Ukrainian Institute of America
Ukrainian Institute of America
Ukrainian Institute of America
For over seven decades, the Ukrainian Institute of America has continued to promote, through educational, professional and social activities, a greater awareness, knowledge and appreciation of Ukraine’s and Ukrainians' rich culture, history and accomplishments.
Ukrainian Wine - Ukrainian Terroir
3 месяца назад
MATI Concert: Ukraine in the Eyes of Others
5 месяцев назад
BOOKS: European Literature Night 2023
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The Crime of Genocide
7 месяцев назад
MATI Concert: "Remembrance"
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MATI Concert: "Spring Awakening"
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MATI Concert: "Kaleidoscope"
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MATI Concert: Enchanted Melodies
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MATI Concert: "Old and New Discoveries"
2 года назад
@AnneDahl-rr6wd 13 дней назад
I need your expertize , are you in Brussel?
@williamhurd4172 Месяц назад
Thank you for your wonderful performance! Where would I be able to obtain the parts for this version (violin solo with strings)? Is it published? If it is your own edition, would I be able to purchase the parts from you? Thank you!
@danielrosen9476 Месяц назад
Wonderful violinist and person🥀
@ahm7944 2 месяца назад
USA poor overnight and isolated
@ahm7944 2 месяца назад
With Ukraine's help
@ahm7944 2 месяца назад
E U abandons USA currency
@ahm7944 2 месяца назад
Trump abandons the E U
@CarolFord-ez7fr 3 месяца назад
It looks like The Dakota
@AstroGremlinAmerican 3 месяца назад
I search on Ben Hodges and this was a treat. That sound system needs grounding and our strategy for Ukraine needs grounding. I'm tired of the dribble babble with no clear military objective. Politicians ride the fence hoping no one will notice and maybe they can make some money. THE SHELLS ARE OUT THERE.
@Kavala76 4 месяца назад
How this man made 3-star general is beyond me.
@mariabragateles1313 4 месяца назад
GEN. Bem Hodges, um líder Nato. 🇧🇷🇧🇷
@flashgordon6670 4 месяца назад
The Tale of Jack Kiev. Once upon a time, there was a small boy, called Jack Kiev. He was 12 years old and was an orphan. When his mother died recently, he inherited her cottage, with a little bit of land. He worked hard all day every day, cultivating his plot and producing a good yield. He had some extra vegetables and chickens, so he took them to the market for sale. At the market, the elder sons and daughters, of the Otan Family, came and bought his produce. They asked the boy, “Who is in charge of the business, as we need a regular supply? We would like to discuss business and come to some arrangement.” Jack said, “I’m in charge of the business! For I am an orphan and I will supply your needs.” So they signed a contract and Jack’s spirits were lifted, for he was quite sad and lonely. Once a week he went to the Otan household and delivered the wares that they needed and they paid him kindly. Sometime soon after, the Otan Family asked Jack to help with some chores, cutting grass and painting the shed. The Otan house, was very large with many rooms, for they had 16 sons and 17 daughters, who were always kind to Jack, so they became good friends. Jack was overjoyed with finding friendship with the Otan Family. Jack was always hardworking and never failed to be productive. As his own homestead and finance grew, he bought some sheep and reared lambs. Old Father Sam Otan was pleased with Jack. So when Jack turned 14, he made a promise to him. “When you turn 16, you can marry, whichever of my daughters that you find to be most beautiful and you will be my Son!” Jack nearly fainted and cried aloud, “Thank you Father Sam! God has truly blessed me! May Heaven and Earth hold dear to your promise.” One month later, an angry bear from the forest, came upon Jack’s cottage and ravaged his flock and stole some sheep. Jack was mortified and ran to the Otan house. “Help help! There’s a bear at my home, who’s killed my sheep!” The Otan Family were shocked and said, “Don’t worry we will stand by you and help to fight the bear.” So they sent two of the younger sons, who brought their slings and spears and went with Jack to fight the bear. But the bear was too big and strong for them to kill it. But they managed to scare the bear enough, so that it went away. “Thank you for your help!” said Jack and the two sons went back to their home. A couple of weeks passed by and the angry bear came back to Jack’s cottage, killing and eating some lambs. Jack ran to the Otans, “Help help! The bear has come back!” So three of the sons, went with Jack and they all