eTrue Media
eTrue Media
eTrue Media
We maker videos for business to use online to get more customers, promote their brand and attract leads. We also offer video tutorials on making videos for your business, and discuss video production, shooting techniques and writing effective scripts.
WBN Mix and Mingle Breakfast
8 лет назад
Hypnosis for Parkinson's
9 лет назад
Ottawa Writers Conference
9 лет назад
Promote Your Business With Video
9 лет назад
Hair Nation Band.mov
13 лет назад
The Story of Miss Supertest
14 лет назад
The Story of John Pepper Downes
14 лет назад
The Rum Runners
14 лет назад
History of The Hasty Ps
14 лет назад
History of the Fishing Industry
14 лет назад
The History of Orange Lodge
14 лет назад
History of The Picton Library
14 лет назад
The Picton Fair
14 лет назад
The Claramount Inn, Picton, Ontario
14 лет назад
The Sandbanks, Ontario
14 лет назад
The Life of Sir John A. MacDonald
14 лет назад
Job Profile: Gareth Davies
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Food Defence
14 лет назад
@peterrollinson-lorimer Год назад
A great subject of history. My father was an assistant lighthouses keeper on Main Duck in those days.
@cathystevens9826 Год назад
@lawrencemalcolm4520 Год назад
GEORGE Thomas Phelps Gunner enlisted at age 18 .
@jills9723 Год назад
My husband's Great, Great Uncle was an Orangeman in Elgin Ontario. He passed in 1936 with the title of the eldest Orangeman in the country at 96yrs. His funeral had 3 ministers, and accompaniment of music and singing at the funeral and interment. We are very proud of the family in Orangemen, as they were also at the beginning of the Orangemen in England.
@Theeirishman74 Год назад
Jaffa c#nts
@consean9938 2 года назад
The cause of Ireland's troubles
@pcmaclin 2 года назад
Says the hate filled republican trouble maker
@Drifty40 2 года назад
For defeating a catholic king in the 17th century ? Seriously.......move on like the rest of the countries invaded by French, Portuguese, Danish, Spanish etc etc. This is the 21st century, you're living in some wormhole to the 17th.
@pcmaclin 2 года назад
@@Drifty40 Then you need to say the same to every country around the world that celebrate their victories from decades and centuries past. Oh, and let's not forget about your aoh marches. Think the wormhole you talk about is in your brain.
@Drifty40 2 года назад
@@pcmaclin I suggest you read my comment again. Why would I be interested in the AoH as a protestant unionist.
@nicolasg.514 11 месяцев назад
​@@Drifty40 What is the signification of the July 12th parade?
@hettyscetty9785 2 года назад
It's kind of sad that there's only 13 orange men left there. I mean even going to the orange walk in Belfast or Glasgow is a strong proud tradition. My Dad, Stepdad and my Mum took me and the siblings when we were growing up. There's always going to be people standing against it, but people come in their thousands to see these walks and even more so to support their brothers and sisters in the lodges and bands.
@brianmcgovern6207 2 года назад
13 to many in my eyes 👀
@Drifty40 2 года назад
@@brianmcgovern6207 That tells us more about you.
@brianmcgovern6207 2 года назад
@@Drifty40 what else would you like to no?
@Drifty40 2 года назад
@@brianmcgovern6207 "know"....... Absolutely nothing......your comments are enough to know all we need to about you. 👶
@Theeirishman74 Год назад
Silly jock c@nts....
@jbbouv5798 2 года назад
Just a bunch of racistb propaganda from the true "master" race. Hard to build a modern country with a**holes
@Drifty40 2 года назад
With a**holes like yourself...absolutely ! The Orange Order has members around the globe, including black members in Africa and other races from Poland etc.....not exactly "racist" as you blindly claim. However.......on the other hand.... The Ancient Order of Hibernians......stipulates....its members must be Catholic only, with a relation to Ireland, White and male.....the women are only allowed in an auxiliary branch. Maybe you can see your hypocrisy and misinformed lack of knowledge on the subject. Nevermind though.......we've become accustomed to that and the denial, distraction and deceit from people like yourself.
