The Pup Mommy
The Pup Mommy
The Pup Mommy
Hello! I’m Melanie K.

My channel is for all dog owners - experienced, first-time, or “wannabe”. Through my videos, I'll share with you my practical, hands-on experience and what I've learned -- including my mistakes -- in owning pups for over 30 years. Currently, I have four pups - two Boston Terriers and two German Shepherds.

There is very little that I haven’t experienced, whether health, behavioral, training, or temperament issues. So when you're wondering, "am I the only one with this problem" or "how do I find the right pup for me and my family," then look no further.

My channel's goals? 1) Help people find the right pup for themselves/families, and how to love/care for them; 2) To help US/global animal charities that I support. They’re staffed by volunteers and exist on the generosity of people like us and a lot of prayers. Perhaps instead of $10/month, one day I can send them $10,000/quarter.

For private consults, I can be reached at thepupmommy@comcast.net.
Kristi Noem Explains (or Not)
Месяц назад
Dog Breeds NOT for 1st Time Dog Owners
Месяц назад
Ball Warrior Boston vs Sofa Covers
7 месяцев назад
Commander Biden - Cujo or Set Up to Fail?
8 месяцев назад
Getting A Second Dog
8 месяцев назад
Five Reasons NOT to Get a Dog
9 месяцев назад
Puppies and Yoga Do NOT Mix
10 месяцев назад
Trying to make a YT video with 3 dogs
11 месяцев назад
4th of July 2023
11 месяцев назад
@roseannecoggan3565 3 часа назад
I have a Basset Hound and they definitely aren't for first time owners either. They not the Beagle are 2nd only in scenting to Bloodhounds and also get IVDD like Dachshunds and can also get bloat. My boy is 15 months old and has a high prey drive and also is energetic. We go on 4-5 walks including scent walks and jogs alongside my wheelchair daily .
@karenmacneil3678 5 часов назад
Do you have a video about which dogs ARE good for a first-time dog owner?
@thepupmommy 4 часа назад
Thank you for watching. I have one coming shortly, probably in the next week or so.
@katsoutofthebox 14 часов назад
I would add to this list the cocker spaniel 😂 Incredibly stubborn dogs.
@user-rf5ju5nz5u День назад
I love my heeler. She is not technically my first dog, but she’s a lot of effort! I knew what I was getting into when I got her. We work everyday for atleast 1-2 hours. She loves agility. But she is a stubborn thing 😆
@OakwiseBecoming День назад
I think insurance is a scam. They’re not a charity, they’re a business. They EXPECT you to pay more than you get out. We put money in a jar every month dedicated for vet visits and plan ahead for an emergency fund.
@thepupmommy День назад
Thank you for watching and your comment. I personally view pet insurance as home insurance, it's there for a catastrophe. My last vet bill was for $7500 last May 2023, for a diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease for my Boston Terrier. Insurance paid $4300. When another Boston Terrier was diagnosed with cancer, bc I carried a cancer rider in addition to insurance, I was reimbursed, $12K out of $15K submitted. Not all insurance carriers are created equal, and the reimbursement and terms also depend on the state you live in. I know many people have a rainy day fund for dog injuries and illnesses. I just recently cancelled insurance for 3 out of my 4 pups because the premiums became out of bounds, so I understand your logic. I suggest this, that you check with various pet insurance firms to look at monthly premiums, and then put that $$ away in your money jar every month. If your dog accidently swallows something, and it needs gastro surgery, that's an easy $4K. Been there.
@OakwiseBecoming День назад
I grew up instilled with the belief that it’s best to adopt from shelters. But I came from a multigenerational dog family and it was only into adulthood that I realized, frankly, how utterly stupid most people are with dogs (let’s just be honest). I now live in UK and the shelters here understand exact how stupid most people are and so they are super controlling about homing dogs, nothing like American shelters. Every dog will have a list of requirements for a home and they sometimes prefer to pick a dog for you rather than let you pick a dog. You’d think this sounds good for pairing with a lifelong home, but the dogs end up living in kennels for years because no applicant fits the requirements. They also make you signs a contract saying they can take the dog back at any time. In addition the UK shelters are run by charities importing street dogs from around the world. If unwanted dogs in your own country is such a problem, why are you importing more? This just enables the second and third world to do nothing to solve their stray dog culture! I won’t support that.
