That new hobby high
That new hobby high
That new hobby high
Learning the ins and outs of new hobby and games.
Painting my Ultramarines pt 14 final.
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 13
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 12.
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 11.
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 10.
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 9.
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 8.
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 7.
4 месяца назад
Painting my Ultramarines pt 6.
4 месяца назад
@henrythe9th377 9 часов назад
I would love to give you a game but Down Under is a little too far from me😢
@sebbonxxsebbon6824 5 дней назад
Hunter killer missile, 1/48 scale sidewinder missile might be a good proxy
@thatnewhobbyhigh 5 дней назад
That would look mint but I'm going to try to keep them consistent with the rest of the army, but I will actively coinder it for my next army.
@IrishJayc63 5 дней назад
Looking sweet mate
@thatnewhobbyhigh 5 дней назад
Cheers man, I'm getting better at glow, but its still a bugger, I need more practise.
@creepinethyn8020 5 дней назад
Thanks for the update! For Christmas this year, I want to see your entire army on display 😂. But seriously, that would be pretty amazing to see! Loving the tanks. Assassin looks great. Keep it up!
@thatnewhobbyhigh 5 дней назад
Full army will be up at episode 100, I'm hoping to have it at at least 15k points so I have something to show yas all
@padanfain7466 5 дней назад
The dirt/wear on paint for the path to the hatch is just an awesome attention to detail. I'm trying to think how you can PM your address. I'm certain I have a pile of hunter killer missiles as I never put them on tanks, happy to send em to you. Ooooo Assasssins! Let me know how it plays!
@padanfain7466 5 дней назад
Wait what are those Tarantula things? I dont remember seeing those in the rules.
@thatnewhobbyhigh 5 дней назад
They are in the legacy's pdf. document page 16 of version 1.2
@thatnewhobbyhigh 5 дней назад
I really dont, know. It's something I've been trying to work out so I can be a bit more interactive, as for the missiles, thank you, but I've got a few coming from locals, but I really appreciate the thought, and generosity. Youra top bloke.
@JanitorScruffy 6 дней назад
I picked up the older version of the bombard kit on eBay with the auto cannon sponsons, and got two cheap. I was miserable putting that kit together so I only built one, they are gravitons so I don't even think they will be good, but good on you for suffering through 3 of them.
@thatnewhobbyhigh 5 дней назад
They are Goofy looking, but I need something heavy for my destroyers, and it fits the bill nicely. But they are a bugger, there was a lot of putty that went into them to keep them straight.
@padanfain7466 13 дней назад
Haha, my Ultramarines are pristine and parade ground. No weathering and damage on thesze guys for me. They are the clean marines!
@thatnewhobbyhigh 13 дней назад
Your marines are top notch, all of them are a spectacular visual masterpiece. I'd like to mention your channel in one of my upcoming vids of smaller lesser known heresy/ 40k channels I watch if it's ok with you.
@padanfain7466 12 дней назад
@thatnewhobbyhigh not sure I even count as a channel. A mention is always appreciated. I'm actually thinking of doing the opposite to you and having some proper dirty word bearers, although I have a large pile of mechanicus as well. Emperors children could be a good clean legion as well. Im half way through a 10 man Invictarus Suzerain unit currently, and need to do a video of the despoiler unit soon. It just takes me soooo long to paint stuff. :) also got a campaign running with friends atm, final game will be a 3 v 3 9k a side at WHW so will probably do a quick video showing the armies set up. It's Ultras, Ravens and Alpha Legion v World Eaters, Iron Warriors and Thousand sons. Should be fun. I'm playing 3k v Dark Angels on Sunday as well. Have to admit to being a bit jealous of your Guilliman and the Destroyers you were working on. Keep it up, really enjoy the regular updates. You inspire me!
@kieranbasham2678 13 дней назад
I know you’re already planning on doing word bearers and you’re into the calth campaign so clean word bearers would definitely be a cool dichotomy to contrast with the ultras. But if you are considering other legions for squeaky clean boys, I’d suggest: 1. Emperors Children, they’re all about perfection, beauty and are highly disciplined and drilled 2. Imperial fists, they work well being weathered and damaged but they also look great in spotless yellow. Again highly drilled and disciplined. I can definitely imagine a gruff IF drill sergeant screaming at his men to clean their armour. 3. Thousand sons, they’re usually presented in their gleaming candy red, looks great, and I imagine they can cheat and use their magic to un-soil their armour. As far as getting termis around, I’d say caestus as you mentioned, warmonger consul to deepstrike, or just stick them in a land raider and ram them down the other side of the table. There isn’t really an option for most legions to get termis around the board that isn’t either expensive or risky but that’s good for game balance imo.