@altela1597 3 года назад
Orangist are racist and hate everybody who are not English and Protestant! Ideology: The Orange ideology is transplanted as it is from Ulster to Canada, but once rooted, it takes on Canadian colors. The Catholics of British North America being for the most part Francophones, it is against the demographic presence and the political influence of Acadians, Quebecers and Métis that the Orangemen mobilized and are still mobilizing today. . The anti-Catholic prejudice of the Protestant British settlers is thus coupled with an anti-French prejudice on American soil. At the same time, anti-Republican sentiment is directed against the United States rather than the Irish Republic. Later, in 1867, when the project to federate the provinces and territories of North America (under the name of "Canada") materialized, the Orange movement also promoted the new Canadian nationalism (Canadian). Despite the name, this "Canadian" nationalism has little to do with the Canada founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608, because for the Orangemen, the history of Canada does not really begin until 1759, when the English general James Wolfe takes the lead. Quebec city. Orange Canada is first and foremost a constitutional monarchy, an integral part of the British Commonwealth, a country where the English language and Protestant culture must continue to triumph. This is still the raison d'être of the Orange movement in Canada today, as evidenced by the mission statement which appears on the home page of the association's website. Canada's unofficial national anthem from 1867 to 1980, titled The Maple Leaf Forever, was composed by Alexander Muir, an Orangeman who participated in the Battle of Ridgeway against the Fenians. In addition to supporting a sectarian and chauvinistic nationalism which glorifies the supremacy of the British Empire in the world, the Canadian Orange ideology allows itself to be penetrated by the strongly racist current of the American Ku Klux Klan and by the anti-Semitic and fascist currents of the United Kingdom. United. Canadian Orangeism, strongly organized since the mid-nineteenth century, will therefore nestle the Canadian extreme right in the twentieth century. fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_loyale_d%27Orange_du_Canada#:~:text=L%27%20Association%20loyale%20d%27Orange%20du%20Canada%20%28Anglais%3A%20Loyal,de%20l%27 % 20Ireland% 20du% 20North% 20% 28Order% 20d% 27Orange% 20% 281795% 29% 29.
@Drifty40 2 года назад
With black members in Africa and other races from around the globe, it makes a bit of a mockery of your comments and soundbites. On the other hand.. .....the Ancient Order of Hibernians......stipulates its members must be White, Roman Catholic, with an association to Ireland and male.
@altela1597 2 года назад
​@@Drifty40 Well here in Canada the Orangist STRONGLY promote English, STRONGLY promote Anglican religion and STRONGLY promote white race and STRONGLY promote Allegiance to British monarchy. Lord Durham and Sir John A. Macdonald where Orangist and both of them where STRONGLY racist to those who where not like them and they prooved it. And since those two racist, many men until today in the Government of Canada or any English province did everything to erdicated those who are not English, protestant, white and are not for british monarchy. EVERYBODIES know this ask any First Nation or French Canadian or Chinese who live in Vancouver, Hindus and many black from English colonies. And it was like this in Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A, who cause the biggest Arboriginal GENOCID of the entire world over the Arboriginal from all those countries. Everyone know this.
@Drifty40 2 года назад
@@altela1597 So... . Your opinion is based on two men from history. lol You do know the French invaded and ruled Canada. Notwithstanding....the North American native 1st people of Canada...fought alongside the British to repel the American invasion. It amuses me how many people like yourself, will keep harking back centuries in an attempt to justify themselves today. Your comments are barely intelligible. You also completely ignored the AoH, no mention either of returning North America to the indigenous natives. Your comments tell us more about your own bigotry.
@altela1597 2 года назад
@@Drifty40 Let me teach you because you are very ignorant, plus you don't know your history at all and it's normal because it's very shameful and racist untill today, because you refuse 70% of the French immigration and accept 70% of the English immigration, they talk about it in the News paper. So listen the French rule untill 1763 plus the where friend with the First Nation and the proof is the Metis is majority is French and Amerindian. And it's not the French who creat the INDIAN ACT it's Sir John A. Macdonald the Aryan Racist father of the confederation of Canada, i say Aryan racist, because he hate's everything who was not English, or not Anglican or presbyterian or Protestant or white skin and he hate's everyone who didn't make allegiance to the British Monarchy. Sir John A Macdonald hate the Chinese who build the railroad oF Canada he was a strong alcoholic who really hate the Franch and who hang the Metis Louis Riel... And the last Indian residential school closed its doors in 1996 in Saskatchewan and it was not only to educate the children of the First Nations but to whitewash them and remove any Aboriginal culture from them and plus they no longer speak their languages. And 1996 so it's not an old story, plus it's did very bad damage to the First Nation. Plus my first message is right in the subject, because Sir John A MAcdonald was an Orangist and Orangist promote only English language, protestant religion, white skin those days and promote only allegiance to the British Monarchy. So it's not very MULTICULTURAL
@nicolasg.514 Год назад
@@Drifty40 Car tu crois que les Britanniques n'ont pas envahi et contrôlé le Canada 🤦‍♂️
@diamondkev8818 3 года назад
@theohiohwizard 2 года назад
@diamondkev8818 3 года назад
@ABfromWindsor 3 года назад
A part of Canadian History, Miss Supertest, Bob Hayward and the Thomson Family. Seen Miss Supertest on display several years ago in Sarnia at the OPA Sarnia - Port Huron Offshore Powerboat Race. Was glad to see Miss Supertest up close and part of our Canadian History.