@OakwiseBecoming День назад
My husband wanted a Border Collie for our first dog together as a couple. I always had GSDs so I expected a BC to be very similar with the herding background and intelligence. He’s never had a dog before. So he’s really lucky he married me and not some twit 😅 because even for me there was a learning curve with the BC! But I’m very intuitive (shocking how dense people are when it comes to empathic understanding animals), and I do my reading. It took some effort and understanding, but I learned the BC and he learned me and we settled in with very few problems. We got him a female GSD companion when he was 10 months old. Now we have 3 GSDs and the BC is their leader 😂 Any problems we have are down to my own medical issues interfering with things like socializing them. Which I understand is down to me, not them. As much as I’ve just bragged about being intuitive and did great with a new breed, I would still be very discerning about other breeds. I think Huskies are great! But id never have one. They’re gorgeous, funny, friendly, loving. I c an totally see why people are dedicated Husky lovers. But I’m unable to RUN them. I don’t want a dog who will run off. I love that my GSDs stay close and stop on a dime when I whistle. BC goes off further into the distance, but he always keeps us in his sight and I worked with him to stop him targeting dogs and people like lost sheep and bolting to round them up 🤣 he no longer does that and I’m a happy camper. I have learned about the breed but if my health issues don’t improve, I wouldn’t have one again in future. I’ll always be a GSD owner ❤ there is a reason people bond strongly with a breed.
@OakwiseBecoming День назад
I am a lifelong GSD owner and the situation for the breed I find so upsetting because modern practices and inept training techniques are making things very difficult for a breed that is already challenging for people who don’t know what their doing. I am virulently against crating. Pent up isolation caused anxiety, fear, pent up energy, serious mental and physical distress. And I’m also against positive only training. Trainers today don’t have any empathic understanding of how a dog thinks or communicates and they are recommending techniques that either confuse the dog or are outright passive abuse (crating).
@thepupmommy 4 часа назад
Thank you for watching and you comment. I'm a long-time GSD owner, and I've used a crate when my dogs were puppies and when I've had repair workmen at the house, specifically for my dogs' and repairmen protection. Only one of my GSDs went into the crate on her own, the other three could care less and instead recline on their ortho bed or the master bedroom. GSDs are among the most surrendered breed across the country, because people get in over their heads. My GSD, Nabucco, I adopted at 9 months of age, and found from the paperwork left with him, I was his 5th owner! All my GSDs Dobermans, and Lab were trained by a GSD breeder/trainer. My dogs received positive training as well as prong and e-collar. I use the prong whenever I've walked my GSDs because I walk both dogs at the same time, which is usually ~185 lbs on two leashes. Since there is wildlife in my neighborhood from the ubiquitous squirrels to deer and coyotes, I prefer not to faceplant into the sidewalk when the dogs suddenly jerk on the leash. And yet, I know from my other social media channels that there are people who imply they would rather euthanize a dog for problem behaviors than use appropriate tools, when used correctly, that can cure those behaviors in such a short period of time. Finally, one of the worst predicaments that I routinely see are the GSDs and Malinois who are going mentally crazy being kept in cages in the shelters, which further deteriorates them and presents problems for future adopters. A never-ending cycle of abuse.
@darkrandom9947 2 дня назад
I love a lot of these ,but yes, not every breed is a first-time dog. I knew that as soon as this video started, this was important information. I hope more people watch this. Thank you for making this video and spreading much needed information.
@crimsonclover1588 2 дня назад
I’m a first time owner and I got a Siberian husky as my first doggy and I got lucky my husky is very relaxed and he don’t howl. He don’t pull hard as well. I do walk him everyday and play with him almost everyday and cuddle.
@isshi6617 2 дня назад
What I would love from videos like this to always give some good alternatives. Its always easuer to say this ist not a good first time dog, then to say this is a good one.
@thepupmommy 2 дня назад
Thank you for watching and I will be having a video on that exact same subject coming out shortly.
@Kameleonn 2 дня назад
Thank you for this video, it's very informative. At this point, I would say any pure bred working line should not be for first time owners LOL. We have a labrador retrevier, but the working line. He's definitely NOT a couch potato and we really had to adjust our attitude, when his temperament came out. We managed in the end and we love him to death: he has 2 walks a day and at lunchtime he always gets a mentally stimulating thing to chew on (filled and frozen kong or a buffalo horn), but he does not like children and is not friendly with stranger dogs. With this, he has never been destructive and is a well balanced, happy dog.
