X Com Apoc Part 6 SHIELDS UP!
2 часа назад
X Com Apoc Part 5 Popper disaster
4 часа назад
Front Mission 4 Part 14 Wausau you going?
7 часов назад
Front Mission 3 Beam Weapon Only Part 2
14 часов назад
Front Mission 3 Beam Weapon Only Part 1
16 часов назад
X Com Apoc Part 3 Cultist trouble
21 час назад
Front Mission 4 Part 9 Monorail
День назад
Front Mission 4 Part 8 Simulated Fun
День назад
Front Mission 4 Part 7 Castle Clash
14 дней назад
Front Mission 4 Part 4 Truck Heist
14 дней назад
Front Mission 4 Part 2 Base ambush
21 день назад
Front Mission 4 Part 1 New Game +
21 день назад
Front Mission 3 Reload Pt 87
21 день назад
Front Mission 3 Reload Pt 86
21 день назад
Front Mission 3 Reload Pt 85
21 день назад
Front Mission 3 Reload Pt 84
21 день назад
Front Mission 3 Reload Pt 83
21 день назад
Front Mission 3 Reload Pt 82
28 дней назад
Front Mission 3 Reload Pt 81
28 дней назад
@xheralt 12 часов назад
I love putting Kyokei legs on missile units to give them more mobility.
@jeroti187 12 часов назад
@@xheralt I still have to be careful about the weight at this point. When I get a store with some more variety in parts I’ll be able to tinker with the set ups a bit more.
@xheralt 12 часов назад
SMASH skills with the P-Gun is gilding the lily, lol. Revenge skills might work well? FiringSquad would be REALLY fun! I've found that AP -60% pretty much guarantees you'll have enough AP to use the P-Gun every turn, unless it doesn't trigger at all.
@jeroti187 12 часов назад
@@xheralt at the first parts of the game I’m one shorting everything anyways so the smash skills aren’t that helpful. I’m aiming to get AP -30% on everyone at the very least. Firing squad is something that I’d like to pick up as well. The range of the P gun is so big that a Firing squad should be easy to trigger.
@xcom4649 3 дня назад
Awesome to see new Front Mission gameplays. FM series is one of my favourites, too bad it is no where near as big as Final Fantasy. Keep up the great work.. Greetings from Syria.
@jeroti187 3 дня назад
@@xcom4649 Thanks it’s one of my favorite series. It would have been great if they had released 5 worldwide, evolution was a bit of a disappointment.
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 4 дня назад
Elsa zead Hermes one's group. Darril renges chaeffer one's group. This is my choice.
@LuckyLenghe 7 дней назад
Curse of the dual-sim smartphones - I don't even remember my other number; I have to open the SIM managed to find out
@jeroti187 7 дней назад
@@LuckyLenghe I think maybe this was meant for someone else.
@LuckyLenghe 7 дней назад
@@jeroti187 No you were talking in the video about how you used to remember everybody's phone number, but don't these days because of smartphones. I should've included a timestamp.
@jeroti187 7 дней назад
@@LuckyLenghe Ah I yeah I remember now. I record some of these videos days in advance so I don’t always remember the things I rambled on about.
@Alexander_Sannikov 9 дней назад
it's interesting how you're not using stun grenades much. i remember every battlefield covered in green gas in my playthroughs :D
@jeroti187 9 дней назад
Once I research the bio transport module I'll use them more. No reason to stun them when I can't take them back.
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 10 дней назад
And how about black stone shotgun,ziege sniper riffle?.
@jeroti187 10 дней назад
@@Nurjanah-vw3ip if I remember to do all the steps I can get the shotgun. I can’t get the rifle because I didn’t talk to Allison enough.
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 10 дней назад
Clear up simulation Elsa and darril story for optained secret gear unlocked.
@jeroti187 10 дней назад
@@Nurjanah-vw3ip I know about the items from the simulators I’ve played the game many times. Eventually I’ll get the Minotaur arms and I’ll give one to Renges and one to Ines. Then they’ll be set up for the rest of the game. I might give Boch one of the Vampire arms or I might not.
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 11 дней назад
Elsa and Bosch good the link attack. And also darril and Luis.
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 12 дней назад
You have to bring ammo at the every mission.
@jeroti187 11 дней назад
@@Nurjanah-vw3ip I have some in the back oacks but I won’t need it until we start doing the really big maps
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 13 дней назад
Use right hand at the link attack. Zead use weapon sniper riffle just like renges.
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 13 дней назад
At the mission 14 renges have to use skill focus down or snipe leg. Enemy cannot escape.
