Pat's River to Sky
Pat's River to Sky
Pat's River to Sky

I'm Patti. Proudly small town raised, living in a city, and always dreaming of the north!

I've been on a journey of self-awareness that has led me to seek solitude and find my voice, all while balancing life and motherhood.

Along the way, I rediscovered my joy of camping, self care, yoga studies, human connections, and simply being authentically me!

My background combines the passions of the great outdoors, human/social services, creativity, therapies, movement, and life experiences. I have embraced it all to bring me to where I am today.

@snowangelscircus355 13 дней назад
Thanks so much for sharing this, taking everyone who watches with you and sharing your great affirmations ❤
@snowangelscircus355 13 дней назад
Love grounding and being able to get into nature. When things get too busy and we get too disconnected from nature we need to get back to our roots for sure!!
@snowangelscircus355 13 дней назад
Beautiful ❤
@snowangelscircus355 15 дней назад
Chronic illness is a struggle and a journey most often misunderstood unless it’s lived and even then all experiences are unique in many ways. Sharing is definitely a positive for you and everyone who sees this!! ❤❤. Thanks for being brave enough to share your story
@snowangelscircus355 15 дней назад
Great video! There are definitely some things I would not have remembered
@myopinionofficial 16 дней назад
So since you decided to shut comments off on your weak “Covid” video.. I’ll say it here. You’re pathetic. Your body is nowhere near where it should be, if you’re still talking about Covid affecting you. Stop begging for attention, strengthen your immune system, take supplements… and for God’s sake- eat some meat. Pathetic.
@uniquevideos8573 27 дней назад
⁠ My level was vit d 16 3 months ago but now 3 months have passed and my level is 97 but my symptoms keep coming and going. I want to know how much time it will take for it to become completely correct.symptoms (sadness,brain fog ,fatigue)
@NuageArtStudio 28 дней назад
Vitamin D is good for Autoimmune.... but you need to take it with k2 [ mk4 or mk7) .... but you need magnesium too... maybe magnesium glycinate to get the full effect.... recently started taking k2 ( mk4) and it's making me irritability, migraines and my nervous symptoms seems more sensitive
@videoWatcher77 Месяц назад
hiking is great, you're outdoors getting blood flowing and sunlight on skin
@Patsrivertosky Месяц назад
It sure is!
@Patsrivertosky Месяц назад
Hi! Be sure to check out the description box in this video. Let me know what you think in the comments. Happy Trails!
@hiddenhand6973 Месяц назад
We use the Thorne d3 with k2, magnesium glycinate and calcium, 2:1 ratio of calcium to mag.
@alisonbamford6723 2 месяца назад
It could have been BECAUSE it was working that you had the reactions. Vitamin D is an immune-modulator & boosts immune function. The body often purges stuff as it detoxes - coughs, colds, flu, zits, boils, breakouts, rashes, discharges, tears, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, UTI’s, etc, etc are all ways the body uses to purge itself of unwanted matter. Things often seem to temporarily get worse before they get better. That being said, the actual amount of Vitamin (hormone) D in any given tablet or capsule is minuscule, & most of the tablet/capsule is packed with oil or fillers, so it’s possible you had a reaction to the fillers rather than the D itself. You do need plenty of Magnesium to support the D - & that can sometimes help mitigate any reactions. You may find Dr. Judson Somerville’s book ‘The Optimal Dose’ of interested.
@JCX-9 2 месяца назад
I take the Solgar D3 each capsule is 10,000. I take about 3 or 4 a day and have been taking it for years. Yes you need to take K2 but that’s not the only requirement you also need to supplement Magnesium very important or you will end up with a whole another set of problems as D3 will wipe out Magnesium from your body and things like heart palpitations, leg cramps etc just to name a few will start and you will most likely think it has to do with D3. I have been researching D3 for many years and have books on just the D3 alone. As you probably know D3 is a hormone and not a vitamin and we have D3 receptors all over our body including eyes and brain so it’s critical we keep the D3 levels high enough as all our bodily functions depend on healthy levels. Now the latest is that D3 works at its best with the D3 cofactors: K2 Magnesium Zinc Boron All these help the calcium to get into your bones so they won’t end up In places they shouldn’t be. Now as far as your D3 levels, forget what the labs consider as sufficient levels those are very outdated numbers. To have a fighting chance with any illness especially an autoimmune disorder you need to be at 100ng or more. Also you need to be consistent with taking it lot of people drop out and wonder why their health is suffering. Healthy diet and exposure to sun daily for at least 30 minutes is very helpful and no sunscreen otherwise don’t even bother. Older, overweight, dark skinned people need more D3, people who have absorption problems like Crohns will need more D3. Although all the numbers seem high they are not the medical industry is lagging behind the latest supplement information and unable to give good guidance to their patients because big pharma doesn’t like to educate them on keeping us healthy there is no money to be made in healthy people.