fought against the bear. This time the bear hurt Jack and killed one of the sons and then went back to his lair. The sons went back to their home and reported the news. Two more weeks passed by and the bear came back to Jack’s cottage. It caused great damage to the chicken shed, broke some fences and killed all the chickens. Jack ran back to the Otans and this time, four of the sons, all armed with new swords and shields, went with Jack to fight the bear. They fought for many hours but the bear was too big and strong, even for all of the sons. The bear was enraged, bc it’s foot was hurt by them. It killed two of the sons and wounded the others and then went back to its lair. Two weeks later, the bear and its mate, came upon Jack’s cottage. They killed all the remaining lambs and knocked over a burning lantern, the lantern caught fire to the barn and store houses, destroying all the produce, This time the bears quickly left, before they could be attacked. Jack ran to the Otans, “Help the bears have attacked my home and the place is on fire!” So the Otan Family all quickly went and helped to extinguish the blaze. Five of the sons all stayed with Jack, “We’ll help to rebuild the farm and this time we’ll stay with you, to guard against the bears. They all worked hard to rebuild the farm and the Otans pitched their tent next to Jack’s cottage. But the bears came in the night and killed three of the sons as they slept. Jack and the other two sons ran back to Old Sam Otan and reported the news. Old Sam Otan wept bitterly in his grief and the shock nearly killed him. “Right this time, take some horses and wear armour and buy some new lances and we’ll finish the bears off for good. So six of the sons saddled their horses and went to find the bears. They rode to the forest and crossed the stream that runs from the mountains. They rode for four days and eventually found the bears trail. The eldest son said, “Right we’ll camp here for the night and at dawn we’ll attack the bears. What could possibly go wrong?” The bears caught the scent of the Otan party and came upon them in the darkness. The great bear with his mate and all their cubs with them. They killed all the horses and all of the sons as well, except one who barely managed to escape. He ran all the way home and reported the news. Old Father Otan, his wife and remaining children were stricken with grief. They held council and after many days, they came up with a plan. “Right!” said Old Sam Otan, “I’ve had enough of this great bear! I’ve lost 11 of my sons and we only have 5 left. 7 of my daughters are strong and old enough to fight, as well as any man. We’ll all go to Jack’s cottage together that makes 12 and myself 13. We’ll make traps and build strong fences and walls around the farm.” So they all went to Jack’s farm and did as they had planned and two weeks later the great bear, came to Jack’s farm with his family. The bear saw how strong the defences were, he hesitated and looked across the valley. He saw the Otan house with no walls and no one there, except some young girls and old mother Otan. He had grown tired of the taste of lambs, chickens and horses and now he wanted something else. So the great bear and his family went back to the forest and waited for night to come. He took his family to the Otan house and then charged in with speed and fury. All the bears smashed the doors and windows open and ran through the house, but there was no one there, the house was empty. All of a sudden there was a blast of hunting horns and a great cacophony of noise. The house was surrounded by Jack and all the Otans. Old mother Otan had been warned, by her pet falcon, of an approaching danger and had left with her daughters and gone to her sister’s house. She had sent a carrier pigeon to Old Sam Otan at Jack’s cottage, who ambushed the bears. “Fire!” Screamed Old Sam Otan at the top of his voice and they all hurled their burning torches at the house. Some of the bears ran out and were cut down as they ran and the house burned to the ground. Old Sam Otan and his company went through the ashes and counted all the dead bears. “They’re all here!” said the eldest son, after laying the bears bodies out. “No wait a minute, there’s one missing!” They all scouted around the area, but the mate of the late great bear, was nowhere to be found..... The end?
@flashgordon6670 4 месяца назад
The only lasting solution, is to create more land. So there’s less need to fight, over the land that exists today. Imagine if the entire world, spent half its military budgets since 1900, on terraforming deserts and reclaiming land from the seas. The futility and insanity of war. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING?
