To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Macbeth Act 5, scene 5, 19--28
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Галадриэль эльфийская владычица самая лучшая на свете красивая добрая нежная очень ласковая заботливая добрая
@gabrieladavidovska-banic3251 2 года назад
Hvala! Nije mi jasno samo treba li knjiga biti prelomljena i imati naslovnicu??
@nenacrncevic6619 3 года назад
@worm_and_no_man 4 года назад
Jesus comes soon. God loves you so much He prefers you go to heaven and not Hell. Jesus died for you so you may not go to Hell. Choose Jesus don't reject Jesus. He cares about His children even those who reject Him. Obama is the antichrist and Pope Francis is the False Prophet. Avoid the RFID chip, which is the mark of the beast. There will be zombies, famine, weather judgements, NYC will be destroyed, USA (Babylon) will be invaded by Russia and China, giants, aliens which are demons, massive deaths, fireball, earthquakes, tsunami. There will be 3 days of darkness. Enter the rapture. Avoid homosexuality, love of money, porno, masturbation, cursing/filthy language, not loving God, sex outside of marriage, adultery. Cleanse yourself with blood of Jesus "Jesus cleanse me of all sins with blood of Jesus" Be holy. Keep 10 commandments. Be repentant. Pray, seek Him. Avoid sin. Love God and thy neighbor. Be forgiving and be willing to give to the poor and do unto others what you would want them to do to you. Best blessings to everyone every second forever by infinity God willing. I am an unprofitable servant and least of everything. Shalom aleichem.
@zare5213 4 года назад
Zasto više ne snimaš videe☹?
@MelodxKay 3 года назад
Hvala na interesu! Ne stignem zbog drugih obaveza, posebice rada na knjigama, ali u planu je snimanje amaterske SF serije.
@zare5213 3 года назад
@@MelodxKay okej samo napred super si!
@Leverquin 4 года назад
where is collar?
@Dragnoxz 4 года назад
Those DANG BIRDS. They ALWAYS gotta barge in and speak their rottenly peep peep comments (lol). Evolution and natural selection is what life is. All humans are like nations when it comes to relations. Many form alliances, some don’t. Some hate one another and find a common enemy and focus on that just to avoid conflict. I had to find an external threat to keep the GPEO from fighting itself. In the end, all would be enemies feared and ran, leaving us to fight ourselves, causing a significant break up. As for parents to children. The same principal of nature selection is in effect. Parents care for young, young reach maturity, and go. Young never return unless it build a nest for a mate so they can carryon their genetics. Life is too short. I’ve been single since birth, and after 2024, I’ll no longer accept a mate due to age. I would have wanted kids, and a family, a nest (ok, a castle, lol). I fear that opportunities were late for me, far too late to have a chance at what I desired. I’ve had no high school or middle school interaction with others to develop normally socially. No dates (other than the trees I’m growing). I don’t know how to interact normally with other humans, so I’ve rejected the idea of being human. I’m significantly different, mentally. And I’m still connected with my only parent. When I can, I’m the one to pay their bills and have bailed them out many times. They’ve done the same for me at times when I needed it. We all have something in common though. That is, we are all equally unique. Some of us are more unique than others. The variety of how we all are blends like the chemistry. It’s like a fractal in a cosmic sea of personalities that generate random results. The ultimate fix to this is to accept it for what it is, and make the best of it as we are.
@beatlechapo 5 лет назад
Sjajan video i odlična naracija, kao i glazba i isječci, jako zanimljivo! :)
@Rebecca-tn1yv 5 лет назад
Ja se isto bojim voziti, bojim se visine, ali i toga da se ne znam snaći u nekom prostoru... :)
@rajnabanovac 5 лет назад
Hvala, draga Barbara
@majatoncic3216 6 лет назад
Odlicno draga.
@MelodxKay 6 лет назад
Hvala najljepša!
@petarcernov5121 5 лет назад
@@MelodxKay Pokušavam objaviti knjigu ali sam zapeo kod uplate i banaka..Koji je račun je najbolji??
@nenac.b.5522 6 лет назад
Ti si stvarno divna osoba 😘
@andymck6323 7 лет назад
I haven't a clue what you are saying but I could listen to you all day are you Hungarian ?
@MelodxKay 7 лет назад
Thanks. I'm talking about books. The language is Croatian. :)
@andymck6323 7 лет назад
ah I should have known that I have been to Zagreb split dibrovanick ect polish Hungarian and Croatian are quite similar in some of the words you say
@redbeakman 11 лет назад
So well done. Tolkien has so much truth laced throughout his legendarium that its hard to explain it to people who haven't delved into it.
@MelodxKay 11 лет назад
Thank you I appreciate your support and am very happy you liked my video!
@Makkaru112 11 лет назад
It's even cooler to hear it more fluently in a moderate smeed like this.. Love it LOTS. <3
@neptuniumforest 11 лет назад
Wow.. Galadriel is out of her power in this moment
@MelodxKay 11 лет назад
I am happy you appreciated it. Thank you very much.
@itsKORAY 11 лет назад
even thought i was expecting to see galadriel rage...this was great too! thanks for sharing!!!