@maheshdarade_ 2 месяца назад
How much time you needed for fully recovery??
@Patsrivertosky 2 месяца назад
I'm not fully recovered yet! I'm still in the insufficient range after 6 months of consistent vitamin D supplementation. For me, I'm going slow and steady but I'm seeing really good results and I've never had my vitamin D levels this high! For others I'm reading they can recover in 6 to 8 weeks, but they can tolerate higher doses of vitamin D.
@vickiknits 3 месяца назад
Yes, when you go to a doctor for vitamin D pills, they never mention K2. If you have not found dr Ken berry on RU-vid please check him out he has lots of info about nutrition etc. He and many other RU-vid doctors promote vitamin d with K2 together. It has to do with your calcium
@Patsrivertosky 3 месяца назад
That's a new channel for me. I'll check it out. Thanks!
@daddygamer4928 3 месяца назад
I have vitamin d deficiency i take vitamin d i feel my joints pain its possible if starting take vitamin d have joint pain ?
@Patsrivertosky 3 месяца назад
I personally have had very bad muscle pains along with vitamin D deficiency. Maybe there's a connection to the vitamin D and joint pain? Hopefully someone on here can give you an answer.
@uniquevideos8573 27 дней назад
@@Patsrivertosky ⁠ My level was vit d 16 3 months ago but now 3 months have passed and my level is 97 but my symptoms keep coming and going. I want to know how much time it will take for it to become completely correct.symptoms (sadness,brain fog ,fatigue)
@noryep608 3 месяца назад
Canned wild cod liver and beef liver which is hormonés free are very good for vitamin d deficiency
@Patsrivertosky 3 месяца назад
I've never seen canned wild cod liver. Will look for it when I'm out.
@michelleevler7163 3 месяца назад
Watch Dr Mandell and Dr Eric Berg's youtube channels.. They say that you must take vitmin D3 with vitamin K2 and magnesium.
@Tom-ye5dn 3 месяца назад
Sounds like a metabolic disorder. You'll do well on a keto style diet.
@Patsrivertosky 4 месяца назад
Thumbs up 👍 for 🐕 walks! ❤
@have_faith_ 4 месяца назад
Thank you 💛
@Patsrivertosky 4 месяца назад
I can't think of a better afternoon ❤ 🐕🌲💫
@kazzicup 4 месяца назад
Egg yolks and wild salmon have vitamin D . 🥚🥚🥚🥚🐟 I try to get part of my vitamin D from food.
@JCX-9 2 месяца назад
Unfortunately food is not the greatest source of D3 maybe cod liver but that’s about it.
@traceykartchner 5 месяцев назад
Did you have any calcium issues? It might be a parathyroid problem. They are small glands that sit on your thyroid. There are lots of videos about it on RU-vid. Could exlpain why your vit d has been low for so long.
@Patsrivertosky 5 месяцев назад
No calcium issues, but I have thyroid issues and past pituitary issues. But parathyroid is worth mentioning next check up!
@kravchan 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, I've seen that bearded guy video as well, then yours. Magnesium + d3 + k2 seems as an actual way to go with autoimmune. Ive been through 12 yrs hell, until i started finally taking pills. Be well 🎉 I'm doing about 6 of 10k d3 + 100mg k2 iu pills daily, plus strict diet. I've got my muscles relaxed, spine healing, and brain finally working.
@Patsrivertosky 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. Glad you are finally feeling better and stronger!
@_homewithkaylee 2 месяца назад
What magnesium do you use and when?
@Patsrivertosky 2 месяца назад
@_homewithkaylee I've tried all different kinds of magnesium and it gives me headaches! I haven't found one that works for me.
@_homewithkaylee 2 месяца назад
@@Patsrivertosky that’s different. I’m sorry,
@lyntaylor4131 5 месяцев назад
I'm glad your staring to make good progress. Is this the first time you have tried adding K2? Ps sorry I should have waited till the end of your video before asking that question. It is such s shame it wasn't mentioned sooner, but it's only been talked about widely for the passed couple of years I guess
@Patsrivertosky 5 месяцев назад
It's actually a great question! Yes, I have in the past tried a combo VD + K2 pill. Also in 2 different doses, a 2500 IU and a 10 000 IU. I had the flu like symptoms with both. This is my first time trying a coconut oil based K2 supplement with out any other added ingredient. Going slow with the dosage, but so far so good!
@lyntaylor4131 5 месяцев назад
@@Patsrivertosky it's hard at times problem solving health conditions isn't it. But then all it takes is hearing the right person with the right advice. I changed to the carnivore diet a couple of years ago after having little success reversing my type 2 diabetes. No sugars are all good
@Patsrivertosky 5 месяцев назад
That's wonderful you were able to heal with diet! Yes, solving these nagging health issues is like solving a puzzle! Wishing you good health!
@Amritray 6 месяцев назад
In my opinion what made a difference this time around for you is the addition of flaxseed oil. Please remember that Vitamin D is useless without magnesium. Always take them together. And don't overdo with magnesium ever if you decide to take a supplement. Keep it around 200mg/day. You can breakup the magnesium in the morning and night.