@thatnewhobbyhigh 13 дней назад
I was considering fists, if I'm honest, but I ave reasons that I did not choose the other legion you mentioned, ToS way back in this series you can see a single squad of 15 thousand sons I painted for a friend, and it really didn't grab me as a nice colour to paint, it was nice njust not to done on a repetitive mass army. Emperor's children have the best colour scheme of all Horus heresy army, but they are very popular, I think I've seen about 7 EC armys here. As for transport normal marines have two transport options for35pts, termis must have something near the same cost. or you know, cheep, I just have to find it.
@padanfain7466 12 дней назад
​ @thatnewhobbyhigh thing with Terminators for Ultras is if they are using the Logos Lectora, they can't deep strike, infiltrate, underground assault, etc. I'd go with a command squad for your Praetor and slap them in a Proteus. I've had a lot of success running them this way with the Praetor. (So 6 guys in it, as it has 12 capacity) make sure a couple have Thunder Hammers. Other advantage to this is that the Land Raider can use the legion trait to give +1 to hit to multiple models within 6" as it can split target/fire with power of the machine spirit. Alas, tanks aren't the best in this edition. Doesn't take up a slot either. Add to that, they are WS5 or WS6 with the Logos +1 WS activated. They are also line due to the banner and give everything within 6" ld10.
@padanfain7466 12 дней назад
To add to that, feels like only command squads are worth it for Ultras as Invictarus Suzerain are otherwise better than Terminators in every way.
@creepinethyn8020 19 дней назад
Can’t get much better than forge world character boxes ✨
@thatnewhobbyhigh 13 дней назад
They are mint. I kept every one of them
@bigcheese4740 21 день назад
Yet another warhammer player converted to Word Bearers from reading The First Heretic
@julianfrausto2243 21 день назад
Yep, that’s exactly my story
@bhollow711 17 дней назад
That is why i'm scared to read first heretic.. I've read a good bit of the HH series, including know no fear and mark of calth.. so the idea of falling in love with the word bearers now seems anathema to me
@thatnewhobbyhigh 13 дней назад
It is a book that will convince you of the word and change sides, just as Lorgar intended
@thatnewhobbyhigh 13 дней назад
It is such a good book, just have a look at the intro and first chapter, on the Ultramarines invasion of monarchia. It so strange to see the Ultramarines through the eyes of a civilian terrified populace.
@Coffeeandpaintwater Месяц назад
Speedy recovery mate, had one cut out the side of my head last year. Gives me good street rep, makes it look like I’ve been in a bar fight. Definitely need those regulars checks though, literal lifesavers!
@thatnewhobbyhigh 21 день назад
Cheers man, I can only hope my wife digs scars.
@Coffeeandpaintwater 21 день назад
@@thatnewhobbyhigh my wife has never exactly said the words out loud, but I can see it in her eyes that she thinks I look badass
@LeonardSchrahe-pn2wp Месяц назад
There are really nice hazard triangles on the new knight decal, maybe those would look good on the tosiferran flamers
@LeonardSchrahe-pn2wp Месяц назад
oh and i dont want to anoy you but i asked under the last video about the german transfer guy, you must have forgotten, but i am really keen on getting my hands on some custom transfers!!
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Damn I did forget. Sa soon as I am home from work this arvo I'll post it here just for you. and mention it on my next vid for everyone else.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
I'll have a look, didn't even think of that. Thank you.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Ok this is the fellah, he works out of esty. Real good decals, quick print and delivery. I've used him a bunch of times. www.etsy.com/au/shop/ImpatientTabletop
@khalid00541 Месяц назад
Looks great.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Thank you, I'm all ears about how to improve if ya see anything obvious.please let me know.
@fuzzball130 Месяц назад
"Give your missus a.. fuck." Don't mind if I do!
@kieranbasham2678 Месяц назад
Great idea with those sentry guns! You made me want to try the idea myself so I decided to shoot the shit and do a bit of list building. However I ran into a couple issues that make this idea not as great as I originally thought (rules wise atleast). 1. From what I can see, sentries don’t get the legiones astartes (____) rule. So they can’t benefit from the legion trait or the lectora rules. In that regard they’re stuck on BS3. From what I can see a techmarine can still join them for BS4 with a cognis signum. 2. The sentries are bulky (4) so don’t fit in the fortifications. It’s a shame because this would make a unit that’s you’ll never see otherwise actually viable. I was looking to make an imperial fists list with solar auxilia. Imagining a small contingent of IF that a greatly undermanned, trying to protect a critical zone they’re not equip for, so having to resort to automated systems and auxilia
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
I had a look and now I am sad, you are right they don't get legion rule. Thank you for point this out, It would have been embarrassing If I'd done this on its first outing game. I'll let everyone know next vid.I am annoyed but without hope perhaps the tech marine allows the unit to use his rule once he joins it? I don't know. As for fittng into fortifications I wasn't planning to have the turrets in them only the tech marine. But I have also just read I can't do this either. So I have a cool and essentially useless unit. But I do like them. They will be quite useful in zone mortalis games. And fun in open field games 100 pts to take a while round of shooting from a enemy unit. Its fun and chaotic and I know I'll love using them. You are correct at all points. But they are still gonna be fun to field and paint. Because I really enjoy Goofy units.
