Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell
Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell
Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell
Promoted by Andrew Mitchell of 36 High Street, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1UP. This channel was established while I was a Member of Parliament. As Parliament has now dissolved there are no Members of Parliament until after the Election on 4 July 2024.
Middle East Update, 2 Sep 2024
Месяц назад
Ukraine, 2 Sep 2024
Месяц назад
Lebanon, 30 Jul 2024
2 месяца назад
Foreign Office Questions, 30 Jul 2024
2 месяца назад
Oath of Allegiance, 9 Jul 2024
3 месяца назад
Ukraine, 20 May 2024
5 месяцев назад
Israel and Gaza, 20 May 2024
5 месяцев назад
China, 15 May 2024
5 месяцев назад
Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflict
5 месяцев назад
War in Gaza, 7 May 2024
5 месяцев назад
Sudan: Government Response, 22 Apr 2024
6 месяцев назад
Israel and Gaza, 26 Mar 2024
6 месяцев назад
Sri Lanka: Human Rights, 20 Mar 2024
7 месяцев назад
Hong Kong Security Legislation, 20 Mar 2024
7 месяцев назад
Israel and Gaza, 19 Mar 2024
7 месяцев назад
Ukraine, 28 Feb 2024
7 месяцев назад
Israel and Gaza, 27 Feb 2024
7 месяцев назад
Ceasefire in Gaza, 21 Feb 2024
8 месяцев назад
Situation in the Red Sea, 24 Jan 2024
9 месяцев назад
@Lina.kafi122 2 месяца назад
Thank you for support Somaliland recognition
@potter2702 4 месяца назад
@Bob Geldoff you are a disgrace, I used to think alot of you but no more!
@JohnCox-ut3cv 6 месяцев назад
Dear Andrew Mitchell, I have been interested in your communications for many years. My sister met you once and reckoned you a formidable man. She is a formidable woman and so I take her at her word. I just want you to know that I have been following events in Palestine since the 1990's when I spent six weeks at the UK consul in East Jerusalem. My sister worked six years over that decade for the FCO in Jerusalem. On 29th of December 2023 South Africa began criminal proceedings against the fascist and apartheid state of Israel at The Hague. This will not end until some legal satisfaction is arrived at. Complicity in war crimes is a serious offence. A special raconteur has begun investigation into this crime. The UK people are interested in these investigations. Independent media outlets and individuals will continue to keep them informed of all matters. When complicity is prosecuted not only an international but a domestic price will need to be paid. Genocide is the most serious crime. Those guilty of complicity in it will be prosecuted. Yours Faithfully, John Cox.
@SoftCell68-br1tt 7 месяцев назад
Andrew Mitchell is a useless MP.
@S1lver_bullet72 9 месяцев назад
Come on bro you’re my idol. I literally walked where you walked in that video. Get in 👊
@jodierouse3578 10 месяцев назад
I was in year 12 when this happened
@jodierouse3578 10 месяцев назад
This school was awful :(
@Izmok_ Год назад
Hey that's my school 😂
@XsSeashell 2 года назад
Oh that's nice uh yeah that's what im gonna say so yeah
@Jyzo8015 2 года назад
@josephsmith1475 2 года назад
Never again, will we allow out of town lawyers, to steal home off people who live in sutton coldfield. Well, almost never.