@vtoner1307 2 дня назад
Interesting. I’ve always had standard Poodles. I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my life with four of them. I was a bit surprised they were on your list. I currently have a 16 yr old toy Poodle, an 11 yr old miniature Poodle and an 8 yr old Italian Greyhound. I miss my standards. I don’t currently have one as I decided I was too old to bring a new one into my life. It wouldn’t be fair to them. My dogs seem to live into their mid to late teens. I’m in my mid 70’s.
@thepupmommy 2 дня назад
Thank you so much for watching and sharing your experience with me and the viewers. Of all the breeds on the list in Part 1 and Part 2, I've honestly gotten the most comments about the Standard Poodle. I really do believe that it's not only the dog's temperament but the owner's as well, and the amount of time, love and care the owner gives to the dog which makes a partnership successful. I have a neighbor next door, a couple in their 60's, retired, and they got their first dog 15 months ago -- a standard Goldendoodle. The couple is really trying and the husband told me the other day that the breeder said the dog was a "mini". The dog, presently, is 65 lbs. The issue (I have) is that the dog is not exercised enough, and when I do see it outside, it explodes into a case of the zoomies. Just as the dog is running and happy, they call it inside. When my crew (Shepherds and Bostons) are outside, it's chase me down the fence line. I think Poodles are a wonderful breed for the right owner, and you sound like you've been the perfect match for this breed for many years. I'm turning 70 in September, and right now, I have 2 Shepherds, (1 turned 5 yrs on Monday, 1 will be 9 in Sept) and two Bostons, both 6 yrs. I can't imagine my life w/o pups in it, and know I'll have them until I pass. BUT, they're in my estate plan so I know they'll be taken care of. Thank you again for watching.
@FITZIEBLUE 3 дня назад
Great video, super information with breed specifics. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully people are paying attention and listening to your advice.
@thepupmommy 2 дня назад
Thank you for watching and your comment. I try to be as specific as I can because I want people to know what they're getting into, before they get into it.
@TannerJack_and_KingMontyBoo 3 дня назад
I have Jack Russells & Chihuahuas. Both are EXTREMELY smart & stubborn! Neither breed was one of my 1st dogs. I respect every person commenting they couldn’t own a dog after watching these videos. All but 1 of my Jacks are rescued, after everyone wanted one when Wishbone & Mask were popular. People got them not realizing they need a TON of exercise & they’re almost all prey driven so they don’t mix well with other small animals. Most don’t like children either (only 2 of my JRTs tolerated children well, but they’re also the only 2 I got as pups & I socialized from a very young age). All but 1 of my JRTs killed everything from palmetto bugs (we’re in Florida), small lizards, rats, mice, birds, rabbits, and have tried to kill raccoons (fearless dogs) & cats. My chihuahuas learned to play fetch from the JRTs & they also learned how to hunt from the Russells & they became relentless lizard killers! All my chi’s but 1 got birds & they all killed mice. They also became popular thanks to film, after Paris Hilton had one as a purse dog. Most don’t tolerate being put in a purse. Mine didn’t at least!! And they all BARK - a LOT. Not good for apartments in my opinion. When I traveled & needed dog friendly hotels, I always requested to be put in a room away from others to minimize noises they heard, which got them barking. I’ve got to walk them a couple times a day, one JRT (the shorty) does agility & 1 (the Parson) does dock diving. They’re absolutely beautiful dogs, but it’s like having children. They’re expensive to keep, they need activities for stimulation & they can try your patience- but for the right family they’re amazing & totally entertaining little guys!
@brianriley7914 3 дня назад
I believe your assessments of the different breeds are spot on. We've owned 5 dobes in 53 years, including our first dobe acquired one year before our first daughter was born. All of our dobes were hi-energy and required intensive training and socialization. They accept strangers quite well but require an actual introduction. Our dobes got along amazingly well with the other dogs in our home. They were the first playmate of our daughters and infallible guardians. We easily spend $2,000+ annually on vet bills and food for each of our pups. That does not include the few times that we've required emergency veterinary care
@thepupmommy 4 часа назад
Thank you for watching and sharing your experience with me and the viewers. I've had Dobermans, a male and a female, and they were remarkable dogs. They were black/tan w/cropped ears/tail, and when I walked them, I had to sidewalk completely to myself, as people voluntarily crossed over to the other side (which I didn't mind at all.) I've found in working with people who are adopting dogs, that they really don't know what it's like to own a dog until they actually own a dog. I currently have two Shepherds and two Bostons. One of my Bostons was diagnosed May 2023 with inflammatory bowel disease. They bill was $7500. So with all my videos, I try and be informative as to what to expect from breeds, medical issues, training, etc. The video that you watched is one of the first videos I did, and I think is still .... pretty accurate.
