer2helpu@gmail.com).

Florida's "Don't Say Gay" Law
Год назад
Identity Labels... Harmful or Helpful?
2 года назад
Asexual Identity Labels
2 года назад
What is Queer 2 Help?
3 года назад
@darlalathan6143 Месяц назад
I usually identify as bisexual, but all the other labels fit me, too!
@linsling Месяц назад
In my experience, the loudest haters are terfs/general transphobes, terminally online younger folks ignorant of lgbtq history prior to 2010, and/or super insecure trans guys who think that anyone who uses he/him without being A Man™ is a direct threat to them. As a transmasc they/he butch lesbian, thank you for this supportive vid in a sea of terrible hot takes!
@NINacide 2 месяца назад
I'm bisexual. I'm a man who had many relationships with women in the past, then I quit women about 15 years ago. Went out on a couple lousy first dates with Trans people. And now I'm celebrating my 2nd anniversary with my boyfriend at the end of the month. I call myself bisexual because I don't have the same phobias about women as my gay boyfriend has. Mine is more of an apathy or an absolute equality where I don't strongly prefer one over the other.
@qwertykeyboard5901 3 месяца назад
"Hey guys, what if we came up with more synonyms for \"bisexual\"?"
@aaronsaunders6974 4 месяца назад
totally agree about the labels
@thegardenranger 5 месяцев назад
‭Romans 1:18-32 🇩🇪 [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness; [19] because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them. [20] For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse: [21] because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] and changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves: [25] for that they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due. [28] And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; [29] being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful: [32] who, knowing the ordinance of God, that they that practise such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also consent with them that practise them.
@monvici 6 месяцев назад
Emotionally bisexual, I like women in emotional and fantasy level, but only fell in love with men and sleep as well with them.
@SkyeID 6 месяцев назад
I haven't plucked up the courage to ask people to use ze/zir pronouns for me. Probably because ze/zir isn't well-known to the general public.
@SkyeID 6 месяцев назад
never saw X-Men, so I was like, "what on earth are they talking about?" but anyway, Here's a Gender Label for ya: -Gendervoid (that's the one I'm sticking with for now)
@SkyeID 6 месяцев назад
I'm nonbinary, and I happen to be one of those not masculine, not feminine, not andro, Gendervoid. Yet I can still use whatever pronouns I want, if it feels right to me. If a lesbian wants to use he/they/ ze/thon/kit/ve/bun--ALL the pronouns that have ever been invented, that's totally fine. As far as I see it, pronouns and gender identity are two different things.
@jasminebourne1787 6 месяцев назад
It's way to many sexualities nowadays its so many that I'm honestly getting tired of trans people
@pyenygren2299 7 месяцев назад
I comment because I want to feed the algorithm.
@mkitten13 7 месяцев назад
My experience feels like a mix between greyromantic and aegoromantic. I've experienced romantic attraction, but it's such a rare occurrence that it feels as though I have this switch in me turned near-permanently off - at least when it comes to real life. However I get very involved in fictional representations of romance and feel romantic emotions in the fictional space, just almost never in the real world. I don't identify with the lack of desire for a romantic relationship, I identify with the near-lack of ability to develop that romantic attraction in real life.
@UntamedSimmer 11 месяцев назад
I been Bisexual all my life but I came out as Polysexual in July 2021💖💚💙
@YawnyCatBird Год назад
I’m a gray ace reciprosexual!
@YawnyCatBird Год назад
Other labels that apply to me: Cupiosexual, aceflux, quoisexual. (Yes, I believe Aego folks are Ace).
@its.lyss_ Год назад
tbh idek what I am anymore, I might be asexual, I might be bi, or les, maybe I’m demiromantic? I don’t really want a relationship at all right now, or kissing or anything like that, I’m having trouble distinguishing between platonic and romantic attraction, and I’m not often attracted to peoples looks I guess. it’s really confusing rn tbh T-T also sorry for all the words •v•
@acereporter266 Год назад
I'm aegoromantic/fictoromantic which means I love romantic movies and real life love stories so much that I THINK I want it for myself until a real situation presents itself, then I have unbelievable anxiety. For years I blamed it on the person I was with rather than my own orientation.
