O$TB Financials
O$TB Financials
O$TB Financials
These times do not call for traditional methods to handling your finances. Especially if you are in a financial hole that is hard to get out of. But all is not lost and there is a chance that you can get out of it. It will be a journey to the financial freedom that we all want, but it is achievable. I am a father of seven, married, and we were not immune to the stress that financial hardship can bring. It is sad to say that 20% - 40% of marriages end in divorce because of this. But I managed to push through the muck and find that there is light at the end of tunnel and you can find that light too.

I am here to show strategies and tools you can implement now to help when it feels like you are stuck and financial freedom is just a dream. It doesn't have to be. I've used these tools and strategies with my finances that improved my relationship with my family, strengthened my marriage, and helped others, and I think this will also help you.