@vikingdogmanship 3 дня назад
Jack Russells are easier to live with and manage than any of the other breeds on that picture. That being said there is a big different in my opinion from the Parson Jack Russell to the shorter version of the Jack russell
@ghighitv7009 3 дня назад
I wanted to do it the right way so after careful filtering and making a small selection of dogs fitting my points, i made the hard choise to go for my brain nit my heart. So chose breed that was way smaller then what i prefer. But was better suited for my lifestyle and living conditions yet was energetic enough to match a big dog. Result "papillon"😊
@thepupmommy 4 часа назад
Thx for watching and good for you!!! That's what it's all about. Finding a dog that meet your lifestyle and personality. I tell people that "the dog of your dreams may NOT be the right dog for you at this point in your life."
@susisonnenschein5069 3 дня назад
what about rough collies? ❤
@thepupmommy 14 часов назад
Thank you for watching and your question. Rough collies are from the AKC Herding Group, and require a commitment to daily exercise and 1x/week grooming to prevent the coat from matting. Collies are lovely family dogs, are going to weigh ~70 lbs. maybe a little more. Because they're a herding breed, they do bark, (good watchdog) so you need to be aware of that depending on your location. They're also not a "backyard" dog, in that don't keep them outside for long periods of time, because they like to be with their owners. Healthwise, they're pretty hardy, but can be subject to inherited eye issues, so you need to go to a reputable breeder who has certified the dog's eye health with a canine opthamologist.
@susisonnenschein5069 13 часов назад
@@thepupmommy thank you so much for your effort to answer my question. We are going to get one soon and i love to hear that they like to be with their owners. I am staying at home so he or she will be constantly with me. ❤️ Thank you again
@Caenlorn 3 дня назад
I own a border collie, 3 years old, name is Garmur. He is my 2nd dog (first was a perfect mutt I adopted and loved for 8½ years, passed away to cancer). I´ve been around dogs my whole life and given my profession, as a butcher, I´m on my feet all day working which is horrible for the body and mental health. I knew I wanted (and needed) an active breed that fit my lifestyle (having done a number of sports through out my life). We are active 4-5 hours every single day. Playing, wrestling, training, walking, running & hiking. Owning a BC is a way of life, you are 100% in from the start or 100% out. This breed is incredible to work/live with when you possess the necessary skill and knowledge. With a simple hand gesture I can command him to lie down, wait, or come. No words required (although used for other scenarios). Crate training will save your sanity, ample redirection and interaction from the start (especially puppyhood) + socialization is a game changer. The more you teach your BC, the easier it is to control. Obviously, personalities vary and you have to account for that and implement changes in your handling as the puppy (if you have one) matures. I love everything that makes a BC a BC, period. Now, when it comes to dogs, especially certain breeds like working and guard dogs, I wish a license of sorts was required. Inexperienced owners are the root cause of many a disaster. From small incidents of property damage to deadly mauling, it is 100% the owner´s fault. If states would offer programs and hire full time trainers, what a world that would be to live in. Most people are too lazy or stupid to train their dogs so they sit outside and bark their heads off, no discipline and are uncontrollable. Dogs are not meant to serve as a status symbol, they are family members and should only be treated as such.
@thepupmommy 3 дня назад
Thank you for watching and for your very thoughtful comment. There's not one dog on my listing in Part 1 and 2 of this video that can't be a great dog for someone. BUT, that someone has to have the personality and lifestyle that the dog complements, and the willingness to invest in the dog's training and set up the type of environment that meets the dog's needs. You're a perfect example of knowing what you wanted and exactly how to live with and handle such a beautiful, smart and energetic dog. Regarding working and guard dogs. That's a whole 'nother story. People think they want protection dogs, and end up ruining great dogs. 96% of dogs surrendered to shelters received no training according to a research study that was highlighted on Petfinders' website. That proves your point.
@RedEye3 4 дня назад
I find the sporting group breeds tends to be the best for first-time dog owners. All social animals, likes to be around people, kids, good temperaments, more docile. Golden retrievers, labs, Irish setters, cocker spaniels, english setters, etc.
