Documentaries about historical topics from the beginning of the 20th century to the turn of the millennium: wocomoHISTORY offers reliable high-quality information sources. The films on our channel are produced by leading production companies.

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@agio1707 13 часов назад
We have no clue about this because we approached with ignorant limited mind. The funny thing is the time frame they “estimate”. In reality nobody knows what they were made for or whom. Go there take the plane and see it for yourself because there’s more than just lines over there. Hear for yourself the nonsense explanation about it. Laughable actually. The experience is unique and worth it.
@edwardhamm5535 13 часов назад
Sticks and ropes and parallel lines. Of course, it works so they were projecting their cultural architypes out to God. We are here and these things are us, 'do you see us? Then bless us.
@astonsoo6619 День назад
@william67883 День назад
I know exactly what and who and why these Glyphs were drawn and placed there in Peru ! I KNOW ! EXACTLY KNOW !
@SuperGreatSphinx День назад
@JuanCarlosRojas-g1z День назад
If you follow them, they lead to the 9th Iman
@user-yr3ze9hc7o День назад
No american's dreamed, also,these new comer's coming too a...stranges, landscaped, and so confused, abouts cultured and also languages, too but still don't realized, they's saw streets, pot-holes and old tenanted, thoughts all timed areas have's castles, or mansions, but they's was mistaken,
@user-yr3ze9hc7o День назад
The words opportunities, definition term, changed for better life's nother countries, but what's they's did'nt know, that's not factual, becuz...if educated and talented, and skilled that's I agreed, with out those tools no changed, becuz...I knew all m...life's I was'nt moving forward,also hoped and I excepted its...a programs for individ...literac....definitions term individ... can't barely reads or writes, its helpful and its...solved m...situational after those, yrs, that's programs I heard abouts other's, org, I enrolled nother's I been there's so longs, yrs,2010s its...timed too do exams too passed so I...rec...diplomatic, but I did'nt do tested becuz...medical situational, and reasoning, did'nt returned I had too purchased a cane's, too walked also both m...limbs are stiffness, upper body, shoulders, arms hands, necked lower-body spinal, legs knees cap both feets, rumoritism, artisitric...definition term diseased of 💀 ☠️ 🦴 💀 skeletons, also informational fluidity swelling,
@elftower907 2 дня назад
is it spelled Adolfus Hitler?
@mr.hampton4982 2 дня назад
Circle the plain. Count three and four.
@Msheeran83 2 дня назад
Disappointing to see a road go through one
@goozy6790 2 дня назад
the arab word keep on denying the jews that they are trueth but everything of their religion is connected to jews
@andriesscheper2022 2 дня назад
The stones of Carnac may have had a similar ceremonial purpose. To honour the gods? Underline certain events? We do not know.
@tomparks3212 3 дня назад
Reagan was a 3rd rate actor and a 4th rate president.
@fredflintstoner596 3 дня назад
Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !" Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ." Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!" Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plains?..." Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!" Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky." Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction." Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"
@T.Show27 3 дня назад
31:23 It is absolutely absurd to suggest that ANY culture would build such a vast complex that stretches for miles in multiple directions (allegedly) that was only constructed and used as temples for an unknown deity /deities based on the limited excavations and the supposed lack of evidence suggesting that these sites were not used as anything other than temples I appreciate that Giuseppe Orefici has spent 40 years of his life trying to understand the culture that built these incredible complex's and to understand why these sites were constructed and used for, but it is nothing shy of ludicrous to suggest that the culture that built these sites would invest such vast resources and labor to build on such a massive scale to only be used as a "temple complex" all while living in small nomadic settlements without any evidence that they lived in sites constructed in a similar way. The odds of such dumb luck affording these people to stumble into building something that would last for thousands of years into the future without ever having done so prior is no more likely than aliens having visited Earth and built these sites themselves.
@nikolairomanoff6969 3 дня назад
Why now?
@Devo491 3 дня назад
As with the hundreds of megalithic constructions around the world, we have no f'n idea how or why they were built. How immensely wealthy were the societies that could afford to invest the enormous energy required?
@philoso377 3 дня назад
Page 39:00 up If those animals are indicative relation of water, so show us where water source is in rlate to Nazca line desert?
@philoso377 3 дня назад
It is easy to identify an inferior archeologist from a superior one by the terms they often use to describe what they didn’t understand. Such as sacrificial, ceremonial, ritual, religion, offering ,,, etc.
@philoso377 3 дня назад
Central portion on Page 31:19 depicts a species with elongated cranial skull, oversized eye sockets and elongated facial profile. Do be fooled by fake scientists claiming that elongated skull is derived from raising baby in a skull mold restrict growth on all side except upwards. The natural elongated cranial species was verified by simple experiment possess a cranial volume side by side compare to modern men. They count how much corn seeds can fit in each cranial cavity.
@philoso377 3 дня назад
Is it fair to say that geoglyph made can only appreciate from great heights were not meant for audience on the ground but from the sky or heaven? Great height? a height far enough for the audience to recognize animals from insects.
@sed64 3 дня назад
Als alter Gröpelinger hatten wir erlebt , wie Use Akschen wegen der Spezialisierung auf Tankerbau alles in die Binsen gesetzt hat . War echt Scheisse , daß hatte sich auf den Strassen bemerkbar gemacht , keine Werftarbeiter mehr die zur Schicht gingen , Streiks und dämliche Rechtfertigungen der Arbeitgeber , Kurzarbeit etc... bin seit fast 40 Jahren nicht mehr da aber ich vermisse die Siebziger und achtziger die ich in Bremen erleben durfte.....
@philoso377 3 дня назад
Notice the spider on page 4:09 one of its limbs is elongated horizontally in photo. Guess what that represent? The silk rope of a spider. Do you agree?
