Carrboro UMC
Carrboro UMC
Carrboro UMC
Welcome to Carrboro United Methodist Church! We are so glad you are here. Whether you are a long time Christian or searching for what you believe, this is a safe place to put down deeper roots or wrestle with scripture and hear sermons of God's mercy, grace, and unconditional love. Y'all are welcome here. And as we say in NC, y'all means all. We believe Black lives matter. We believe that LGBTQ+ persons are of sacred worth to God. We believe that immigrants and refugees are not illegal but God's beloved searching a safe space to live and thrive. We love you no matter your age, socio-economic status, nationality, abilities, religious background, gender, sexuality, or race and we know that God loves you and created you in God's own image. If you have been left without a home church/faith community because your UMC disaffiliated, we are a Lighthouse Congregation and will welcome you with open arms, hearts, minds, and doors.