@adrianbradley8513 3 года назад
I'm an Orangeman living in Northern Ireland. In Ireland you have to be an Orangeman to join the Royal Arch Purple Chapter and you have to be a Royal Arch Purpleman to join the Royal Black Institution. l am a lecturer ( confer degrees)in all these Protestant Fraternal Orders. Over here we do not "BLACKBALL" potential new Brethern/Sir Knights.They are rejected openly at a lodge/chapter/Preceptory meeting if they are deemed undesirable ie no secret ballot although this is rare. Also Orangemen in Ireland don't wear Orange aprons although Sir Knights of the Royal Black Institution do wear Royal Blue Aprons with the compass and square with the letter G in the centre on it when they receive the corresponding degree I'm also a Brother in the Apprentice Boys Of Derry that comemmerates the siege of Londonderry in 1688/1689. Apprentice Boys wear crimson "collarettes" and it is a far more simpler Order with a very simple initiation ceremony. Apprentice Boys exist in the British Isles and have only one or two "Branch Clubs" in Canada and Australia. All these orders meet in Orange Hall's although the Apprentices Boys ruling body,.the General Committee and Parent Clubs,meet in the large Apprentice Boys Memorial Hall in Londonderry. I just thought that I would let the local people living near this Orange Hall in the USA know about the Orange Halls and Protestant fraternities over here in the island of Ireland where they were built and formed and please to everybody who is reading this message,whatever your faith, colour or race my intention is to be informative not offensive. After all the Orange Order supports Civil And Religious Liberty for everyone.
@WHU63 3 года назад
We know all about you boys from the hill.
@jackietreehorn5561 2 года назад
Still can't marry catholics tho and say in ni it's their culture! No different than the KKK the organization belongs in the history dump...a discriminative organization based on hate and triumphalism
@jackietreehorn5561 2 года назад
Also I've always wondered why that lodge is called the apprentice boys of DERRY? When you guys are always so adamant it's londonderry..? What is the reason behind this? You'd lads would love a Ireland united for all
@adrianbradley8513 2 года назад
@@jackietreehorn5561 The city's name was Derry during the 1688-1689 siege. It's name was changed to Londonderry some years later The island country of Ceylon changing it's name to Sri Lanka is a similar example of this. The Apprentice Boys Of Derry use the name Derry in it's name because it commemorates events that happened before the name change. An example of the flip side of this is that the Foyle Bridge was built over the river Foyle on the outskirts of Londonderry.
@Crum-pe4mn 2 года назад
So you're a bigot then yeah?
@tintop550 3 года назад
My father took me to watch the 1961 race, & I later saw her outside the Queen Elizabeth building at the CNE.
@peterveryha6871 3 года назад
Sir John A is my political hero.
@yoshshmenge294 3 года назад
R.I.P Corporal Stire Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. K.I.A Jan 31 1944 Ortona Italy.
@lactate 4 года назад
more masonic garbage
@robertsutherland6209 4 года назад
Away and fuck yourself you ignorant fenian bastard the Orange Order and Masonic are two completely different organisations the Masonic are a non sectarian order you cretin.
@robertsutherland6209 4 года назад
It even lets you papish bastards join
@SethNemah 4 года назад
@@robertsutherland6209 I'm sorry what???
@letsalllaughatsevco5392 4 года назад
@@robertsutherland6209 Your team's deid...
@Drifty40 2 года назад
You've clearly no idea, what the hell you're talking about. Masonic and Orange Order are two completely different organisations.
@grahamfleming7642 4 года назад
They won the battle of the Boyne, but LOST the war of humanity. Ireland will go on to prosper without them,Protestant, Catholic and none.Saoirse,an spioraid na H,Erin gu brath. Aon duthcha agus aon daoine.
@pcmaclin 4 года назад
@graham fleming...Halfwit.
@grahamfleming7642 4 года назад
@@pcmaclin no wit,or asswipe,,the Queens wee Nancy boy,DISGRACE to the Protestant faith,( free of state and crown,)?
@GaraGambini 4 года назад
pcmaclin He certainly is an idiot.