@lolidva3807 Год назад
I'm greyromantic
@SI_Mariyama_Thomas Год назад
I'm an omnisexual. I explain to people that omnisexual is like omnivores. Omnivores eat different kinds of meats. But they are specific about the kind of meat they consume just like Omnisexuals are specific about their partners identity and gender. I'm actually good at figuring out people's orientation coz I'm attracted to a lot types myself
@Bubblegumtwipp Год назад
This video made me realize im nebularomantic
@mamabird7134 Год назад
Ik this is waaaaay late to the party, but I know I'm greyromantic ! In short, it feels like a game of roulette. I'll go a while without a crush, get them back to back rapidly and intensely, then have none, then randomly get a very very short lived crush, then go back to not having one. So I know I can feel romantic attraction, but it's tricky for me and feels more random and varies in length/intensity. In length, if you're interested, my experience as being greyromantic is as follows: I only started labeling myself with greyromantic maybe a year or so ago, considering I heard of it but never applied to to myself- bc I think I just kinda forgot about it?? Growing up, I had mixed experiences with romance, where I did pick a crush to pretend to have to make myself seem "normal" back in elementary school, but then althroughout middle school I had a total of three crushes (one for each year) and I even got in a relationship with my crush from 8th-9th grade. He and I broke up and are amazing platonic best friends now, but that was the first and last relationship I had (I'm still open to dating, but nothing has happened since then). I felt pretty much nothing for another two years (I forced myself into another crush freshman year to try and get over my ex since I was still pretty hung up over him at the time), but then I got into a "situationship" with another guy junior year. I was a junior in hs back in 2020, so our interactions were purely online, but he did go to my school. It felt like any other crush, and I even confessed to him and he liked me back, but we never made anything official. And it was great! But then like it always seems to, eventually my attraction faded out and we moved on. So, I don't think I've ever romantically fallen in love before. I know I can love platonically, but we're still waiting on that romantic love! It's a little frustrating at times (Since since image issues DEF don't help here), but it feels nice to single and not hung up over a crush sometimes :]
@zorrita-fi3gg Год назад
ui, sind das viele Versionen von Aromantik! i just never want to have a partnership or even a short liaison. i like those feeling in that moment, but i do not like tangency. and i dislike male ideas about intersexual contact
@scalderiso Год назад
Yea I'm 36 and this makes way too much sense . I rarely if ever experience romantic attraction . If anything just sexual urges now n. Then . I dated but always felt forced too . Also sex is just sex to me
@Metis1971 Год назад
Searching for this topic brought me here. I am, I think, pan or biromantic but lean homosexual. Possibly Demi but feel less clarity on that front. I'm AMAB and identify as male. With a couple of exceptions, I've very, very rarely felt sexual attraction to women. I've felt romantic attraction to many people and I don't think gender plays a roll there for me. It's very confusing and that's why I appreciate your video. Thanks!
@Queer2Help Год назад
I'm so glad you found this helpful!
@ez9566 Год назад
I dont know if im just too much of a sociophobe, but I never had crushes. Not that I would want any,
@helloIisperson Год назад
Personally my romantic identities are- complicated lol, I'm aroflux, typically going between romance repulsed on occasion to absolutely loving the idea of romanticism while still not feeling romantic attraction, normally I just describe this as going from just "100% aromantic" to about "70%" (not real metrics, just what I use to explain it) but i think it's best described by going from Apothiromantic to Greyromantic & pretty much always being Cupioromantic but I just found Apothiromantic cause of this video thank u :]
@helloIisperson Год назад
I personally identify as just Omni, (technically Omniromantic but itd be awkward adding all of my "niche" romantic identities onto Omni to make 1 label, example: some ppl do Demi-Omni etc.) But I chose to go by Omni cause 1 i like all genders but attraction is distinct between them, that and I kinda prefer having a less known identity- like, it'd be nice to have more recognition within the community for new ppl to find it easier not flopping from pan to bi for years (which was my journey until I found omni) but being less known also helps with not dealing with biases from outside the community ("pick a side" etc.)
@max3dits0 Год назад
I identify as omniromantic, because I’m also on the aroace spectrum it affects how I like people. I don’t usually have crushs but when I do it mostly comes down to personality. But at the same time I’m not aesthetically attracted to men, but I to non binary people to some level, and I am definitely aesthetically attracted to woman. So even though I do mostly care about personality I do have some preference’s. If someone is confused between pan and omni I hope this helps
@AbbeyWagner4547 Год назад
I'm a proud apothisexual 😊✌
@trixicenby999 Год назад
Hi, I know this video is old but about Nebularomantic, does it still count as it if I as an autistic person has hard time to understand if the feeling with people in the past have been just platonic because I like them as a friend or person or if it's romantic feelings but can after awhile kind of understand? I am able, but it takes time
@alictyne Год назад
Nebularomantic is having a hard time differentiating platonic attraction from romantic attraction due to being neurodivergent, however a Nebularomantic person may not always be unable to distinguish the two or may start to slowly understand it over time. So yes, that label could apply to you!
@trixicenby999 Год назад
@@alictyne Thank you so much!
@Kiyajadie Год назад
Oli London is a right-wing grifter just like Jeffree Star and Milo Yiannopoulos. He says whatever will get him the most attention and money, which often happens to be right-wing talking points, because right-wingers have no ideology besides grooming (note how often they project with that word) already reactionary people's hatred using shock factor, and we can see that when right-wing media/news acts like any progressive action is the end of the world. He'll keep doing this until one day his right-wing buddies inevitably turn on him because they really only see him as a "degenerate" to be used to spread their world views before they kill right-wing LGBT people en masse after they came for the rest of us. And of course the Daily Mail/Fox News-reading general public that are constantly champing at the bit for any sense of control like TERFs and their right-wing supporters eat this shit up because it validates their world view. Sorry for the rant but I couldn't find anything but anti-trans sources talking about his "detransition" except this video.