@Alexander_Sannikov 14 дней назад
what's the rightmost item in your soldier equipment menu? the one to the right from stun guns, looks like a grenade with spikes. i don't remember that one?
@Alexander_Sannikov 14 дней назад
apparently it's an item called "psyclone" and i literally have never seen it.
@jeroti187 14 дней назад
@@Alexander_Sannikov You’re right it is Psyclone. When you raid the cult or the gangs there’s a chance to loot them. It doesn’t do anything in combat it’s just an item to sell. If you raid Solmine or Transteller you can sometimes find a small orange orb of Elerium. That also doesn’t do anything it’s just an item to sell.
@Alexander_Sannikov 14 дней назад
@@jeroti187 I didn't know about those stun raids, so I never really encountered these items. There's also another item that I saw in the game resources, but never encountered, it's the psi shield. When I played the game in the 90's I couldn't read english, so I didn't know what it did, but from its art i assumed it was a more advanced version of the mind bender, and I really wanted it :D
@jeroti187 14 дней назад
@@Alexander_Sannikov I’m pretty sure the Psishield and Dimensional Destabilizer were items that got cut but still have data in the game. They don’t do anything but if you use a save editor you can add them to your stockpile.
@Alexander_Sannikov 14 дней назад
@@jeroti187 Yeah, right, I found that wikipedia article about x-com3 apocalypse cut content.. It's really sad man, so much amazing stuff has never been finished. But also I was apparently right, the pre-release DOS versions that I had did indeed contain more content than the release versions, but they were really unstable, but it was possible to fix them by copying over some missing assets. There was so much tech though that didn't appear even in that version... :(
@Nurjanah-vw3ip 14 дней назад
Please,Elsa,zead,Hermes one link at attack
@jeroti187 14 дней назад
I'm still in the UCS section. When I get back to the EC I'll make a link on Zead with Elsa and Hermes.
@Alexander_Sannikov 15 дней назад
Oh man you're playing the red main menu background version! That's the good one, it has more endgame tech and missions! If I understand correctly, that was the beta version with lots of content, but it was too unstable, so they decided to cut it and released the "green main menu background" version that was more stable but with much less content. Unfortunately, the red version crashes for me when travelling to mars, because it had a bunch of files missing, so I just grabbed them from the green version and literally copied them over! What a game, man! Flying annihilators into a mars portal to ruin the aliens' day was so awesome!
@jeroti187 15 дней назад
@@Alexander_Sannikov I didn’t know there were different main screens. Maybe it’s a regional thing. I don’t remember seeing anything but a red main screen. If you’d like I can make you a soldier on the team.
@Alexander_Sannikov 15 дней назад
@@jeroti187 maybe it was a regional thing yeah. for sure, but i need my flying suit asap!
@LuckyLenghe 18 дней назад
There is a weird "damage transfer" concept in this game. If enemy's part is broken, and your attack would've hit that part if it was not broken, then the damage is transferred to the body, but only half.
@jeroti187 18 дней назад
@@LuckyLenghe that’s weird you’d think it would just remove that part from the 1-4 random chance.
@LuckyLenghe 26 дней назад
23:40 This is a NO PARKING Zone 😂😂😂
@jeroti187 26 дней назад
Years ago I used to work as a security guard. People parking in no parking areas was always a huge pet peeve of mine.
@LuckyLenghe 29 дней назад
If only the characters weren't basically interchangeable in battle. Miho can oneshot a guy with a snide remark.
@ericwebber2480 Месяц назад
salvo is so good
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
Yeah it’s really nice when it goes off when your missile is fully loaded. Just need a back up plan for when you don’t have anymore missiles.
@LuckyLenghe Месяц назад
Wow that was close
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
Yeah it kinda fell apart on me. Nanjing is going to be really close as well.
@LuckyLenghe Месяц назад
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
It would have been nice if we could buy that computer. I wonder if it’s an 8 slot computer in the base game or if it’s change made by the mod.
@NasiGoreng-fy7ly Месяц назад
Pierre can we switch that computer? 😂
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
@@NasiGoreng-fy7ly An 8 slot computer would be great even if we only got 1.
@NasiGoreng-fy7ly Месяц назад
@@jeroti187 i hope they make it on V0.6 haha
@LuckyLenghe Месяц назад
Man, all kinds of rare stuff happening in this playthrough - Alisa's construction wanzer getting destroyed, helicopter pilot ejecting, Auto skill activating ...
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
I’d trade it all away for a normal skill acquisition rate.