@kieranbasham2678 21 день назад
@@thatnewhobbyhighhonestly with a techmarine with them I think they still have a place. They don’t get the legion rule but with the techmarine they’re still equivalent to most legion heavy weapons squads and are cheaper. Not to mention they free up your heavy support slots
@IrishJayc63 Месяц назад
@Xarl-VIII Месяц назад
you Aussies are crazy to just casually get skin cancer and shrug it off
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Its a certainty here if ya over 20 your gonna get one cut out of you in the future. Just a fact of the sunburnt country
@creepinethyn8020 Месяц назад
Rule of cool for those sentry guns 🔥
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
They are cool as hell. im exited to use them, good or bad.
@SirCircon Месяц назад
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Chip chip cheerio, to you too, my friend.
@creepinethyn8020 Месяц назад
What a large game!! Thanks for sharing
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
I'll try to tee up a better vid and description for my next big game.
@nickbryant2394 Месяц назад
Next time we do that mission I’ll bring Russ 😂
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
My trantulas will annihilate him
@IrishJayc63 Месяц назад
Plebs are in traning 😂😂
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
I couldn't think Of a better description for Inductii.
@LeonardSchrahe-pn2wp Месяц назад
Whats the name of the guy in gernany who did the decals?
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
I'll link and mention him in the next video.
@padanfain7466 Месяц назад
The Raven Guard ' Deliverers', are very very good.
@nickbryant2394 Месяц назад
They are my final sanction “the punishment of god” I call them
@padanfain7466 Месяц назад
@nickbryant2394 punishment of God? Sounds like Heresy! There are no gods, there is only one Master of Mankind.
@scales-of-war Месяц назад
Jump pack troops look amazing mate 👏
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Cheers I hope they result in some new and interesting game play for my entirely shooting army.
@kieranbasham2678 Месяц назад
Look great, I think you’re being a bit harsh on yourself mate. Does the Lorgar reveal mean that wordbearers will be the next army? I can’t remember if you’ve already revealed that… 😂
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
At the moment I'm just doing him because I have him, and konrad
@padanfain7466 Месяц назад
Mate, you have done a beautiful job of it! Real good centrepiece model.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Thank you, I hope his first outing I don't shame him
@padanfain7466 Месяц назад
@@thatnewhobbyhigh in my first Guilliman outing my entire army got flattened by an Iron Warrior Gunline. (3K) Only Guilliman in his LR was left, everything else was dead. He turned and fled...ahem....made a tactical retreat. In the second game, (3k v IW/Custodes). I played a full force of infantry and used his fleet and the Logos Lectora extra 2" movement rule to get my entire force in his face in turn 2. It was a brutal encounter but ultimately Guilliman died. It ended 15-15. He managed to whiff his combat spectaularly in the 2nd game, but his choice of weapons is so strong. Feels like with the Logos and Guilliman Ultras can be really good once you get the hang of them. An entire line of WS6 and +1 strength guys hitting you in turn 2 is no joke. Got a few vids of my Ultras up. Love you to take a look mate. :-)
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Will do I'll have a look, man those games sound both fun but painful, I'll let you know how he goes after my game on sunday
@IrishJayc63 Месяц назад
Not bad, not bad at all. I’m not too Up to date with the lord in hh. Is this while the big e still fully alive. Before he gets the flaming sword? I know the 40k version he has the big e’s flaming sword
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
He has a flaming sword in 40k? I think, in thirty K his sword is called the gladius incantor.
@IrishJayc63 Месяц назад
@@thatnewhobbyhigh yeah check the 40k model. He has the big e flaming sword, given too him after the dual against horus
@muzey4382 Месяц назад
Good job mate!
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Thanks man.im happy with it but I can see lots of places for improvement. The hobby's a learning process eh?
@marcoghiotti7153 Месяц назад
Very well executed first attempt at a primarch model. We all learn, improve and have fun. That's the milestone triad of our hobby after all. Cheers
@SirCircon Месяц назад
Came out real good! GJ!
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Thank you. Always a pleasure when a big timer comments. I appreciate it
@mattf9596 Месяц назад
you gonna paint Curze after logar?
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
You know I will, then a random loyalist
@heresyhobbyist Месяц назад
well done looks great! Nailed the marble
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Thank you man I'm really happy with it myself.