@marisabenson1222 4 месяца назад
Thankyou Ben Hodges
@squireson 4 месяца назад
Honoring your pre-existing arms contracts has had a generous benefit. Russia has delayed deliveries and that is part of why their orders are collapsing. This is a death blow to a military that depends on exports to fund it modern systems. Russia's military is going to wind up stuck in the 1990s.
@monopalle5768 4 месяца назад
Why is Crimea such a big deal for Ukraines future? All of us nations have lost land, you build a NEW city, a NEW port.... They have other coastal areas.
@bubavaal4888 4 месяца назад
😂😂😂😂 Ben even if you bring back your father's first generation nothing can stop Russian from dismantling Ukraine not in that studio with your lies 😂😂😂😂
@sballantine8127 4 месяца назад
The audio is so bad that I was only able to understand maybe 50% of what General Hodges said and maybe 10% of what he following two speakers said. Such a shame.
@wesleyallen1173 4 месяца назад
I am writing this about 6 days after it posted; The house has finally passed the bill to help fund Ukraine. All that speaker johnson proved was it was 100% politics to protect his job. thousands if not tens of thousands of Ukrainians died, or were injured, lost their homes, and businesses for one reason, and one reason only, to protect his backside, and his job. That is disgusting. 04-21-24
@davidcpugh8743 5 месяцев назад
Sadly Joe Biden wobbles while Donald Trump counter punches. Not a good look for USA.
@davidcpugh8743 5 месяцев назад
As a combat veteran, have a great respect for General Hodges. Veterans are large numbers and most vote as a bloc on these issues.
@playedout148 4 месяца назад
I'm a vet. Not a trump fan.
@AstroGremlinAmerican 3 месяца назад
Golly, I wish I were a vet. That would make me smarter than everyone else, except vets, of course.
@AstroGremlinAmerican 3 месяца назад
@@playedout148 Let's put you down as a Kamala fan.
@davidcpugh8743 3 месяца назад
@@AstroGremlinAmericansnarky boy. I was fighting in a real war while this guy was hanging out on the block. Yes as a human half of a scout dog team on point, I know war!
@davidcpugh8743 5 месяцев назад
Hoping that as a retired effective general, you persuade key congressmen todo the necessary. Speaking as a grunt from another war.
@AstroGremlinAmerican 3 месяца назад
The Commander in Chief is Joe Biden, and soon to be Kamala Harris.
@ccoomb 5 месяцев назад
Question for Ben: Did you hear Hakeem Jeffries today say that the US must support Ukraine "... until Victory!"? Is the American leadership tide turning?
@maritaschweizer1117 5 месяцев назад
​@one4320 no Ben Hodges was not wrong. If a forcast under certain restictions were made and this restrictions did not happened than the statement was correct. This are simple rules of logic.
@User0resU-1 5 месяцев назад
An evening with a gaggle of poor deluded saps.
@wesleyallen1173 4 месяца назад
And what knowledge, and experience, along with time, and degrees do you have, that gives you the right to say that. How many men have you led at the sharp end?. How many military war schools have you graduated from.
@user333-us4qz 4 месяца назад
@@wesleyallen1173you Sound like a sheep. Do you Think books and experience in battle give you superiority and authority. When its Sounds as a very stupid idear ? Trust in your own Logic and intuition. Research about the subject. ! No wars a they same, what Will your knowledge do you in a situations that you didnt learn from the book or the experience you had in your previous war 🤷‍♂️ Can you create a solution or just dont know what to do Then ! What did the Nato trainning help Ukrianiens in their summer offensive without Air supportive. ! They follow the book and it was a Big failiure. So they adabted and change tactic. Without Nato rules. What Rules did the russian navy had against navy drones ? From the books and experince none ! You Can have read 1000 books it dosent make you smarter when it comes to solution and adabt in the environment you a in and with the tools you have to make your mission a succes. I swear to god, give Ben hodges a Brigrade in Ukriane and lets see how great he really is 🙄🤣 also when it comes to strategy tactic i hear no solution and no tactic how to win. And also they a talking about war with smiles. Like it is a game Jesus. No diplomacy no compromise 🤨
@APW-ry2ok 5 месяцев назад
Sack the sound man.