@josephsmith1475 2 года назад
The police Chief Constable should not have allowed 2 police officers (wherever they were from) to use Sutton Coldfield police station, to lie about MR Mitchell, in the "Plebgate" Saga. And after it had happened the Chief of Sutton should have kicked up a terrible stink in defense of Mr Mitchell. But, as far as im aware, that didnt happen. In fact the 2 police officers involved were completely exhonnerated, in front of the world. So, the police were out of control - they would lie about civilians all the time, but then they got caught out lying about this MP, then condoning the lies, defending the liars. I am not therefore, surprised that the entire police station has been closed down - it was not the plebgate that shut it down, but plebgate was the PROOF that polic ein sutton, were a crooked bunch, who would show no shame, and compounded lies, rather than admit their own "mistakes". Thats my opinion. How Sutton will suffer with NO police, is another question. But the bad ones had to be got rid of, cus they lost control of themselves. The only problem now is, that it will be GANGSTER TOWN ! (same people, different clothes)
@andrewbaldwin4454 2 года назад
This speech goes on for a long time after this and struck me as patronizing. The speaker wants Britain to give its full-throated support to the new German high representative, Christian Schmidt. It is hard to see why it should since it was the previous Austrian high representative, Valentin Izko, that created this mess with Inzko's Law. Just why do a people in central Europe require a colonial overseer more than a quarter of a century after the end of the war? Why isn't he calling for an end to the office of high representative? The speaker says that all of the peoples in Bosnia are South Slavs. Well, yes, but they are more than that. The Bulgarians are South Slavs too, but they don't speak the same language as the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs all speak Serbo-Croatian or whatever you want to call it. I have mixed feelings about Republika Srpska trying to secede from BiH. Things might work better with a Greater Serbia including Republika Srpska, a Greater Croatia including the Croatian part of BiH and a rump BiH for the Bosniaks. On the other hand, if one thinks the breakup of the four Serbo-Croatian republics of Yugoslavia into four different states was a mistake in the first place, should one really applaud a change that would end the one state that still did formally bring Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks together? In the longer term, it is hard to see that any of the existing states, BiH, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, are desirable. Sooner or later there should be a revived Yugoslavia, possibly rebranded under a different name.
@johnperks6383 2 года назад
This has to happen, we cannot have another tragedy like this. So sad
@marj1585 2 года назад
Thank you.
@Zelephant3000 3 года назад
hey mister mitchell you said my headress was cool thank you -zach
@KironManuelCards 3 года назад
This is worse than Lockerbie.Lady Diana because she had the details.Such details happen everyday.
@markjames6129 3 года назад
You’re starving the poor in our country, a bit like Churchill starved 4 million Indians to death. You’re all criminals supporting these lockdowns and the tyrannical government
@markjames6129 3 года назад
Nearly all MPs will be jailed
@deydododontdedoh.5672 3 года назад
Yet another slap in the face for civil service workers, after a decade of cuts 😭 All whilst working through major benefit and departmental infrastructure upheavals and now deliveringing during the pandemic. 🏅 I'm going to see if the bank will accept all those claps to pay bills. 🤔 The civil service is a steadying force in the economy but without increase pay, not only will individual workers suffer but so will the greater economy as I (we) will now be forced to spend less in the local economy driving it down even more, then amplify this ripple across the country and it will turn it all into a financial tsunami! 🧐 Ref for pay deal is a real terms pay cut.... www.ifs.org.uk/publications/15203 'policy of public sector pay restraint. All but the lowest paid non-NHS workers will have their pay frozen next year in cash terms, which will equate to a real-terms cut. Over the decade prior to the coronavirus pandemic, average public sector earnings fell by 1.3% in real-terms. Average teacher pay fell by 9%' Ref for expert reviews on impact to the economy.... theconversation.com/spending-review-2020-the-experts-react-150875 'by freezing public sector wages (except for NHS nurses and doctors), Sunak restricted a source of economic stimulus at the time we need it most'......'In this sense, it seems the government still hasn’t learnt its lesson from the impact of the two-year pay freeze imposed across the public sectors in 2010, that resulted in increased gender inequality and widened the gender pay gap. With the UK economy in its steepest decline for centuries, while a pay freeze may seem like a good solution, it’s likely to create more problems in the long run'. Ref and sign the petition that has already got over 100,000 signatures, forcing a debate in parliament before the economy is impacted further for the worse! petition.parliament.uk/petitions/328754 Oh and it's jolly unfair (but not surprising) playing off the private sector against the public sector, they are different beasts with different business models. Let's not make it a race to the bottom eh Rishi.
