The Meaning Code
The Meaning Code
The Meaning Code
Mapping the universe through physics, art, economics, philosophy, and more.
The search for meaning through connections from one domain of knowledge to another.
Finding the code that connects the substructures of the universe.
The Potential Hidden in Risk-taking and Failure
2 месяца назад
Heartbreak and Hope
3 месяца назад
Conceptual Mapping
3 месяца назад
@dalibofurnell 22 часа назад
I still do not believe you are 76 , Karen. I'm struggling with accepting that truth. 😅 You glow with a special type of youthfulness. God is good. ❤
@dalibofurnell 22 часа назад
Karen, when approaching your next painting, instead of dreading what the worst is that could happen, ask yourself "What's the best thing that could happen?" And then let God know you're placing your trust in Him to guide you through the journey of the next piece. You could even consider the painting as an act of worship where the painting could be the meeting place of the harmony of you and God creating in collaboration with one another. You grow through what you go through. And when it comes to the unknown, it's best to go through it with God. Consider the next piece as a spiritual masterclass and as a practice of embracing the invitation to create with your creator. Let the Holy Spirit guide you through the process of the painting and think of the possibility of cultivating the joy of life. Remember, you are already blessed and are worthy and perfect love expells all fear and God is love. And in my opinion, I know that your next piece will be both a portrayal of growing in grace and it will be beautiful. It is already beautiful. You are beautiful inside and out and that reflects in your art. Do not fear, think of it as an act of love. Self love, love itself, loving God or loving people. Don't let fear conquer you nor dictate what you do. Fear is a liar. Silence that enemy with the victory that is already yours. Express the freedom you receive from God when he is with you. Play some music, put a bunch of flowers in the room, make a refreshment for yourself and dare to let your deepest desires flow onto the canvas. Explore the new space. Navigate nurture. Surprise yourself. Try something new, old, something you've been longing for. Give yourself the forgiveness and allowance for any mistakes you might think you perceive and seek to find something deep within you planted there by God waiting to make it onto the canvas. Think of the act of painting as the gift you get to enjoy, let the Holy Spirit inspire you. Remember that you are blessed to be a blessing and a blessing is what you are. May God bless you more and more and may your relationships flourish and grow and bloom ❤
@TheMeaningCode 2 часа назад
Thank you for this comment, Dali. Your heart is so beautiful. You could write a book about the making of art.
@mostlynotworking4112 День назад
manufacturing is such an underrated field to grok. looking forward to this
@TheMeaningCode День назад
One of my favorite conversations:-)
@_ARCATEC_ День назад
Interesting to think of this in regards to the I Ching
@_ARCATEC_ День назад
@they365 День назад
I'm so glad you're speaking about Maps of Meaning. Most people don't seem to have read it. I often say that if you've read Maps of Meaning and listened to the Transliminal interviews, you don't need to consume any more Peterson content. Mostly because it is a simplified repetition of those ideas.
@alexbzacharias 2 дня назад
I love the discussion about dating and instantiation. If anything it seems the culture of asking girls out stays in a sector of its own apart from more traditional lines--party culture or like that. It's not as much an easy deal in church or in another setting, at work, walking around, on the phone; that's given how much the culture itself in those spaces denies good intent for instantiation. I actually in earlier years looked down on couples who were dating or talking about it. It felt like they were bypassing a system to make marriage a better fit for everyone, but now it seems more obvious they were grasping at slippery fish in deep water and there was no system to be had. Either way, you don't get what you don't ask for or you don't get what you don't tell anyone you want. Wait, if this is part 1 that means there's more. I enjoy listening, Karen, probably for several reasons, but one of them is you're just easy to listen to and you don't disappoint. Cheers
@matthewparlato5626 2 дня назад
14:04 "Humility is an ideal you reach for all the time" Well said ma'am
@GRIFFIN1238 2 дня назад
I've noticed that Peterson has all but dropped the individualism talk. Peterson and Pageau published a paper titled "Identity: Individual and the State versus the Subsidiary Hierarchy of Heaven" at the ARC conference. It's possible that Pageau has evangelised Peterson towards the idea of subsidiarity.