@LuckyLenghe Месяц назад
After all your troubles learning skills in Emma story, you finally got an early skill acquisition ... and then ... 😂😂😂
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
I’ve recorded up to shortly before the OCU uses MIDAS and I only have a handful of skills on a few characters. Thankfully I haven’t experienced any more crashes I’m still not sure what caused it this time.
@LuckyLenghe Месяц назад
You mentioned you've played for hundreds of hours. So have I. And I've also never seen Alisa's wanzer get destroyed. Good to know it's not a game over atleast ...
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
I think the purple haze guys in this mission are a bit more dangerous than in the base game. Whenever she gets close to dying the AI just leaves her alone this time they focused on her a lot.
@LuckyLenghe Месяц назад
I made the mistake of underestimating these "Reksons". These are all beefed up to Hoshun level. Barely made it through the mission alive ...
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
It was definitely not what I was expecting especially the S rank weapon skill. The USN should have sent these guys to take us out in that rusty old shipyard instead of the team they sent.
@LuckyLenghe Месяц назад
Alisa so insignificant, nobody even notices she didn't board the landing craft 😂😂😂
@jeroti187 Месяц назад
We spend 3/4 of the game trying to rescue her only to leave her behind. We only went in there again to rescue her in the first place too.
@LuckyLenghe 2 месяца назад
Helicopters missing six times in a row! ... Someone must've paid them off.
@jeroti187 2 месяца назад
Li might be self aware and hacking the code. Didn’t save him from that rifle though.
@LuckyLenghe 2 месяца назад
18:56 Eject punch Uno Reverse 😂😂😂 I wasn't sure until now whether Blackout only activates if enemy is going to activate a skill in the first place. But it's clear now that Blackout just activates regardless. Enemies are much more evasive starting from this mission because they have full upgrades and Kasel has 47% evasion.
@jeroti187 2 месяца назад
I got a good laugh out of that eject punch exchange too. The big problem for the accuracy was I had lighter melee arms on to make weight, but I change them out for better accuracy arms and sacrifice on the body to make weight. Getting the special Wanzer parts helped since I could spread them around so several characters got good weight high power items.
@LuckyLenghe 2 месяца назад
Average dmg: 10 ... wow that has to be some kind of record
@jeroti187 2 месяца назад
I got lucky with the misses and chaff activation. I bet if I had taken shield restores it would be lower. Emma took some missiles without any shield durability left. Of course if I replayed this mission a bunch of times I’d probably not get the same misses so the damage would be higher.
@LuckyLenghe 2 месяца назад
5:22 They do mention it somewhere, I don't recall exactly. But Kazuki hates his dad because he prioritizes work over family. Presumably, Kazuki lives with Alisa and provides for her, whereas Isao is never around.
@jeroti187 2 месяца назад
I don't remember reading that, just his crazy hate for his dad.
@alexgraham5402 2 месяца назад
Front Mission 3 was my favorite in the serie.
@jeroti187 2 месяца назад
It’s my favorite too. It was the first game in the series that I played and I’ve played hundreds of hours of it since I first played in the 90s.
@LuckyLenghe 2 месяца назад
Thought your name seemed familiar ...
@jeroti187 2 месяца назад
I’ve commented on some of your videos too.
@YoLo-bb2vc 3 месяца назад
Front Mission 3 is i think slated to come on to steam in 2025 as april 30th is FM2R and last year was FM1R on steam FM3R i believe is already out on nintendo switch
@jeroti187 3 месяца назад
Nintendo doesn’t have a release date listed on their site for it and neither does Forever Entertainment the company doing the remake.
@YoLo-bb2vc 3 месяца назад
@@jeroti187 oh well then the FM3R info i saw was wrong people huh well i guess i was hasty on believing some people's info need to be more observant in future. but the main thing is this is on there to do list as i believe they plan to do all of them 1 to 5
@jeroti187 3 месяца назад
@@YoLo-bb2vc I love it if they redid 5. I never got to play that one.
@jeroti187 5 месяцев назад
Melee can work out well if you abuse eject punch to knock the pilots out. The other way is stack up melee I or tackle I and combo them a bunch to smash an enemy in one go.
@Metalman200xdamnit 5 месяцев назад
I have to disagree with your loadouts. The melee weapons do a ton of damage,but you will be counterattacked every time vs. a melee unit. Always carry a shield and a ranged weapon. That can help you survive and take out threats. Otherwise,you did good to make it that far.
@veghesther3204 8 месяцев назад
Celine Ashton Precis Noel Leon Welch are still CRAP and are NEVER in my party EVER Bloody armor Claude Opera Bowman for the arena battles here.
@veghesther3204 9 месяцев назад
Celine Ashton Precis Noel Leon Welch are all CRAP and are NEVER in my party ever I had Claude OPERA Dias Chisato/BOWMAN all lv 100 by now.