@padanfain7466 Месяц назад
Yeah totally agree, the marble is great. Wierdly it's the marble base that's putting me off this model.
@leutsssz Месяц назад
Wish you a speedy recovery my friend
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Cheers man I'm already on the mend.
@IrishJayc63 Месяц назад
Another great vid mate, Hope a speedy recovery
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Thank you, I'm already on the way back to full strength. I appreciate the thoughts
@thebigjisback1218 Месяц назад
Wish you quick recovery pal
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Cheers man, I'm all good, and getting better, is a lot more dramatic than it sounds.
@padanfain7466 Месяц назад
Get yourself some microset and microsol for those decals/transfers. Its a game changer.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
I've been using vlayo mark set, I've ordered microset and sol, but it's quite hard to find in thewest.
@kieranbasham2678 Месяц назад
Get good quick mate! I’m looking forward to that primarch video
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Just put it up, hope it to your tastes.
@Lochagos Месяц назад
I didn't realise the sun was that dangerous, guess we don't get the weather for it in the UK
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
She's a killer here,something to do with the bloody big hole in the sky here.
@Rottenflieger. Месяц назад
That finecast model is from the Ultramarines Honour Guard kit that came with the older terminator armoured Marneus Calgar. They were initially a metal kit but are sold as finecast nowadays. I expect they'll be removed from sale in the near future as they don't have 40k rules. Those models fit right in with the Ultrarmarines Horus Heresy aesthetic. I stuck shields from forge world Invictarus Suzerains on the 2 marines with axes from the set to make chosen for an ultramarine praetor as it's cool to have unique models for the leader's bodyguard. The model you have seems to have been converted a bit but the original has one sword and a smaller gladius, which I really like because along with a crested helmet and cape it's exactly how one of the ultramarine characters, Captain Orfeo, is described in the Heresy novel Betrayer. Those "funky" numbers definitely are odd, though they're all over 40k decal sheets. Funnily enough when I first saw them in a Dawn of War computer game I assumed they must be alien numbers because they looked so odd.
@padanfain7466 Месяц назад
Came here to say this. I have the metal honour guard set. There was one with a very ornate banner, which I used for my cataphractii command squad.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Should I put off painting him untill I get to the book ya reckon?
@Rottenflieger. Месяц назад
@@thatnewhobbyhigh Aaron Dembski Bowden is generally pretty vague about colours of marine armour, capes, etc so I figure your usual scheme would be fine. He's just a really cool mini to have in the collection!
@JanitorScruffy Месяц назад
Between the Outer Circle talking about splitting a tooth and pulling it out with pliers and you having just a bit of your face opened up, I am beginning to think The Land Down Under is just built different. And I agree that the "Siege Breaker" is a weird model for that consul, but I bought two, and tossed the age of sigmar hammers in a bits box and gave them chain swords and turned them into Master's of Signals. They have the little iPad, a vox and a cognis Signum on the model so I thought they were perfect for that.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Thats not a shabby idea at all! I might pince that. At some stage I'll have to tell yas in detail how I lost my teeth. The short version is "brick fight".
@forgottenchapters264 Месяц назад
Hey mate, thank you for mentioning my transfers. Can you reach out to me pls?
@tunguskalumberjack9987 Месяц назад
Army showcases are my favorite type of video, but especially when the narrator has such a love of the hobby and appreciation for the Heresy. 30K has the most devoted and impassioned fan base, and it shows in videos like this.
@IrishJayc63 Месяц назад
I love the blue after you hit it with the Tamiya. We need some still pics of the big g
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
A final display and talk on him will be in the preparing Primarch playlist next week
@Rottenflieger. Месяц назад
The new vehicle transfers are FANTASTIC. I've waited so long for a sheet from GW with squad symbols the right size for rhino top hatches. It's so cool being able to clearly mark if my rhino has a tactical squad, heavy weapon squad, assault marine squad, etc through a big white decal on the top. It's just a pity they're $60 and took so long to be released in Aus.
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
It just arrived and you were right it is spectacular
@thomascharters7516 Месяц назад
We need to see some close ups of the gorillaman!
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
I'll be doing a final vid in the preparing Primarch playlist this week
@alphaomega938 2 месяца назад
More channels should give ‘army on parade’ reviews
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
There are so many good list out there. I've done on for each tournament I've been to if you interested
@kieranbasham2678 2 месяца назад
Argal Tal is one of my favourite characters from the heresy so far, but you’re not wrong about him being a moody wotsit. First heretic was a fantastic read imo. I haven’t long finished reading it. Read that, just finished know no fear and now I’m on to betrayer!
@thatnewhobbyhigh Месяц назад
Its such a good book. I've just ordered the model