@thepupmommy 3 дня назад
Thx for watching and your comment. I'll be doing a video shortly on Best Dogs for Families, and Golden Retriever will be on the list, along with other Sporting Group dogs. But, in Part 2 of my video, I have a number of Sporting Group dogs, like the German Shorthaired Pointer, who is on the list of not for first-time owners because of the high-energy, prey drive.
@kennethrohen5963 4 дня назад
Add miniature pinschers. They are NOT little Doberman's, but a much older breed. The AKC categorizes them as toys, but as a pinscher group, which includes Doberman pinschers, German pinschers and others--but NOT AS TOYS! A good min pin is far too much for first time owners, as the min pin is to intelligent and doesn't tolerate mentally low-capacity people who are sedentary and would rather watch TV and eat junk food than to move. Min pins are happiest with very active people who can provide them with high-levels of mental and physical stimulation; moreover, they thrive on proper training, but never can be yelled at or hit, as the min pin will shutdown emotionally and never trust you! Like intelligent people, a min pin want to "know why;" "why should I do this?", which is the trick to training min pins. I have had Dobermans, now min pins, and they all have thrived with Schutzhund training and have won awards. Too many people have dumped their min pins in shelters to be adopted.
@thepupmommy 4 часа назад
Thx so much for watching and your insightful comments. I have a very close friend who owns horses and Min Pins. She once had Airedales, but then switched over. She has two of them, and one if much more active than the other, but they are so incredibly loving. BUT, my friend is a long-time dog owner, and she has a large home where the pups can zoom around for their exercise. She also is into training, so she's into treats and repetition.
@DanSmith-qx4nl 4 дня назад
Thank You.
@thepupmommy 4 часа назад
Thank you for watching, much appreciated.
@jonathanwalunga4284 4 дня назад
I had a blue heeler dalmatian mix as a kid. We loved playing with her. Also had a Siberian husky and a boxer. We were always chasing my husky. My brother liked to dance with my boxer.
@melimoo6656 4 дня назад
Here in Australia just about every mixed breed has some cattle dog or border collie. My little guy is a cattle dog cross. Smart as whip, highly intelligent but not crazy energetic. He was my first dog. Got him when he was a pup from a foster carer. Now he’s 2 years old. Couldn’t be happier. Well trained, well behaved and a happy go lucky little fellow. ❤
@verabeatrizraposodeabreu5171 4 дня назад
Excellent video. Thank you.
@thepupmommy 4 дня назад
Thank you for watching and your vote of confidence. Appreciated.
@charity318 5 дней назад
Herding dogs don’t just nip at the hocks. They bite livestock in the face.
@DianaRodriguez-zm1ky 5 дней назад
Los perros dachshund en definitiva no son perros para dueños primerizos. He tenido varios y a pesar de ser una raza pequeña, requieren de espacio para ejercitarse.. Debido a que son cazadores, les encanta rascar y hacer túneles, así que si uno tiene jardín, tiene que estar preparado para hacer ajustes y delimitar perímetros donde el perro podría causar problemas, cuando son jóvenes son muy activos!!!!. Necesitas ser estricto con la alimentación para no causarle obesidad y en definitiva saber cargarlo. En general son obedientes, pero tienen sus momentos de terquedad, y en ocasiones simplemente les gusta ignorar al dueño. Amo a todos los perros que he tenido, pero por mi experiencia no recomendaría a alquien tener este tipo de perro si se trata de una primera vez, especialmente a alguien que solo está adoptando porque se le hacen bonitos. Los futuros dueños deben entender que esta raza probablemente requerirá más atención en el tema de cuidado de la salud. Gracias por tu video.
@thetwelfth9987 5 дней назад
Also…please don’t buy dogs with long coats or weird hair texture just because it looks neat on Google images, improper care means matting and skin problems No Komondor, no Maltese, no Poodles, no Samoiedo A breed with short\very short, easy to clean no-groomer-required coat will spare you lots of mental breakdowns
@hansmuller1625 5 дней назад
First time dog owner here. Last year i got a german shepherd. I knew i wouldn't be able to raise a puppy. I don't have the time, energy, knowledge nor interest i have to admit. So i found a six year old to adopt. She was a bit emaciated and clearly not well taken care of. I'm happy to say it's turned out very well. She's the sweetest girl ever and she comes with me to work every day. First thing she did when i came to pick her up was to throw me over and overwhelm me with kisses. Initially i was a bit worried that i wouldn't give her enough exercise and attention, but actually she tires faster than i do. Especially now when it's hot outside. In winter it's a bit different. It's a good thing she loves to chase sticks and tennis balls. That makes it easy.