@lkae4 2 дня назад
So nice to see Olena again. My definition of humility is knowing one's lane and working in that lane to the best of our ability. In there, there is selflessness, responsibility, respect, maturity, self-control, the restraint of emotionalism. And never ever cruise in the left lane. Ok, that last part has nothing to do with humility but it just bugs me when people do it, haha.
@KollarConsulting 3 дня назад
Karen and Olena - what a platonically Beautiful dialogos. I will be sharing this with my wife and daughters to showcase the immense value that the feminine mind and spirit can bring to a very male-centric space and topic. Sidenote: the generational interplay is also inspiring to behold. Again, a Beautiful model to appreciate and emulate. Bravo. 🙏🏼
@williambranch4283 3 дня назад
Most people have difficulty initiating things. Tied to poor anxiety management. In my case the solution is by surrendering not by forcing. A dialog is more difficult than if you are just facing a task.
@williambranch4283 3 дня назад
Olena ... another young woman you may like runs the YT channel ... Po's Law.
@williambranch4283 3 дня назад
Karen, you are describing an acrostic. Some Psalms are acrostic.
@williambranch4283 3 дня назад
IT people are puzzlers.
@Parsons4Geist 3 дня назад
we are all puzzles longing for the big other to put us together. it is as you said the struggle to trust letting go that the big others doesn't have the answers either.
@Parsons4Geist 3 дня назад
One of the things that appears most problematic is how a being presented as a totality can feel so deprived of something that by definition this being does not have. We shall say, therefore, that privation is essentially
@williambranch4283 3 дня назад
@@Parsons4Geist G-d vs God vs gods.
@mhjbnz 3 дня назад
Great chat, thank you. Fun background for me as I read OOTSP to our children. Quibble for Karen: can followers of Jesus speak uncritically of 'their tax money'? ("Whose face is on this coin?")
@TheMeaningCode День назад
Could you say more?
@brendonlake1522 6 дней назад
So a hidden Satanic influence on American children in 80s was coming from the department of education, so much for D&D and rock music being the big evils!
@prismkite3188 6 дней назад
This was very much needed and wanted discussion. Thank you Karen for sharing. Yeah, I have my own knowledge of how bad it could probably be. But, you're both right, dont fear, embody and participate in your life.
@RichardCosci 6 дней назад
Another thing I notice is that there are some very intelligent people, some highly educated, some not, who like to think they are the smartest people in the room. They look for and find information that others haven’t seen or considered. This trait can lead to great discoveries. It can also lead to embracing ideas that are “fringe”, contrary and conspiratorial. Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson come to mind. They are both climate crisis deniers. There’s always some contrarian scientist they can quote. The huge majority of scientists are rightly pointing out the evidence that shows we are in trouble. But, these kinds of Russel Brand wide eyed rantings get lots of clicks. Follow the money. God save us.
@GrimGriz 3 дня назад
To be fair, I haven't heard anything about the banks not making loans on coastal properties...
@RichardCosci 6 дней назад
Pursuing conspiracy theories is a total waste of time & brain power, which Karen just attested to. I feel sorry for younger folks (I’m 75) who were raised in the fantasy/conspiracy culture and are so overwhelmed and uneducated that they lack critical thinking skills. Mr. Trump and his “fake news “ mantra, Fox News peddling hate, lies and fear for money, (Republicans enabling the Oligarchy) and Sycophants feeding at the trough of greed and power have come close to destroying common sense and our country. Please don’t vote for Trump and a Republican administration. They long long ago sold their souls and know it. Manipulation, fear and division is their game,. Wake up.
@TheMeaningCode День назад
Seems there’s enough blame to go around in both parties and news networks on all sides for all those things.
@williambranch4283 6 дней назад
I knew of PVK from IDW days thru J Peterson days. I didn't do Discord (BoM?). I got re-engaged when PVK started a flotilla of TLC channel buddies. I wanted to share that PVK has done great work for our corner of the on-line religious community and for Embody groups like Estuary. I hope you enjoy your time at Northwestuary this month.
