@navisoihgrcrew9017 8 дней назад
Congratulations to StrangeGamer ! Thank you to both of you for a great fight. If I have another chance, I would like to participate too! StrangeGamerさん、優勝おめでとうございます! 両者とも素晴らしい戦いをありがとうございました。 また機会があれば私も参加したいです!
@navisoihgrcrew9017 12 дней назад
I would like to thank Mr. Maastrichtian for organizing this tournament and all the opponents. I look forward to working with you again if you have the next opportunity. この大会を開いてくださったMaastrichtianさんと、対戦相手の皆様に感謝申し上げます。次の機会がありましたらまたよろしくお願いします。
@אביחלפון-ז9ל 14 дней назад
and the son defeated his father
@TheTalkingT-rexGodzilla 25 дней назад
That certainly was fun! We reserved Cryo's ice abilities for DKM, that's why it probably didn't or couldn't use them ;p gg to Lad, another great tournament!
@blackbeauty9627 Месяц назад
1試合目は接戦、2試合目(今回)は逆転負けということで早々と敗退してしまいましたが、楽しい大会でした(最後イリュージョンが効かないのでは負けても致し方ないですね…)。 Maastrichtianさん、ご招待ありがとうございました!
@TheTalkingT-rexGodzilla Месяц назад
Those were some entertaining matches, thanks for hosting so far Maastrichtian! It was *cool* to see Cryo again after some time, and won on top of that, ggs UDK 🧊
@Maastricht66Ma Месяц назад
*Due to an editing error at the beginning, the screen size is strange, sry
@Maastricht66Ma Месяц назад
I apologize for the noise in the first few seconds of the video due to an editing error.
@dinohunter99 2 месяца назад
I like this next time out here please as I join tournament too