Oshkosh Media
Oshkosh Media
Oshkosh Media
Oshkosh Media is a division of the City of Oshkosh and consists of Gov TV, government television programming, Life TV, community television programming, and Oshkosh FM 101.9 community radio programming. Oshkosh Media also coordinates the City's public information efforts during emergency situations and provides other municipal and public affairs programs and services.
Oshkosh Common Council - 6/25/24
2 часа назад
Flag Day Ceremony 2024
4 часа назад
City Manager's Report 6/20/24
14 часов назад
Winnebago County Board - 6/18/24
16 часов назад
Oshkosh Area Board of Education 6/12/24
День назад
Oshkosh Common Council - 6/11/24
14 дней назад
City Manager Minute 6/7/24
14 дней назад
City Manager's Report 6/6/24
14 дней назад
Oshkosh Plan Commission 6/4/24
21 день назад
Oshkosh Common Council - 5/28/24
28 дней назад
City Manager Minute 5/23/24
Месяц назад
City Manager's Report 5/23/24
Месяц назад
Oshkosh Area Board of Education 5/22/24
Месяц назад
Winnebago County Board - 5/21/24
Месяц назад
Oshkosh Plan Commission - 5/21/24
Месяц назад
City Manager Minute 5/21/24
Месяц назад
Oshkosh Redevelopment Authority 5/15/24
Месяц назад
Oshkosh Common Council - 5/14/24
Месяц назад
City Manager Minute 5/14/24
Месяц назад
Oshkosh Advisory Park Board 5/13/24
Месяц назад
City Manager's Report - 5/9/24
Месяц назад
Oshkosh Area Board of Education 5/8/24
Месяц назад
Winnebago County Board - 5/7/24
Месяц назад
@adamahrens4320 3 часа назад
Quite the diverse DEI committee you have.
@brendakuhr485 18 часов назад
I can't express enough just how opposed I am to Oshkosh Area School District buying and demolishing the surrounding block of houses. What an incredible waste of money! Do not grant ARPA funds to this venture!
@avradio0b 27 дней назад
That was kind of the Presbyterian Church. We really do need more shelter space, I think just about every shelter in Oshkosh is at capacity every night
@user-di3fs8ch3t Месяц назад
Thank you Mike and Julie Hert
@avradio0b Месяц назад
Pangaea Dimensions' plan looks good. What a creative way to use the space and attack the housing issue. Looks like it'll be super walkable, too, it's about a 15-20 minute walk from downtown (quicker if you bike). Since it's a flat roof, they should consider putting in an access-way for residents if they wanted to garden, etc. I'm guessing there wasn't enough space for something like that, though.
@avradio0b Месяц назад
Great job Mark! You guys have been very communicative throughout the whole process. Jodi St. Cloud and her office did a great job. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to spending some of the city budget to up manning so that we got reassessed every 4-5 years instead, to help with some of the "sticker shock". But it's tricky to prioritize that against everything else that would be nice to spend money on
@brendakuhr485 Месяц назад
Very informative meeting!
@avradio0b Месяц назад
Are the ARPA grants live on Oshkosh's site/is there a link to them?
@OshkoshMedia Месяц назад
The information is on the city's website under Hot Topics, here is the link: www.oshkoshwi.gov/HotTopics/2024_ARPA_Grant_Information.pdf
@avradio0b Месяц назад
Housing plan looks fantastic. Good job guys!
@avradio0b Месяц назад
The city's going a good direction this year. Now all we need is for amtrak to reestablish passenger lines on CN railroad going to Green Bay and Chicago
@barbarabaldauf6233 Месяц назад
This woman doesn't live in the quiet little neighborhood this is totally disrupting. New sewer system water pipes sidewalks torn up driveways. Plus $3000.00 added to our property tax bills! Eat 💩
@jonathannguyen9425 2 месяца назад
Much luck to Mr. Eschete in his new role. May the library grow under his direction in bringing knowledge and wisdom to Oshkosh, Wisconsin (I had to look up the city). Not entirely sure why this came up on my feed as I’m from Orange County, California.