@chrishoward8473 7 дней назад
The Lifeboat story!! 5th grade. Iowa. Early 1970's. It did help to clarify my values. I decided that the only agency a 5th grader has in that situation is to either stay in the boat or jump in the water.
@chrishoward8473 7 дней назад
The modern version seems to be the railroad story. The antidote: a tornado comes and blows the train off the tracks. Be thankful you aren't God. Go read some mind clearing story. Kate Shelley would be a good one.
@aaronbarreguin.4211 8 дней назад
I wish I got to play D&D with Grim
@TheMeaningCode 8 дней назад
@@aaronbarreguin.4211 His birthday party at the Olympia conference in two weeks will be dinner and d and d with him, estuarynorthwest2024.com
@erica_mSoFla 8 дней назад
“Action is more important than the artifact.” Ugh yes. I feel this is the central tension in my life. 😓
@philipnickerson210 8 дней назад
Thank you so much for this conversation. Valerie is delightful and talented, as you are as well, Karen. It’s double delightful! 😀
@O.G.Rose.Michelle.and.Daniel 8 дней назад
This was a very engaging discussion, and I was taken by the notion that there is no greater way to split people apart than to make them incapable of remembering reality, or to divide them through giving them all different memories. That’s an excellent insight, and this discussion brought to mind the work of Paul Virilio, who I think highly of, and who the scholars “Owen in Agon” and Joshua Hansen teach powerfully on. I also agree that as reality becomes harder to identify via deep fakes, etc., that face-to-face interactions and trust will become all the more important. And I think such networks and resources like this will become all the more important with time as the temptation to look at conspiracies (and so become like them, as you pointed out) becomes all the greater (because there is indeed something fun about feeling scared-that was spot on). Anyway, a truly excellent discussion: thank you both!
@shovas 8 дней назад
There’s gold in this video, push through it
@PaulVanderKlay 9 дней назад
500 views after one day. Impressive.
@PaulVanderKlay 9 дней назад
Karen's story of the sex Ed is bracing stuff!
@mostlynotworking4112 8 дней назад
Does she still have copies or archives of this crazy stuff from the 80s?
@TheMeaningCode 7 дней назад
@@mostlynotworking4112 When we moved to Japan in ‘86 to be a missionary, we had to downsize to two 55 gallon barrels, so, sadly, no.
@mostlynotworking4112 6 дней назад
@@TheMeaningCode wow two barrels. Totally understand but thank you for being a voice from the past
@jeremyfirth 9 дней назад
This video is brilliant guerilla marketing by Nate for Northwestuary. Can't wait to see you all there!
@Parsons4Geist 9 дней назад
I know what I know and I know that I know it the problem is but I tried to tell you what it is that I know it all falls apart object cause of desire/object a
@stefaniecristos8514 9 дней назад
A lot of hard gained wisdom shared in this conversation. Shine on, Karen and General! ✨❤️
@emilyhermann 9 дней назад
Great conversation. Thank you both.🎉
@elektrotehnik94 9 дней назад
I fail to see the link to Griz's channel? 👍 Just a friendly reminder ❤
@TheMeaningCode 9 дней назад
I took care of it, but a little late. Thanks for the reminder.
@elektrotehnik94 9 дней назад
@@TheMeaningCode Thank you for enticing Griz's wisdom to the forefront 💪❤️
@acuerdox 9 дней назад
this one is something else, I've heard similar things but it has brought it all together in one place to really makes you think.
@yosefrazin6455 9 дней назад
38:00 the mythic object which is the secret in grim's mind
@mostlynotworking4112 9 дней назад
@sherieharkins2460 9 дней назад
I really enjoyed this, thank you both. Many things to contemplate. I am finishing with an appreciation for Griz on his words on who, what and where my time investment can actually make an impact, as well as a deep respect for the way you worked to make change, Karen. Always love your willing transparency. ❤
@mostlynotworking4112 9 дней назад
🎲 🐿️! 🕸️
@acuerdox 9 дней назад
Go grimm 👍
@matthewparlato5626 10 дней назад
I will have a car, and be available to pick folks up from Airport also
@TheMeaningCode 10 дней назад
@@matthewparlato5626 Have you let Nate know about that? He’ll have a list of who’s arriving by air.