@Patsrivertosky 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for this! I agree. I am , just this week, reading more personal stories about magnesium and flax seed oil and the benefits it has on increasing Vitamin D in the body. So much info to learn!
@Amritray 6 месяцев назад
@@Patsrivertosky Flaxseed is one of the best sources of magnesium. Hope you recover fully soon.
@Versiongurl 3 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing this insight
@Patsrivertosky 6 месяцев назад
I encourage you to leave a comment about your experience with Vitamin D. There are so many individuals coming forward with their stories of Vitamin D deficiency on RU-vid, I think it's amazing we can learn from each other! Let's keep the ball rolling and help others learn and recover from this debilitating illness. Wishing you good health in your life!
@jozefien1702 6 месяцев назад
if your vitamin D deficient your most likely to be magnesium deficient because vitamin D needs magnesium for it to get activated. If you want to get your magnesium checked use the RBC magnesium not the serum because that's good in most cases because your body wil pull it out of your bones to keep balance in the body. You can also check out the book of carolyn dean magnesium miracle
@Patsrivertosky 6 месяцев назад
This is great info that I wasn't aware of, thank you so much!
@jozefien1702 6 месяцев назад
@@Patsrivertosky we have to share our knowledge, because we are kept dumb thinking that for every ailment we can take a pil from big pharma and have a quick fix. But sadly there after our money pils leaving us with side affects then they give us more pills and you never get better in most cases why? Because they suppress symptoms with the pills they don’t solve the root cause. Stay away from magnesium oxide use magnesium bisglycinate or taurate if tolerated. If you get the runs from magnesium supplement try magnesium chloride oil on the skin. You can put anywhere on the skin but be carefull with just shaved areas or wound because it can sting. If it sting or irritated wet the skin first al little then apply. I find feet, stomach or back are best. It’s called oil but it’s more a brine leave it for atleast 20 minutes then wash of or leave on if you don’t mind. Topic of magnesium is very interesting it’s used in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body our soil is depleted due to chemical fertilizers so eating a healthy diet is good but it’s not enough most of the time. Hope you feel better. 🙏🏼
@DillanRichardson. 6 месяцев назад
glad your doing better my dear - its tough fight but keep going . right now im working on my second youtube video on vitamin d deficiency -i want to help as much people heal from this - i was low in vitamin d as well and i just couldn't take it any more . too many doctor visits .
@Patsrivertosky 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. I look forward to watching your videos.
@invictus06onbass 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for this! I’m in the process of taking vitamin d3 now. Check out Dr Jin Sung, vitamin d deficiency most common signs and dosages. He explains what the K2 is for and take magnesium with it too. He’s here on RU-vid. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed 🙏
@Patsrivertosky 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for the info! I'll check out the Dr's channel this week. I wish you good health on your Vitamin D journey.
@Patsrivertosky 7 месяцев назад
Old growth cedars are exceptional communicators. They are hidden, unprotected gems. What's your perception? Just some old trees or vessels of deeper knowledge?
@Patsrivertosky 8 месяцев назад
Good old auto generated captions. At one point should say ground not grab! 😅
@Patsrivertosky 8 месяцев назад
Hey! Nice to meet you! Give me a holler below if you like trees, dogs, healing and stuff ❤🐕🌲
@Patsrivertosky 9 месяцев назад
Hey there! Turning 50 is wonderful and confusing. An entire new chapter! Does this resonate? Leave a comment!
@Patsrivertosky 9 месяцев назад
Hi! Leave a comment. Bask in your joy and light was clarified by 3 great creator and spirit guide cards! I never recorded it, I don't know why. A firm confirmation like this has never came up in my readings before. I hope this message found its way to you today!
@GT_Racer347 9 месяцев назад
A walk through the woods is absolutely cathartic. 👌🏼
@Patsrivertosky 9 месяцев назад
When the single leaf on the branch popped as I reached my centre and crown alignment 🫶 ❤
@Patsrivertosky 9 месяцев назад
Golden Mountain Dog, always nibbling 😂
@Patsrivertosky 9 месяцев назад
Find your ✌️ ❤
@Patsrivertosky 9 месяцев назад
Hey! Have you found your inner silence? Comment below!
@Patsrivertosky 10 месяцев назад
Golden Mountain Dogs are beautiful ❤
@Patsrivertosky Год назад
Do you have a favourite mat? Or a least favourite?
@Patsrivertosky Год назад
Hey! Questions or comments? I'd love to hear from you!
@Patsrivertosky Год назад
This is a really good video 😀love you mom
@Patsrivertosky Год назад
Thanks Katie! Can't wait for our next bushwalk! Love you too! 😍