@sumner2q 2 месяца назад
I have no problem with the fare increasing but I live on what used to be route 10 and can't get to down town I'm not mobile and am in the process of getting disability but I need to be able to get around until then.
@OshkoshMedia 2 месяца назад
Hello Mr. Sumner, do you have an email address where we can reach you? If not, please call the GO-Transit office at 920-232-5340 for more information.
@sumner2q 3 месяца назад
Why do we need three hospitals in Oshkosh we can't even get staff at the hospitals we have already.
@sumner2q 3 месяца назад
When are you guys going to fix the Community Park and get some small kid friendly playgrounds my kids can't play at that park they are two small.
@halmain4468 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your important information about a fire
@ncoleman77 3 месяца назад
@mindyanderson964 3 месяца назад
Watching this you can tell they get irritated listening to people's concerns. They don't give a crap
@mindyanderson964 3 месяца назад
Blah blah blah
@mindyanderson964 3 месяца назад
Yes. Let's spend more money on things
@RICHIE_RICH89 4 месяца назад
This city manager better pull his head out and do something fast. Im receiving more bills for supposed water run off on clairville than if i had an actual water bill for services. First off, it's fraud i live on clairville in between 9th St and 20th Street . There is no sewar of any shape or form that any water runs into. I have done construction for 35 years, you are not fooling me it's fraud. Next, nobody on this section will pay their life savings to hook up to your sewar that we do not need, and your water when you want to run it threw we will not abandon our wells. State statue 160.07 put threw by the supreme court states clearly no city can force you to hook up to water if you have a well. And its not up to them if its safe or not even though everyone's is im pointing that out clearly. I will get a class lawsuit started. I am tired of the game playing. We have a group willing to pay to do just that. Next comes grandfather rights that clearly states if there is no benefit that outweighs what you currently have, you can keep what you have, especially if the cost outweighs the benefit which it largely does. You want eight homes to fund your lines. Forget it seven of the eight live on fixed income. Even if you spread the 80k on average it has costed the people past 20th to hook up on clairville over a 15 yr period it would cost 700$ im guessing off the top of my head per month. In todays world, people can't make it as it is. I will contact all new outlets all forms of media and the state manager steve shuaratte . I just had it. Im tired of the harrassing letters, and the we dont care , we will force you attitude. Especially when you can not budget money for the life of you and blow it on wreckless unnecessary stuff. Oh we can't run a truck more than five years, buy all new ones. Oh, we need these desinger lights and imported trees because it looks good . No, no, you don't. That's the city taxpayers' money. Then the supposed wheel tax that will help, that's a lie that will flop. Nobody asked for you to come out here. We didn't come to you , you came to us. Im telling you our group is going to push this subject to the extreme. Soemone in the city pays 8k, but you pay 80 to 150k to hook up, have you lost your minds. We have perfectly good working systems . This crap is the cost of a home. Would you guys pay that if it was on your street. All these wasted positions and people wasting money, forcing people to pay for nonsense like this is flat out wrong. There are state laws that protect citizens from a wreckless city. I paid over 300$ for rain that we didn't get that dissolved before it even leaves my yard. Wake up im tired of the fraud and nonsense. I will stand up for my rights and the fine people that are simply trying to make ends meet. We are the first to get taxed the first to be held to the highest of laws and the LAST TO BE THOUGHT OF. I had it. Im done playing games. And then my taxes went from 4800$ to 7800$ that is insanity. Plus i pay for my lotts that tripled. I pay almost 4k in taxes just for a school we did not need. You really are screwing people to know end. Beverly hills don't even tax this much dam money. My taxes are ubsurd. It should go by sq footage and be across the board. It should cost more because i have stone on the front of my house. Thats 1k a month i pay in taxes between everything i have and i did not even make a house payment. Plus you want to add this crap. Wake up reality needs to sink in and oshkosh needs to make drastic changes. We have a mayor and a governor unless i see action fast that helps the people a city manager position seems like another waste of funds. This was already in the oshkosh harrold i definitely need to contact them and fox news . The list will go on and on. Im not trying to be a pain but your going to destroy peoples lives doing this you already are with your INSANE TAX RATES.