@MelodxKay 11 лет назад
Your comment inspires me. Thank you very much.
@sofakartafla 12 лет назад
Well the poem in this form is written in Iceland in the 13th century. And the poem is probably of more ancient origins since the main scene of it is around Rhein. So the thing that i am trying to point out is that it's not norwegian but germanic.
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
Thank you that is very sweet of you to say.
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
Yes I did. Thank you so much for your comment. I am happy you enjoyed the poem.
@refugeofthewise 12 лет назад
you wrote this? incredible!
@fleetstreet11 12 лет назад
If only Cate Blanchett could recite this....Shame she never got the chance to sing of leaves as the Fellowship left Lothlórien....or her words of Valimar in the Quenya tongue.
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
I am sorry you did not like it. It was not read. I have known this poem by heart for many years because it is special to me. I am far from being perfect in reciting but I did this to honor my friend. I am truly sad you did not find it enjoyable but everyone has a right to state their opinion.
@tuxxerrr 12 лет назад
horribly read
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
I truly love Tolkien's work as well and I completely agree with you. Toliken's work is inspirational in a way that few, perhaps none are today. His characters aren't just people from a book. It feels as if their spirit is real even if they themselves are not. Thank you for commenting and shearing your thoughts with me on this matter. I appreciate it greatly.
@HairyEyebrow 12 лет назад
I am a Tolkien fanatic and love his work. I think Tolkien in his brilliance tapped into something that is far beyond what we experience in our ordinary lives and yet is still relatable to our experience. What he did was poetry in a profound way, way beyond just the literal sense. You have obviously been touched by Tolkien as well and your work invokes that same spirit. Thank you very much, you moved me.
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
No, thank you. It makes me happy you enjoyed it.
@WifeOfJesus 12 лет назад
Such exquisite poetry and Galadriel's beauty and emotions were so vividly expressed. Thank you!
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to overreact. I apologize, it wasn't nice of me to behave in such a rude way.
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
I'm not an idiot, read things right before you write! Of course I know who played Galadriel in LOTR, but em010gical was asking about who was reciting the poem, and he wondered if maybe it was Zhi Yi Zang the actress. Nobody was even talking about Cate Blanchett, remarkable as she is!
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
@em0l0gical Sorry? Did you mean the actress? No, it's not her. It's just me reciting a poem I wrote.
@MelodxKay 12 лет назад
@iscandar74 I am very happy you have enjoyed it. Thank you very much.
@iscandar74 12 лет назад
I loved it
@MelodxKay 13 лет назад
@vefur Thank you for your comment. I am really from Croatia so I know what you're talking about because when I talk to people from Slovenia it is the same thing. Our languages are quite alike and if they don't talk to fast it is possible for me to understand them. I really like old Norwegian language. Not really sure if I sounded right talking it though but som people said that they could understand it, so am happy about that. Thank you again.
@vefur 13 лет назад
It is nice to see that you care for Atlakviða. I have seen the old Norwegian and it is quite easy for us the Icelanders to understand so I think it would also be easy for us to understand when is was spoken. I did understand some of what you did say. I know some people that live in Nord Norway and if they speak slowly we understand. It is the same for the Faroe Islanders, we understand them. Nice job / Flott hjá þér ;o)
@MorwenTinuviel83 13 лет назад
"The autumn grows more colder." Does it? Does it really? Lol. It needs a little work, and then it'll be really cool.
@MelodxKay 13 лет назад
@EarendilTheBright Well that is exactly what I thought when I made the video. First I wrote the poem, and words just started to flow from my mind and afterwards when I recorded it I began thinking what images should I put in the video. After re-reading the poem several times I came to the conclusion that images of Galadriel would be absolutely perfect. Thank you for your great comment. It is always a pleasure to make someone like poetry if they didn't do so before.
@EarendilTheBright 13 лет назад
Wow, I'm not normally a person that enjoys poetry, but this one I like. And I'm surprised that it wasn't meant to be about Galadriel in its original intent - it fits her perfectly.
@MelodxKay 13 лет назад
@Schnitterkind Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
@MelodxKay 13 лет назад
@WatchmenDrManhattan I would love to hear this poem in elvish. Please go ahead and send me a video if you do, that would be great. Thank you.
@MelodxKay 13 лет назад
@Sosei345 Thank you. I am very pleased you enjoyed it.
@Schnitterkind 13 лет назад
@WatchmenDrManhattan 13 лет назад
I think I am going to translate this in elvish
@MelodxKay 13 лет назад
@samaelmagnus Thank you for understanding. I would reply sooner but I didn't have internet connection for a few months up until now.
@MelodxKay 13 лет назад
@awakenedlink37 Well if you had any brains at all you'd know that rage and despair are two different things.
@awakenedlink37 13 лет назад
*Came here expecting Galadriel rage* *Is disappoint*
@XGD 13 лет назад
@samaelmagnus Yes, I see. Well actually I don't know why I posted the first question anyways, as I am a great Tolkien fan... haha, I think I was out of my mind. Well thank you for your replies anyways! Peace.