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thank you for watcing and your wonderful comment. You made the right choice knowing full well what you were capable of handling and not. Adult German Shepherds are wonderful pups, because they're over that puppy/adolescent stage and don't really become adults until they're about 3 yrs old. Dogs instinctively know when they are loved vs merely tolerated. My last Shepherd I adopted at age 5 yrs after her breeder retired her. I traded in my puppy reservation and took a chance on her. It's been interesting but she's mine until she dies. My GSDs are the same way in hot weather; they can't wait to go outside but then 5 minutes later, they want back in. Winter is easier for sure. Wishing you many wonderful years with your sweet girl.
@rockinbandit56 5 дней назад
I always find it odd that it is hard to train Akitas, is that because they are intelligent? As an owner of Akitas for many years, I have found them very easy to train, even two adult dogs. These two had problems one a 2 yr old alpha female was not socialised and extremely vicious, but was able to turn that around with out much effort. The second a 3 and half yr old female that had been tortured and picked up as a stray. She was very reactive and has a super prey instinct. She took a while to decompress but some training was instigated from the start. She has come along extremely well and I can actually call her off when she starts to chase rabbits.
@parkerbrown-nesbit1747 5 дней назад
Be aware too, that shelters and rescues may not know what breed a dog is. We adopted a dog who was listed as a German Shepherd/Husky mix. She exhibited none of the traits of either breed. We didn't find out what she was until we took her for her after adoption checkup. The Vet Tech took one look at her and told us that she was a Belgian Malinois.
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thank you for watching and your comment. I, too, was burned by a rescue when I adopted my dog. I adopted it as a puppy too soon after losing my beloved Boston of 12 yrs. I wasn't thinking and then I found myself feeling sorry for the puppy and adopting when I should have waited. Not all rescues are created equal and many people get burned, dogs are returned, and it's just a mess.
@parkerbrown-nesbit1747 5 дней назад
@@thepupmommy I'm not sure that this foster mum had her long enough for her to start really exhibiting her full personality. She'd also lost an eye in an accident (she escaped from her previous owner's yard, was hit by a car, and they were going to put her down because they couldn't afford the operation). So I do think that she was a bit traumatised when she was in the foster home. We never once considered rehoming her (when an animal called to me, they are home forever). I knew that her problems were solvable with patience and time (although she is on medication for the Isolation Anxiety. If both of us are going to be gone all day, we hire a babysitter). She's a very confident dog now. She makes the decision as to whether to say hello to people we meet.
@OakwiseBecoming День назад
@@parkerbrown-nesbit1747 Good to hear people being conscious about dogs being left alone in the home. The abusive crating trend is really out of control. We need more outspoken advocacy about how cruel and blatantly abusive the practice is.
@parkerbrown-nesbit1747 День назад
​. I don't think that crates are abusive at all IF they're used correctly. When we first adopted Molly, she spent the first three days in her crate (with the door open), only coming out to eat and to go on walks.
@CBOANDALUCIA 5 дней назад
I LOVE big dogs. But I has phisical and sensorial deshabilities and I know I can't deal with a big breed or a higth level energy one. Bc that, I studied nearly 2 years about breeds and pet necesities and industry, so finally, I adopted a little mix of Mini-Pinscher and... whatever, and my little boy and I are very good friends and he's usually a good boy, not barking at the same level of others like him, and my neighboors loves him for that. He's very sociable, loves children and old people, I'm lucky but also did a lot of work since he was a puppy. I see regulary the staff of the rescue asociation, and they try to make me adopt other one, but I know I probably can't deal well with two. A pet it's not a fashion accesory, it's a life that depends of you bc you are the one who took the decision to adopt/buy them, so you should be prepared and accept the challenges and responsabilities. If it's too much for you, you can visit the next shelter and be a "godparent", help them, play and groom them and goodbye untill the next day.
@thepupmommy 4 дня назад
Thank you for watching and for your insightful comment. You knew exactly what you were looking for and exactly what you can handle. A dear friend of mine has two Min-Pins, one is calm and one is more excitable, but not in a hyper way. They're just adorable, and considering she has horses, she chose smaller dogs for less work. Many people do not understand what it means to own a dog until they own a dog. A puppy is a four-legged baby, a dog is a four-legged child. If you're not ready for either, seriously rethink adopting a dog.