@shutzenko73 4 месяца назад
29:41 36:21
@RICHIE_RICH89 4 месяца назад
Whats this managers no. I flipping have had it i will show up in person to his office to discuss this nonsense. I want someone to tell me why they think in there little brains clairville needs to be hooked up to there water and sewar. Tell me why this astronomical expense that will fall on the owners is needed. You cant, there is no reason and the crap is not needed. Everyone on this dam rd from 20 to 9th have perfect working wells and perfect working septic mound or holding tanks. You guys basically want someone to take out a dam loan almost the size of a mortgage to fund your nonsense water and septic that is 100% without a shadow of doubt NOT NEEDED. You will make people lose there homes and if that happens now its on a personal level. There is not a single dam reason anyone can come up with on why it is needed and what benifit it has . Its certainly is not big enough to justify putting some old ladie on a fixed income 80k in the hole or one man 150k in the hole. None of you would be for it if you had to personally foot the tab. You came out here ,we didnt come to you we dont want your garbage and i speak for the entire road. Next i heard talks you want to annex to put a dam road thru my road that my grandma paid for herself. when she owned this home that very road was paid for by a private individual not the city or county. Im so tired of these dam threating letters you guys have a massive spending problem. Oh we have money left in the budget so we must find away to blow it rather then sit on it. Next i though you told the oshkosh harrold this dam wheel tax was supposed to pay for this so people didnt have to take such a massive hit. That was a lie and never will happen. My dam taxes went from 4800 a yr to 7800 all because of a school we didnt need that most did not want. Then the county building the was built five times bigger then needed with every bell and whistle it did not need. Get the crap under control people do not like living in the city because you force and cram crap like this down our throats. You picked the wrong guy i will fight it tooth and nail if i have to use social media the news the state the govenor i dont care i will. Its nonsense there is no reason this craps needed for the eight homes that have to split the cost thats out of this world. I cant afford it now that i pay 3800 extra in taxes a yr just for a flipping school thats more then most peoples entire property tax. Did somone bump there head and forget the times we are living in. What the hell. No reason other then we can. Then you wonder why your the most unliked city and people want out. Who runs this joint its a joke. You look for stupid ridiculous crap like this just to keep you busy. Next someone took a skidsteer and cut my entire propert line of trees down im libid over that. I dont want to see your city subdivision behind me what the hell. Someone will pay for that too. People are ready to take stand they are not going to take this crap. Be realistic we have water and we have sanitation we dont need yours. And until someone fills the farm field that new developer can pay for it not us. And by the way state law you cant force anyone to abandon there well or tell them oh we dont think you can drink it. I dont drink the crap anyways its for shower only. Oh my lord will i melt. Get real and by the way its fine im just pointing out how looney oshkosh is. You want all this buy my property then and ill move. Ill probably sell anyways which is bs thanks for ruining my kids lives and ours. God id love to have all you in a room at one time someone needs to talk sense into your thinking and you terrible ways. You treat people like garbage and tax way to much. This is not beverly hills by any means. The decision making is ludicrous.
@rachelminkebernhardt1196 4 месяца назад
LaKeisha Haase rocks! She is the best fit to be selected!!
@rachelminkebernhardt1196 4 месяца назад
God help us Michael Rust becomes judge. He wasted 3 days in a courtroom over a small claims action...listening to a plaintiff rant over their emotions. His only area of law is to help attorneys make a bunch of money wasting valuable courtroom time.
@PeggyObrien-qg2jy 4 месяца назад
im not happy to have to pay again since I paid $15,000.00 for my street a few yrs ago. If we find a solution to help the people and it will be used just for that I will do my fair share, how ever picking and choosing who will have to do it is totally unfair and unacceptable.. you dont tax certain classes in town and every one of us pay so make it fair for all of us for this too.
@WiscoMike920 4 месяца назад
Mark, if you know that the vehicles over 8000lbs are causing the most damage, why are these fees being placed on those under that 8000lbs?
@christopherknight3737 4 месяца назад
Simply amazing, thank you for this wonderful video!
@christieboe5289 5 месяцев назад
silly that we are not able to do so for the right turn off of new york and main. It is clearly visible from that lane to see if any cars are coming. smh.
