Hayley at Downs Side Up
Hayley at Downs Side Up
Hayley at Downs Side Up
Down's syndrome voices and advocacy from around the world, as well as musings from our blog www.downssideup.com
Flu jab Natty style
10 лет назад
My Story of Mum
10 лет назад
Natty Finds Her Balance
11 лет назад
Speech Therapy is Fun!
11 лет назад
Wobbly Tooth Watch Update
11 лет назад
11 лет назад
The next Phill Collins
11 лет назад
Learning to Read with Down Syndrome
11 лет назад
Downs Side Up on ITV Daybreak
11 лет назад
Interview with Natty G
11 лет назад
11 лет назад
@lapislazuliandpriadot6949 8 лет назад
@BeckyGoddardHill 8 лет назад
Just lovely Hayley x
@HayleyGoleniowska 11 лет назад
My Story of Mum: Hayley at Downs Side Up
@MrChristosterone 11 лет назад
Hi, I saw your post about your daughter being in the finals of the kinder competition. Have you got any news yet? How has she done? I hope she has done well.
@HayleyGoleniowska 11 лет назад
I haven't heard a thing and the website hasn't changed either. I'm waiting for her shipment of Kinder Chocolate to arrive ;)
@NewMumOnline 11 лет назад
Infectious laugh x
@HayleyGoleniowska 11 лет назад
Thank you Hannah! We are so very proud, but wasn't she funny!
@kemp728 11 лет назад
what a lovely video. and a well deserved award. well done natty. u are a lil star. xx
@bestbuddies 11 лет назад
Congratulations on your blog's 1st anniversary and it's success! We took some time to look through your blog and are happy to share this great resource with our growing Best Buddies community. Thank you for tweeting us your video! P.S. Natty is beautiful! She's very lucky to have you as parents. Thank you for sharing your stories about the beautiful side of Down's Syndrome.
@HarvyCola 11 лет назад
That's really helpful, thank you. x
@CaroleZangari 11 лет назад
What a wonderful way to celebrate your blogiversary...with a gift that will help so many...Thanks for this wonderful video!
@SebastianYuen 11 лет назад
Thank you so much for sharing this important advice. Your message is inspiring and I look forward to discovering your blog!