Educational information about honey bee colony collapse disorder (CCD)
@mt.unionhoneyfarms4487 6 лет назад
Interseting to see a beekeeper from Japan. I am from the south-eastern u.s. Near the coast. Pesticides are killing not just bees but people. Diseases caused by pesticides is an issue we face. Honor, in this case, is Loss of Face by those that apply these pesticides. They have NO HONOUR. Give them a Sword!
@lfischel520 6 лет назад
Very serious issues these pesticides. No one wants to live with insects or bacteria or fungus invading. On the other hand there are better ways to deal with these than highly poisonous man made chemicals. After all is said human with bees survived the millennia before Linus Pauling discovered the chemical bond in the 1950's. Wisdom is needed but difficult to generate in a consumer driven mad-house of over populated areas. Churchs have got to weigh in on the side of life and common sense over superstition and ignorance.
@karensterling5246 6 лет назад
I’ve been binge watching bee videos for the past couple of days focusing more on the issues of them dying. I kept going pass this one but now I’m glad that I took the time to watch. None of the other videos touched on the potential harm to humans or other animals on the food chain. I’ve worked in healthcare and even for the general public we’ve all witnessed increased numbers of people and even animals with neurological disorders that weren’t so noticeable before. If the occurrences were rare then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad but the numbers are gradually increasing. There has to be an environmental factor for so many living organisms to be affected. It doesn’t seem to matter if we run to the hills because the chemicals are on the wind. It doesn’t matter if we go underground, they’re in the soil and water. Enough people need to stand up and take action.
@mt.unionhoneyfarms4487 6 лет назад
Karen Sterling The reason you see more and more is due to buildups in the fauna. It is held in the roots of the plant and stored along with soil nutrient. When it blooms the root pushes nutrient up the stem to the flower. If it is fruit we get a double whammy from the fruit and the honey. Lust for power via greed is what causes this mental illness of 'I do not care, just give me money' attitude.
@karensterling5246 6 лет назад
Mt.Union Honey Farms Very true. The people who run these companies think that they have the final say but they’ll learn the hard way. They fail to realize that they too and their families can also get sick from these chemicals but maybe they think they can buy a cure.
@mt.unionhoneyfarms4487 6 лет назад
They do not eat what they sell. They know it is poison. They also own food processing companies that sell package food to restaraunts. They own medicinal stock to sell to people that eat the tainted food when they become sick. They own the senators via payoffs to make the law say their products are just fine and dandy. First they make you sick then they sell you gov mandated insurance to make you better so you can work for them processing their product, or eating their product, or working anywhere that has anything to do with them in any way. They are the real slave owners of the world.
@GASTROMONKCOM 7 лет назад
Thank You
@VictorFursov 7 лет назад
Thank you very much for video. Best greetings to Japanese beekeepers from Ukrainian beekeepers. :)
@josejosiane4359 7 лет назад
Honey, a product we have stolen from hard working animals. Bees need this as food for surviving winter and hard times. It's the vomic from bees. The wax is sweat. Beekeepers cuts the wings of the queen, kills dar's, steal their food, and use nasty smoke and them, farmers sprays toxics. But still, we're stealing it. Stealing almost everything from other life beings. Why can't we the so self calling "evolving robbers" take care for ourself? Bcs we act as unevolving parasites all over the world, stealing, flesh, milk, eggs, honey, ....billions and billions animals, ourselfs, ... almost everything you can and can't imagine!
@syrinx9196 7 лет назад
It's necessary to consume living things to survive. Even vegetarians have to eat plants. What's not necessary is overpopulation, rampant pollution, and suicidally corrupt politics.
@josejosiane4359 7 лет назад
That's always a problem You guys trow the ball to me but i'm free of animalproducts. Your life in a comfortcave, not me! And I'm forced to tell a childlike sad but true story. Bcs most don't wanne see the truth. Evolved! We can replace every animal product so easy. We do it for a small 24 years now. What do I have to prove more? First do it and then give comments. BTW bees are NOT working for us, they are evolved to find the best ways to survive theirselfs and community. Do you really think that's normal stealing the food or products/medicine, skin, whatever from other Earthling's who can't defend themselfs?
@josejosiane4359 7 лет назад
Nope...it's NOT necessary at all. We are so damnd evolved but same time, we still use stupid oldfashion habits and traditions. It's time to see it. We need to evolve ourself, we don't have to steal from animals. And comparing plants is stupid and silly, I know you know better! You can't be that stupid. Not only food is a problem; There are so many reasons we need to change! We are the biggest parasites on this planet! We kill, destroy and pollute almost the whole planet as a goldrush! With 7B ppl we need to change, common men open your eyes!
@josejosiane4359 7 лет назад
We don't need consuming other livings at all. Are you living B4 Christ maybe? Comparing plants with animals is childish stupid. We are designed for eating plants, fruit, nuts and seeds. And ok if we have to survive we can eat animals but thats the point. We don't have to, we can choose. That is evolution, choose to change in a other but good way!
@ldi007 3 года назад
Your highly uneducated. Your comment only proves that.
@wit1135 8 лет назад
May 17 th 2016, in rural lincolnshire, even though this documentary states the EU PPM of these pesticides is 0.01,, I could see no bees, hover flies and the air was strangely clear for what was a beautiful sunny day. Its such a shame we let things happen like this,, Our governments job is to protect us surely, thats what we pay them for. If they are not doing this, they should not be in office. Thank you for this documentary. The best of luck to everyone, but can we start growing a backbone and all jump on these issues, why do we leave it to just a few poor souls.