@nowhere474 5 месяцев назад
@W_Bin 5 месяцев назад
US is no substitute for the UN. Watch "Ukraine War Live Chat w/ Talaria: Russia Isn't Even in the United Nations..."
@michaelhertwig4528 5 месяцев назад
What a laughable presentation. The contagion of stupidity and spineless conformance to woke Western politicians and the interests of the military industrial complex is palpable.
@loucaribou7765 5 месяцев назад
Gen. Hodges is great
@The1DUIGuy 5 месяцев назад
General Hodges correctly points out America has dissipated its moral authority, with the demise of our institutions. We aren’t living up to our role as the shining beacon on the hill. The corruption of so-called conservatives that have invaded the Republican Party under cover of MAGA have been destroying the U.S. from within. Americans of good conscience need to stand up and fight to regain the stability here that provides stability in the world. Slava Ukraini.
@paulstewart4195 5 месяцев назад
The clown hodges who like the other military cretins who predicted the Neo Nazis would win. The only thing to envisage now is what NATOs total defeat is starting to look like. No money no weapons left and no ideas. Meanwhile China Russia North Korea and Iran now and impregnable block out producing the combined west tenfold🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
@wesleyallen1173 4 месяца назад
I hope your getting paid in rubles, there about as useless as what you post.
@tinykitten8937 5 месяцев назад
@slimski 5 месяцев назад
Awful audio!
@slimski 5 месяцев назад
Always have a backup Just set a phone to record near or on the stage
@bigolboomerbelly4348 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the discussion. Gen Hodges is correct. The russians will make a mess out of international stability. A lot of people don't understand how that effects them but it does. It makes the edonomy, travel etc worse. Instability makes everything worse. 👍🇺🇦
@paulstewart4195 5 месяцев назад
Unlike the Americans. Libya Afghanistan Israel Iraq Syria 🤣unfortunately Russia is not a small defenceless Arab state with no airforce mind you thd Americans could not even defeat those 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
@paulstewart4195 5 месяцев назад
Hodges has never been right about anything. Ukrainenato will win 🤣🤣🤣
@michelemarr76 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this informative video. I'm a lay person trying to educate myself on these important issues. My brother was 101st Airborn and is fuming over US lack of support to Ukraine, as am I I support Ukraine 💯.
@AstroGremlinAmerican 3 месяца назад
I don't have a drop of Ukrainian blood but I was raised to love freedom and its defense. I have relatives who served but I'm not a vet either. But when the stars and stripes go up I feel my spine straighten and tears come to my eyes. It's our job, man.
@jeremyallard7015 5 месяцев назад
General Ben its a good speech thanks. I see someone had the nerve to say that you had been wrong on your analysis. You haven't I just wish that Joe Biden would say (We want Ukraine to win). It in my opinion will shift the Dynamics, as you say making Crimea untenable is a must, as well as breaking that monstrosity of a bridge to disable Ruskie Supplies. Fabulous Talk.
@miroslavavisinger 5 месяцев назад
Great Ben Hodges, big man with much of knowledge.... How many high possioned military personell were saluted in front of him.... Now has shown he is saluting to his young wife.... How sweet.... It must be great love... Lucky Alex! Sir, happy belated birthday and give usa lot of such intersting moments. It is always honour to spend time with you. Thank you, Sir! 👍❤️
@elizabethrezende2429 4 месяца назад
zkZvGu1-C@A9e$L 7:52
@elizabethrezende2429 4 месяца назад
Meu amor verdadeiro e único, te amo muito ♥️ minha vida ♥️
@miroslavavisinger 3 месяца назад
@@elizabethrezende2429 I wonder what is the prize of love you have got from that Sir? 🤔
@xy6845 5 месяцев назад
Always love to see the good general. His analyses always seem to be spot on. He'd be a better pick than Austin atm imo.
