Uri Avnery אורי אבנרי
Uri Avnery אורי אבנרי
Uri Avnery אורי אבנרי
Uri Avnery's website: uriavnery.com

Gush Shalom: gush-shalom.org
Farewell ceremony from Uri Avnery
6 лет назад
Bil'in Conference #3
11 лет назад
חרם על אוניברסיטאות
11 лет назад
Uri Avnery murder attempt
11 лет назад
11 лет назад
11 лет назад
DE: hier ab vier
11 лет назад
AR: מלחמת לבנון
11 лет назад
@ShimonMeir-bs4ei 3 месяца назад
אם אני גר ב"התנחלות" אז אני לא בן אדם?! קוראים לזה אפליה
@ilanamuskal6341 10 месяцев назад
נפלא להיזכר ... הנאורות שמעניקה תקווה לסיכוי לחברה שפויה למרות ריבוי הקולות.
@mordechaicohen1911 2 года назад
כולם בונים חופשיים שמנסים לכתוב את ההיסטוריה אבל לא הלך להם כי את בורא עולם שמשתמש בהם כמריונטות!
@lilianaparecidagomespereir3484 3 года назад
@ESO529 6 лет назад
Uri Avnery has been hospitalized 2 days ago in critical conditions acc. to Haaretz. Whoever reads this: please make a prayer (if you're religious) ... send positive vibes ... read a Puja ... whatever your believes are ... for a speedy and total recovery! Thank you!
@shayazran 9 лет назад
אור אבנרי מייצג נאמנה את בני דורו החורנים הגזענים המתנשאים שעקים רק בהנצחת כאילו מישהו מבני הדורזר הצעיר מוקיר צגזענים בתחפושת שונאי עמם, דתם וזהותם
@kivsa85 10 лет назад
ומה עשית בשביל להפסיק את ההתקפות על מדינת ישראל? מה עשית בשביל שהחמאס יתחיל לדבר עם הפה ולא עם הידיים?
@Bakuninite 10 лет назад
A great man, for sure.
@ESO529 10 лет назад
What a beautiful and compassionate personality who deserves our undying admiration and respect! Would the world have more "Uri's" it would definitely be a much better place and peace would not be just a faint hope in the far distance. Words are not enough to praise him, his dear wife Rachel (R.I.P.) and their achievements as well as their heroism in the face of extremists and hard-liners on both sides. They showed such a determination in pursuing what they believe is the only right way forward. Dearest Uri - from the bottom of my heart I wish that many more years are granted to you and you can continue your struggle for a just peace in the land of our religions. May you live to see your dream come true that the two people live in true and just peace. All the very best to you!!
@zeldaharris4091 10 лет назад
It was wonderful to be there. Packed to suffocation,I sat on the stairs it was like sitting at his feet in an amazing bubble of excited admirers. The kind of admiration a pop star can expect for a minimal contribution to society,his was for the enormous impact he made all of his life and his principles and humanity.A privilege indeed.
@Janba32 10 лет назад
Uri Avnery - a true light unto the nations. What an extraordinary man with such foresight and compassion. Would that he was emulated by every Israeli. Thank you Uri for all that you have done.
@einarsteinnvalgarsson3333 10 лет назад
When might we expect the English subtitles? All the best, with many thanks for making this available. :)
@einarsteinnvalgarsson3333 10 лет назад
Eran Vered Great. Thanks a lot. :)
@DDKILLER990 10 лет назад
מזל טוב אורי!!! כן ירבו כמוך. לצערי, אתה פשוט יחיד בדורו.
@einarsteinnvalgarsson3333 10 лет назад
One of my greatest heroes. Bless him.
@einarsteinnvalgarsson3333 10 лет назад
One of my greatest heroes, bless him. Really look forward to be able to watch the whole thing with English subtitles.
@wendy18o 10 лет назад
What a rich life. And equally brave. To me, Uri Avnery is the sanest of Israelis. Sending love!
@Fitplayer66 10 лет назад
I wouldn't say he's the "sanest of Israeli's", but definitely a true defender of democratic principles.
@wendy18o 10 лет назад
Well, that is one definition of sane given the context, no? yes?
@Fitplayer66 10 лет назад
Wendy Orange Depends on your perspective. He is on the extreme left, went to Lebanon during the 1982 war and met with Arafat which was a huge risk. Those aren't the marks of the most sane person. Brave, yes. sane, no. I am an Israeli and I don't agree with all his views, but I respect him tremendously and all he has done for our country.
@meytalsoffer2539 10 лет назад