@LCx829 5 дней назад
I’ve had lab mixes and a corgi. All have been wonderful dogs.
@Missmichelle9299 6 дней назад
I researched which dog was best for me and my situation and brought home my beautiful shihtzu last October. I suffer badly with fatigue and needed a dog with little energy and an undemanding dog,she's perfect for that. On my bad days, i can just take her out for short walks or sometimes just one walk, she's intelligent and likes to learn so potty training hasn't been too bad, she's undemanding, she just likes to cuddle and love, she suits me and how i am right now. This is where so many pet parents go wrong. Research and get a dog that works with your lifestyle. Don't get a dog because its popular or makes you look better.
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thank you for watching and your comment is exactly what The Pup Mommy is all about. I do think, because I've been all over the web, that there are many sites that are conflicting and contradictory in their information, so it is easy for people to get overwhelmed. You found the perfect pup that fits your lifestyle and personality, and that's what it's all about.
@paulacoyle5685 6 дней назад
Oh, not just Jack/parson Russells but most of the terrier group! They are my favorite group! But I would not recommend them for everyone. They color outside the lines, and they treat you as equals, they are not your subordinates (in their minds!) I love mine (Airedales), but I have two reactive ones right now and as I have gone through a number of orthopedic surgeries in the last couple of years, it has been quite overwhelming. They have occasionally fought so the instigator is forced to wear a muzzle whenever they are out together because I can’t afford to risk the older one. Younger is a sport about it at least, we have done reactive dog classes, and clicker training and removed all items that can cause one to resource guard. It’s not my ideal situation, but we’re making it work because I can’t imagine giving up either one. they are both wonderful dogs. But I thought I knew just how tough it can be until this last addition that didn’t get along with the second of the last addition (on occasion, seemingly out of the blue). This has convinced me I am old enough to start thinking about downsizing (border terriers are my second favorite). But the idea of someday not having an Airedale in the house just makes me want to cry.
@vikingdogmanship 3 дня назад
I have Had Jrt's for 20 years now. I have 4 at the moment. I find them easier than most other terriers. just from my experince
@carolannaitken5812 6 дней назад
Border Collies require a lot of exercise if you're a coach potato this is not the dog for you.
@deem7478 6 дней назад
A puppy or adult, just be prepared to train/care and be committed to the individual dog regardless of mix or breed.
@maggiereid1431 6 дней назад
While i agree with you on all what you have said, we are on our 3rd pug. I do agree with your reasons about why you added them to your list. When i talk with people about the breed I'm very careful to add that they have to watch different things and always get a pug with a less smashed in nose. The rewards of a pug outweigh the issues. These are not dogs to be left alone for hours at a time.
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thank you for watching and your comments. When I put this list together, it was with the average first-time dog owner in mind. Many people are not familiar with bracychephalic dogs and their needs, as my story about my dear friend finding two of her pups deceased because she forgot to turn on the A/C on a warm day, speaks to. When you know what you're doing and you understand the breed, that's one thing. But many people still buy on visual appearance, with breed knowledge second.
@ann-mariemeyers9978 6 дней назад
My adoption experience is with adolescent dogs who have been returned to rescue at least once for being "hard to handle," I get" those puppies. They have been through a lot, and don't know where they stand. I love when they start to come out of their shell, when the realize, "Ok, this Mommy really means no, This crate is safe and warm, not a prison." The best moment of all is the moment they look around after a nap, or returning from a walk, and you can see them thinking, "Oh, I get to stay here. This is MY place now." In 32 years I have only had one dog not work out, and we still cry when we think of her.
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thank you for watching and sharing your insights with me and the viewers. One of the reasons that I compared adolescent dogs to teenagers is because I've found, through experience, that just when you think you've trained your pup and they're behaving, they enter that adolescent phase and suddenly develop selective hearing loss. I have a special place in my heart for shelter dogs and those who have been returned because I know that dogs have emotions and feelings. They understand the difference between being loved and wanted vs merely tolerated.
@OakwiseBecoming День назад
Crating is NEVER okay. It is passive abuse. You’ll end up with more problems in the long run.
