@thehandzofgod 11 лет назад
great games and first catch- marist
@NoxDies 12 лет назад
worst tmf call ever
@sinjinsmith17 12 лет назад
All that says is that Brodie can throw the same huck 3 times and you still can't D him..
@mitchellbrock47 12 лет назад
Was there a tornado watch
@andyljr 12 лет назад
it's really competitive, so teams exploit every chance they can to try to stop a score/score for themselves.
@WarCrafX 12 лет назад
I wish there could be a poll so I could vote for who receives the sponsorship so I could help contribute in some type of way. You guys deserve it!
@SmeTzeR2 12 лет назад
Dont make brodie mad
@xXSkAtTyRaTXx 12 лет назад
Are those refs ? :S !?
@romski3737 12 лет назад
3:00- 3:11 was the best, two sick catches in one play :)
@romski3737 12 лет назад
Haha the end was sick, even if the resets meant that florida was ahead b4 the throw, Brodie still had to make that throw THREE times, thats impressive!!!
@reddeadlys 12 лет назад
do any female ultimate players find some of the womens highlights embarrassing? They didn't take very good footage at all for this highlight video. I've seen women's games with much better plays
@nico1or1chris 12 лет назад
I love this game so much ;( but i cant find decent people to play with.. they can just back hand and i usually just ask them to throw it farthest then i run and get it like a dog >_> not complaining, cuz i love running and catching it
@tehetz07 12 лет назад
wow. that is all I have to say! jumping through fire and water conservation. wow
@masterchief696 12 лет назад
2:30 huuuge travel.
@unclejohnthezef 12 лет назад
lots of "happy feet" on some throws (esp. the girls)
@largemouthfisherman1 12 лет назад
to many haters on here
@DazzTheTaz 13 лет назад
SICK!!!!!!!!!!!! This why I love playing Ultimate. I still can't get over the end..
@fhgkjhgjkfhkd 13 лет назад
@Cougar7030 so jelly
@tdstudd1996 13 лет назад
@Cougar7030 bet they said the same thing about baseball when it came out
@Cougar7030 13 лет назад
@MrCosden its a freaking playground game
@Cougar7030 13 лет назад
honestly? ultimate frisbee championship? They might as well have a wall ball championship/
@Helixan 13 лет назад
holy shit you have refs in america? I can't wait to come play with you guys this year :)
@Cellogamer 13 лет назад
One of my goals in life is to attend one of these tournaments, whether I'm playing or spectating.
@boombox129 13 лет назад
brodie is a beast
@MrIJustWatch 13 лет назад
@ItsARevengeThing Oh okay I thought it was something different.
@Rapowell007 13 лет назад
"I am the proud owner of a... pile of potatoes." What a badass.
@MrIJustWatch 13 лет назад
Can someone explain to me what 'Z' defense is? What ever kind of defense it was I couldn't figure it out watching Carleton destroy it.
@Urmo 13 лет назад
Dogs are the champions in this game .
@rainbowsmiff 13 лет назад
0:47 Travel!!!!
@bspekkers44 13 лет назад
@SaUCeBoSs96 there are traditionally no refs. once you get into the higher elite divisions "observers" are set just to watch for offsides on pulls. if there is a call and is disputed and agrued the two players go to the observers to make the final call. you only go to the observers when there is a disagreement on a call, generally you make your own calls.
@ihateuutube 13 лет назад
Why are girls so bad at sports?
@TheUltimateFrisbee 13 лет назад
@09kid3 yes he is you'd be surprised how little it gets called. you have to really be concentrated on it as a defender but that means taking your eyes of the disc which is bad because he'll probably just break the force or go deep on you. the risk of looking for it isn't worth it in college or club really
@HansTheBoss 13 лет назад
You seem to play Ultimate pretty agressivly compared to my standards...
@havone2 13 лет назад
@Hyperballin That is a layout not a sky =). But a ridiculously good layout on a very important point (I believe it forced universe point but not sure).
@bugred 13 лет назад
What kind of zone is Z, and why didn't y'all break into man when you saw your cup was broken?
@jsbaker6415 13 лет назад
@ryanbh88 haha and what team do you play for? He was able to throw it 3 times because he had his guy beat for whatever reason so he had plenty of time and space to load up and throw a big huck. The team is carleton. Florida just out played them.
@moneyneversleeps258 13 лет назад
Who cares about the rules. Who is this Brodie guy throwing bullets under that kind of pressure. Good bless the deep game
@MrIJustWatch 14 лет назад
Can someone explain to me Z defense florida tryed to play against Carleton that one point. It really didnt look like D at all. Word up to Florida though winning.
@layoutdrillsFTW 14 лет назад
needs more Buds
@KuniNishimura 14 лет назад
@illegitimate0 This. It was only bad D once, not three times. Regardless of the fact that they knew it was going to be a huck, they were still behind at the time the call was made. There was probably no way to stop the guy from scoring unless a bad throw was made.
@OhSnapAJedi 14 лет назад
@cklownie All you have to do poach him deep... Especially after the second time
@OhSnapAJedi 14 лет назад
Guy at 3:20 stole the TD from his teammate XD
@illegitimate0 14 лет назад
The players all go back to where they were when the disc was thrown on a reset from a travel. That means that the Florida man probably was ahead of all the Carleton D, which is why they kept throwing that huck. It wasn't bad D three times, just once, but it was repeated because of the resets.
@scottcped 14 лет назад
What are the refs?!!!! Ultimate is supposed to be ref-less!
@chickenjim09 14 лет назад
The second apparent goal at the end was called back because he didn't tap the disc in
@Denn84disc 14 лет назад
nice video, my only problem with it is that I wasn't drinking water at the end Oscer was
@Denn84disc 14 лет назад
@JakeMoss 14 лет назад