@shirrenthewanderer414 10 месяцев назад
I still can't get over how disappointingly easy the TWM were once they lost their plot armor. Then again that's happens when you sit on your ass for 700 something years thinking your invincible.
@glezard212 8 месяцев назад
Hey to be fair in Star ocean till the end of time. The tell you that a rival company of Luther tried to sabotage sphere 211 however they ended up failing. If we applied the story from TTEOT then the Ten wise men lost here because they thought that sabotaging sphere 211 would be easy
@shirrenthewanderer414 8 месяцев назад
@@glezard212 you are telling me the Ten Wise Men from SO2 tried to break into the "real world" i.e. 4D space, got thier asses handed to them and THAT'S how they got trapped in Eternity Space?
@glezard212 8 месяцев назад
@@shirrenthewanderer414 no the Ten wise men were the rival company that broke into the eternal sphere. They put their data into the eternal sphere universe of Claude and Co. And whilst in the eternal sphere tried to destroy it from within.
@shirrenthewanderer414 8 месяцев назад
@@glezard212 Oh that kind of explains why you can't actually damage them because they are "real life" people, and you need LEA Antimatter w/e to fight them?
@glezard212 8 месяцев назад
@@shirrenthewanderer414 now here’s what the game never explicitly mentions. Why does it take the wise men so long to destroy the universe. Basically no civilization at that point in history when they first entered the eternal sphere had the knowledge, power, or technology capabilities of doing what the ten needed done. So they picked a place whereby they could influence and then at a certain point took control of that civilization. However because the eternal sphere is like a computer. It also has antivirus software. Which were the nedians. After their defeat and subsequent sealing. They could still affect the outside world causing the destruction of expel. Think of the symbol of destruction as a virus and the symbol of creation as the antivirus. And you see why they lost
@veghesther3204 11 месяцев назад
Bloody armor Claude Opera Chisato Dias/Bowman else against ALL the normal enemies on All 13 floors I didn't even last for 10 SECONDS on Galaxy/Universe mode at all and didn't last for 10 seconds on EARTH mode floors 7 to 13 EITHER.
@veghesther3204 11 месяцев назад
For BOTH Galaxy/Universe mode I had ALL 13 floor NORMAL enemies do 9999 PER hit AT LVS OVER 200 so I still had to Bloody armor Claude Opera Chisato Dias/Bowman for ALL 13 floors.
@krigsy7610 Год назад
I remember finishing off Ivanovna with Chaeffer and chuckling at how poetic it was that she died at the hands of the man whose feelings she spurned.😂
@Scorch12628 Год назад
Memories ❤️‍🔥
@bababoeythehorsemen8462 Год назад
how did you get doubel armor ????
@jeroti187 Год назад
If you use the radio pack you can get an armor coating that lasts for a few turns. So if you set your team to impact then use the coating for piercing or fire you’ll end up with two types of armor.
@bababoeythehorsemen8462 Год назад
@@jeroti187 ow i see i thougt armor coutinh its just changing your armor so it mean that just doubeling your armor
@jeroti187 Год назад
@@bababoeythehorsemen8462 yeah it just gives you a second armor for a while. It can be really helpful at times, but I don’t think I used it that often in this play through.
@hiddenturtle8527 Год назад
Thanks 👍
@kaijennsen1977 Год назад
Your video is so good quality
@zikriflanery7030 Год назад
How did you still get Precis hide and seek PA after entering Lacuer?
@jeroti187 Год назад
I don’t know of any special requirements for it it show up other than to have her in the party.
@kaijennsen1977 Год назад
How you can got much EP? Did you use game shark
@jeroti187 Год назад
When you beat the game you get to make a save at the end. Then you can do a new game + where you keep the EP you earned from the other play throughs.
@veghesther3204 Год назад
But even with those cheats I would STILL need to bloody armor Claude Opera Chisato and Dias/Bowman else with the 9999 damage cap removed I would still have this boss do OVER 10,000 damage per hit at lv 255 on EARTH mode. a
@veghesther3204 Год назад
I still bloody armored the entire party so Ashton Precis Noel Leon Welch ALL of them suck and are NEVER IN MY PARTY EVER.
@veghesther3204 Год назад
I NEVER had Hyper Launcher usable by a lv 255 OperA BUT I'll still bloody armor Claude Dias Opera and Chisato at this point I had EVERYTHING on Floors 7 to 13 easily do 9999 per physical hit even on EARTH mode that I'll barely last 10 seconds on all 13 floors for Galaxy/Universe mode without a Bloody armor user.