@matthewparlato5626 10 дней назад
@@TheMeaningCode I have not ...doing now . Thank you ma'am
@williambranch4283 10 дней назад
I approve of religious conspiracy. The Passover Plot. Re-enchantment is how you break the pass the 4th wall in reverse into being a religious believer. Happened to me.
@williambranch4283 10 дней назад
Memory hole, the Berenstein Bears? Actual was Berenstain. As attention spans shrink, we become sock puppets like the Taco Bell Chihuahua ;-) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Psychology Field Theory is real. Trolly problems are part of the programming.
@EmJay2022 10 дней назад
Griz popped in my feed and I couldn't resist clicking. I'm glad I did. This was an interesting discussion. My key insight was this: You might not be fully aware, but just as politics became a rabbit hole that many after the events of 9/11 got lost in, interpersonal spaces such as TLC are now the new maze that many are navigating in the post-pandemic landscape. Both areas reflect a desire for control, suggesting that by mastering either the political realm or our personal connections, we might be able to avert the next social cataclysm.
@elektrotehnik94 10 дней назад
I liked this comment a lot ❤
@EmJay2022 10 дней назад
@@elektrotehnik94 I’m thrilled that my comment resonated with you! Thanks!
@elektrotehnik94 10 дней назад
@@EmJay2022 My pleasure ❤️
@williambranch4283 10 дней назад
Karen, the Brits still keep secrets from the War of 1812 ... and much evidence was destroyed regarding the Lincoln assassination. Section 31 is real. Sir Francis Walsingham was spymaster for QE 1st in the 16th century ... grandfather of all of this cloak and dagger.
@williambranch4283 10 дней назад
Don't reveal all the secrets Comrade Grim ;-) Wiiliam Casey and Yuri Bezmenov are watching.
@jeremyfirth 10 дней назад
I want to expand on Griz's description of kayfabe: you also have "works" and "shoots". A "work" is something that is scripted. A "shoot" is something that is someone having a reaction to an event or some outside event that is unscripted. Sometimes this will look like a "whistleblower". Now, this is where it gets fun: you can also have things that look like "shoots", but that are also actually "works". These are "contained opposition" kinds of scenarios. Sometimes you'll hear a wrestler say "OK now I'm going to be serious", for example. Or they grab a mic and start walking backstage with a camera following them, etc. And you can also have "shoots" that get worked back into the narrative and integrated, where it's very difficult to discern what is scripted and what is something genuine happening, or whether the scripted outrage is part of the script.
@jeremyfirth 10 дней назад
When I was a young man, I worked at a children's museum that was focused on literature, narrative, and story. It was a magical place to work. Anyway, one of their trademarks are "participlays", where you bring kids out of the audience, dress them in costumes, and tell a story (we used fairy tales) while the kids are dressed in costumes on the stage, acting out the stories while the narrator is telling the story. In other words, kayfabe of a sort. The narrator would frequently adapt the story as they went, in response to some of the actors or the audience. The big difference is that in the irl kayfabe we live in, there are multiple layers of this happening at once, where lower stories feed up into higher stories and back down and all kinds of irl stuff happening that gets woven back into the narrative and it's just all...well...who is Vince McMahon?
@elektrotehnik94 10 дней назад
1:03:00 As far as I know: To a Buddhist, that is like saying 1 + 1 = green. ❤ Completely missing the point, in every aspect. 🙃 It seems like Rafe also only knows "California Buddhism", which really seems to be a "protestant literalism Buddhism". 😶 No hate, only Love. ❤️ Mark Parker seems to understand the depth of Buddhism the best; out of all TLC interactions I've had so far. 👍❤️
@heavenisearth 10 дней назад
RU-vidrs - what is the reference to "the butler" they're discussing? Thanks
@TheMeaningCode 10 дней назад
@@heavenisearth July 13 event in Butler, PA
@heavenisearth 9 дней назад
@@TheMeaningCode Duh, thank you. 🙃