@frederickhermann4904 3 года назад
No it won’t.Ireland will only prosper when it recognises ALL cultures within its shores which includes Protestant,catholic and none.It has went part way already by including Orange in its national flag.No-one lost the war on humanity.Both sides contributed to its demise during the troubles
@GaraGambini 3 года назад
@@frederickhermann4904 You clearly don’t live in Northern Ireland or Ireland so you talk rubbish. The Orange in the flag you talk about represents 4% of the population in the Republic of Ireland. That same Protestant population fell to 4% not by accident but by design and plan. Due to violence, discrimination and Government and Church LAW! The people of Northern Ireland choose by DEMOCRATIC vote to remain British. The sooner people like you get this into their thick heads, the sooner we will have peace.
@paulforrest6000 5 лет назад
My great uncle Pvt. George Forrest was killed in action serving with Hasty P's. He is buried in Italy.
@mobileklinik6728 5 лет назад
A shame there was no mention of Harry and Quen Smith who owned the Claremont for many years. Very interesting,colorful people who dedicated themselves to Claremont and its grounds as well as operating the Prince Edward cruising club located on the property's waterfront at Picton bay.
@econurse888 5 лет назад
Bruce Lowery was my great uncle and we appreciate you making this video!
@9grand 6 лет назад
Un pure racist!
@RandyGrover 6 лет назад
Here it is on Google Maps goo.gl/maps/ysmjUXygAyL2
@RandyGrover 6 лет назад
I walked by the Lodge to and from school.
@Sacrifice-Loyalty 7 лет назад
Join Us ...Guelph Loyal Orange Lodge 1331...look us up on Facebook
@fickyonetime 8 лет назад
Is there contact information for this clinic that provided these sessions?
@eTrueMedia 8 лет назад
+fickyonetime The hypnotist is based in Ottawa, her website is lindahayhypnosis.com/about-linda-hay/
@MrPepperoni92 9 лет назад
A great video - But, too short.
@dinny5609 9 лет назад
Exceptionally well done. What a great PR video. So nice to see people being inspired to pour their hearts onto the page!
@eTrueMedia 9 лет назад
+Glynis Belec - Thank you
@maryhaskett6778 9 лет назад
This is a great video and depicts well, that very exhilarating day!
@timpotts4095 9 лет назад
The scene near the end showing the 2 graves is of my grandfather Sargent Earl Augustus Potts who served with the Hastings and lost his life in 1944 in Sicily.
@darrylmartell4784 9 лет назад
etrue media...lol The problem with secrets is that they are eventually unearthed, resulting in uncomfortable revelations about the past. This is particularly upsetting when violence, abuse, and murder are involved - but it’s a necessary step in facing the truths of the present.....these are from the review from canadas history
@darrylmartell4784 9 лет назад
this is a review of a book written by University of Regina kinesiology and health studies professor James Daschuk: In the book’s final chapters, Daschuk uncovers how early Canadian lawmakers exploited the very situation their ancestors had created. Specifically, he pinpoints both a coercive treaty-making process and then-Prime Minister John A. Macdonald’s widely supported policies of pacification and starvation as two main thrusts that “cleared the plains” and led to the Canadian Pacific Railway, forming the Canada of today. Daschuk also shows how, in the following years, Canada either refused to uphold treaty commitments or, in some cases, used provisions like tainted meat and medicine to maintain famine, uphold draconian control, and “create ecological conditions in which disease exploded.” This dramatically increased after the 1885 Northwest Rebellion, resulting in some communities being “punished to death.” Here Daschuk’s strongest evidence lands at the feet of men like Macdonald and Edgar Dewdney, Indian commissioner for the North-West Territories
@barfsoup 9 лет назад
Wow! What an interesting history. It sold for $14,000 in 1946 (my jaw dropped when I heard that). I have driven past it numerous times. The view out back looks as though it would be so amazing. Thanks for posting.
@maryhaskett6778 10 лет назад
So interesting
@davidwood2548 11 лет назад
Thanks for this. I have seen the boat at the Science Centre.
@poly_hexamethyl 3 года назад
Me too, back in the 70's. I wonder if it's still there?
@TrekkinTO 11 лет назад
Aww it's a beautiful and special place for sure!
@Borscht4Brains 11 лет назад
What a beautiful man. Every country needs to have a prominent Scottish drunk to look back on with pride!
@quikgt 11 лет назад
Thanks for posting this!!!!!!!!
@RandyGrover 11 лет назад
My home town of Picton. What a great town to grow up in.
@Robertominogarcia 12 лет назад
It is a awnsome video
@SEanLeCLAIr94 12 лет назад
You bet, he still shows up to some of the events.