@mobinarif1902 4 года назад
0:53 myhotsisters.com
@lauratetreault1522 4 года назад
Wow! They let you speak uninterrupted! Can you please show your Canadian counterparts how to behave please? Now let's get down to brass tacks here. Where is the hard scientific evidence? On testing which we all know the pcr test does NOT detect corona, and who is threatening the doctor's that go against the vaccine agenda? The WHO said on October 5th that corona is just a mild flu. Even though you expressed compassion for the students that were fined; you said nothing about stopping this nonsense! Remember; you will all have to stand before God for killing our seniors and abusing children emotionally, mentally and physically by this mask business. Are you all ready for the increase in bacterial pneumonia? Lord I pray you will see the light so you can truly be a warrior for the people. In Jesus name, Amen!
@hrothgar8112 4 года назад
If you haven't read the Gulag Archipelago, the time is now. You can get it here on audible for free: a.co/aTB7e8U
@justinis1454 4 года назад
To be clear, there are no honourable gentlemen in this house, or honourable women, if there were, this bill would never be a consideration on any side of the isle. It's called communism. Just in case no one had noticed, communism has just been installed world wide, where every agency becomes the stasi, and the laws, true to form are being created retrospectively. In other words, it's bull shit - they are simply legislating what they are already doing and have been doing for decades. Government has one purpose - take your money, broker deals for and on behalf of the banking cabals, and tell lies to their public. Any person calling themselves honourable in this day and age, is simply lying through their well capped and varnished teeth. Fuck them all, they are all fuck witted sociopathic, delusionary, agents of Satan !! May you all rot in hell.
@michaelbeard3393 4 года назад
I very much agree. I don't think many people, including even those who are being very critical of the nonsense we've been gaslighted with, are even vaguely aware that we, as you say, are being rapidly integrated into a world wide communist "free market" . I think we are being primed for a propertyless society in which privacy is deterred by the 'state' and all world debt will be wiped clean ( by those who created it in the first place) in exchange for everyone's service. I also reckon there will be "Covid-21".
@justinis1454 4 года назад
@@michaelbeard3393 Quite so, whatever it takes.
@justinis1454 4 года назад
@Andrew Alex Goodness, I don't know Andrew - what media ... the world seems to have gone to hell in a hand basket. It seems to me, people don't have any courage or morals. We have seen this all before 80 years ago. Seems to me, they're going to have to muster far greater courage to fight a war or face the Stasi. Better to speak now I think. Later will be too much later.
@winopunk7720 4 года назад
UK government has said it intends to withdraw from the human rights convention.
@michaelbeard3393 4 года назад
That's absolutely right. Cox is talking about drafting a new Human Rights Bill so presumably there'll have to be a cross over at some point....and to what?
@justinis1454 4 года назад
What Human Rights - that's an idea that only ever existed in a fairy tale.
@aspirant5872 4 года назад
Look at the gap between them. Such Hypocrites They say 1m is "safe" and they sit 5m away from each other. One rule for the common people (PLEBS) and another for them.
@shiblisohan6218 4 года назад
""Its call power when u forgive and kind with someone""👍 Dear mp We love and respect u lot. Undocumanted immigrants 30 year after eligible to apply for ilr its very inhuman and under immigration system overstayer and illegal treat same law,its unfair completly🤦‍♂️.under hostile environment policy be honest human is not treat as human(they r human).boris was told last year he want to call amnesty for 500'000 undocumanted immigrants with condition 10 year no claim any benefit (so they can pay tax),decade stay in uk,good english. Is it possible to ask question to pm what is his update please about amnest🙁.... 1 million people remove cost from uk gov.150 to 200 billion pound rather than if gov. Use those people by giving right to live and work with 10 year no claim any benefit condition so they can contrinute uk economy and its 100% good for uk gov. and public.those people r already hear more than a decade and adjust with uk culture and language etc.
@paulrodriguez3234 4 года назад
0:47 hot-girls18.com
@richardmorris9764 4 года назад
Well said. Hope you get the amendment through.
@mikekemble958 4 года назад
how much will it cost us, the people involved.