@peetky8645 5 месяцев назад
Ben Hodges is a midwit globalist shill who is happy to fight to the last ukrainian.
@JoseLoayza-j6w 5 месяцев назад
Isn’t it enough warning to you that the White House flatly rejects any troop involvement, to realize that Hodges’ “optimism” is not justified? His Neocon side lost the argument. WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA! Our young men and women are not going to die there for Ukraine. It’s clowns like this that have led Ukraine to “the primrose path” of war with Russia with false hopes and promises. Bring him back when Ukraine is a rump state, to explain himself.
@frankshifreen 5 месяцев назад
General Hodges is a great American and world leader
@olasylvia1 5 месяцев назад
I hear a lot of republicans stating that they will not vote for trump because they care about Ukraine. Great talk, as always good to hear a real supporter , especially gen. Hodges.
@paulstewart4195 5 месяцев назад
The Kiev Neo Nazis are done 🇷🇺
@monopalle5768 4 месяца назад
I don't hear any of that.... The only people who thought Trump was pro russian, was CNN and left wing media.... As a Trump supporter and follower, I never heard him praise Putin, it's ALL media lies, believed by people who refuse to check.
@AstroGremlinAmerican 3 месяца назад
But Kamala has remained silent about what she will do. If Ukraine has the same success as her "don't come" effort on the border, Thor help us.
@JackTenrec-qk4zp Месяц назад
@@AstroGremlinAmerican Kamala will support Ukraine but it doesn't really matter since there is no way for her to beat Trump
@doitdiddy 5 месяцев назад
Interesting discussion. General Ben Hodges always makes great strategic suggestions for Ukrainian wins and Russian demise. I wish President Joe Biden would listen to him, I wish that nations would listen to him. The sound on number ones microphone is terrible. Thank you all for this interesting discussion. Slava Ukraine!🇺🇦🇺🇦
@AstroGremlinAmerican 3 месяца назад
Joe Biden has all the answers and his handlers can barely control what he says, far less what he should listen to.
@KellenDunnVPDFO 5 месяцев назад
General Hodges should be our National Security Advisor, NOT that slow drip idiot Jake Sullivan!
@ЕленаВоронкова-щ6х 5 месяцев назад
Well, they're both idiots.
@rauldavila8632 5 месяцев назад
We Americans need to wake up. We are being encircled by tyrants. Now they've come home to spread Russian propaganda. Never in my lifetime would I have ever guessed they would infiltrate our government. People are much dumber than I would have ever thought. It's time to take the gloves off with these dictators. Vote for your kids future if you won't do it for your own or your homeland.
@maritaschweizer1117 5 месяцев назад
It is rare in our days to listen to an intelligent American. The example with Roosewelt and Churchil makes the contrast to current politicians very clear. Roosvelt layed the foundation to become a superpower, Biden and Trum laid the foundation to the end of Americans dominance.
@taralown7023 5 месяцев назад
the nuclear question about this programs exposure to corruption- was the exact one I had. Glad someone asked it.
@gumby2241 5 месяцев назад
lol! Hodges, always wrong, always irrelevant. A psychopath of very minimal intellect.
@MrLandL0rD1 5 месяцев назад
Ben been wrong on every analysis from 2022😂😂..he said party on the sea of azov by summer 2023😂😂😂..smh.he has never won a battle also
@maritaschweizer1117 5 месяцев назад
You simply do not listen what he said. He forcasted a sucsess of the 2023 offensive is the aid arrive in time. The delay allowed the Russians to build the Soroviki line.
@Kakker71 5 месяцев назад
...so you thought you'd join RU-vid in October 23 to tell everybody he was wrong? 😀
@Heater-v1.0.0 5 месяцев назад
Rus bot in the house.
@aniakuchta6382 5 месяцев назад
Blah blah blah. Go to sleep.
@paulstewart4195 5 месяцев назад
@@maritaschweizer1117but but but what clowns you all are. Send more money so the Nazis can keep stealing it😂