@VictorFursov 8 лет назад
Thank you very much for interesting Video! I enjoy it very much! Best greetings from beekeepers! Good luck, Victor
@kevinbijsterveld9156 8 лет назад
thank god i live in europe and in particular east europe where unlike western europe (where i come from) we don't have many monocucltures. a lot of the agricultural industry still depends on small scale family farms that grow very diverse crops. As an aspiring beekeeper i will put in some effort to help keep it this way. somebody should really destroy these biotech companies like monsanto, comonly know as the worlds most evil coorperation. but look at bayer too. which during world war 2 was called I.G. Farben and was responsible for a lot of wartime atrocoties. their largest factory was situated in poland. Right outside of auschwitz! they used slave labour, and when those slaves were to worn out for work.... well everybody knows what happened next. what was left of them was used as raw material for the I.G. farben factury. After the war some but not nearly enough of the people in charge were arrested and faced trials in nuremberg. the vast majority of bankers ceo;s managers etc of I.G. farben rebranded their company into BAYER. so those monsters responsible for the murders of millions went on to become the very same people we are supposed to trust with their cropscience. No wonder the bees are dying.... if we dont stop these people, and the folks who fund them right now.. than soon we will be the ones dying.
@Theflowoflove 8 лет назад
Bee sure to be aware what TTIP has planned for Europe & do all you can to make everyone you know aware please.
@vincenzarussu9447 9 лет назад
Thank you! Very detailed. Worth it watching it all. Priceless images of Fukue island with bee keepers using no protection <3
@angyuhxin2895 9 лет назад
I don't understand? How do the bees in the farm die?
@ivoman7 8 лет назад
+Ang Yuh Xin - Their nervous system gets over-excited. the receptors of the nervous system don't close and are therefore continually stimulated, causing spasms in the bees, draining their energy and then they die.
@syrinx9196 7 лет назад
This is similar to the effect toxins from Ranunculaceae plants have on animals that attempt to eat them. Aconitum, delphinium, and helleborus are examples of this. These plants are not toxic to pollinators, though. Their pollen and nectar are apparently benign. That makes sense since they need pollinators for their survival.
@AlexisHopeBambii 10 лет назад
Great doco. Good information, well presented, going into lots of detail, much more so than some American or European docos. If it hasn't been done already would be good to narrate an English version. It may encourage more views, I think its worth while more people watching this.
@IJAbraham 10 лет назад
Ignorance is a sin: "The people who spray the pesticides are not aware of the effects on the ecosystem." We are destroying our natural world with man-made chemicals. We are not smart or wise, but quite foolish and stupid too.
@syrinx9196 7 лет назад
Artificially-made or not, these chemicals appear to be very similar in effect to the natural toxins in Ranunculaceae plants, like Aconitum. Given how those chemicals are extremely harmful to animals it's no wonder that bees are dying from exposure to neonics. Nervous system overload is a very effective way to kill and harm animals. The difference for bees is that neonics go into the nectar and pollen.
@lonestarminx2904 10 лет назад
my family has kept bees for 3 generations I'd punch someone in the nose and find who ever it is w/ the pestacides and start a brawl w/ them this is total bullshit i swear if my bees turn up dead ima find which ever neighbor is spraying and tie them into a knot
@howardkaemerer 10 лет назад
without bees we die.
@cdmia 10 лет назад
This needs togo viral and checked by those investigating honey bee collapse syndrome that is happening everywhere. Its not just our food supply at risk, wildlife everywhere also depend on bees to supply the foods they eat as well. Make this video viral and forward this video. Check out oregon bee deaths also.
@implementosgm 11 лет назад
abejas estan muriendo en el mundo como podremos mejorar dicho acontecimiento, asesorandonos ,mejorando las tecnicas de manejo , manutencion de temporada baja , los apicultores no entendemos ,que las abejas estan estructuradas y no podemos modificar dicho patron , por muchos , planes de trabajo que tengamos , segun las primeras ediciones , del ABCXZ DE LA APICULTURA , los tratamientos de infeccion solo pueden corregirse con humildad transparencia . lealtad , objetividad ,
@billiamc1969 11 лет назад
How very sad modern humans are....we think that profits are far more important than safety for living beings on earth. Our actions and inactions have serious ramifications on everyday life. Our abundant use of chemicals is a serious problem that is now effecting babies. Our ignorance is staggering!
@syrinx9196 7 лет назад
Not "our". Some people are like this and some aren't. Unfortunately, people who seek power are often the ones least able to use it wisely.
@Minischwein0815 11 лет назад
2013 "silent spring" in southwest of Germany there are almost no beneficial insects in the Orchyards. In many areas there are no amphibians left. Who long does it take to see this signs? Who pays the damage? Bayer, Syngenta, Basf ?
@Spaycanusca 11 лет назад
¿Será que se puede conseguir en español? sino me gustaría ayudar a traducir del ingles al español este documental. ¿Cómo sera que se encuntra este video con sus derechos de autor?
@trogirogir9 11 лет назад
Our children will laugh at us in the same way that we laugh at Victorians for using cyanide as pesticide
@syrinx9196 7 лет назад
Unless their brains end up so addled from chemical exposures that they're laughing at phantoms.