@ann-mariemeyers9978 День назад
@OakwiseBecoming Per my canine expert, a PhD in animal ethlogy, a well crate trained dog thinks of their crate as their den. Most of the time, my dogs crates are open. They go into them for naps and alone time, when storms threaten or other times on their own. I will take my cue from my dogs, not you. Passive abuse is leaving a dog loose where he can get into trouble and get hurt while you are away from him. If my dogs stopped crating willingly, I would, of course, see what was wrong before I put them there ever again.
@brimarie1632 6 дней назад
I’m surprised shibas didn’t make the list.
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thx for watching. I don't have Shiba Inus on the list but Akitas are in Part 2 of the video series.
@lorrainebennett7528 6 дней назад
This came up on my feed, I've been a pet sitter for 15 years and cared for most breeds. You are absolutely right about training, Jason's Cane Corsos are stunning and beautifully trained. Some of my clients' dogs are very poorly trained and behave better for me! 😂
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thx for watching and your comment. Jason's got a great channel and I think is partially responsible for the rise in Cane Corso popularity, jumping 4 positions from 20 to 16 in the annual AKC list of popular breeds. But they're not for everyone, which is the purpose of this video. I tell people that the dog of their dreams may not be the right dog for them at this point in their life.
@danielortman2534 6 дней назад
I've got a standard poodle. These are absolutely amazing dogs for people who like training dogs and spend lots of time on walks.
@davidroush4996 6 дней назад
I have had dogs almost my entire 62 yrs. From a Chihuahua to Timber Wolf. Yes. I've had my "prue" breed to mutes. All I've had for the past 12 years are rescues. Of my Dogs the best I have found is a Pit / Boxer mix. Amazingly intellegant, loving stubborn loyal easy to train and loves children and adults great in stores and walking down the street. And they are big snugllers. I love all dogs dont like some owners however
@thepupmommy 4 дня назад
Thank you for watching and your thoughtful comment. So key to owner/dog happiness is knowing what you can handle and finding that dog that fits your lifestyle and personality. Sounds like you've found your perfect matches on several occasions and that's what it's all about.
@ericalarochelle3779 6 дней назад
Thanks for mentioning the specialty breeders!
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thx for watching and your comments. I'll have more videos coming out shortly on the topic.
@thesecondsilvereich7828 6 дней назад
Had 3 dobermans European lines all 3 were loving gentle with children and they keep bad people away with just looks alone. Most people still think they are devil dogs .
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thx for watching. As a former Doberman owner myself, these are remarkable dogs. Every time I walked the two of them down the street, if some of my neighbors were outside, they'd move way past the sidewalk. I didn't mind it one bit.
@vivaldi1948 6 дней назад
A few years ago I ran into an older couple and they had t he cutest dog but it was out of control. They went to a big dog adoption event and the lady told them that this dog would be perfect for an older couple. She lied. The dog was Beagle and Jack Russell with the worst of the breeds in it. They loved the dog very much but would have done much better with a Shittu.
@thepupmommy 4 дня назад
Thank you for watching and your comment. I, personally, have a problem with adoption events, adopt-a-thons, because people are, in a way, pressured to adopt, and do so based on emotion and impulse. What we don't know is how many of those dogs are returned after those events. I've been burnt by rescues, and I've never gone back because of it. My neighbors, in their 60's, retired, got their first dog 18 months ago. A Goldendoodle. Breeder said it was a mini. Nope. It's a standard, and the dog is 60+ lbs., and the wife face-planted into the ground when the dog jerked the leash. Why it's sooo important to know what you're doing.
@nitrocharge2404 6 дней назад
I'm surprised great danes didn't make the list. Wonderful dogs, but very high maintenance
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Hi and thx for watching. Almost but not quite, to your comment on Danes. There were other breeds also like the Irish Wolfhound and Scottish Deerhound, Dogo Argentino, etc. but was trying to keep the video to a reasonable length, and with breeds that people recognize and also ones that I'm seeing in shelters more and more.
@wbl5649 7 дней назад
my 10 year old Chi mix has a small( smaller then a dime) growth on his back leg. Doesnt bother him, slow growth. Vet did a needle aspiration ($350) and results are inconclusive , she cant definitively say if its malignant or benign. Spindle cell growth.But she says it should be removed. Her written quote for surgery $2500-3000. So no, no,no. We will just take our chances. Im supposed to spend $3000 to have it removed and then find out it was benign? ! no
@idunno4773 7 дней назад
this is a really awesome video, thank you
@thepupmommy 5 дней назад
Thank you for watching and your vote of confidence. I'll have others coming shortly.