@lateralg3169 3 дня назад
Thankyou Sir..
@sourcetext 3 дня назад
A flying saucer is a vertical and landing machine,is doesn't need a "runway" . In another video some time ago a scientist matched the animals to the star constellations ,the monkey with five fingers on one hand and four on the other hand was the key , ancient Taoism states the the universe is the womb of mother Nature,the Star constellations are the Energy Stations that created all life on the planet Earth from the vegetation that points to the stars to the Human Beings ,the seven Stars of the big Dipper represent the seven orifice in the Human head , the Seven stars of the little Dipper represent the Seven Energy stations of the spine or "chakras" ( the seven lamp stands in the Bible) , the nazca line are a dedication to the Stars for the life on Earth, a prayer of gratitude and respect. Mankind is a ten billion year old Evolution process created in the living Universe of "Mother Nature" ❤️🙏 "We are stardust, we are Golden,we are ten billion year old carbon .....and we got to get ourselves back to the garden " Woodstock 1966. ✌️
@thepeskytraveller3870 4 дня назад
Nice explanation. To prove that it is possible to be made by people, I challenge the researchers to do the same thing.
@kaka7279100 4 дня назад
These comments r wild but good!😊
@leadershipvids 4 дня назад
faintly ridiculous how you cannot move on and realize you've got nothing to do with your great grand uncle three times removed and make a whole drama out of it. She is carrying a load that is not hers to carry because she had no part in the whole disaster
@Chinoacosta 4 дня назад
that big bird 9:16 can the neck be a sound wave that the bird makes?
@alfonsomartinezguerrero9958 5 дней назад
Los sueldos eran bajos. Así otros se forran , explotando a las personas.
@edmundohaquetrojas7739 5 дней назад
Este espléndido documental solo reafirma todas las investigaciones que a realizado Abel Basti, y dan por hecho que tanto Adolfo Hitler como otros de sus colaboradores salieron antes de la invacion aliada hacía sudamérica; argentina, chile, Uruguay etc... Hitler murió en sudamérica, pais?... Felicidades un excelente trabajo 🫂
@donnaeastridge5579 5 дней назад
No one knows what they had back then. The were intelligent back than. They probably had blue prints back then to do all kinds of things. Machines, prints, workers, electronics, electric, all kinds of things we don't have today.
@henrietteterpstra5213 6 дней назад
No alliens ever came to Nazca, so they didn’t create the Lines and drawings. Can you imagine how many labor hours were needed to make them? In the ‘70 I flew over the Nazca lines in a Piper and had to make an emergency landing. I am sure that I am the only one ever landed on a Nazca line and barely survived it. It’s only sand and stones. And Maria Reiche wasn’t called the “Lady of Nazca” she was called “La Bruja de la Pampa” which doesn’t sound very flattering because it means “the Witch of the dessert” She fought for the conservation and reconizing of the Nazca drawings. And only her last years she got financial help of the Peruvian government. And for the lines… They were made out of despair, to get their water back , so they had to please the Gods. I was in de middel of this Pampa, and could hardly bear it. The lines must have been made by night and using torches to make the lines visible. That’s my conviction after studying it for years. But who knows…..
@joannschlicker6995 6 дней назад
I think space aliens made these and the natives copied them às sacred. Maybe they saw them from the big hill. That is just a theory.
@rvsc2277 6 дней назад
The circle is ok but how about the bird and spider?
@tommeredith7462 6 дней назад
It was said Castro didn’t seem Like a Cuban. He comported himself more like a Spaniard and it made him stand out in many ways. Castro felt as if Americans wanted to keep a finger in his Country’s wazoo. Too bad he didn’t adopt a Democratic mean’s of Cuba to enjoy a better life, especially Cuban people. Fidel possessed many favorable qualities, it’s a shame he couldn’t put them to better use. Non the less RIP Fidel Castro.
@RAF-777 6 дней назад
Incredibly, this intricate fabric has been preserved for so long time in such a good state!
@robinsydney140 7 дней назад
Excellent documentary. Thank you!!!
@jaydefuca4153 7 дней назад
After 5 minutes, I quit watching. The high volume of the backgroound sound, overlaping the speakage, destroys a what would have been a brilliant work. Pity!
@cecilbdemento7736 7 дней назад
The color and clarity on their pottery sure is brilliant for an allegedly 2,000 old society creating lines in the sand that can only be seen from the sky.
@BobWelchfan 7 дней назад
I find it problematic to say the nazca lines don't have anytime to do with flight. You can't see them unless you are in the air.
@andriesscheper2022 2 дня назад
Or on a mountain top.
@peterlandbo2726 8 дней назад
Why were they made? Like the Pyramids, because they could
@steenfuglsangjespersen8620 8 дней назад
Prøv at lave en figur om natten og brug fakler så vil i se hvor nemt det er 😂😂😂🇩🇰læs 🇩🇰
@steenfuglsangjespersen8620 8 дней назад
For meget gæterri ingen beviser 👎hahaha alien 👽hahaha 🤣👎🇩🇰
@beanondaddy3397 8 дней назад
If you are looking for answer there none in this video. My guess some juvenile aliens drew this for fun and left, a big practical joke on us human
@khayelihledlamini8209 8 дней назад
It would be interesting to know about the ones who went back home after not cutting it in the new world
@ysmaelpacha6119 8 дней назад
Gorbatchev était un agent secret américain. Poutine veut redonner la grandeur de la Russie.
@MonksAndMountains 8 дней назад
In every 5000 years the World is covered fully by water.. then slowly water recedes and land starts appearing. Few survivors start the World again.
@stevewright201 8 дней назад
Again here you have it religion dogma again when there's no answer it's religion