@ewebbytrailscout 5 месяцев назад
Great production quality, hello from Phoenix, Arizona
@theelvisguy6933 6 месяцев назад
What hours are they open?
@dimsum5499 6 месяцев назад
@BidagaraJems 6 месяцев назад
Wow😮 that is bast school vel my name Estella 🥰
@Nikoisbetter 4 месяца назад
No one cares
@RICHIE_RICH89 6 месяцев назад
Oahkosh is criminal you annex land on clairville and try forcing people in this economy to hook up to your dam sewer when they have perfect holding tanks or septic systems. One lady was charged 60k how the hell can she afford that, thats is 582$ for 15 yrs a month on a fixed income in todays world on top of her house payment and on top of you guys taxing for property at 100% her taxes now will triple this yr on top of all the other crap you pulled. How can anyone afford that. I can tell you now i wont do it fine me i dont care. I will write to the state the media i wont stop. You guys came out here we didnt go to you. You want us to fund your dam sanitation is what it is. Grandfather rights protect people there is other state laws that do as well that overide the state. You guys have a spending problem. You dont care who you screw and you wonder why people dont want to live here or absolutely hate oshkosh. This towns a joke a disaster. To many people trying to justify there jobs that do not use there heads it dont affect you so why do you care. Jeff foust 160k to hook up are you out of your minds. This is insanity i will get neighbors ready and will exhaust every last resource to fight this. Then i get charged for water that never hit a dam sewer wtf. There is no sewer and it soaks up before it even gets down a ditch line. Anyway to charge someone. This city is out of hand every last person sitting in the room is out of there minds. No common sense, no compassion for anyone. Again nobody wants you guys here. The city is over populated. A terrible experience driving anywhere in town then you have bike lanes restricting traffic. People out here dont like the city life thats why we moved in the country. How in the living world do you think anyone in the mind would be even slightly thrilled with this. Same with wells state laws by the state of wisconsin allow people to keep there wells regardless of what ypur opinion is. Its not up to you to determine wether you think its safe or not. You think city water is. There sediment half full in a main pipe in oshkosh right now. Almost everyone drinks bottled water. I dont think a shower is dangerous. Again not your business anyways. You might want to look up state laws on that. It can be found under Michael's vs state of wisconsin. Judges ruled one can have his own well and its up to them to make sure its ok nobody else. You act like there drinking toxic stream water. Just listening to all the building rules is sad. Do you guys pay the taxes? Then why are you giving any builder a tuff time just because you can. Very sad
@colton-qg1ki 6 месяцев назад
@RICHIE_RICH89 6 месяцев назад
The manager needs to wake up. You clowns steal our gd land then charge us for storm water are you f, ing kidding me.. Seriously you guys have no clue how pist people are stay the hell off our land people are ready to go to battle over this. I certainly dont take it light. High ass taxes, shity building inspectors the worst in the fox valleys they just screw with people over nonsense. Next i will not flat out will not hook up to your water. Wisconsin state law allows me to keep my well its not up to you if its safe, if its not, if its the right height none of it. Look up state laws we have the right 100% to keep them next i dont drink the crap anyways. I buy bottled water. Michaels vs the state of wisconsin the state deemed it it is not there responsibility nor up to them to dictate or tell you you cant use your well regardless even though mine passes. Mines fine but thats not the point since you want to talk about water yours is not safe but you mess with people on wells. I dont give a flat hell stay off my property at all cost. Its mine, its not worth a world war over. People are tired of your nonsense. Now our taxes will go threw the dam roof let me ask why i would pay more then people across the street or more then what i was with town of algoma. Your services sucks and i dont want them i dont want sidewalks i dont want street lights and your spending is out of hand flat out. Taxes in oshkosh are the highest in the state you jokers tax at 100% thats disgusting you will bankrupt old people on this street. Everyones suffering as it is with this shit government. Again people are angry dont push them further. They had it. Rain water really what a all time low. Theres not even sewers out here there is none that go to your crap between 20th and ninth st not one. Across the street between 9th and cty rd e there is nut not over