Spooky Reptiles
Spooky Reptiles
Spooky Reptiles
🇬🇧 Qualified herpetology and entomology specialist, a passion for promoting high standards of exotic pet husbandry and welfare through education.
@kevinobrien8275 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing your experience with the deep heat projector…really helpful to hear real experience with it. 🙏
@robertkavanaugh1899 2 года назад
Thank you, very informative
@fazercraig9652 4 года назад
Wow, it shocks me the amount of people that keep reptiles that pretty much just guess stuff without proper research. Red light has a wave length of 620-740 nm plenty of diurnal reptiles can see that 😀. The C. dilepsis can see upto 700nm red ear sliders can see red. Some diurnal geckos can see it even nocturnal geckos can see it with their exceptional vision. Want proof? get a tokay with its awesome big eyes and watch them dilate when you turn on a red light. Some reptiles have even adapted to see the red spectrum.
@aaroncarter2995 4 года назад
What wattage would you reccomend for a 6x4x4 ft enclosure? Would I need to get 2?
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
Hi Aaron, I'm not sure because I've never tried one in an enclosure that big. I guess it depends on the type of enclosure as well. I'd go for the highest wattage (80w I think) you can get and use it with a thermostat. What species are you keeping? You could always add a platform, branches, or some kind of elevated basking spot if the floor is too far away from the heat source. If the ambient temperature isn't getting high enough try adding another. Sorry I couldn't be more help!
@aaroncarter2995 4 года назад
@@spookyreptiles8858 hey its a savannah monitor and have been struggling with getting the ambient heat to 30-32. Should I try 2, 80 Watts or do you think that'd be too high? It's okay i just wanted a second opinion and you seemed like you'd be helpful :)
@aaroncarter2995 4 года назад
@@spookyreptiles8858 it's a wooden vivarium
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
@@aaroncarter2995 Yeah I'd say give two a go! Like I say if you don't mind spending the money you can put a thermostat on them to stop it going over temp.
@aaroncarter2995 4 года назад
@@spookyreptiles8858 thank you and yeah Ill do that. I saved up so I could get the best for him hahaha he's spoilt
@abbyrounding1427 4 года назад
Hi, I'm glad you use a heat mat and the deep heat projector because I to am about to do the same. I am joining a large wooden viv with a smaller one (connecting with 5 inch/100mm ID long PVC tube). In the large one I have currently got the Arcadia shade dweller and a heat mat. My Leo is an albino so I find he doesn't bask much, just a little bit of leg out from his hide so I am going to keep the dweller into the large with his heat pad and in the small viv put the deep heat projector in with lots of slate/rocks with a hide underneath. Do you think that is a good idea? Abby :)
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
Hi Abby, that sounds good! It'll be interesting to see where he prefers to warm up. If you're using substrate just be careful not to cover the heat mat with a thick layer, you don't want thermal blockage. Better yet, put a piece of slate on top of it. :) Let me know how it goes!
@abbyrounding1427 4 года назад
@@spookyreptiles8858 Thanks for the reply. Thin layer of Arcadia Arid covering most of his large viv now but he's kicked it out the way on some of his pad, he's happy sorting that out himself hehehe.
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
@@abbyrounding1427 Aw bless him! Mine is the same, he's been digging out his own burrow under a rock recently... 😅
@danieldevlin391 4 года назад
Hi,I'm thinking of switching to the DHP insted of a ceramic heat bulb for my ackie monitor project. But I'm not sure if the 80w DHP will go off enough heat Vs a 100,150w ceramic heat bulb. The website says it would be enough but I'm just not sure
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
Heya, these are supposed to be more efficient, how deep is the enclosure? I think as long as you put some dark slate around the basking area, the slate will absorb and radiate all that heat back out.
@danieldevlin391 4 года назад
@@spookyreptiles8858 thanx for the reply it's 4ftx2ftx2ft,once the light bracket go's on and the bulb actually go's it will bring it down about 6-7inches but it's all going to be custom fitted background and sides made
@danieldevlin391 4 года назад
@@spookyreptiles8858 so some ledges are going to be closer to the heat source than others
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
@@danieldevlin391 Sounds brill, I think 80watt will be plenty, especially if they can get closer if they want to. :)
@HybridDecon 4 года назад
Hiya it looks like you've got the DHP within an exo terra light dome - how has it been in this, has it got too hot on the mesh, etc. as I have a spare so am tempted to try it for a bit? thanks!! :)
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
Heya, so sorry for the late reply. It's alright, I can touch it without it being so hot that I need to take my hand away. The mesh isn't actually part of the dome, it's attached to the top of the vivarium.
@MightyFineMedia 4 года назад
question - the slate is under the hide but is still managing to absorb heat? I would have thought that the hide would have absorbed the heat and then reflected it? another question - have you noticed any behaviour changes with your snek? I'm getting one of these for my royal python for a bio active set up, but i wasn't factoring in slate... I am planning to use wooden hide and use lamp toincrease in ambient temp of that area of terrarium as a whole - does that sound feasible in your experience?
@askatla905 4 года назад
Hi Melanie! This is a resin hide and I've found it acts differently with different types of heat. When I used a ceramic over it it seems to get very hot on top but not that warm inside. So to get a temp of 32C inside the hide, the top of the hide had to be around 40C. With a light emitting basking bulb or a DHP the heat seems to travel straight through the hide. So inside the hide would be 32C and the top of the hide around 33-34C. Because the slate is quite dark it soaks up heat more than the hide. I've noticed he is eating much more regularly now (can't say that's defo the DHP or another factor) and he seems to spend more time in his warm hide. When I contacted Arcadia they suggested I make my own hide using slate and aquarium sealant. I'm planning on doing this but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm not sure how a wooden hide would work. Wood is very insulating so I expect the top of it would be warm but the heat would have trouble penetrating inside. Might be worth getting some thermometers and giving it a go, see what works and what doesn't! I've changed up my enclosures quite a few times to experiment with different things. Let me know how it goes!
@MightyFineMedia 4 года назад
@@askatla905 Thanks! yes - I was thinking same after writing you, wood did seem like it might be harder... I'm going to try out a few things and see what works best. I like the idea of making a hide out of slate- it would be quite easy I think in the set up I'm planning but the base would be soil until I get another piece of slate. which absorbs heat really well, but doesn't hold it so much - well anyway, I'll let you know - my snek is still new and not eating yet in part because also I'm fiddling so sadly can't use it as a measure per se but it does sound like he is recieving benefit which is great and I know other issues are at play if she's having eating problems! - my big goal is getting her to choose NOT to deficate in her hide and sleep in it! I don't care what 'people' say that 'some just do' - it ain't a normal decision for any animal IMO :D thanks again!
@repticollab4334 5 лет назад
really amazing video on a interesting and puzzling subject. we wanted to know if you had any interest in joining our collaboration group. we collaborate and make videos on reptiles, amphibians, and fish, as well as discuss there care and husbandry!
@thatgeekygirlslife 5 лет назад
Wow didn't know you could train reptiles 😮 loved how Gary was looking at you like "food?" 😂😂
@spookyreptiles8858 5 лет назад
Hehe he's the cutest little predator 😂
@TwinCousinsReptiles 5 лет назад
Really good informative videos on this channel, keep up the great work!!!
@spookyreptiles8858 5 лет назад
Thank you so much! That's my aim. :)
@TwinCousinsReptiles 5 лет назад
Really good video, great info
@spookyreptiles8858 4 года назад
Thanks so much!