@sarahthesarah2850 Год назад
For the algorithm! Let's get you more visible.
@Queer2Help Год назад
That’s so kind of you! 💜
@candycat1725 Год назад
How is there other genders besides male and female?
@Queer2Help Год назад
It’s been a while, but I’ve already covered that in this video 😊 Are sex and gender the same? | Point of Order ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nOE5sX6OS0M.html
@candycat1725 Год назад
@@Queer2Help Sorry I like to educate myself as much as I can, and it kinda sounds like your saying just because a man/woman doesn’t do the stereotypical things that they r a different gender? For example a man could wear a dress,cook and do other “female” stereotypes and he could still be 100% male or a female could play sports,dress masculine,not wear makeup and still identify as female? I’m quite confused.
@aprillynn6221 Год назад
Love the makeup!!
@fud66 Год назад
I'm on the Asexual Spectrum But Cupiosexual feels right what that means for me is i do experience sexual attraction but i don't want a sexual relationship at all and I prefer Platonic Relationships
@saudinho1436 Год назад
I identify as greyromantic. I have felt deeply "in love" only 2 times, and I had some few of what I like to call "superficial crushes" (small crushes for random people from the daily life). I also choose this label because I have no interest in romantic love or romantic relationships.
@Devlinator61116 Год назад
I previously considered myself to be demiromantic, but now I'm wondering if caedromantic would be a better fit.
@KeganKirby Год назад
I think you must have described Idemromantic well because it perfectly describes me. Thank you so much for making this video, you don't know how much it has helped in understanding myself.
@Queer2Help Год назад
Glad it was helpful!
@kidfrenzy2273 Год назад
What if your nurodiverant And you don’t understand the romantic attraction beyond a objective level
@drniralrohit8688 Год назад
If some boy use he/him in bio what he is suggesting???
@Queer2Help Год назад
That he wants you to use he/him to refer to him?
@cfish9891 Год назад
Why would the standard of bisexuality be problematic? Isn't being solely attracted to standard male or female expressions just fall into one's comfort zone just an expression of their own valid boundaries? I'm just trying to understand all of this
@Queer2Help Год назад
There’s not an issue with that, but historically that’s not all that it meant. People can use it that way, but we must also acknowledge that not everyone who identifies as bisexual uses that definition.
@GenderMeowster Год назад
Thank you Faelan, I appreciate you calling us in to solidarity and away from being some kind of savior of others.
@nassattack Год назад
Meowster is good people 🥰
@Queer2Help Год назад
True story! 💜
@GenderMeowster Год назад
D’aww y’all. ❤
@abigaillabar8877 Год назад
Clip: I feel like it really gets to the heart of allyship being a practice and a lifestyle instead of an identifier
@abigaillabar8877 Год назад
Thank you for speaking in a slower pace 🙌
@abigaillabar8877 Год назад
First time viewer here! Love it!! ❤️
@joylox Год назад
I feel like the main reason it's useful is for security scans. Those scanner machine have male or female options, and many people who wear garments that don't match the sex on their passport can find it stressful if they get pulled aside for a random search, or asked to go through a machine, and then things that aren't expected show up. I'd like to see other ways to check for safety other than a big intimidating tube you stand in, but some places require it. I guess it depends on where you're going.
@Queer2Help Год назад
Do you mean for people who medically transitioned? Because I feel like this will be a problem for anyone that doesn’t nearly fall into the binary categories. Having passports like this may just draw more attention to it.
@liamodonovan6610 Год назад
To me the "A" in the LGBTQIA stands for a lit more than AILLIE its for aillie , asexul aromantic a - gender
@Queer2Help Год назад
I’m not sure the A in LGBTQIA stands for ally, but is certainly stands for asexual, aromantic, and a gender 💜
@joylox Год назад
@@Queer2Help There were people in my area a few years ago with signs saying "The A is for asexual not ally" when a corporate float in a parade had ally written on it for the A. As an asexual, I know not all of us feel like we fit in the LGBTQIA community, but it would be nice to know we had support. Many people including those who make laws, don't even think of it as an option, same with aromantic.
@GenderMeowster Год назад
@@joyloxyou and your identity are valid. Ace-spec folks are non-normative to the allosexual overculture and you belong in the resistance. ❤🎉
@sun_berry Год назад
Great video, definitely food for thought! I really resonated with the idea that ally is a verb. What I heard bell say is that if we're walking our own way and fighting our own fight, then the label is not as important as our actions. As long as our actions align, that's what matters in the effect on the world.
@Queer2Help Год назад
100%. Thank you for sharing what you heard. I sometimes get stuck on how I interpret things, so it’s good to hear how others see it too! 💜