here. Then this road talk talking about putting roads threw peoples yards really thats another situation that came uo that people are furious over. The road a guys grandma paid for not algoma are you guys nuts. Ya the one your talking about destroying when there is one that already goes back by the radio station. I swear nothing bright and nothing good comea from the city of oshkosh. Its really that bad. To many workers trying to justify there jobs by enforcing non semse crap that effects nobody. Algoma never enforced half there rules. What a joke. How do you charge for water thats not going into a pipe anywere thats being returned to the city. Thats stealing flat out. I know this rd better then you guys ever will. Ask long time oshkosh residents they all feel oshkosh is becoming over populated and just hell to drive in. Its not fun nor likable anymore. Then you put in bike lanes nobody uses. There not a motor vehicle and with how people text and drive its very unsafe. People all agree and swear instead of speeding up traffic ypu slow it down by outting bottlenecks in it. Whats wrong with the sidewalk we always rode our bikes on them and it was great. No common sense to much greed to many people trying to justify there positions the worst building inspectors to deal with thats why most contractors hate buikding or working here and to many nonsense rules that again over half shouldnt be enforced. Did anyone get hurt did anyones property wreck someone elses no then why do you care. Unbelievable, lastly if the city cared about the people of oshkosh they wouldn't up taxes non stop. And have fees for everything. Next theae stupid garabge bins you wont pick it up because it dont say oshkosh on it thats another low blow who cares you get paid for it by us. Every third or fourth month the city of appleton allows you to throw anything you want out and comes by to pick it up with regular garbage trucks how come oshkosh dont do that. You cant throw crap out in those bins. Do you just expect peoole to never get rid of a tv or table. They also do it so people are not throwing trash on back roads because they cant get rid of it. Again the service here is not apecail by any means. Weeds growing on every road in site if we did that you would charge us the round abouts look terrible that way. I dont get it i just dont.
@dougward8236-heyboy 7 месяцев назад
I just watched and really enjoyed it😊
@erc9468 7 месяцев назад
33:48 - There aren't 53 locks and 100 miles between Schenectady and Albany, NY. I think he must mean between Utica and Albany? That seems more likely.
@sylviagodin1470 7 месяцев назад
Good job orchestra and choir students - wonderful tribute to Veterans
@sylviagodin1470 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Veterans , good job on the Taps Judah ( great grandson of a WWII army hero combat veteran wounded in action and received the bronze star for bravery and Purple Heart Cpl Edward Gerl Je
@sumner2q 7 месяцев назад
It seems like all you guys care about is seniors what about the working age adults who wants to have activities in the community besides bars.
@PeggyObrien-qg2jy 7 месяцев назад
beautiful , good job
@shirleyjaneen4405 7 месяцев назад
LOL!!! 😂
@jeremyshaw991 7 месяцев назад
How could anyone really believe this was achieved in the way you describe. It’s nonsense, I suggest you look more deeply into what was actually happening in the USA at this time. Simple comparison to the narrative you maintain, the alternative theories are worthy of listening. Especially those of us who think we “know”. Re-opening a well educated mind isn’t always easy.
@gorkyd7912 22 дня назад
What actually happened then?
@avradio0b 7 месяцев назад
I love all the multimodal stuff you guys have baked into the sawdust district plan. In a few decades and I might not even need a car to get around Oshkosh XD
@oelricaoc4002 8 месяцев назад
Their budget requests are insane. Like all government bureaucracies, their goal is consume and expand. Sickening...
@avradio0b 8 месяцев назад
An interesting discussion, sad I missed it. Milwaukee did a study on its sharrows a bit ago and they found that they did not improve road safety. Parking on both sides probably would've been the way to go, b/c of the well-documented psychological effect that narrow streets have on speed.
@quesadilla79 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for showing the bus entirely, i was wondering if it had a bathroom. Hope that's standard for all Amtrack buses
@user-xg7nj4zj4g 9 месяцев назад
What can't you read how does it feel
@protoearth 9 месяцев назад
16 parking spaces at the very south end of the park takes away from recreation space. Environmental design that enhances water quality is more important than surge parking. That's why we have onroad parking instead of bike lanes on all streets.